Permission to Appeal lodged in High Court for 3.8 million 50s born women who lost their pensions

Going back to the High Court for permission to appeal

The BackTo60 organisation which represents 3.8 million women who face up to six years delay to get their pension has lodged its application for permission to appeal at the High Court.

The decision to go ahead comes on the back of a successful crowd funding appeal which has raised over £70,000 of the £72,000 in a week. The fund raising is to remain open as it will have to cover both the legal action and further campaigning.

The mass media coverage in the Daily Mail and the Express following the judgement by Lord Justice Irvine and Mrs Justice Whipple to turn down the judicial review on all grounds to compensate the women has boosted interest in the case. Perversely the damning judgement created a wave of sympathy for the women and spread the word to a much wider audience.

Lawyers advising the group including Michael Mansfield have decided there are good grounds for appeal but will have to develop their case in seeking permission to appeal.

No date has been fixed yet for a hearing.

Meanwhile BackTo60 is receiving support from people who used to support the original Waspi campaign but now feel they are no longer interested in helping the bulk of the women who are affected by the big rise in the pension age.

One is Lizzie Spring, a former co-ordinator for Waspi in London.

She told me: ” I’m gobsmacked by the JR. I expected some restitution of our lost income, if not back to 60 at least back to the State Pension Age changes added in 2011. The tone and content of the ruling seems so adamantly ignorant of most women’s lives for the past fifty years. Some of it is risible. Men are discriminated against because women were expected to retire early from paid work, to do the housework, cook and provide them with company?  Women’s financial and domestic inequality and lack of opportunities are cultural norms?

” It is shocking that two very materially wealthy people that nobody has elected into power, have the right to inflict such beliefs on so many women. I am not coping with the situation well. It is bewildering to me and almost impossible to believe highly educated people really view women’s historical poverty and imposed inequality in this way. I’m also of course personally still facing being poor my whole old age so I’m frightened and furious about the outcome too.”

She is also scathing about the offer being negotiated with Therese
Coffey , the works and pensions secretary, by the two joint chairs of the All Party Parliamentary Group on behalf of Waspi Ltd.

” It means accepting a lower pension and only some compensation after the age of 63 I think it’s a disappointment. It  risks compounding the poverty of women with the least money who might take such an offer out of desperation.  It contains nothing to support the many women who’ve cashed in small private pensions and/or sold homes to survive for five plus years. The compensation after 63 would take ages to implement even if accepted and if not even backdated, would not be compensation but just a sop for a few. Those of us who’ve finally got state pensions but have spent all our lifetime savings while waiting, will presumably just continue to live in poverty, which is pretty bleak.”

Nor is she impressed by Boris Johnson seeking her vote
“Johnson’s entire shtick is being untrustworthy and it’s an embarrassment having him as PM. I’d not vote Tory anyway so his predictable betrayal of 1950s women doesn’t affect my vote.”

And she is interested in the idea of using a Special Temporary Measure in Parliament to compensate the women : “It’s quite exciting on first viewing. But If it’s used as a route it will need to be done with huge amounts of hard evidence.

“Whoever presented the case would need a great deal of sensitive intelligence in relation to how much women are apparently still resented if we ask for equality. If decisions are made by people with no understanding of inter-sectional discrimination it’ll likely have the same outcome. “

The signs are despite a campaign to try and suggest that the settlement being negotiated with the government by the two MPs Carolyn Harris and Tim Loughton is the only game in town, people are starting to vote with their feet and backing groups that want full restitution.

139 thoughts on “Permission to Appeal lodged in High Court for 3.8 million 50s born women who lost their pensions

      • Labours current offer is backdating payments from 66 to 64 years. They are now in discussions with Unison and Unite (supporters of full restoration) to improve on this offer


      • I think that the penny has dropped and those in Westminster have just noticed just how many votes are available. 50’s ladies 3.8 most will have family who will support them and vote for the party that they go for this could be another 2 million. SO all the promises will start look at the Lib Dems stating that they will give us £15k now that is silly as THEY will NOT get IN and if a coalition happens look what happened last time they screwed the students and others. SO NO JC won’t do that much.


    • Please tell me who to vote for then. It won’t make any difference with the current voting system. You know they can say anything to get your vote but it means precisely nothing. When we were all young it was screaming lord sutch? We all thought he and raving loonies were nuts. Now, I would vote for a nutcase. Better than a completely insincere liar. Love you all girls and the lovely partners and families who keep us poverty stricken ones in food etc. Just small minor details to survive in the extra 10 percent of our lives that ALL the political parties took from us all.


    • Not one of the parties cares and if the head of work and pensions can retire with his massive pension just shows you what they think of us working 50’s women!!


  1. Hi David. Thanks for this. Just want to make the point that WASPI Ltd are the ones that take membership money and are not being transparent about what they have done or are doing with the money but WASPI Campaign 2018 are the group that has broken away from WASPI Ltd. All our members pay towards Back to 60 Crowd funds and we also pay a group contribution which is donated by members that attend our monthly meetings towards Back to 60 crowd funding. I think it would be helpful to make that point as I don’t want my members to be alienated given the support they are giving to Back to 60 and we stand together with other women’s pensions groups. I have no idea what WASPI Ltd are about although they say tgeir aims and objectives have not changed but they do seem to try to confuse people re the separate groups for some obscure reason. Thank you so much for everything you are doing on our behalf.

    Liked by 5 people

    • The problem here is most people cannot differentiate between the 2 very different WASPI groups .
      The same colours on banners.
      Almost identical sashes
      Almost identical names. The only differences being waspi campaign 2018 as apposed to Waspi campaign.
      Then waspi as a opposed to Waspi ltd
      So trying to explain the above is difficult .
      This should be addressed to stop further confusion in Parliament AMONGST MPs and women’s groups or single women generally .
      But neither group seems willing or able to do this

      Liked by 1 person

    • I have been a WASPI, as you know, for 4 years now. I never liked the shift that came when the WASPI Ltd got going with raising money and getting lawyers. I agree with what you have said about the importance of separating the current WASPI Campaign group for that previous group. Lets continue to fight for justice for the 1950s born women. But for me, this is NOT the same as asking for the SPA to return to 60 for the future.


