The great betrayal: How “friendly” MPs and Waspi Ltd want to deprive 2.5 million 1950s women of any money for lost pensions

Carolyn Harris MP : Official Parliamentary photograph

One would expect the Department for Work and Pensions to fight not to pay 3.8 million women born in the 1950s any money for lost pensions. One would expect Guy Opperman, the pensions minister, and Therese Coffey, the secretary of state for work and pensions, who have good pensions themselves, not to be bothered.

But one would not expect the two MPs who head the All Party Parliamentary Group on State Pension Inequality to be in the vanguard of depriving millions of 1950s born women getting any money at all.

Tim Loughton MP

Yet that is precisely what Tim Loughton, Conservative MP for East Worthing and Shoreham, and Carolyn Harris, Labour MP for Swansea East are doing if you compare their proposals with official figures supplied by the Department for Work and Pensions of the demographic breakdown of the women affected. The figures were released to one my readers after a Freedom of Information request.

Their proposals, as I understand it, is to only offer compensation to women aged 63 and over, probably next year. If you take this point it means that all women born between April 1950 and December 1956 are excluded from getting a penny.

This means that in Great Britain (the DWP haven’t supplied the figures for Northern Ireland) if implemented next year it would only help 1.14 million women. And if you include Northern Ireland that means well over 2.5 million people will get nothing.

If the deal is delayed to 2021 just 770,000 in Great Britain will get any benefit and some 3 million people will get nothing.

Now for even those women how much will they will get. The official statement from them is vague about this.

The vague statement from the APPG

However in an interview with the Daily Express Tim Loughton fleshed this out a bit more. It reports:

“The APPG thinks a more realistic solution would be to allow those affected to claim Job Seeker’s Allowance of £73.10 a week in addition to pension credit, while still being able to qualify for free bus passes and prescriptions. This plan would cost around £2bn. It has written to Chancellor Sajid Javid asking for money to be made available in autumn budget. “

In return Mr Loughton says BackTo60 should withdraw its request for permission to appeal at the High Court.

He is quoted as saying:”It would help if 1950s women would fall in behind a single practical doable solution which would make their case so much easier. I don’t think the legal route is going to get anywhere so the Government’s hand is not going to be forced by the courts. That was always a tall order and I think the judicial review result showed that. The most likely solution is a compromise.”

When you examine this ” compromise” it is asking 50s born women to buy a pig in a poke.

For a start the present full pension is £168 a week – so £73.10 on Jobseekers’ Allowance is less than half of that. Also it is not clear if the women had to sign on whether they would be forced to attend interviews, search for work etc.

Then pension credit will be only available to people over 66 in 2020 and not even then – if their partner is younger. So is the government’s going to change the rules or what? That can’t be done immediately in a Budget.

Finally and here is the rub when women get their pension – instead of the maximum £168 .10 they will only get £159 a week. For some it might be more than their contributions but for others it will be less. That is why I said earlier this amounts to the £73.10 a week being a loan for some which they are having to pay back with a reduced pension for life.

I would love to have had the opportunity to ask Tim Loughton and Carolyn Harris to explain this – but they have ignored my emails. My view is that they don’t want to spell it out because they want to con 50s born women into accepting this pathetic offer without realising what it is.

And there is the role of Waspi Ltd and its lobbyist Connect PA. WASPI Ltd seems to be an organisation pretending to have its supporters at heart but prepared to sell many of them down the river into permanent poverty. It has been receptive to the idea of the APPG compromise whereas BackTo60, We Paid In, You Pay Out, Waspi Campaign 2018 and Waspi Scotland want nothing to do with it.

Women do have one strong card – the December 12 General Election. They can decided to vote out both of the MPs if they want to.

Tim Loughton has 6100 women in his constituency who have lost out and a majority of only 5106 over Labour. Much will depend on the views of the Labour candidate Lavinia O’Connor and whether she would support full restitution.

Carolyn Harris has 4800 women affected in her constituency but a much larger majority of 13,168 over the Tory candidate.

Whatever happens the general election campaign this does give women the power to demand something is done for them and plenty of opportunity to campaign against those who have let them down.

321 thoughts on “The great betrayal: How “friendly” MPs and Waspi Ltd want to deprive 2.5 million 1950s women of any money for lost pensions

    • An absolute disgrace.
      Would either MP I wonder be prepared to accept such a disadvantageous offer. I think not. I was born in1954 I have worked since the age of 15 apart from time off to bring up my son. Due to a SP delay of 6 years I have to continue working full time at 65.7 years of age to pay my way. It is of great concern that neither of you have grasped the injustices served. The remedial action proposed does little to address the discourse served.


      • It’s an absolute disgrace how they’ve treated woman born in the 1950’s. Many are predominantly working class women who’ve worked since they were 15, raised a family and then looked after elderly parents. They didn’t have access to private pensions, but they did have a contract with the State that they would collect their pension when they reached the age of 60. That contract was broken. They were not given enough notice or time to plan for these changes and as a result, many are now facing real hardship. Reinstate their full pension with restitution. This proposal stinks.

        Liked by 2 people

    • Hi there i dont understand this if its paid to women over 63 then how does that mean those born from 1950 to december 1956 will be excluded everyone born between those dates are already over 63 can you explain please thank you


      • Liz. Simply the money is only available to people 63 and over until the day they get their pension. So all those who have already got a state pension will get nothing in compensation. \And it can’t come into forceon January 1 2020 which is only weeks away – it will require some changes to legislation so is much more likely to come into force in April 2021 if the government can get its act together.

        Liked by 3 people

      • Yes and if you qualify to get your pension in 2021 you get nothing in compensation even though you have had to work 6 years longer to get it. Correct me if I’m wrong David. but all 50s ladies that are effected by this should all get full restitution of their pensions and no less it’s not fair if some miss out when we are all in the same boat. I get my pension at the end of 2021 if I’m still around. So angry 😡

        Liked by 1 person

      • Thankyou David wasn’t sure I had read it right! the only way to get what is rightly ours in full no half measures or crumbs is the legal route I hope the appeal is granted.and soon many thanks for all you are doing to help us it’s very much appreciated.


      • Hi Liz. Because they state “63 and over from the day it’s approved until they reach state pension age (not backdated)……which means, I was born in 1952 and finally got my state pension 2 years 3 months late but as I’m now in receipt of that pension I wouldn’t get a penny of my stolen years.


      • If I understand correctly – I was born July 54 – SPA March 2020 (age 65 years 8 months) if this was put into force today I would get 5 months payments. A poultry 5 months after loosing 5 years and 8 months ! How insulting to expect me to agree to this after paying NI for over 40 years


      • Sadly you are right and even more sadly any change is not likely at the very earliest until April 2020 and I doubt it then. that is why other routes – both legal – and by trying to get a temporary special measure through Parliament to give full restitution are being pursued.


      • So I was born January 56 next birthday 29th January 2020 I will be 64 how does this work for me. I am somewhat confused.


