On Byline Times: BackTo60 group to seek permission to appeal Judicial Review blocking compensation for 50swomen pensions.

Campaigners after the judicial review.

Tonight I have written a story for Byline Times disclosing that lawyers have decided to seek permission to appeal the Judicial review which rejected all the discrimination claims for the 1950s born women who face a six year delay in getting their pension. The story is here.

BackTo60 have also launched a £72,000 crowdfunding site to raise money for this action. The crowdfunder site is here. Already at time of writing it has raised over £10,000.

46 thoughts on “On Byline Times: BackTo60 group to seek permission to appeal Judicial Review blocking compensation for 50swomen pensions.

  1. Thanks, as ever, David. Why did they just hit on us 50s women? It is persecution. Don’t know about the law but it’s ethically and morally wrong. It’s cowardly, cruel and criminal. Behind this appeal all the way. My husband is six months older than I and gets his pension this November at the age of 65 and 7 months. I will get mine next September at the age of 65 and 11 months. Therefore he receives his pension four months earlier than I. So this is not equality and a load of tosh❗️ I put this to Guy Opperman, via my MP, but his reply did not answer my question. Instead, it was just the normal spiel❗️ All about 18 months and demographics, which is boring and fed up hearing about.
    Your support is invaluable🌻🌹😎🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

    Liked by 1 person

    • They didn’t just hit on 50s women, women’s SPA increase affected ALL women born after the cut off date, 60s women, 70s women, 80s women and so on. Your husband got his SP before you because he is older than you. Had you been older than him, you would have got yours first. Once it equalises, at 66, next year, men and women will get it at the same age.


      • The difference being Norma that 60’s 70’s and 80’s women will have more time to adjust and make proper pension arrangements and will not have been subject to quite the same level of discrimination in the workplace during years when they could have been working towards a decent pension.


  2. Glad to hear this,the government cannot rob us of what is ours it’s not lawful …this is totally unjust I hope they have guilt and put this right…


      • I was thinking along the same lines.? It would be more helpful if accurate costing were given from Backto60 where the money is actually going. It is uncertain if the £72,000 would also cover court costs if the appeal is granted?


      • Donate or don’t donate. What they are doing for all of us, putting themselves out there is in my opinion and probably a lot more, unquestionable. And probably the best investment we have ever made.


  3. So disappointed in the decision,us women of the 50’s have been treated the worst in this century ..we all worked expecting to retire at 60,just to have it taken from us without sufficient time to plan for our future…they should at least stagger the age year by year .e.g 61,62 63 64 65 66 then we only have to wait 1 or two years not 6 it’s so unfair

    Liked by 1 person

    • But, even if they increased it by 1 year, each year, then some would still get 6 years added on! Say 1950 born got SP at 60, then 1951 born at 61, 1952 born at 62 etc. A 1956 born woman would get their SP at age 66 – so still 6 years added. There’s no way whatsoever you can increase from 60 to 66 without some women getting 6 years added.

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Thank you for the information and now the real battle starts as we take this to an appeal. We have more supporters than ever before and now we really need to ramp it up. I heard the two MP’s were meeting with Therese Coffey to discuss compensation options of an amount only payable from age 63.

    The pensions scandal hit all women born in the 1950’s and the equality we never had as working women. So I was incensed enough to write to Therese Coffey and it was diverted to
    CORRESPONDENCE@dwp.gov.uk they say to they are going to respond.

    I’ve also sent emails to unions, Boris, party leaders and members. I will keep sending till their eyes are sick of seeing my messages.

    An election is looming, the drama in parliament and Brexit is mere subtefuse to bolster up the cock ups they’re constantly making. We know not one of these people in that parliamentary building give one toss about us 50’s women. All we hear year after year is how sorry they are for us, something has to be done for these poor women.

    We don’t want pity, we don’t want sympathy we just want our pensions so we can enjoy some quality of life in our older years.