      • I dont know of any group that is asking for the state pension age to return to 60?
        Backto60 are asking for full restitution backdated to 60 but not for a reversal of the state pension age.


      • Back to 6O is not asking for pension age to revert back to 60 for future pensioners. They are asking for full restitution for all 50 s women. This is a very different ask.
        This is because we (50s) women have been treated differently . It has caused further discrimination and inequality toward us. We already had much lower state pension than men of our age anyway and these age hikes inflicted on us without reasonable notice have quite simply pushed us into poverty. As Micheal Mansfield stated these acts have created a sub class of women !! . That’s us


  2. My belief of this situation as a woman of nearly 63 is completely in agreement with Lizzie Spring.
    Shame on them!
    Why are unelected wealthy people still allowed to control lives in this country?
    I now have been made redundant and my financial situation is even more desperate.
    What help is there? None, I have been told.
    Currently if my pension had been paid at 60 I would not be suffering this dreadful anxiety and feelings of inadequacy.
    Best Regards
    Tina Burgess 07817222116
    On Tue, 22 Oct 2019 at 09:40, Westminster Confidential wrote:
    > davidhencke posted: ” Going back to the High Court for permission to > appeal The BackTo60 organisation which represents 3.8 million women who > face up to six years delay to get their pension has lodged its application > for permission to appeal at the High Court. The d” >

    Liked by 3 people

    • I listened to the Commons the other day and that Mims stood up and said “if these woman are struggling financially then they will get help from the DSS. She is joking. She hasn’t got a clue. Why as a woman does she not understand our situation. She and the rest of them should be ashamed. Well ashamed. I was born in 1954 and started work at fifteen, worked non stop until I was 65, no break as I never had children, never claimed benefits as I have never been without a job. I couldn’t afford to retire until I received my State Pension and even then had to give up through I’ll health. Boris Johnson needs to be told how many votes he could loose.


      • You would have paid all the stamps you had to pay to get the maximum pension by the time you reached 60. Nonetheless you would have been deducted NI contributions after the age of 60 until you stopped earning. A double whammy. Why is everyone talking about 3,8 million women? Surely, their respective partners were and are affected by the dishonesty? Their votes will also be counted in an election but why do we not have a campaign to recruit them to the cause too?


      • Of course you and everyone is right there should be tens of millions if votes. My husband is keeping me. That’s how I see it and feel it, he doesn’t though. To me its not just absolutely demeaning its using men(husbands and partners) to fund the little woman. I think seriously that we are getting nowhere and the men should start writing etc to their MP and asking them why they are keeping us all because the government have stolen our life and yours. The government is completely ripping off men and if you don’t shout up they will keep doing it. Perhaps they think that our generation is too honourable or even too stupid to moan. The men should get a legal team. Not that its done us any good. Maybe they might listen to men.


      • Many couples in this age group planned their retirement together. In many cases it was not just the women who gave up their jobs a year or so ahead of their 60the birthday in the knowledge that their pension would soon arrive. Many of their partners are older than their female partner, and they too may have planned their retirement thinking that their joint income would enable a comfortable retirement for them both when their significant female received their pension at 60. I’m not sure I have the skills to get the guys motivated and haven’t got a clue where to start but somebody out there must have a suitable partner to get it going? I had already written to my MP even though I do not have live in partner in this position. Why? It is clearly a stark injustice that I cannot in all conscience keep quiet about.

        Liked by 1 person

      • I think she meant if you lose your job, or become ill? I’m 64, my SPA is 66, yet I get help from the DWP (not the DSS, you’d think a minister would know that it hasn’t been the DSS for years!) I lost my home due to illness and DV, in my 50s, since then I have got ESA (sickness benefit) and help with rent and council tax. So she’s right, women who have no job, no other means of support, will get help from the DWP. Those with adequate private pensions, or those who have partners with adequate income, or/and a lot of savings, will not qualify for means tested benefits though, which, of course, is reasonable.


  3. Why are all the European countries lower retirement age,than our retirement age?
    It’s not fair, I have worked all my life raised children and now have 5 beautiful grandchildren who i would like to see more of, I am knackered and still workI got full time.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I have just checked and we are at £70,444 so may reach £72,000 today or tomorrow, I have donated and will try and give a bit more, but with all the interest from the Unions could they not give donations too. I was a Member of Nalgo and then Unison all my working life, so have paid a fair bit to them. I just hope we don’t have to wait as long as last time for the hearing and that the DWP are not allowed to stall the dates, everything works in their favour and they are the villains in the piece. Also it is beyond me why we had to wait months for the verdict and when it came it was a blatant no, judgments on Boris Johnson and the Government since then have been decided in a matter of days it just confirms the lack of respect for the miscarriage of justice for us 50s ladies. Thank you Michael & David and all the ladies of Back to 60 and their families and friends, like I have said before there is an election looming, make our votes count we will never walk alone.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Agree with you the target will be met and also a big thank you to all the legal team David Joanne and all others who made this possible.

      Justice for the injustice to all 1950,s women


  5. I am so glad this is going to appeal. I and thousands of other women have our own reasons for disputing this judgement but the bottom line is, there has been no ‘equality’ over the years. Women give birth to and care for children. That has taken years out of my private pension. Now ill health, due to repetitive work, will take more. I cannot win.

