Byline Times Exclusive: Chris ” Failing Grayling ” The misery man who cost taxpayers £3.5 billion

Chris Grayling: The Lord Voldemort of the Cabinet

For those who are not yet following me on Byline there is now a two part investigation by me into the cost – both financial and personally damaging – to British taxpayers of cabinet minister Chris Grayling. His nine years in office – from Employment Minister to Lord Chancellor and now Transport secretary – have brought misery to millions of people whether they are rail commuters, prisoners, victims of criminal attacks or faced discrimination at work. Some people have even had to plead guilty to criminal offences they did not commit to save money. Others have become victimised twice because of the debacle of his probation privatisation programme.You read the two part series in byline here and here.

7 thoughts on “Byline Times Exclusive: Chris ” Failing Grayling ” The misery man who cost taxpayers £3.5 billion

  1. Seems this government can find money for everything except the 1950s women who deserve it.
    Hope we win the Judicial Review and history will remember the politicians who caused all this extreme posterity, misery and unfairness


  2. I would like to invite Mr Grayling up north to my house for tea..we could have egg & chips, or beans on toast, as us 50’s born women with no pension can only afford to eat. Then I would take him for a ride on the Trans Pennine Express or more affectionately known as the midnight express, from Leeds to Manchester Airport….he won’t mind waiting the 3 hour delay, standing room only as there are no seats left, due to only having 3 carriages, nowhere to put his leather designer briefcase, no refreshments, he might want to use the dirty, filthy, toilet….but a disabled person can’t. Or…we could go by ferry by a ferry company that has no ferries. Then I would take him on a tour of the empty coal mines, then a tour of the empty clothing and textile mills, empty high street shops, then finally a stop off at the soon empty British Steel Factories, need i go on? The Westminster bubble seems bullet proof! Move it up here….it wouldn’t take us 3 years to sort out Brexit….we’d have it done in no time…..ooooops I didn’t mean prison time either! Another failing Grayling.


  3. I am old enough to remember the days if the Conservative stood for anything it stood for economic competence. The emergence of financial mismanagement makes Jean Claude Juncker and the EU a shining light of competence. Boris offering tax cuts to the wealthy, forgetting in many cases governments give subsidies for their mansions and the government providing subsidies for the rail network, while Richard Branson (Virgin Rail) promotes free enterprise and collects taxpayers subsidies and heads abroad to avoid paying taxes. Yet our future PM (God help Us) economic competence as a proven track record. If he had been a financial adviser to anyone, their stocks would vanish like snow in the desert .
    The Brexit smokescreen may fool the Little Englanders, but many of us have long since seen through the silly belief that because one went to public school one is intellectually superior and as the right to run our finances.


  4. Once again money going elsewhere to sort out poor decisions made by members of Parliament , what about the 1950’womens pensions. Even the BBC can inform the over 75 ‘s that the free BBC Licence will soon disappear.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. What a disgraceful thing to do, putting so many women at risk. 3.8M are still enduring hardship. It is unconconsionable. No notice, notice withheld, no thought of individual circunstances, no consideration for the utter poverty they put women, not men, through. While women had their pensions taken, men were offered a deal. Shame on all those who did this.


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