    So ladies we need to support back to 60 in any way we can. Write to MP’s, unions, media , tv personalities, anyone you can bring on side. We will not let any of them forget the misery they have caused us.

    We hold the ace card ……3.8 million women plus their friends and families. That’s not to be ignored when you want to win an election.

    We to can play games, the difference is we have been around the clock a bit. We see things through no rose tinted glasses, were no one’s fool.

    This is a fight we will not lose because we support each other.


    Liked by 3 people

    • But 3.8 million women don’t support BT60, waspi or any other group asking for compensation back to 60. The vast majority would be happy for some help for those most in need or further concessions to the 2011 act. The vast majority didn’t have a problem with the 95 act. How many 50s women are actually campaigning? Being generous I would say 100,000 (that’s being VERY generous) so how can these groups say they speak for 3.8 million?


  5. It maybe an idea to send a gift of an English dictionary to the judges prior to the appeal, so that they can look up the meaning/definition of equality and asymmetry!


  6. My brother helped me out with some money so I can give a little of that
    So angry back to Job Centre after breaking ankle. No computer at home so their saying I can go there it’s a very long walk.So I walked in with The banner wrapped round me. They think I am eccentric but I want to take it in there one day and give them a ONE WAY ticket just like we did at their head office at Caxton House


  7. Trying to say it is discrimination was a non starter, women were retiring before men were 5 years earlier for decades so men were being discriminated against despite the equality laws. What is needed is a breach of contract claim because the government could be said to have been contractually obliged to pay the money.


    • There is no contract though, we were promised a SP at state pension age, it just happened to be 60 when we started work, that’s all. Women were never promised age 60 would always our SPA, just as men were never promised that theirs would always be 65. SPA has changed in the past and, I’m sure, will keep on changing in the future. Only a SP is promised, the age we get it, and the amount we will get, is not written in stone.


  8. Thanks David,
    So disappointed at the JR result for all the 1950s women.
    Just a suggestion, why don’t all the groups battling the government and now the Judiciary, join together and fight for this wrong to be right. I understand the groups seek different goals but surely standing together would work better and give the right message.
    Bring on the appeal….

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Totally agree.

    Whilst the 50’s women are a vast number 3.8 million. It makes sense for all these groups to work as one. With all that power as one group no one is going to treat us as an easy challenge.

    My concerns with other groups they don’t seek to get the 50’s women their pensions from the age of 60.

    Surely if women’s state pensions due at the age of 60 has been stolen from them through malpractice and mis management they’re entitled to full payment.

    I also agree the judges in the JR given the option of discrimination was a non starter. Rightfully they would say males had been discriminated against as they had no option but to work till age 65.

    The judges did not take into consideration the evidence of the in equality we all lived through and sadly still do.

    For judges to say the government has no need to inform the 50’s women of their pension changes is utter tosh. They can spend millions on notifying us when they want something i.e votes or when we need to pay more.

    If the shoe was on the other foot would men be going through this?

    So why us?
    They all think we’re the women born in the 50’s who would still just put up and shut up. Well we won’t, this time we have been pushed to our limits and no more. We’re tired were emotional were drained but we’re a generation that has had so much crap thrown at us we will take it no more.

    So I totally support all groups working as one and get us out of this bloody misery.

    After bombarding anyone who will listen I’m now off to bombard some TV personalities.