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  6. The Waspi Campaign 2018 (not associated with Waspi Ltd.) are100% behind the Back to 60 Judicial Review appeal and have actively encouraged our supporters to donate to the Crowdfunding appeal, (via our local groups network,website and Facebook) as we did when the JR was initially announced. Waspi Campaign 2018 and WPIYPO supporters stood shoulder to shoulder with Back to 60 supporters outside the Courts of Justice on the day judgement was passed. Another show of solidarity since all 3 campaigns formed of collaboration in the summer of 2018.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Re The real reason that women’s SPA got moved from 65 to 60 in1945. Women if married did NOT work then . In fact they lost their job the moment they married. They were the homemakers. The carers . Looking after the breadwinner of the house and their children and if course aging parents or relatives.
    So why did they reduce women’s SPA to 60 ?
    Eadie QC for DWP says it’s because of a spinsters campaign group at the time… they were obliged to move the age.
    I find that quite unbelievable look at the inequalities between men and women then look how we had to fight for voting rights !
    Here’s the real reason :
    It was to help men. Why and how ?
    In the 40s men usually married women younger than themselves….(still happens today ) . So a man retired…got his pension…but that’s all he got…the wife was younger so didn’t qualify. Remember most women didn’t work or had a little part time job where they paid the married women’s stamp…which entitled her to a smaller pension through her husband’s NI contributions. So the man couldn’t claim for her pension until she was 65.
    This impacted on the men…single allowance which had to sustain 2people…forcing the man to carry in working if he was still able to.
    So there you have it the real reason was to make the man’s life more bearable…have a wife at home to put his food on the table look after him slippers by the fire etc. The spinsters campaign Eadie quoted whilst there may be an element of truth is not the main reason . Had it been the one and only reason you can be sure it would never have happened . How they twist and skew the truth and facts is beyond belief

    Liked by 3 people

    • It was indeed a combination of factors, and ultimately was about making as many concessions to as many people as possible, at the lowest overall cost.

      The Spinsters played a major part in this though. The NSPA set up in 1935 had over 150,000 members, and campaigned up and down the country for 5 years before finally gaining concessions.

      Without knowing exactly what Eadie said, I don’t think suggesting the move to 60 was on the back of the NSPA campaign is skewing the truth in any way.


  8. I totally agree with Lizzie Spring. What hope is there for young women and young girls when the law of the land makes it transparently clear that they have been, are and always will be second class citizens who do not need payment for any contribution made to the country as a whole! I haven’t voted Tory in many years so will continue not to do so.

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  9. Probably forgot in August 2020 that I am receipt of pension age then 66 .Supposed to receive pension July 2020..I started work when i was 15 sept 69 after my youngest siblings went back to school after summer term .We lost our mum in 1967 so i was then mum to all ,twins 5 and sister 8 .I have worked hard at family home and also when i married at age of 21 .What i am so upset ,mad feel very hard done by is my class mates of year date 53 has received their pension also one of my best friends at school is Feb 1954 baby and shes got her pension. I was told by pension service I have more than enough credits for my full pension NOW .We have been discriminated and to say i feel been treated very unfair is a minor statement .I now have vascular and heart problems due to having TB while at school which was never sorted out because of my motherly role when i was young girl .So had hysterectomy at age of 26 which has lead to major problems now in my health due to addisons desease .I could go on and on with situations with mine and my hubby of 44 years health but that i think i will have to write a novel .DO WHAT IS RIGHT AND PAY US WHAT IS DUE TO US .WE ARE NOT SCROUNGERS .We WANT and NEED what we paid into OUR PENSIONS .

    Liked by 3 people

  10. I know it’s complicated (so were the various suffrage groups over a hundred years ago), but the Waspi Campaign 2018 is NOT associated with Waspi Ltd. As Anne Keen states above, we are 100% behind the Back to 60 Judicial Review appeal and have actively encouraged our supporters to donate to the Crowdfunding appeal. Supporters of the Waspi Campaign 2018 and WPIYPO stood shoulder to shoulder with Back to 60 supporters outside the Courts of Justice on the day the judgement was issued and all three campaigns have been working collaboratively for over a year. As time marches on, it’s hardly surprising that restitution/compensation is starting to become uppermost in people’s minds, while transitional arrangements by their very nature start to affect a smaller and smaller pool of women.

    Liked by 3 people

  11. Absolutely i was ardent Waspi, the area co ordinator I class as a friend so it was difficult to pull away. But it’s my pension that has been stolen and it’s my right to fight for it any way I see fit.
    I have almost done this extra time I have loaned £20k from family
    Sold up from lovely area to cheap
    No central heating had no taps no sinks no bath shower. Toilet pedestal but no cistern. Sold most furniture before moving.
    Sold car value £10k
    Ring £1,800
    Family heirloom £800 less £160 kids hospice(sold on 4Rooms then at least my son can show his kids one day) That’s the monetary loss. But what this wicked Government did was steal my time with mum. I found out in 2012 they had put Pension Age up from 60 to 62 yrs 7 months. So WHY would I look again!!!!??? It would be gradual right? Good job I didn’t pack in work go part time because unknown to me they had added another three years. NO LETTER NO NOTICE NO PENSION now that’s just plain EVIL

    Liked by 3 people

  12. Thank you all. I head to July 2020, cannot come quick enough. It has been a monstrous struggle,300 job apps,30 low paid 0 contract positions. Ex nurse, health issues and going forward, we need respect shown for our work experience also, been dismissed from society before pension, no travel,no pleasure, unecessary endurance hidden in wealthy country.

    Liked by 4 people

  13. Totally agree with Lizzie Spring.
    Glad she’s now come over to your group.
    Grt news with the Appeal and the amount raised so far. If they think we’re going to go away then they’re very mistaken.
    We’ll fight on no matter what


  14. Great report
    Here we go yes the Judicial review was a travesty We have faced discrimmination all our working lives and now we face it at the end of our lives.
    See recent case ref Glasgow council
    Proven in court to have underpaid female employees for years finally those Ladies have

    Liked by 2 people

  15. I am so glad this as been lodged for an appeal though it will take months to get there and be resolved. It won’t be done within days like the so called Brexit laws recently. It gives me some comfort knowing we are not giving up and still fighting this grossly unfair injustice when we have done nothing but pay in to get our pensions as was promised to us at 60 and why are we still paying n.i.s. when you have already paid in for the qualifying years which stands at 35 now I worked 46 yrs solid. which is still robbing us out of more money as well as adding 6 years on before you can recieve it. It makes my blood boil when I think about it the 5th richest country in the world and it is ripping it’s people off. also lost bus passes too and it all adds up to a big loss the govs that have caused this misery for so many women should hang their heads in shame and that’s both Tory and Labour as both are responsible for these irresponsible thoughtless changes…. many thanks back to 60 the legal team and all who are supporting our pensions fight.. so so much appreciated.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Born September 1952. Worked and paid all contributions 41 years. Made redundant 2009 and took small work pension. Expected state pension September 2012 at 60 – but ROBBED. Had to wait additional 28 months. Lost over £14500 (I have huge simpathy with many 50s women who will have lost far more than me). Not only that but 2011 pension changes means I don’t qualify for New State Pension so £40 per week loss. If I robbed a bank of £14500 or pilfered £160 a month from a company I would be prosecuted and sentenced! What the government has done is no different!!! Hope Appeal is successful and 50s women receive full compensation for their losses.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Great article, puts our plight succinctly. I have had to cash in a small private pension in order to survive. The fight continues sisters, and David and Michael of course!