    • Hi I have over the last five years been caring for my husband who had Motor Nuerone Desease he sadly passed away in July .I am 64 years old so have missed out on my state pension,am now receiving a widows pension of £100 a month for eighteen months only.I have lost my husbands state pension so only have £100 a month coming in.I am so disgusted with this governments treatment of us women,they have changed all these pensions and widow pensions with total disregard to the impact it is having on all us women.They should hang their heads in shame.I am not sure who I would even vote for in the next election ,I think they all need to go they are a shambles

      Liked by 2 people

      • June so sorry for you. Mine has MS and mid stage dementia. Worry every single day. This government eh. Hope you soon get out of the woods, I really do and I wish I could hug you better. xxxx


    • can i just encourage everyone to go on labours manifesto website before the end of today they are asking what we want them to focus on for their manifesto if enough of us tell them they have to do something good luck all

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      • Still don’t trust any of them, they give you all of these promises in their manifesto but after they’re voted in things always change. Let one of them come outright and say they will give us full restitution with no red tape and no applications to fill in that will be a long drawn out process and I might consider it but until then I don’t believe them. Personally I think voting for Corbyn will throw us into a communist state and the quicker he goes the better but that is just my opinion, oh and Boris isn’t getting my vote either, neither of them are worthy of it.


      • I have been into the Labour Party Manifesto Site and added a request.
        I urge others to do so – thank you


      • Don’t want to be a sour puss here but Boris did this too asked us what we wanted him to do when he took power last july and also said he would look into with fresh eyes at our pension robbery and then as back tracked on it ever since Corbyn will do exactly the all politicians are schemers and make it up as they go along. They will make all sorts of promises in there manifestos before the election think carefully before you Vote and don’t believe all the promises that they will spit out. as any of them done anything to help us so far the Answer to that is NO…which is why the legal route is the only route… I haven’t decided who I’m voting for yet the jury is out on it..


      • Well said my friend 😩
        Vote the Brexit party

        Don’t trust them unless they do something now……. not after the elections.


      • I totally agree if they don’t do something before the election they certainly won’t afterwards. They are such a load of liars we’ll never believe a word that comes out of their mouths. As long as they are ok to hell with us 😡😡. Keep up the good work David and keep posting ladies we have a sisterhood here and power to us ✌️🙂

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      • Of course I am independent. In the first blog on this subject because it was such a huge injustice I said I was going to run it as a campaign which is exactly what i am doing. The rest of the blogs highlight issues I am interested in.

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      • I have just read this and thought I would share it with you, I know where my vote will be going if its true. Also David have read in a few places now that there will be movement on the Appeal in November, is this true and what can we expect?

        Asked on Saturday what Labour would do about the WASPI women Mr Corbyn said: “We would bring them justice and fairness because they have been disgracefully treated by this government in changing the dates of eligibility for pensions without telling them.

        “ I have met many WASPI women who thinking they were retiring on reasonable pensions suddenly discover they can’t. Suddenly discover that they are stuck

        “We will be making a very clear announcement on the WASPI women in future. The fundamental principle is that they deserve justice and they are being denied it.”


      • I won’t be voting for either Johnson or Corbyn and I wouldn’t trust them as far as I could throw them, also there is nothing in that statement guaranteeing us our full restitution, only commenting about WASPI so no he’s not getting my vote. They only say what you want to hear and after they win elections they just let you down with one excuse after another.


  1. Please proceed with the Court Case and not bother with any compromises that set one set of women (or age group) against the others. I am 64 and miss 6 years of state pension, under current rules. Why settle for anything less – especially if tied up with the complex and unfair universal credit system and job-seekers allowances?

    We are not seeking jobs – seeking pensions (back to 60) for all women affected!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I am appalled that we have been robbed of our pensions already. And these so called ministers want to rob us yet AGAIN! by making a pathetic compo package a bus pass free prescriptions just does just not cut it. full restitution is the only thing Aceptable with all the misery this as caused still is causing to 3.4 million women. Which is why I am going to think very carefully who I vote for in this up coming Election. and it is an opportunity to clear parliment of the waste of space mps that we all know are wearing the benches out sleeping and doing nothing to help those who
    put them there….. think and Vote carefully Ladies.. and many thanks David for once again your brilliant report..


  3. Well, all I say is this. All of you reading this who live in their constituency must either spoil your ballot paper or vote for their opposite number. And your families and your friends. I’m going to write to Boris the b******d and ask him for a gun and bullets. May as well be dead than face a miserable poverty stricken old age. Think of all the money he could save them. What a complete letdown, again. Bang bang shot me down, bang bang I hit the ground. Worthless. So, what you saying is the women and men born after December 1956 can have a pension at 63???but, me born in July 1956 cannot. Bless them if you believe that one. I have never felt so wild with rage against the machine.


      • Ginny. Who cares anyway who myself or anyone votes for. I want the government to end their self imposed draconian austerity evil on us all except of course for themselves. They just rake it in. Today they have u turned on fracking which is a major thing for them to do. They could if they had a brain give us an equitable amount of cash and admit that they are sorry. My only cornern now is to fight in any way I can. I want in the last years of my life to be able to pay my rent etc and not live in abject fear like I have for the last 3 and half years. I realised this morning that its not that I am poor its that I’ve been made to FEEL poor. There is a lot of evidence that spoiling your ballot paper does get reported back to government and I feel certain the Tories won’t get get anything like a majority so there will be another election by next summer. Anyway. No one to vote for who gives a damn. The Brexit vote and subsequent smokescreen has been a disaster for us women, but they have kept pushing through their backwards extremely draconian measures right under the electorates noses especially re pensions in the future. I’ve been trampled on all my life and its got to stop. So, Ginny vote for who you want it won’t make a scrap of difference to me or most people. Lets hope the Tories get a huge majority and impose even more austerity on the weakest, push through Brexit(what a laugh) and completely take us back to no rights for women. I’ve never been allowed any rights, just do as you are told because I was born a worthless female. Enough already. Have a nice day honey. Ps. Just wait till the DWP is fully robotic and you are an algorithm, mine of course will just say NO, go away you worthless human.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Thank you again David for keeping us informed, we have discussed this topic in our groups , we have said “no this is not a compromise , it’s a sell out , they are trying to wear us down and offer crumbs” thank you for confirming this ! This needs to be shared as there are women, that think these two MPs are our friends and are ready to vote for them ! I shall share wherever I can.
    I would like the DWPs guide to SPA for 50’s woman investigated, as you uncovered that the DWP had asked for advice on how to proceed with the increases to our SPA and did not receive any help , the gradual increase never happened, the 18 months lose if pension only applied to women born up to 5th April 1953 after that date , they added 5/6 years , which is a lose of £48,000 for me , this must be illegal on its own merit , it’s totally unfair and not gradual at all .
    Thank you again
    Kind regards Cherie Foster


  5. I have just sent Caroline Harris an email. You have to put your address. So sent 2nd email. In the gutter. Swansea girls, where are you. She is supposed to be for you. She has to answer you. Husbands, partners, families in Swansea. Bombard her now.


  6. David, I have sent email to Caroline (I’m for women and Swansea in particular and I pretend to be a Labour MP and I’m deputy leader on Welsh council) and asked her to reply to you. So, Wales. Stand up to that devious MP of yours. She has to reply to you.


  7. Disgraceful, cannot believe they think this is a fair and acceptable offer. At 64 I am fed up signing on, going on courses, to job fairs, being told off for not applying for all advertised jobs. Who wants to employ someone at my age, only had 2 responses both saying get lost basically. Great for morale, I don’t think. The powers that be have absolutely no idea what they have done to us, and to be honest they do not care.


    • Bridger Green, the powers that be have every idea of what they have done to us, and you’re right, they don’t care. As they go to sleep at night, they don’t give us a first thought, never mind a second. This offensive idea that they should pay half of us, and not the other, is vile. Back to the old way of control the masses, divide and rule. I’m 63 now, and I want what’s been stolen from me, not, none of it, not half of it, but All Of It ! NOW !