    Liked by 4 people

    • I agree with all you say I never agreed to the government stealing my pension I worked for it and as far as I’m concerned I earned it they have already had four and a half years of my money I would like some of it back


    • I have read all the comments and am in total agreement with everyone it is so wrong we have paid for 40+ years and our pensions have been stolen it is not a gift we have paid for this to say this change has been on the cards for 20 years how would 3.8 million women have missed this vital news we are having to do cleaning in order to survive we need action and need results now in order to enjoy a retirement that is all we are asking


  10. Glad to hear they’re appealing. Right behind you on this. I myself was born in the 50’s and are having to wait till I’m
    66 which is another year and three months away. I always had in mind to retire at 60 but then had to carry on
    Which I did for 2 more years.
    I don’t live beyond my means by any shape or form. And have never benefited from any other help. From the government. Women always seem to be the losers this has got to change. So keep the good work up

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  11. I agree with previous comments eg Dee:- Pensions should be given at 60! I am having to wait another 6 years to age 66!! The judges have certainly NOT taken into consideration the evidence of the inequality us 50’s women have lived through, mainly working part time & not being allowed into work pensions etc. You cannot make decades of an unequal & unfair system, fair overnight by suddenly changing it by 6years! My brother-in law was 65 in the same year as I turned 60 but he has only got to wait ONE EXTRA year to receive his pension NOT 6years!! My brother got his pension at 65 but got his bus pass at 60!!! That doesn’t sound like equality to me!

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  12. I think if this going back to court a slightly different approach may be beneficial as clearly the point of discrimination did not work. Perhaps “breach of contract” may be a better way forward … “we paid in you pay out” .Our money has been stolen, born 1955 and 48 years stamps paid but still 22 months to wait before getting my pension ….I call it daylight robbery!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I agree with your letter but to join together we all need to fight in the same corner .I brought up two children looked after a parent with dementure and worked till age sixty I was ready to finish work worn out tired then to realise the government had stolen my pension just about finished me off I am sixty four now who the hell is going to employ me . Mags


  13. Hi im so pleased about the appeal .i was devastated when we lost.i hope the appeal works i would love to send a donation but I am struggling very much and I don’t have any money really struggling so I’m sorry I can’t give any money if I can get any money I will gladly send some to you. Can barely put food on the table pay my bills.im 64.good luck.


    • Sylvia our hearts go out to you and the many women in this sad predicament. Not every one will be in the financial position to donate money to the fund to get the appeal. Money plays a part but so does word of mouth and getting all manner of support for our cause. I’ve just sent the link https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/appeal
      to friends, family work colleagues to pass onto anyone who’s supporting us.

      We will win this fight because put simply we are right, we’ve done what the government required us to do. We cannot be held responsible for their shoddy mis management of the pension funds.

      I also agree we go back with a different approach as the equality side has been totally ignored in the judgement of the JR. We paid it in so where the hell did the government squander the NI funds. Let them prove their actions as to why we all have to work longer. Not because were living longer as they have said.

      If they think this is living they obviously have no need for their state pension and that includes our sister Anne Widecombe. She said the outcome of our JR was right. Her snide comments saying sisters we asked for equality you’ve got it. We asked for equality when we were first working at the age of 15 and 16 into a middle years but we never got it that’s the whole point sister !!!

      As David clear!y pointed out the robbery of our pension funds put us all in this horrendous position. David uncovered clear evidence of malpractice on state pensions ….We paid in and THEY WILL PAY OUT !!!

      What has been done is criminal, it’s fraud in the highest scale. We wouldn’t get away with it and nor will they. It’s the robbery of the NI funds that needs to be brought to justice, private pension companies would not be able to cover this up.

      Yes I feel the judgement on our JR was as dodgy as is the NI funds going missing. I may be getting cynical in my old age but judging by the cover ups, dodgy dealings by government and their department the DWP. I would not believe a word from their mouths they come out with more lies and fairy stories than Billy Liar and Hans Anderson.



  14. I agree discrimination was a non starter. The problem is, it’s unfair – no notice, no way to plan – and yes, definitely breach of contract albeit implied.
    My own personal case – born May 1954 – contrast with my friend – born March 53. She got her pension just before she was 61. When I eventually get mine I wiil be nearly 66.
    HOW CAN THAT BE FAIR. Five years pension lost for 14 months difference……who the hell worked that out?
    To make matters worse, I was diagnosed with degenerative osteo arthritis when I was 60. Despite battling on for a couple of years I finally had to give up work, and since this condition is not defined as disability – unable to work because of pain apparently doesn’t count! – I have lived off ‘savings’ ever since.