  18. Well said. The result is an appalling miscarriage of justice. It fails to take into account the societal pressures and expectations placed upon women born in the 50s-a situation which has changed only slightly-women are still expected to prioritise the needs of their children, men are not and thus many women have no private pension or a much reduced one; women were not informed but even had they been they are not capable of time travel-they can’t go back and reverse decisions which in the light of SPA changes were not in their interests. It is another example of gross anti-women policy. I urge everyone to stand up and fight because 3.8 million women plus partners are affected and if the Govt get away with this then we know they will see it as carye blanche to make equally appaling decisions and not let anyone know-how is this democracy?

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Firstly incredible we have raised the funding to appeal our case in such a short time.

    Now our appeal needs to be ramped up and all groups working for the benefit of the 50’s women need to work together. All working to achieve the same goal, restitution of their pension. I honestly don’t think the 50’s women care what the groups name is. If you all worked with the same comittment as you have throughout as one group just think what could be achieved.

    I’ve said before David identified the theft of the state pension and how it was flittered away to God knows where. The government making out people were living longer hence them increasing the state pension age. That is clearly the foundation of our case. We have just been used as the scapegoat to cover up the government’s fraudulent behaviour.

    No private pension scheme would be allowed to take funding from their customers. Then use that funding to cover over cock ups they had made, without any criminal charges This is what our government have done with no investigation or challenge, till now!

    They thought the 50’s women would as they have done all their lives, put up and shut up. The government have messed with the wrong people this time. We’ve had in-equality all our lives and we’re not being treated like this now.

    Yes there is an election looming and Boris will want our votes. It concerns me that our current prime minister is more dodgy than those secured in Parkhurst. His whole reason to get up is to fuel his ego, with no regard to those not in his hooray Henry click.

    So many MP’s from varying parties have demonstrated their sympathy. We don’t want sympathy that doesn’t pay the bills. We want one of these Parties to stand up for us and promise to overturn the devastating injustice done to us.

    We will win our case because ladies we are right and we have truth on our side. We have more support than ever before and as we have proved and will continue to prove the truth will out, were not going away.

    We have 3.8millon 50’s women plus family and friends. We have support from across the board and hopefully the media will now take on our fight.

    We have the strength in numbers but moreover we have the evidence of our plight. Anyone within this country looking to retirement needs to understand the reality of what the government can do if they are not brought to justice on our case.


    Liked by 2 people

    • Well said on all accounts Dee!……We are not going away!!!!, and we still have continuing support from those women who have just received their pensions, and on the subject of Bus Passes, how come those in some Boroughs of London get their’s at 60?
      “UNITED WE STAND”, whatever group you are in.
      Last year, I had the privilege of protesting on Budget Day, in the gallery, with a small group of Waspi Campaigners (Not Waspi Ltd) and we were there to support all 50’s ladies, regardless of whatever group you are members of, to let the Government know, we are still out there and getting stronger.
      I for one do not believe in the system and certainly will not be voting Conservative, Labour or anyone else, for that matter, we are just small cogs in the big wheel of life , and when they have used and abused us, will send us on our way.
      Whether you have worked all your lives, without a break, like myself, with just 3 months maternity leave, it makes no difference……… Keep Healthy and don’t let them wear us down.
      Let’s keep reminding them this money is our’s and not a benefit…….
      From One Dee to another!

      Liked by 1 person

  20. what i dont understand is its not discrimination cause quote we 50s women really didnt need to be informed in the changes to pension age, then why is dwp fighting it saying we was all informed which i can assure you i wasnt dont understand there logic


  21. Thankyou Thankyou so much for this brave fight you are putting up on behalf of this group of women I’m a 56errrr and appreciate it so much as I’ve said before the unfairness of it all is absolutely astounding!!! It beggars belief united we stand 🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝


  22. Your article is amazing to read. Can’t believe Boris lies but there again shouldn’t have been surprised really, he definitely will not get our votes now, betrayed and lies don’t go down well with me. Ive worked 45 yrs and me and millions like me SHOULD be enjoying my retirement!!!!!!


  23. Thank you for another article that hits home! Experience anger, despair, fear on a daily basis coupled with sheer exhaustion from dragging myself to a job in an effort to make up for the loss of 4yrs 9mnths pension…there is no life …may all the gods support us!


  24. You have my full support in your campaign, having worked full time for 40 years and paid my dues, i am now relying on my husband to help me until i get my pension in 6 1/2 years. I wonder how the privileged people making the decisions would feel about trying to live on £732 Occupational Pension per week. 😡

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  25. I tried to do the right thing and plan ahead for pension years,but the property that I bought with private pension, had to be sold when I could not cover any repairs that needed doing, , because the rental income became my only income, when house was trashed by tenant, I could not afford repairs so had to sell at reduced rate and the money from sale has kept me going with still over a year before I get my pension. Shame on this government for not looking after people that have actually worked all their lives in the UK.


  26. Well done ladies and those gents who donated, we have more than reached our £72,000 target for our appeal. It is now time to get this done, we want justice,


  27. This is in deed a disaster
    The facts are there for all to see .I had to wait 1 week before my 65 birthday which calculates 4 years and 51 weeks of NO PAYMENT .
    What do you think we live on . I have 40 years of nursing and relied on my state pension !!
    We where never officially informed we have been brushed aside like we have no rights !!


  28. Thanks David. It is overlooked that as a result of the decision sprung on the 50’s born ladies, many men have been forced to work after retirement age to support their wife and keep their head above water. My husband has worked nearly 3 years over his official date to Retire.I’m 65, no job, no pension, receive no benefits . That is discrimiation. We must fight this injustice. Thanks again for your great support.