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  8. I saw in the Daily Express Sat 26th October a statement from TIm Loughton. He said
    “There had been an injustice which should be put right. Parliament can settle this grievance quite easily and quickly if they drop the legal challenge. He said he had planned to meet Therese Coffey this week until news of the legal action emerged. He went onto say “The most likely solution is compromise. These women have paid into the pot. There should be an equatable solution quite easily and quickly if we get all the legal action out of the way”.

    Right Tim you seem to be switched on Let’s get this straight, you openly admit their has been an injustice and if we drop the legal action you will dangle a partial payment to a selection of women born in the 50’s. The statement about you were planning a meeting until you heard of a legal challenge. You stated there was an equatable solution when all the legal challenge is out of the way. Is that not a form of blackmail, do as I ask then I will revisit the case?

    What bloody planet are you on?

    Firstly ALL women born in the 50’s want restitution they want what is duly theirs. Want as you acknowledge the money they paid into the pot.

    If a pension company commited fraudulent activity syphoning off pension payments from the pension pot. Then advised the people within this pension plan we don’t have enough in the pot to pay you so we have selected a band of people within that pension pot and will extend their retirement age leaving the company with money to cover up this theft. They would be taken to the cleaners. This company would do it’s best to overt any investigation and least of all would it state “there has been an injustice”.

    You can only state “there has been an injustice ” when you know what the injustice is. Surely in any court of law if you came out with that statement it’s a clear admission of guilt.

    Now the elections are coming up you really think the 50’s women who have been to hell and back and revisiting it every day will accept a hand out of applying for pension credit and job seekers are you taking the p.

    What part of this robbery do you not understand Tim. Our pension was stolen, robbed from the NI pension pot. In 2016 through the back door and away from clear visibility to the general public the government changed the state Pension to a benefit. This then put a barrier for any claim. Benefits are just that a given benefit and not an entitlement. We were supposedly all told of the changes to our pensions but on the other hand told in court they didn’t have to notify us.

    Who the hell do these people think they are. Why would any 50’s women after paying in a their lives, working from 15 through a lifetime of in equality accept this slap in the face. Do you honestly think we’re going to apply for benefits when our state pension is sitting in some pot somewhere. Possibly to pay for Boris’s die in a ditch advertising campaign or the on going election farce.

    To all the liars, hypocrites, egotistical maniacs who do not live in our real world. The world where people work damned hard to earn an honest crust I suggest they all get a dictionary and look up words like honesty, humility, compassion and equality. When you’ve read their meaning see how any of those words link to the way you’ve treated the 50’s women.


    Liked by 2 people

    • Dee, not ALL 50s women want full restitution and state pensions are not like private pensions. We didn’t pay into a pot. What we pay in goes straight out to pay today’s pensioners. When we get our pension it will be paid by contributions made by those younger than us. To suggest we have paid into a pot and it’s our money is nonsensical because even someone who has relied on NIC credits will get a pension regardless of how much they have/have not paid in.
      I don’t want the next generation to have to pay the cost of giving us an early benefit . I would rather the government looked at helping those most in need or gave us further concessions to the 6 month concession they gave to the 2011 Act
      We should be campaigning for targeted help for those most affected and not campaigning to give the likes of Teresa May £40k

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      • Judith. Please don’t talk like a Judas. We want our paid in contributions. You have made 2 comments that riled me today already. You obviously are not on the majority side. Shut up and go cosy up with wasps and rancid Coppola.

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      • Excuse meJUDITH BYWATER but all us 50s women have worked long and hard and paid tax and an fully paid up our stamps years ago 48 years solid for me. So I am entitled to recieve my pension at 60 not 66 and the young are only doing today what we have had to do all all our working lives pay into a pension pot! which was meant to pay us a pension at 60 not to be used to pay the nat debt off or anything else. I have never claimed a benefit in my life just paid in in in and in… so why should I not get full restitution and dated back to 60. Hope we win the appeal see you in Court!! 🙉

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      • Dee you may write a long post but unfortunately you show how little you actually understand of how the NI contributions scheme works. As pointed out SP is and always has been known as a Contributions based benefit.
        It does not operate in any way like a private pension scheme, it is a PAYG system.
        David is just stirring the ‘pot’ excuse the Pun. He has a mandate against WASPI Ltd and the APPG purely because they don’t agree with #Back260. The proposal from the APPG is old, plus it was a way of getting a Bill for discussion in Parliament. It wasn’t nor is set in stone.
        JW was there but had to be removed for disrupting the meeting with group representatives.

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    • Tim loughton is either a joker or a “yes man” or both!.Do NOT have any dealings with this person.
      The situation is a disgrace.
      What is needed is Mr Mansfield and not some idiot who wants to make life easier for himself and to look like some hero figure as he sells women affected by the injustice down the river!

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  9. It is all very well for the Government to say they cannot afford to pay us what we are owed and SHOULD be paid. We are not asking for anything we haven’t worked and paid IN for, and the fact they spent OUR money on other things is not OUR fault. However, they seem to be ignoring the fact they CAN afford to pay us out, if they used the Bradbury Pound solution. It could be done, it would work, they (the Government) simply choose not to pay us. Ask the Government WHY the Bradbury Pound solution is not being mentioned?

    Liked by 1 person

    • It’s not me that’s the judas here. What BT60 are doing is of no help to those in most need. They have thrown their sisters under the bus with their greed. If they had concentrated on campaigning for concessions to the 2011act then they may have succeeded.
      Sally Hyde you are wrong. If you are only fighting for what you have paid in then what would you do about those women who have paid in very little, or nothing, due to ill health?
      If any of you think that the majority of 50s women support full restitution then please tell me why 3.5 million 50s women haven’t joined the campaign.

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      • I’ve often thought why more women did not join back to 60 myself. Conditioning throughout life would be the first one. Second, if you had my miserable life you would know that a lot of us have been used by families, marriage and just our own conditioning to be carers, full time. If its not your brothers and sisters, its husbands, divorce, children, parents illness long term caring on and on. These women are ground into the dirt by their lifes circumstances and their own good natures. They (I) am knackered, worn out, despondent, depressed and just have no energy to throw at their own cause. They have never been taught they are wort it, I wasn’t….. Some, have no internet, cannot afford it. Others working all the time and getting nowhere fast. I never did agree with the legal action, I would rather that huge amount of money was spent on advertising. So, many women still have no idea they and their children have and will be f*****d by the previous governments. But, if we who shout about it at back to 60, thanks only to David Hencke at Westminster confidential allowing us to, at least the 1960s women and men do now know and that is fabulous. Trouble is, we have been used as the test case for state pensions and we are all tired and OLD. Its hard to fight when you are worn out. But, we MUST. For us and us alone. The government MPs are getting afraid of us now. It is working. Slowly, slowly catchee monkey. And that is what they are.

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      • Its probably because they haven;t heard of back to 60 or Waspi because we have had very little media coverage or they are frightened or too ill or too broke to able to contribute to our fight it as affected many Women in many ways but as you are so thoughtless and so not understanding you have no idea at all. I am presuming you are already receiving your pension and have not had 6 years callously added before you qualify for it. If you feel we should be grateful for being robbed of our pensions then why are you wasting your time making uncalled for posts on here upsetting women who are already suffering through this injustice you need to have a serious think before you post anymore thoughtless comments. We will not stop fighting until we recieve what is rightly ours. So kindly crawl back into the woodwork you have crawled out of as you are not going to post anything constructive or relating to our cause.