    When the pension age was moved from 60 to (for me) 63 I was able to take it in my stride and did have time to plan. We were promised it wouldn’t change again. Another breach of contract.
    It’s not sexual discrimination – we suffered that EVERY DAY OF OUR UNDERPAID WORKING LIVES.
    And remember, when most of us started work, women were not allowed to join company pension schemes.
    I dont think this should be a kegal question – the law as everyone knows, is an ass and not in the slightest bit interested in what is fair and moral.
    The government needs to do the impossible – find the money to compensate us for lost pension which had been promised to us. I personally would be happy with 3 years’ worth. That might begin to compensate me for the financial problems Ive had to cope with.


    • I agree back to 60 was a big ask considering what it was going to cost.. I would be happy if they paid my pension now at 64. I have given up work this year to spend time with my husband due to his ill health and have been told we would not be eligible for any benefits. At this rate I wonder if I will ever survive long enough to get back what I paid in!!!


  15. I’ve just read the crowd funder has begun the target we need to raise is £72,000 we have raised when I last looked £18,677. We have until.November 29th 2019 11.03am to raise the funds to appeal our case.

    I have just sent the attachment to friends, work colleagues and family to pass onto their friends or work colleagues to see if we can get more backing for the fund Minimum donation £10.

    Even if you are unable to donate which many will not have the funds to do so. Your passing this on to others who might will help Back to 60 raise the funds.


    When you think it’s just gone live and we’ve already raised almost 19k.

    This time we have more supporters than ever, let’s ramp up the fight and sort this travesty out. Not just for us but for future generations and for those poor women who have died before receiving their state pension.

    No more will this government think we’re going away. Were out to win and God bless us all we will.


    Liked by 2 people

    • I would like to mention to all the younger people out there who think this is not their problem that at some point in time this is going to happen to you so take notice now before it’s too late

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  16. I also think this is an outrageous breach of contract. What would happen if we refused to continue paying contributions, would we be disallowed our pensions at 66? This is all so unjust, but think of the next generation. My daughter won’t get hers until she’s 70. This is going to cost the government as more people will be off sick having knee operations, cataracts and other age related disabilities.


  17. I was born in 1957 and have been divorced for over 30 years. I am having to work 6 years extra plus paying national insurance of which I already have 44 years of full contributions. Double whammy! The changes should have been made less harshly I believe. 6 years is a long time for someone who has ill health.


  18. It’s not just about equality anymore. Our generation has tried working longer but struggling!!!!
    So many of us are in jobs which are mentally and physically demanding. We are simply not coping!!!
    It’s pitiful when you see people at work willing to do the job but with aches and pains that goes with the territory of getting old are physically unable.
    Give us a choice!!
    Get the GPS involved.
    Help us before we die from exhaustion.
    In order to receive a pension we have contributed to it for 35 years we not asking for hand outs.


  19. I agree with your comments I worked from 16 to 60 had 2 children went back to work when they were 6 weeks old looked after a parent with dementure and at the age of 60 needed to finish work as I was worn out then the go meet stole my pension who gave them the right why are all 50s women being treated this way


  20. Stop moaning
    Us ladies and families have the power to vote them out……..we want action before the elections not promise after, don’t trust them after what they done!


  21. I cannot fathom how they can say that there was no discrimination when the acceleration of pension age increase even discriminates between 50s born women.
    Add on the years of inequality in pay, promotion and jobs which women were not allowed to do. Pregnant women applying for jobs in 70s could be turned down and women who became pregnant, sacked. Lack of childcare facilities meant mothers with young children had to stay home or were limited to part time low paid work during term time. The list goes on.