  29. ‘Nor is she impressed by Boris Johnson seeking her vote
    “Johnson’s entire shtick is being untrustworthy and it’s an embarrassment having him as PM. I’d not vote Tory anyway so his predictable betrayal of 1950s women doesn’t affect my vote.”’

    Therein lies the problem? If the Conservative Party think these women and their supporters hate them anyway and will vote Labour in a General Election, why upset their friends in the finance sector by reducing the retirement age or offering compensation?

    Labour haven’t offered anything as they read comments like that, implying that they’ve got these women’s votes anyway.

    If you feel strongly about something, why not tell your MP what bothers you ( the SPA) and tell them that if they don’t address the issue, that you will vote for their nearest rival or any party but one of the major parties? Forget tribal loyalties, vote TACTICALLY.

    If everybody did this, they would listen as would lose seats and would put something in their manifestos pretty damn quick.


    • Interesting but worth pointing out among the over 60s Conservatives have the largest support in the electorate and Labour the least support – most of their support is among the young.


      • Hi David,
        You might be right, but many of the 50’s ladies have families in that age bracket, that wholeheartedly support and understand what is happening to their, mum’s, Gran’s, aunties and friends, they are angry beyond belief…… so we shall see.
        Thank you for all the hard work and support you are giving to us ladies!


      • You mean the over 75s who keep getting everything David I think. No one at all that I speak to under 70 thinks that its fair to be knackered, poor and worrying in their mid fifties. Sometimes I really think they just want us all to die. They spend 3/4 of the total budget on the elderly and they cannot let us be the same in the future. Its been a huge failed experiment keeping very elderly and sick alive artificially and the rest of society can go to hell. They are extraordinary selfish. My father died last year at 85 plus and had more medication etc than whole streets of families have. Its not just the 1950s women its the 1960s women and men coming up behind us and the families and the youth. One of the last things he said was this, I was promised cradle to the grave and I come first. His very ordinary old age illnesses cost millions and millions and he was only one person. Free council tax, free rent and also a lot of people in1990s who are now very elderly who had interest free mortgages claim for that as well. It’s obsene how the parties get votes. Its great that the DWP has announced a 3.9 percent rise to state pensions but no other benefits have been made clear.! Huh. My husband will get the extra £300 a year but we need my sp. Now. Only £8000 difference a year. Its been the longest 3 and a half years of my bloody hard life and no guarantee I will get it in 2022. Yes its a rant but its also the truth David. Only the rich and grasping will vote tory and the often senile very elderly who get their carers to post their vote so they get the triple lock at everyone elses expense. God I am so pissed off about this uncaring society.


    • Alison I’ve helped convene and then chaired two packed meetings of women and their MPs in Westminster, worked closely with my previous (Conservative) MP to reach more tories, and if it’s of any relevance I personally vote Green!


  30. We will never give up we will never go away we know we have a right to our pensions we know we will fight fight fight however long this takes women are going to fight until Thier last breath and there is no 50’s women left so either they give up and give us full restitution and justice or we will always be there until we rewrite history books


  31. We will never give up we will never go away we know we have a right to our pensions we know we will fight fight fight however long this takes women are going to fight until Thier last breath and there is no 50’s women left so either they give up and give us full restitution and justice or we will always be there until we rewrite history books it’s unfair to human rights for the government to punish us for being born in the 50’s


  32. David Our voice and brilliant supporter of #Backto60. Wow such great news-total trust in Michael Mansfield QC and BP legal team.
    It’s discrimination for sure-we’ve been treated differently as a whole generation of 1950s born women! Thank you for your continued support.


  33. Toffs are not ‘Educated’ they inherit their wealth and stupidity!

    On Tue, Oct 22, 2019 at 9:39 AM Westminster Confidential wrote:

    > davidhencke posted: ” Going back to the High Court for permission to > appeal The BackTo60 organisation which represents 3.8 million women who > face up to six years delay to get their pension has lodged its application > for permission to appeal at the High Court. The d” >


  34. ‘Toffs’ are not educated, they inherit their wealth and their stupidity! Lots of women have brought up children on their own(even married ones’? Never had breaks for chidcare or money for it, I was part of a housing coop which was supposed to allow for free child care swaps and opportunities to work and/or study, I did both and initiated many community development projects which we badly need now! No thanks for anything I did! Over qualified in Health and Education, displaced by ‘nursing assistants and teaching assistants! No one is offering full time contracts…wtf!!

    Liked by 1 person

  35. Thankyou for that information, I fully support the actions being taken on behalf of us 50’s born women, I will post on the link for further crowd funding ti enable us all to WIN the battle for full restitution, onwards & upwards…! 😊💪👍❤️


  36. We paid in to receive a full pension and weren’t told that we would have to negotiate to get part of it. We can’t negotiate payment for our bills, they want payment in full.
    With an election looming, there isn’t a politician in the country you can trust, they will promise anything to get your vote.
    I still can’t believe so called intelligence, educated people came to the decision they did on the judicial review. I can’t believe it was even discussed, it looks like they had decided the outcome before we had even put forward our case.
    Thank you for everything and for continuing the fight. Hopefully someone at some point will hold there hands up and admit what the government did was/is wrong but I think we still have a long fight ahead.

    Liked by 2 people

  37. Is it just a coincidence that the first time the pension age went to Court it was presided over by a woman who was also born in the 1950’s. The Second time the matter was presided over by a female born in the 1960’s and a male who is 66.

    Liked by 1 person

  38. I think it’s despicable, I will retire in two years, but I will still have to remain working, am not in very good health it like your backed into a corner with no way out


  39. Because the European Union wants to keep European countries onboard with their agenda and use (in part) British taxpayers £15bn+ to do so. The EU have deliberately kept Britain weakened all these years so as not to be a threat to them re. Trade – which we very much would be with a clean break Brexit able to trade with the world without the EU’s stifling conditions in any Withdrawal Treaty. The EU have recently admitted exactly that – that Britain WILL prosper mightily and WOULD be a threat to them if we leave with No Deal.
    On top of higher pensions, a young relative of mine now living and working in Luxembourg is having a baby there. The list of benefits Luxembourg gives out for having babies is extraordinary, including a hefty payment just for having the baby, 1 year maternity leave for the mother and a further 6 months for the father, all rights protected, and a host of others. I also hear every citizen of Luxembourg gets FREE bus travel. EVERYONE! And they are a tax-free country as set up by their former mayor, Jean-Claude Juncker, who will also retain his private jet travel paid for by taxpayers upon his retirement next week – for LIFE!
    I thought we were all supposed to be equal in the EU? If they can do that, why can’t Britain?