      • Jane Escott no I don’t yet have my pension. I was born May 54 so I had the full 18 months added to my SPA by the 2011 act. I had to give up work a couple of years ago due to ill health and I look forward to getting my pension next year. BT60 have made my situation worse. The only group to have had any success is the “Protest Against the 2011 State Pension Increase” and it is thanks to them negotiating the 6 month concession that my wait isn’t even longer. As I said, BT60 have thrown many of us under the bus with their greed. I do not want full restitution, which is just as well as it will never happen, but I have campaigned for 3 years for help for those in most need …… the very people that bt60 ignore


      • It’s great Jane that you are happy with your situation but the majority of us women need to have full restitution because some are living well below the poverty line and struggling from week to week and we all need to stand together to sort this out. We, at our age should not have to worry about paying bills, buying food or keeping warm over winter months, in this day and age we should not have to rely on our kids to help us out, if we are unwell or infirm we should not be struggling to work and making our health worse. As I said we must all be together in this for full restitution nothing less will be acceptable in helping us have a more comfortable old age. We are not looking for a luxury lifestyle just to be able to live comfortably is all we want but it’s a shame this is how we have to do it. As I said it’s great your have what you want but the rest of us only want what us rightfully ours, our pensions and they are OUR pensions.


      • You are still evading the fact that most of us have had 6 years added on not just 18 months which even you should see is too long to wait with health problems caring duties which we all have. and that is what this campaign is about helping us to get back what we have had taken off of us our pensions we had very little time to make up the shortfall of this. With a lot of us working in low paid jobs they was no chance of being able to do it. this is not about reversing the pension age back to 60 for all women it’s about 50s ladies getting no notice or little notice of age increases. and by the way it is previous govs that have made you wait 18 months longer for yours not back to 60. Me and many others ladies have had 6 yrs added on. You are one of the lucky ones and are not really thinking of anyone else but yourself. Back to 60 are doing a great Job as is David with all his valuable support. I am wasting no more time on you. I’m going back to my caring duties now. goodbye. ( by the way the names Janet not Jane )

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      • Judith, Judi whatever. Just shut up. Sod off this platform. You drip poison. Leave us women alone, we would not like you in person either. I bet you are a WASP.


      • Maria I didn’t say I was happy with the situation but I have accepted that state pension age had to rise. I’m grateful that mine hasn’t risen to 67, 68 or even higher. If anyone feels they could live on the SP after 60 then they have the option of looking for part time work. Just 20 hours a week on minimum wage pays the equivalent of full SP. I will actually be better off by about £20 a week when I get my pension so I can’t say I have ‘what I want’ but I do have ‘what I need’. The same out of work / disability benefits are available to over 60s as to under 60s so no one is without money. We should fight for better welfare benefits for all those under pension age and not just 50s women.


      • Well it’s great that you can take up part time work Judith to support your pension and you will be comfortable. Not all of us can. If our husbands even have a small pension we do not get any benefits, not everyone unable to work is disabled therefore they do not get any benefits either. It looks like you have not read everyone’s stories, we all have different stories but the common denominator here is we were robbed of what is rightfully ours, our pensions and they should all be paid back to support us ladies that do not have the opportunity or ability to take on extra work, also a lot of these ladies are still working and they are suffering because they have to. You may have what you need in life but others don’t and it is unfair to make them feel upset by reading your posts because they don’t have enough money to live on. It might be better if you refrain from commenting again as you don’t need full restitution there should be no need to be on this site. But I’m glad that you’re in a situation that’s your comfortable with.

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      • Judi/Judith. You are still spouting the same stuff as Coppola did more than 3 years ago. What is it that motivates women like you to tell others that they should be happy losing their dues.?????? The private and government pensions would all have to pay out and that is the true reason while we can’t have ours. The financial services industry want to deny us all so that nurses, porters, doctors, teachers etc etc etc don’t have to be paid out. So, again what kind of women are you. Financially empowered I’d say. Its all our fault that we haven’t got what you have eh? The partners some of us have should pay for us out of their salaries or their pensions eh after 60 years of inequality Thats ridiculous and scandalous in 2020s. So, again. Shut up.


      • Janet, not sure why you consider me one of the lucky ones. I was born May 54 and had 5 years 8 months added to my SPA.


      • Can I just say Judi Judith whatever your name is you are a disgrace to the 3.8 million who are fighting for our rights and full RESTITUTION if you do not have anything useful to say I suggest you SHUT UP.


      • Isabel
        checking over her comments – not all of which i have published – my suspicion is that she is commenting because Frances Coppola is finding it difficult to comment on my blog. Nearly all the points she is making are aimed at trying to discredit my interpretation of the APPG offer. I don’t mind carrying contrary views but not if someone continues to fill the comment column challenging everyone.I shall therefore not include any more comments from her – she has had her say.

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  10. You were not present at the meeting where the APPG presented its proposals, so you do not know what was said. And Joanne Welch does not know what was said either, since she was asked to leave the meeting. But I was present at the meeting, so let me update you.

    Firstly, the £73.10 would be unconditional. That was made clear at the meeting. However, many of us – including me – expressed concern at the time that the payment would not be backdated, so women worst affected by the 2011 Act would receive nothing. We were assured that the question of payments for women already at SPA would be considered at committee stage. The draft Bill contained a clause forcing the Government to review the impact of the state pension age rises on particular years. We took that as meaning the Government would have to consider extending payments to women born 1953-55. I supported the Bill on that basis, though I have considerable reservations about these proposals.

    Secondly, the draft Bill proposes that the FULL state pension should be paid, not a reduced amount as you wrongly claim. The figure quoted was correct at the time of the APPG’s proposals it was correct. It seems Loughton and Harris have not updated it in the light of this year’s state pension rise. Perhaps, instead of making wild allegations, you should ask them why they are quoting an out of date figure. You might be more likely to get a response.

    Thirdly, the allegation against WASPI Ltd. is simply wrong. At the meeting, the WASPI representative did raise her hand to support the proposals, though she later denied that she had. But a few days after the meeting, WASPI Ltd officially rejected the proposals in their entirety. See this report at FT Adviser.

    You really should research your pieces better, David. At the very least, you should speak to people who were actually involved, rather than relying on hearsay. And you should familiarise yourself with relevant material that is in the public domain, notably the minutes of the APPG meeting, the APPG proposals and draft Bill, and the FT Adviser piece I have linked above.

    You also should correct your typos and make sure names are correct. The current Secretary of State is Therese Coffey, not “Coffley”.

    I don’t for one moment suppose you will publish this comment. But I hope that you will take on board what it says, do the research you have failed to do and update your post. By publishing shoddy work and facilitating what appears to be a “dirty tricks” campaign against WASPI Ltd (to which I am no friend, by the way), you are bringing journalism into disrepute.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Frances
      I would have been delighted to talk to both MPs to get an explanation especially as i worked with one of them over the original child sex abuse issues which led to the setting up of the independent inquiry by Theresa May.
      However both of them have had five days to respond to my questions and have chosen not to do so. similarly when Waspi Ltd were given a lot of notice earlier they declined to respond. Even now I have had an exchange with their lobbyists Connect PA who were happy to ask them to respond. So I am afraid if they do not they are not going to stop me publishing the best assessment I can make by declining to comment. Your views about my standard of journalism don’t seem to be shared by readers or I would not be having record numbers reading my blogs whether on this issue, Brexit or Michael Gove’s failed vocational college.