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  22. When politician come knocking on the door don’t vote for them unless they will support our cause We won’t be able to be ignored then We did not have enough notice to make our arrangements for our future Also giving the money back to us would help the economy As we don’t have the money currently to spend even if they meet us half way and say 63 for men and women


  23. I totally support the back to 60 campaign, whilst having had to return to work because of the loss of my state pension, I have wondered if another focus could be about the lost years for those of us that have worked.
    I choose to leave my NHS job in 2007 based on the my state pension forecast at that time stating I would receive my pension when i was 62 years. I choose to leave because i was exhausted. When the rules changed i did not have enough money to survive the extra years until 66 and had compromised my NHS pension. I went back to work to survive financially but i have lost so much in time with family members, my health, etc.
    I am very grateful for all the amazing work that has been proffesionally undertaken to support the rightful restoration of our post pensions.


  24. I agree with all the above comments above
    It’s a dirty trick they owe us are hard earned money
    We need to live are lives while we are to enjoy it


  25. I was offered a job as a cashier for a huge gas company in 1975 BUT I had to “promise” not to get pregnant for at least two years!!!! A man would obviously never had that to deal with. Working in a bank in 1971 males were promoted before any females as they were perceived to be the main “breadwinners”. What a carry on!!! I have had to support myself nearly all my adult life, raising my daughter myself with no free nursery places back then. I have “gone without” so that I could provide for my daughter and buying into a shared-ownership house, which, by the way, you cannot get equity release on. I am now so poor and worried about getting older as all my meagre savings will have gone keeping me afloat pre retirement.
    I personally think that 63 is a fair age to retire as some peolpe had only to work a month extra then two etc… I was told 64 and 10 months which then got hiked up again to 66. That is grossly unfair. I am supporting back to 60 but think that may be unrealistic. I have pledged money for the appeal but we will need to be very very certain of facts etc.. there has been a huge injustice to women that has brought some of them to their knees. Politicians should be ashamed. I am so very tired of how this has dragged on for years. People around me can see how wrong this has been so why can’t the ones who make the rules see it? I have e mailed my MP but no answer, he didn’t reply the first time I e-mailed him either. No doubt his retirement will be great. I haven’t had a holiday for years, I cannot afford to hear my home and I eat as cheaply as possible. What a way to “reward” people who have worked nearly all their life including Saturday job in Woolies at 14. We need to be shown the respect we deserve.


  26. We’ve now raised £59,620 towards the £72k. 83% of target to appeal our case. We have with 42 days to go. What an achievement that is in short time and the reason being so many people are supporting are cause and clearly see the injustice.

    From young to old the public, unions, MP’s families, friends have seen the clear deceipt, lies, cover-ups, mal- practice, shoddy administration, ignorance and lack of compassion we have had to deal with.

    Let no one forget if 50’s women can be treated in this way it can happen to anyone. The government think they’re above the law, above any form of challenge. They feel they can do what they want when they want. The public should just accept and be grateful for any manner of injustice they throw at them.

    Just a refresher to the government before the elections:
    Government is elected by us the public. They’re put in office to serve the public. They should have the well being of their communities at the Pinnacle of their agenda. It’s not about ego getting one over on the opposition it’s about the lot of you working to make our Country to be proud of and making it great again.

    In all my life I have never seen such a shower of self centered egotistical individuals. No care for anyone only themselves and feathering their own nests.

    Well the 50’s women are made of stronger stuff than you lot. Their strength in their belief that the truth will out and justice will be done.
    These women have risen above all manner of in equalities.They’ve overcome massive hurdles througout their lives. No matter what life has thrown at them they’ve shown respect and dignity. Above all no matter how hard their lives, they’ve supported others.

    What an accolade these women are to this Country and to be treated so callously is beyond contempt.

    The fight goes on we will appeal our case and we will continue to fight. I said before we do this for us but we also do this for future generations and the poor women born in the 50’s who are no longer with us.

    If you want to see how we are doing on the crowd funder here is the link again.




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