  40. As a female I would have loved to have gone at 60 but must women want to be treated with equal rights to men. So if its moved back to 60 for women then why cant men have that age to. I don’t want o be treated like Victorian times when females have not got the same rights

    Liked by 1 person

    • I think you are missing the point, 50s women never had equal rights to 50s men, less pay, unable to pay into company pensions, no help with child care the list is endless. I pressed liked your posting by mistake, I totally disagree with you and think most of the men & women alike who are supporting our cause would disagree too,


      • That may well be true, although some 50s women earned more than men, went to university,maybe didn’t have children, and had good, profitable, careers. Just as some 50s men had low paid, dead end, jobs, never went to university, and may have had to stop work, at a young age, due to disability/ill health industrial accident. You cannot say that all men had a good, prosperous, life, and all women didn’t! I earned more than both my ex husbands & I had occupational pensions, neither of them did. But, my main point is this, the SP is not there to make up for unfairness, inequality, or plain, old fashioned, bad luck we may have experienced in our lives. If it were, all those who have never been able to work, due to lifelong disability/illness, would get an early SP too, male or female! The SP is there, purely, to alleviate poverty after State pension age, it has never been given, early, as a consolation prize. Whether lucky, unlucky, well, ill, disabled, or able bodied, rich, or poor, male, or female, we all get our SP at S


      • I cannot argue that all women did not earn as much as men or all women did not pay company pension, but from what I have read from all our members the ones that didn’t are definitely in the majority. Also yes the State Pension should be paid at State Pension Age but when I started paying my contributions, I was told that would be aged 60 and have never received any notification otherwise as most of our members are saying as well, therefore we should get our State Pension from the age of 60


    • we have never left Victorian times and never been treated as equal as a man lower wages for doing same Job as a man lower pensions than a man. Was not allowed a private pension when worked part time. Men being promoted before women that were also qualified for same job. and this is still happening today. we have worked hard and paid in our dues just like a man that as not had 6 years added on to his working life like we have. there is no Evidence of Equality for women and that is why we need to keep fighting for our rights pensions we were promised and been robbed out of at 60 if men have been discriminated against having to work till 65 then theres should be dropped to 60 not ours go up. just trying to make a point or few here. and by the way I am married and my husband agrees with me and back to 60s ladies.

      Liked by 1 person

  41. We have earn our right to our pension. 6 years we will never get back has been stolen. It’s our human right to have the choice to retire


  42. I hope it gets looked at and we win I can’t cope working full time at nearly 62 just to survive it’s about time we get it sorted other countries must be laughing at us we have to work just to pay bills and we deserve a better life at our age we have contributed for over 44 years good luck


  43. Thank you so much , it gives me light at the end of a long 6year tunnel. Everything you have said is so true. We have been living off our saving and currently selling our home because of having to live on one pension. My husband is 12yrs older and has failing health and needs me as his career . I have never asked for any social assistance all my life like many other 1950s ladies brought up children ran a busines paid many taxes etc . Getting full restitution would give us hope to enjoy our last years together in a ” normal ” fashion instead of hand to mouth . Thank you again and fight on !


  44. Thanks so much for all you are doing. I too have left WASPI and I have no desire to take a reduced pension. I’m 65 and have to wait til next July. I’m still working. My husband was 65 in April and gets his SP in November. Where’s the equality? However it’s very disappointing to read the very strong political opinion given by the writer which bears no relevance in the current political climate as she particularly states that she wouldn’t vote for the Prime Minister anyway. She is of course entitled to her opinion. I thought this group was apolitical? Corbyn promised freebies, with the example of the student loan lies at the last GE, which in the in the end was just an aspiration. The next GE will be about democracy and the Brexit fiasco so theyll all make all sorts of promises. Our plight will simply be a vote chaser. We should use our vote wisely and look at the bigger picture.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Only proportional representation would give our votes any power. As a Social Democrat for more than 30 years hoping to get this through before I got old all I will say is this. Our votes will not count unless the UK gets proportional representation of the people. I doubt there will be an election anyway. They will all lose out except maybe the BLOTS. That bastard lot of tories. Hung parliaments again. If there is an election I will vote but it will definitely not be the Tory party or the Labour/Liberal Democrats or whatever they call themselves now. So, thats my vote wasted. Our campaign is about basic female justice and no one cares anymore in power.


  45. Yes I had to sell my house when I was made redundant and had to use all my savings to keep myself,i had no help from the council I had to rent private at £525 each month plus everything else I had to pay,it has all just about gone,no thanks to the government…thankyou for all your hard work much appreciated…


  46. I most sincerely hope that all concerned keep fighting for justice for all. Having retired in August 2014, for a number of reasons I have struggled to keep my head above water, mostly due to interest free balance transfers and an amazing family.
    I wish you well in your endeavours and thank you for all your hard work, I times of despair it is comforting to know someone is fighting your corner.

    Liked by 1 person

  47. That was a blairite government, not much better than moderite tories. Labour’s current position is to backdate payments for 2 years from 66 to 64, however, there is a lot of support within the labour party for full restoration of pension rights for 1950’s women and discussions continue in the labour party with Unison and Unite and preparing to improve their offer


  48. This is in danger of becoming a political party broadcast instead of a concerted campaign to get restitution. As for voting, vote for who you believe will represent your interests bests locally and nationally. As for this campaign, concentrate on the appeal, which will (if successful) force the DWP to act.


  49. Never ever rely on a feminist in power. Self proclaimed feminist Theresa May’s government has backed the wholesale destruction of a large swathe of the female population who are being blatantly discriminated against by the tory mafia with a long history of stealing from the peasantry and with psychopathic tendencies that do not give a jot for the suffering that this austerity driven lunacy has left their victims in. Also a judicial mafia who recently received a large pay rise from the very government who have stolen billions from 60’s women. NO bias there then?
    You can but guess where they got all that extra cash to pay the rogue judiciary large salary and expenses rise?