      Liked by 4 people

      • Quite right David we like your work , and Frances how on earth can you make a text sound so snooty . all right for the haves isn’t it . all that rarefied air I would expect.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Keep going David, there are so many of us 1950s ladies indebted to you for standing our corner. I for one think what is on offer by these two is a total disgrace and will never support it, our appeal is so important to every 1950s lady not just those who reach 63 when these two get what they are asking for. I cannot believe that they or anyone else
        thinks this is acceptable, every 1950s lady wants what we have paid into and been robbed of, not just the select few, it is absolutely disgusting.

        Liked by 1 person

    • Ah the evil Miss Coppola. A wealthy financial services worker who spends her time reading all these blogs for her powerful friends. A person who detests the poverty stricken 1950s onwards Women and Men affected by the changes. A TROLL are you not Frankie.???? God I’d love to meet you in person and just stare you down to hell and good riddance to you. SHE HAS BLOGGED FOR YEARS ON THIS SAYING THE GOVERNMENT CAN’T PAY US BECAUSE WE ARE TOO EXPENSIVE. BLESS.


      • I would dispute that. The real people who are not spelling out exactly who will benefit are the two MPs themselves. They are leaving a lot of unanswered questions and Frances doesn’t know the answers either. She is only pretending to – because matters have moved on since that meeting some time ago. And she would be mad to rely on a private members’ bill – it only takes one MP to object or talk it out and the whole process is stopped. We are now talking about an extra £2 billion money pot and that will not go far for the large number of women. That’s what they don’t want to explain.

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  11. 63 next birthday. Sacked from my career in construction on a mix of age and sex discrimination. Investing my settlement in a new venture which I hope will help give me some income but MPs on big salaries and protected pensions faff about over Brexit and a General Election stalling the economy without a care. I’m trying my hardest but I can’t carry on like this until I’m 66.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. The dates don’t make sense, David. The only ones who won’t be 63,or over, on, say, 1 Jan 2020, are those born from 2 January 1957! So everyone born from 1 Jan 1950 up to, and including, 1/1/1957 will be 63 and over, surely? Born 1/1/1957 add 63 years is 1/1/2020. The ones you say it won’t include, it actually would include. The only ones not included would be, if the day it came into force was 1/1/2020, would be DOB 2/1/1957 to 31/12/1959 inclusive.

    Liked by 1 person

    • The confusion with the 63 years and over is because it was not made very clear in this article. The reason the dates don’t make sense is that it is for those 63 and over WHO HAVE NOT YET REACHED THEIR STATE PENSION AGE. That is the important part – so it is NOT all women over 63 years of age. David has clarified this further on in the article which is why he is saying that millions of women would miss out i.e. those who have been out their campaigning and living of next-to-nothing for 5 – 6 years now will get nothing. So no, not many will benefit at all. An outrageous proposal, set to divide women. Perhaps this is their intention – to divide and weaken!


  13. No compromise l have paid voluntary contributions to bring my pension up to the full amount. Already been paying in since l was 15yrs shame on you l would like to see you servive for even one week on less than £80. ell hath no fury than a 1950s WOMANS VOTE.

    Liked by 2 people

  14. Who!!! can we trust ,the governments that shafted us,the judiciary that gave us no justice or the so called supporters who smilingly stabbed us in the back. I’ve lost complete faith in all politicians


    • Funny. Thank you. And so true. I’m sure mine is off the scale. Bollocks to it all though, we have to go down with this ship. No surrender.


  15. OMG this gets worse by the day, are these people for real expecting us to accept this. They are treating us like we are lesser human being that they are. We are NOT, we are the generation who had strong morals and high worry ethics, hence we all paid our dues. As a whole we cannot accept anything other than full restitution of our pensions. It is very frustrating, sickening and extremely upsetting. I read every single post and will continue to do so but each post makes me more angry and I know I am not alone. I hope we get an appeal and somewhere in the media there will be someone telling this lot, publicly, they have lost our votes. 😡

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Thanks Norma for comment above – I also queried that. Can you clarify David? We need to understand exactly what is proposed………..


    • As I understand it if it comes into force in 2020/21 women born between 1950 to 1954 will get nothing because they will already have a pension – if 2021 which is more likely, those born in 1955 will also get nothing. So it is only those born later will have to wait until they are 63 to get anything and then it is only £73.10 not the full pension. If it was the full pension it wd cost much more than £2 billion. But of course none of the MPs will clarify that – which makes it more difficult to understand.


  17. I’m puzzled by the maths too. Why would a woman born before 1957 not get any help from the proposals? I was born in March 1955 and if the help came in early 2020 I would still be 64. If it came in summer 2020 I would be 65 and so would expect to get money for a short period of time before reaching state pension age at 66 in 2021.

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  18. Basically .. They are offering nothing!! Do they think we are stupid as well as poor. As you say…..we will use our vote .
    On Fri, 1 Nov 2019, 17:39 Westminster Confidential, wrote:
    > davidhencke posted: ” Carolyn Harris MP : Official Parliamentary > photograph One would expect the Department for Work and Pensions to fight > not to pay 3.8 million women born in the 1950s any money for lost pensions. > One would expect Guy Opperman, the pensions minister, and” >


  19. I am totally confused born 1955 now aged 64 how can they decide that only some are due support we all paid in we all deserve to get full restitution no crumbs
    I will not going to give up the fight for justice for all. It makes no sense to me am I to be punished because I paid into a private pension. I have planed my retirement and the last four years has been hell to bare but I will not give in
    I will use my vote wisely
    P Shaw Aberdeen Scotland


  20. I was born in 1953 and expected to retire at 60 like millions of other women. I did not receive notification by letter and according to David Cameron and Theresa May we would nevery be more than 18 months out of pocket at our new state pensionable age. What a lot of rubbish! Why should we be out of pocket at all? We paid in so the Government should pay out. I should have got my state pension in 2013 but did not get it until 2018 certainly longer than the 18 months as stated by both former PMS. When Boris Johnston came to power he promised he would look at the Women’s Pension debacle with a fresh pair of eyes! He must have had them shut as well as his ears as he certain’t isn’t listening. I hope we fight on for what we are entitled to and let’s face it we have been the backbone of this country and saved this country millions on caring for families, parents and working in many jobs during our working life with no equal pay or pension. So 19 50s women use your vote wisely and send Boris Johnston a message. We are not going away, we will fight, you will listen and we will win.


  21. You have not done basic research using information freely available in the public domain, David. Consequently your piece contains errors of fact. You should read the links I have sent you and make the necessary corrections.

    This is not the first time you have falsely alleged that WASPI Ltd. is seeking to deny women their full pensions. Given that, I am not surprised that they won’t talk to you.

    Regarding Loughton and Harris, I have no idea what you said in your emails to them, but if it included any of the allegations in this piece, again I am not surprised they have not responded. Apart from anything else, they would expect a lobby correspondent to do proper research before approaching them for comment. It is painfully evident that you have not bothered to do so.

    As far as the quality of your journalism is concerned, if the sole standard by which you judge yourself is how many clicks you get, you are indeed a disgrace to journalism.

    Liked by 3 people

    • I think it is you are the disgrace as a commentator.As usual you are wrong. As I did put these points to the MPs, they were completely at liberty to reply and correct me. Rather than that they remained silent. As for Waspi Ltd they are on record that they do not want women to get full restitution – ie the restoration of their full pension. Neither do you. And they described these proposals as creative which I take as supportive. You don’t know what is going on in the minds of these MPs- but the normal procedure is when an accredited lobby journalist asks them a question, they should acknowledge it and reply.
      Frankly they should know me better, silence only makes me more determined to pursue an issue because it makes me think they have something to hide by not making matters clear. In the past this led in the cases of Neil Hamilton and Peter Mandelson having to resign.

