Will David Cameron’s National Citizen Service deliver results for poor disaffected ” hard to reach ” youth?


David Cameron with some National Citizen Service students on a Teach First partnership. Pic Credit: Teach First


One of David Cameron’s  legacies from his  ” Big Society ” initiative is the creation of a National Citizen Service for 15 to 17 year olds where they could go to summer camps.take part in adventurous sports like rock climbing and kayaking  and undertake community work and local projects for four weeks.

He bequeathed Theresa May with a bill setting up a national trust with a Royal Charter so it could be implemented nationwide. So enamoured was David Cameron with the idea  he has agreed to be chair of the patrons of the new trust.

But since Theresa May took office it has suffered two body blows. She has limited the money and dropped a commitment to a statutory requirement for schools and colleges to publicise it. None of this has had much publicity because of Trump and Brexit.

As a result it will have less money and less publicity.

Her action coincided with a damning National Audit Office report which questioned its ability to deliver and control the money it has already received.

The NAO warned : “The Trust has spent little time understanding costs and where savings could be made. The Trust has four strategic objectives: growth; quality; cost and sustainability. Its business plan includes a number of cost control initiatives at the early stages of implementation. “

“Based on a full unit cost, NCS risks being financially unsustainable in the future. Our analysis shows that in 2016, the estimated full unit cost exceeded the expected unit cost by 19%

“On this basis, it will cost government £560 million to provide 300,000 places in 2019-20, 32% more than the £424 million funding currently allocated. The unit cost will need to fall 29% from £1,863 in 2016 to £1,314 in 2019 to provide these places within the available spending envelope. “

Worse the report found that the trust had little ability to control costs.

Amyas Morse, the head of the NAO added: “NCS is now at a critical stage…. The OCS (Office for Civil Society) and the Trust have shown that NCS can attract large numbers of participants, and participation has a positive effect on young people. These are no small achievements, but it remains unclear whether these effects are enduring and whether NCS can grow to become ‘a rite of passage’ available to all 16- to 17-year-olds.The OCS and the Trust now need to think radically about the aspects of the current programme that work and how best to achieve NCS’s aims at a more affordable cost to the taxpayer.”

The question is what is the NCS for? Will it just be another project high jacked by pushy parents who want their sons and daughters to have an attractive CV when they apply for a university place? Or will it serve as a genuine catalyst to give ” hard to reach ” young people an idea of community involvement.

One  working class area  where it is working is Barnsley.

The local MP,Dan Jarvis, Labour MP for Barnsley Central, is strongly behind it  and has promoted the scheme in his constituency.

“It obviously needs to be value for money but it is vitally important it gets to “ hard to reach “ kids as it can change lives.

“People sometimes think I am keen to promote it because of my army background and want to introduce it as a return to conscription. This is not the case – it is more than one needs the scheme to be put on a national basis.”

He says the success in Barnsley is helped by projects run by the town’s football club and also a recent exchange with the London borough of Newham which helped kids broaden their horizons.

At the moment the jury is out. Will it expand to benefit the working classes or just be another middle class ” rite of passage”. Who will win out- Barnsley or Eton?

I have also written about this for Tribune magazine.

6 thoughts on “Will David Cameron’s National Citizen Service deliver results for poor disaffected ” hard to reach ” youth?

  1. At the moment the jury is out. Will it expand to benefit the working classes or just be another middle class ” rite of passage”. Who will win out- Barnsley or Eton? Here is a clue, how many MP’s have children in the private sector and how many in State Comprehensives


      • My perception is that Non Premiership teams are more community based, while I suspect Premiership teams are more PR based. Remember that some clubs are international products, and the link to the community may be very superficial.
        National Citizen Service, to me the phrase seems to have come straight from Roosevelt’s New Deal Programme, which does not surprise me as Cameron would have easily fitted into FDR Democrats. A party great on catchphrases including “The Great Society” of Lyndon Johnson. The programme reflected Cameron’s confused politics, which I described as being a moderate Tory in the Morning, a Liberal Conservative in the afternoon and by night a Thatcherite under the cover of darkness


  2. Load of PC nonsense, if you ask me. Bring back National Service, I say: the real thing – same as our generation went through, a spot of firm but fair military discipline -a rite of passage: would you or I be the men we are today, David, if we hadn’t spent a year and a half of our younger lives pointlessly marching up & down a parade ground, standing to attention at a moment’s notice (or most of the time, in my case, as I recall) – polishing boots, peeling spuds, & crying into our pillows every night? I know I wouldn’t. Vernon.


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