    • Absolutely correct. One rule for the rich because they are better than us and they obviously need more money. Bless. Its like we are seen as pests to swat and kill off whilst they are the entitled. It was not an accident making us wait all those months to be summarily dismissed it was absolutely deliberate and very cruel.


  50. All our mp’s in government are corrupt! They are only in the job to line their own pockets! Not look after the society they are elected to represent.
    They need to start looking after the people of this country and think less off all the expenses and backhanders they can acquire!
    Tune they looked after the elderly properly with a decent pension as other countries have! If we in the EU why is our pension the lowest and we one if the richest countries!
    Corruption and greed off politicians is the problem.


  51. Born in 55, worked since I was 17, at 58 I chose to look after my elderly parents, never claimed a benefit in my life, not even carers allowance as I was still working whilst caring. I expected to retire at 60, but as I was born in March 1955, I am one of the worst affected.
    I won’t get a pension until I am 66.
    It doesn’t matter if we are hard working, caring and decent, or if we have paid contributions in full, we were discriminated against despite being all of the above but, mostly because we are women.
    I must have saved the Government thousand by caring for my parents alone whilst working, There will be many women like me taking the burden simply because we really do care, no matter the cost. The Government know this and lean on us without offering support and then they rob us of our rights. We cannot discriminate against race, religion, gender, age, disability etc., but THEY can discriminate against a single group of women? There’s something wrong here.
    They suggest men have been discriminated against in the past, but, two wrongs don’t make a right, and it was never one single group of men who were discriminated against. Women were entitled to pensions earlier as many were unsupported child carers and homemakers for their husbands. Others worked and looked after their children. They had no Government support to allow their children to be cared for whilst they worked, no means of personal income, NOTHING they could call their own.


  52. I turned 64 in July and the charity shop I was working in closed I have just found out on top of all other health issues that I am now diabetic but my work coach has told me I need to be doing something to receive job seekers so I had to go to another shop moving heavy furniture so after 4 hours I’m in agony as I have arthritis something needs done soon so as we can all enjoy our old age we worked for it.


  53. When I first went to work I joined a company that had its own pension scheme that women were not invited to join . It was solely for men employees. This was before equal rights for women.
    Later I joined another company after I had had my children . I had to wait 5 years as a woman to get entitlement to join that pension scheme. Men could join straight away. I changed jobs and that pension scheme was not open to part time workers. Mainly women worked part time. But looking back it was another way to discriminate against woman and get round the equal rights act .
    I’m sick of hearing people say we should have provided for our old age by joining a private pension. Scheme! I would have liked the chance.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Me too Jean, was never allowed to join company pension as was a female and kept on a temporary contract for 4 years, so again not allowed to join company pension. All this doesn’t detract though from the fact we are fighting for our State Pension. It is immaterial if some Ladies were fortunate enough to be in a Private/Company Pension, we all paid into a contract from the age of 15/16 that promised us a State Pension at 60 and without any notification it has been taken from us. I have 48 years of full contributions born 9th July 1954 and don’t get my State Pension until 6th May 2020 just before my 66th Birthday. My husband passed away 6 years ago aged 60 and have just been told I am actually entitled to £19.00 of his pension but I can’t have it till I get mine, just disgusting, keep fighting ladies


  54. If I had voluntarily delayed the payment of my pension in 2014 it’s value would have been increased by 10% per annum. I have been informed that I will receive my pension in 2020. Therefore I have accrued 6 years @ 10% p. a. I should therefore receive the basic pension plus 60%! It is MY Money not the Government’s. I and my employer saved this money and the Government has STOLEN it! Give me back what rightfully belongs to me.


  55. I understand and totally sympathis that some of the 3.8m ladies cannot afford to eat etc but if all of us affected by this gross injustice donated just ££0.50 that would be £1.9m. Even a donation of £0.25 would be £959,000.


  56. Withholding our pension which, let us not forget, is what we’ve paid into all our working lives, is a national disgrace. This government can put it right, but is dithering about trying to slither out of its responsibilities. This scandal is far worse than the MP’s expenses debacle, and PPI. Women are dying before they receive their own money. SHAME on you Prime Minister, do the right thing by us and act now.

    Liked by 1 person

  57. I am 1959 born … and many of the issues raised by earlier born 1950s women were still happening in my first jobs after Uni , from 1981. I did not accept my first offered job as even then I would have had to leave on marriage and I was engaged at the time. I have now retired at 60 as too tired to continue in Secondary State Education and waiting for SP at 66 ( + 3 months… don’t forget you have to wait average 3 months after reaching pension age, before getting any £ – at least that is what happened to my husband when he reached 65 last year). “Fortunately” we saved hard during the working years so are managing but that is not the point.
    I received NO notification of changes and was only aware as I read randomly and widely so accidentally found out. I have paid well over the requisite amount of NI . I am ENTITLED to my pension as contracted at start. A Contract. It should NOT be means tested .
    Yes, I have full sympathy for the more destitute women but I do not understand why we should not ALL get full restitution . Having a reasonably well paid husband for 35 years should not give the government a get out clause.Equality is NOT depending on my husband when I have paid my dues.
    Finally heard back from my Labour MP ( sorry about such a long post) While he sympathises, it is clear he is aiming for a means tested solution if possible. Weak position. ( sadly I live in a Labour Stronghold so my vote is irrelevant at some level ) Here is his response:

    “I am writing to update you on the campaign to get justice for women born in the 1950s who are losing out due to the government’s method of equalising the state pension.
    I know that the decision to accelerate the rise in the women’s state pension age has had a devastating impact on many women who were born in the 1950s, some of whom are now facing hardship and destitution as a result. I would like to pay tribute to the commitment and tenacity of campaigners who continue to highlight this issue.

    As you may be aware, campaigners recently lost a legal battle against the Government’s handling of the increase in the women’s state pension age. The High Court ruled that there was no direct discrimination on grounds of sex, because the legislation does not treat women less favourably than men in law.

    These women helped to build Britain but have been let down by the Government’s pensions changes. They will, understandably, be very disappointed in this judgement.