      Liked by 3 people

      • Dear David. Good on ya. Rancid Coppola. What a disgrace that female is to the rest of us. She is a first class troll. Why was she sitting in on this??? Answer, she has always said we are too expensive. The echo chamber of the elite. Why was Back to 60 chucked out??? You are doing a fabulous job and should be canonised in your own lifetime. Even though you are a bloke! That’s a joke by the way.


    • And you are a disgrace .you are obviously a very sad person if all you can do is run people down .because they want what they paid in all there lives .you speak on here like we all trash .we have worked all our lives .so you take your opin ion about us and David’s journalism and shove it where the sun don’t shine . and I can tell you if I ever met you .i would shove it there myself you are a sick TROLL


      • I’m a disgrace you betcha I will fight tooth and claw to get what I have worked for since I was fifteen . I would suggest you pull your head out of your arse .you don’t know my life so keep your comments to your self obviously your not in a bad way .just another trouble making troll .go away and leave decent women to fight our battle . Susan Taylor sadly typical is it.only posh people suffering then .language not how you were brought up let me give you a clue we don’t care about trolls like you just trouble makers.go away in jerky are the disgusting ones .taking the micky out of people’s suffering . karma is a lovely leveler . Let’s hope you both get yours soon hey . Bye the way I thought long and hard about what I’ve written to you both yep still feel as disgusted by you both.

        Liked by 1 person

    • Sadly typical of who Susan? Please explain who and what is sadly typical please. I’m intrigued by your comment to Dawn I take it.?


      • don’t you feel sorry for people like Susan, ? all they have to do all day is troll people they feel are not of there social standing. I have been insulted by far better people than these two. i am proud of being working class , such a shame people like that get there pleasures trying to make ladies who are fighting for the pensions that they had every right to expect . keep up the fight I Will .


      • Good girl Dawn. Song for today is. The Frog Song. We all stand together. Ok? Lynne xxx. Ps. If we ever get to London to demonstrate, this is the song to sing. Sink or swim. The trolley women and men can sink because we will keep swimming.

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    • Blimey, I hope I get back more than I’ve worked for. I sent for my record of NI contributions and I’m hoping to get back much more than I paid in. If they gave me back my contributions and added my employers contributions and interest then I would be up the creek in a couple of years

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  22. Hansard describes APPGs as talking shops with no power to make laws or enforce them whatsoever.
    Harris & Loughton can talk to the hand ‘cos the face ain’t listening.
    To make their ridiculously insulting idea work, they need Govt support to do it. Tories lso need votes. We have 4m votes to spend wisely and they had all better remember that fact. Harris and Loughton are living off th fat of the land with their MPs pension which was voted – by MPs – to protect for those within 10 years of retirement. They are greedy hipocrites with NO MANDATE or AUTHORITY to negotiate away rights that are not theirs.

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  23. This is exactly what was put out ages ago, it was denied by Waspi Ltd ladies that I know (although I jumped ship months back)
    I feel for everyone but for those who have fought so hard, campaigned protested for years now like Ann Keen of Waspi Campaign2018 for example and others who now Hv their pension, or for likes me finally Jan2020 it’s a gut wrenching proposal.
    Lots of us in debt up to our eyeballs, I Hv already have had the indignity attending job centre. Infact this year since April I Hv had no work at all. Not helped by breaking ankle in August.
    So I Hv nothing more to lose than fight on.The pressure is slightly less for me now but that’s due to my brother and son giving me a total £16k these last years.I have sold something I would dearly Hv liked to keep of mums and it had such history.I sold vehicle £10k.
    But it’s my health that will suffer living in a house I intended to put central heating in but can’t afford.My windows run with water and my clothes smell damp.
    We shouldn’t just get our pensions back we should be paid damages.
    I found my pension age had gone up to 62.7 months in 2011 as I wanted pack up work care for mum thinking that aged 57/8 I would manage if my other half put in few extra hours.
    But finding out I had nearly 6 more yrs at that point. To my horror I looked computer again (as splitting up) that Gov’t had added another 3 yrs.
    Total for me 65.7yrs started work Sept69. I couldn’t afford stay in the house I had worked so hard to renovate for five years, I had to move to an area 80 miles away from family and start afresh.I bought another wreck in a scruffy area and this time had to live in that wreck.
    I am not exaggerating when I tell you
    I had no bath no sinks showers, just flexihose attached to water pipe, a toilet pedestal with no cistern to flush. I had to leave furniture behind give away for free as I lived bottom of steep hill without immediate vehicle access.
    I couldn’t move in the few things I had left as house such state which cost me to store.My fridge was cold box and I bought a bag of ice every couple days. So I have nothing to lose. This will effect rest of my life.
    But so far I am lucky I Hv three 1950’s and one 1960 friend breast cancer,one in recovery one hers returned and the other stage four. My friend Age 62 ‘Bonnie’ died few months ago stomach cancer also paying bedroom tax(that’s another story) and I Hv funeral 15/11 friend ex work colleague literally only just 60 died lung cancer, single one son.My parents friends were not dying around them at such young age and speed as mine are. The Living Longer Myth!
    When I write it down no wonder I get so bloody angry.
    I hear comments by Waspi Ltd about being ‘dignified’ feck that I am passed that. I guess I am a 21st century Suffragist not a Suffragette.
    It made me think ‘where do I get this strength from’? Then I remember the family stories. Mum and her mate downing tools in munitions factory demanding equal pay. Yeh! Just the two of them😆Dad in May46 stuck in Malta wanting get home after war accused but found not guilty of mutiny along with ranked officers, banged up in Valletta Prison for 28 days.
    My son joined guards union despite being train driver so he could come out in support of guards losing thousands pounds in pay in the process. I am so proud of them all. We have to at least try to fight injustice or we have already lost the fight.
    I will always remember the wonderful ladies that I have met these last years and it’s been an honour to do battle alongside you.
    The Clippy

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  24. We are not seeking job seekers we are seeking our pensions. Women use your votes to get rid of these people who don’t give a toss about us why would they pompous arrogant people with their big pensions who have no idea what doing manual work is like for 44 years don’t settle for anything less than your pensions all women stand and stick together to fight this injustice to the end we are fighting for all of us and for the women who never made it to see their pensions .Shame on the government Use your votes wisely These people are playing with people’s lives mentally physically and financially

    Liked by 1 person

  25. Is this a joke? 6 years exactly I have to wait. The exact amount of years my darling husband drew his SP before passing. I Dont get any.of his SP.
    How am I meant to live????
    I worked for 45 years. Prepared for reetiring at 60 . But found myself at 62 looking for a job. Grieving and worrying about money. Shame on you. !!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Its is a very sick joke Sally, I will have paid 48 full contributions when I start to receive my SP on 6th May 2020 and I will be 65 years 10 months old. My Husband passed away in December 2013 aged 60 so never drew any of his pension. Unlike you though I have just been told I am entitled to £19.00 a week from my Husband’s Pension, but not until I start getting my SP next year. If these morons seriously expect us to accept what they propose, I think they are deluded and so are Waspi Ltd too, we have come so far with the help of David and lots of people, make all our votes count ladies and punish those who have caused us so much grief & anxiety.


      • Well said. Ditto everything you say. I have aged about 20 years in the last 3 and half years. Can’t afford to do anything thats fun. Then there is housing, bills, dentists, glasses, hairdressers, clothes, shoes etc etc etc. It’s all so dispiriting.