    In addition, I think it is unacceptable that the Government is failing to take action. Indeed, the recent Queen’s Speech announced no new measures on this issue.

    I have already committed to some preliminary measures to support the women affected. Indeed, at the 2017 general election I stood on a manifesto which pledged to extend Pension Credit to hundreds of thousands of the most vulnerable women. This would be a tangible step to help to alleviate the hardship that those women have suffered and restore some of the dignity that many feel has been taken away.

    In addition, I am committed to consulting further with the 1950s women affected to gather evidence on how to bring justice to them and what future support can be put in place to help ensure that all these women have security and dignity in older age.

    Thank you again for writing to me about this very important issue. I hope you will not hesitate to contact me again if I can be of any further assistance.”


    • Labour means work. Huh. They are every bit as bad as tories. Thanks for writing down what he said though. Like talking to the brick walls, they just don’t care.


  58. I left my job because of the expectation that I could continue working in a secondary school environment until I was 66. There was no way to argue with the system that continued to discriminate against me so at 63 for deteriorating health reasons I gave up chasing the goal post. I think I have scored an own goal! I had discrimination against school and was told to go and work on a factory floor! I put myself through university as a mature student to get into teaching so that it fitted around my young family. My teachers pension is just a bit better than nothing. Thanks for allowing me to rant!


  59. Great work by Backto60. Persistence will hopefully win for all the ladies like me born in the 1950s who feel completely and utterly discriminated against by what has happened to us.
    Utterly terrible to all of us.


  60. Judging by some of the comments, none of the parties are interested in helping us. Not sure I will be voting at all. Just look at the cock up with brexit, all of them are just out for what they can get. They’re the bloody thieving scoundrels!


  61. I am one of the WASPI women and our group are fully behind back to 60 group, what makes you say we are not supporting you. I myself support every group l thought we all wanted the same out come, to be compensated for the unfair way we have been treated. When doing awareness days and canvassing I call us the women born in the 50s and point out there are a few groups now. Falling out won’t do us any good at all. We should stand solid and together


  62. It’s a ploy from Government , string the issue out and hopefully half the women will have passed away but the time any firm binding action is put into law .
    Also stalling playing politics for our vote .
    All Political parties promising to look at it ,but once in power they all fail to implement .

    With a general election coming up we have opportunity to present to our local MP
    They risk losing 3 million +votes if they don’t take our case seriously .
    I’m disgusted by all Political parties who all played a hand in speeding up the rise to 66 for our state pension .
    I’m writing to my local MP to say unless I hear something definite from Government I will with draw my support
    They have stole. What is rightfully ours . I’ve worked since 15 payed into pension all my life , only 2011 to be told ,TOUGH ,NO PENSION TiILL 66 YEARS OLD.


  63. I will be sending a £10 donation to the fund but think that maybe you should consider giving ladies the option to send a smaller amount , remember may cannot afford £10. But we’ll done brilliant result.


  64. What’s the point in fighting for a “loss” is it not the case that putting up a case should be to win . Why offer government a way out .. they steal our money and we say ok pay less than half back!! And Waspi do not seem to be underpinning their case in law rather they are doing it by expectation.

    No!!!! Let’s go for full restitution and have government impelled to used the deduction they are taking for what they are for!!!! Waspi woman should join back to 69 together we are stronger


  65. I have just this minute spoken to a labour MP and asked where they stand re BackTo60 women and he told me that labour will be supporting us and will include BackTo60women in their manifesto for the general election but he asked if we could please email… and ask for clarity on stance for BackTo60women and our lost pensions. I have sent my email and hope that everyone else will do the same. I also told him that they stand to lose over 3million votes if they don’t support us and give us back what we have all worked so hard for. good luck to us all.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Yvonne I will do this right now, I have as previously stated already email my local MP Margaret Greenwood and have not as yet received a reply, although she always has replied in the past. I will post if I have any response from either, one thing for sure though I will not be voting Conservative Boris is liar and not to be trusted.


      • hi lynn that’s great. we have to try everything….I am feeling the same as yourself regarding Boris and the tories you cannot ever trust them …they are not for the working class people of this country but nowadays who can you trust?? All of us have been so badly let down by the political parties and they have to put it right and we have to keep fighting on. I was born in 1958 started work at 16 then went in to nursing at 17 and worked until 2014 when I had a stroke before that I had 2 heart attacks ….. the point I am trying to make is that none of us are guaranteed to be able to work on until we reach 66yrs of age and for myself I sometimes think I’ll be very lucky if I live until i’m 66 so I want my pension NOW and the same for the rest of the ladies who have been robbed of their pension as well. We must stand together on this cos it’s a true saying….United We Stand……Devided We Fall.

        Liked by 1 person

  66. I actually wrote to the prime minister downing street putting my point across. I did have acknowledgement to say they received it but nothing else. I really hoped that they would consider our situation but the bottom line is there’s no monies in the kitty to pay us what we are due. Disgusting you work hard all your life and this is what the government do. Morally unfair we should have the right to receive our pensions now.


  67. All they have to do is give us our 10 years notice back as originally promised in 1992?starting from the day David Cameron was finally forced to spill the beans as time ran out and he didn’t have the option of keeping it a secret any longer, like all those who kept silent all those years 50s women could have been preparing.

    Liked by 1 person

  68. I was born in Leicester 1963 advised when it was near to me leaving school that my Options due to the poor deliberate lack of education that my career opportunities were to work in one of the textile
    factories across the road until you have a husband and children to take care of you. This was true I became a housewife bringing up two children with no educational opportunities. I have been nothing more than a childbearing mother and housewife to my late husband who has no personal
    pension luxury to fall upon. My future is a minimal wage to work now till I’m 67, I will remain till I die with no prosperous opportunities of living a descent standard of living, always making ends meet due to direct political policies that keep me in poverty with no prospects when I was young and now that I am old. No political leader has ever had regard for women born on a council estate in fact it’s been a direct deliberate policy and this is why they can get away with this latest decision because we have no education and no resources to fight this injustice. It’s so easy to take away what is a small amount anyway. If I had paid into a private pension scheme for 30 years they wouldn’t be allowed to move the goal post as this government has done so. But no worries they don’t give a damn as long as they keep lining their pockets.


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