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  26. And these proposals do not affect the big issue…the raising of the State Pension Ages. Women born in the 1950s (and 1960s don’t forget) are highlighting an issue that should be of concern to all, young and older, men and women. Those women born in 1950s and 1960s should be allowed to retire at age they were promised when they started work. Men too. Then look at the ages going forward . Perhaps have a max of 65 with a gradual phase in for 1970s+ born. A fair compromise I suspect, even though whether the ages should be equal is debatable. In the meantime, I am sure politicians would like an easy quick fix to paper over the cracks.


  27. I think you’ve misinterpreted this, David. Surely as Norma has posted, this would be the case. The dates don’t make sense, David. The only ones who won’t be 63,or over, on, say, 1 Jan 2020, are those born from 2 January 1957! So everyone born from 1 Jan 1950 up to, and including, 1/1/1957 will be 63 and over, surely? Born 1/1/1957 add 63 years is 1/1/2020. The ones you say it won’t include, it actually would include. The only ones not included would be, if the day it came into force was 1/1/2020, would be DOB 2/1/1957 to 31/12/1959 inclusive.


    • Its all a mind boggling smokescreen. No sense to it at all. Imagine you waited 5 years plus over 60 years of age for your sp then look at the ones who can have something at 63. What bloody justice is that. And, then me having to wait another 2 plus years. How many tiers of pensioner’s do they want.? Always jam tomorrow, some time never. And looking at anyone born before 1951 getting theirs at 60. Outrageous.

      Liked by 2 people

    • Norma has misunderstood and yourself but perhaps this is because the article may not have been entirely clear (although David has mentioned the point further on in the article.) The ages mean for those OVER 63 WHO HAVE NOT YET REACHED STATE PENSION AGE (presumably by the time any legislation went through). It’s the “not yet reached state pension age” that means so many millions would miss out. Those women who have lost 5-6 years of pension from age 60 and many who have campaigned tirelessly and have had to sell their homes, sell their possessions, take loans from family and banks, got into debt, near starved with no heating, have become sick from the anxiety and so much more – would get nothing. Maybe it would be helpful if the article was a little bit clearer and the above parts put in capitals to raise attention to it. This is an appalling proposal and a disgrace from those MPs who were supposed to be caring about 50s women and accepting it was an ‘injustice’. Foul play here.

      Liked by 3 people

      • Thanks ,Annette, I realised that later. But, even if it is from age 63, up to SPA, women born in 1955 would still get some help, for a short time, if it came in in 2020, as they don’t reach SPA until 2021.(as would some ’54 born depending on their DOB, of course, and when it came into force in 2020) Those born 1956 would too, as they don’t reach SPA until 2022.


      • It’s not that Norma Roberts doesn’t understand. She’s well known in twitter as a troll of 1950’s women.


  28. I missed the cut off date for being able to retire at 60 six years ago.
    I had to work a further 5 and a half years.
    What planet do these two MP;s live on that makes them think it;s okay to make this stupid suggestion.
    In Scotland we get free prescriptions and bus pass, I am now receiving my State Pension as of April this year (5 years & 6 months late) why would I want to claim E S A.
    I am 66 next month, I want full restitution of my pension.
    Please stop trying to hoodwink us and insult our intelligence, 50’s women use your vote to change the government, we won’t have to put up with it much longer, it will be the 12 December before we know it.
    I for one am sick of being insulted by our so called representatives in government.


  29. As David has explained this it just gets crazier and crazier! I was born 31 Jan 1955, so I could, potentially get nothing! I will have used up a huge chunk of my paltry savings to get me to SPA January 2021 after first being informed at the age of 58 that my SPA WOULD be end Nov 2019. Then the massive hike of another 14 months to 66. This is the killer blow for many women. It has been a huge struggle to get to 64 and 9 months but the real struggle starts now. Unable to continue working but not able to claim benefits due to tiny work pension. I am just existing. Scared to buy anything incase an unexpected bill arrives or I need to replace something. How am I supposed to go on? No doubt there would be no hurry to implement this proposal so 1955 born women get nothing! !!!! This is a shambles. Please please please can someone help us?????

    Liked by 2 people

  30. Disgusting, we’ve been robbed of thousands of pounds and this is all they can come up with! We have been treated with the utmost contempt, and how waspi can agree with this beggars belief. I will never trust a politician again. As for waspi, this is not what we have been fighting for. Shame on all of you.

    Liked by 1 person

  31. I would love to swap my pension with anyone of the politicians for 1 year only then ad gladly hand it back as I am 67 years old so would save thousands of their money into my own account and live happily ever after !!!!!


  32. As a woman born in 1953 this con by two MPs aided and abetted by Waspi is absolutely disgusting! We paid in and we want what is rightfully ours ie Back to 60!! If they think we have no chance with the Appeal why do they want us not to appeal before they agree this pathetic handout to a small proportion of women affected and with all the strings attached. Come on Jeremy Corbyn if you can find shed loads of money to nationalise railways, utilities etc promise full restitution to 1950’s women and the 3.9 million votes will help you win the election as Boris Johnson is not going to put it in his manifesto! Keep up the good work David Hencke!

    Liked by 2 people

  33. FULL Restitution is the only right and proper solution to this MASSIVE INJUSTICE!! It’s illegal and Imoral to suggest anything other to the 3.8 million woman affected by this issue right now.

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  34. These waspi Do NOT SPEAK FOR ME I was born in the 50’s I have paid my NI in full now they should pay out with full RESTITUTION and back dated to our 60th birthday our full pension which the government have stolen. We was given little or even NO NOTICE of our pension being robbed from us, we do NOT want half measures or a deal we want what is rightfully ours.

    Liked by 3 people

  35. Hi. Backto60 need to keep fighting this.
    All women Ben in the 1950’s deserve full restitution of their pension and nothing less. They will not divide and conquer us. Because we stand together on this


  36. This is devastating news and should be published in every newspaper . No newspaper has supported us .The Sunday times gave 2 3 inch by 4 inch space on the back page !! How dare they think they can manipulate us women with this planned outcome !!! I think we should still fight and the member of parliament who has the strength and courage to fight for us will win our votes hand down .
    The coal miners fishermen strikes all those years ago where did it get them no where only deprivation
    poverty and an early grave . I believe we are going back 50 years and that is the outcome they want for us 50s Women . We will not give in !!!

    Liked by 2 people

  37. I don’t understand! I was born Sept 1954. In one sentence it says “only offer compensation to women aged 63 and over” which means I am in this group as I am now 65…… BUT in the next sentence it says’ “all women born between April 1950 and Dec 1956 are excluded from getting a penny”. I am also in this group. So which would be correct?

    Liked by 1 person

    • I will try and clarify this – actually it depends on when and if the present government decide this should start. If it has to go through a private members bill procedure it will take ages and I will surprised if anyone gets anything in the end. If it was agreed in a future Budget I can’t really see it happening until April 2021 at the earliest. Even if this happens their present scheme would require amendments to primary legislation- particularly over pension credit payments. What is clear is that the moment you reach pension age you will get nothing. and what you will get from 63 is only £73.10 a week compared to the full present state pension of £168.10 a week.

      Liked by 2 people

    • Pam Shallcrass. I’m October 54 born and so in the same boat as you. It seems we are to be the ones who will be suffering the full, extra six years with no compensation or backpayment when they do reduce the SPA or offer contingency arrangements for those coming up behind us who have no other income. The sacrificial lambs. And I’m bloody furious! To say this has ruined me life is not an overstatement.

      Liked by 1 person

      • This is the first thing that made me smile about this whole situation Lynne, please thank your husband for me and thank you for sharing it,


      • Husband is delighted to make you ☺

        On Sat, 2 Nov 2019, 14:51 Westminster Confidential, wrote:

        > naylor1954 commented: “This is the first thing that made me smile about > this whole situation Lynne, please thank your husband for me and thank you > for sharing it,” >

        Liked by 1 person

  38. We CANNOT ACCEPT THIS OFFER!!!!!! They will not even take off the extra year we got lumbered with for the sake of AUSTERITY!!! To make us work 6yrs more and still have to pay N.I. When we have already paid enough years.
    It is better to let it go to the HIGH COURT and take our chances there, we might get a better outcome than from these PIGS WITH THEIR SNOUTS IN THE TROUGH!!!!!!


  39. David the £159 a week quoted was the full state pension at that time so the APPG are not suggesting a lower pension for life.
    This was all discussed 2 years ago so I’m not sure why you bring it up now.

    Liked by 3 people

  40. We have been sold down the river it’s called double standards. Not impressed. Thank you to all the people fighting hard on our behalf.


  41. Tory’s have a long history of robbery recently under the guise of harsh and extreme austerity. As far back as Thatcher a large percentage of Britain still vote for a tory government despite that long history of daylight robbery and the accompanying deaths caused by those extremes. It is like turkeys voting for Christmas and if any over 60’s women robbed by this government vote for Boris and his mob that brutal oppression will continue . Only a change of government of any other description will loosen that grip of an extreme tory austerity boot and one way for those hard done to women to get at least a modicum of payback while the courts endlessly extend that misery to women who also may be dying from the repercussions of Cameron / Osborne’s brutal pension changes. The Houses of Parliament are a quagmire of corruption but always the harshest decisions come from a hard line extreme tory boot and there is clear historical evidence of that. If the election does kick out those responsible the new regime must make restitution a top priority. A tory majority wont give that restitution a second look.

    Liked by 2 people

  42. Double standards everywhere. The court said that the Government was right to try to equalise retirement ages to prevent discrimination against men. This week, we heard in the news that women over 40 are still being paid much less (50%] than men. Is that equality? If we 50s women had been paid the same as men for doing equal or equivalent work, maybe we could have paid more into private pensions and would not now be needing the state pension we were promised. They want their cake and eat it too. Let’s hope, with David’s help, they won’t get it.

    Liked by 1 person

  43. What a disgrace you should be ashamed of yourself want my pension from 60 MY MONEY bring back ROBIN HOOD you robbing thieves AMEN 🙏


  44. They are suggesting then that those women like myself, already 65years old and no doubt 66 before any of this is implemented, will get nothing. Whilst those aged 63 will be eligible for these proposed payments for the 3 years until they reach 66? How can that be right? We are the ones who will have lost the most of all the 50s born women if that’s the case. I will deeply resent that.


  45. David, This proposal although totally unacceptable doesn’t even consider the situation for all expat ladies either. They always seem to be totally forgotten in the isolationist thinking of MP’s. Mike (expat frozen pensions campaigner in Australia)


  46. I wonder if that struggle over WASPI committee was something to do with it. They chucked out their leader and I was disgusted and dropped out of the local group. They became so powerful vested interests jumped on the bandwagon.
    I believe they should offer lump sums. 17k lump sum for all women with occupational pensions under 17k pa (The others achieved equality), 30k for all carers, those living alone or single.
    We must not accept reduced pension for life!!!!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  47. We must not accept reduced pension for life, or paltry amounts for carers, single women or those with small or no occupational pensions. I think WASPI board underwent a takeover by people calling themselves professionals some time back.
    30k lump sum for all eligible is what we should ask for.
    Never vote Tory.. it’s a vote for American pharmaceuticals and wealthy who see people as pawns.


  48. Just seen that Boris is planning to raise state pension to £175.20 a rise of 3.9%! This is to get the ‘older’ people to come and vote in the general election! No pension of Back to 60 restitution!!!!! It makes me feel very depressed and to be honest I have no words left to say. He hasn’t even acknowledged the letter sent by the mp’s but he wants our vote. Well he won’t be getting mine!!!!!


      • Judi. Still talking bullshit I see. Of course it’s s a vote catcher for the elderly who some have had a pension for 30 plus years. Of course it is. Do you think that we are all uneducated in politics. We are not I assure you. But thank you so much for clarifying your position as usual. Which is against the majority of us.


  49. Brilliant article. Shows exactly what is on offer for those 50’s women who have been betrayed by politicians. My wife has had over £40,000 stolen from her in lost pension. Nothing being proposed helps her at all. How can this be fair?

    Liked by 1 person

  50. Except I Hv lost £48k not £30k
    I read a comment from lad whose husband died and the ONLY money she had coming in is £100 per month widows pension. Having lost him recently after caring for him, I don’t suppose she feels like she would have the strength body or soul to face The Job Centre.

    Liked by 2 people

  51. Thank you for your hard work on this issue David.
    I would just like to add that as I reached 65 in March and pension age in September, I moved straight away to Spain to live with relatives, in general disgust and unable to live on my pension in England. What use is a signing on and benefits option to a person in my position. The fact remains that I paid in for my pension and I don’t see any reason why the government feel entitled to steal it from me.

    Liked by 1 person

  52. We cannot accept a reduced pension for life, what’s the point of going through all the fund raising and courts to get a reduced pension !!!!!

    That would still leave a lot of us struggling, it is not ACCEPTABLE!!!!!!!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  53. They just don’t get it!!!! We need a decent amount more or less the same as what we should be getting if we had our pension. We cannot manage on the ‘crumbs’ they are offering. How would they feel if they were in our shoes? It’s just as if they are in a position of ‘authority and power’ they can just treat the ordinary people with contempt!

    I hope at some point they are treated in the same way.


  54. Sorry but I don’t trust Corbyn….
    He said he would help before and didn’t
    Unless he does something before the elections! He’s not getting my vote and my family vote
    Don’t trust Boris as well!

    We want something done before the elections.

    Liked by 1 person

    • That is what I meant in my posting, unless what is written in the article is confirmed before the election I won’t believe it. I can say without a second thought though that Boris or any other Conservative leader will ever get my vote.


      • Naylor54. I think there is a small glimmer on the horizon. Its almost 2020 which means that thanks to us women from the 1950s, the first 60th birthdays of the 1960s women are now upon them. In the last week alone 3 women and their partners have been ranting at me about losing around £50k. They are fuming and worried they will raise the age again. Just like us they are feeling knackered. Some of them have their own businesses but they want their dues just like us. Its not much but we are growing in numbers and anger. Their husbands are fuming as well as its affected all their old age retirement plans. They can’t retire as they had thought they could. These are not down and out people(like me)!!!!! just in case the usual trolls want to comment. Like us all, 60 is a big birthday to find a whole tenth of your retirement age is stolen because of theft by a 21st century government. Just thought I say that.


  55. David, as I have already this proposal is so unfair. I have dipped out of a pension at 60 as I was “too young “, now this implies I will be “too old” to get any sort of help. How can a group of women just be disregarded? It is crazy and awful. I hear what others are saying but I feel that working to 60 and 3 months, or 62 and 8 months was doable , unfair as no or little notice. But from 63 onwards it has been such a struggle financially and the real hammer blow was the 2011 increase. If there is only going to be limited help should this be considered, reverse the 2011 act and let us retire at the first increase, in my case 64 and 10 months? Still hugely unfair but the proposal is really missing the point that women younger than me would get support!!!! I need help, I need help now. I have struggled to get where I am and unable to continue to work. I live on my own and had such a small amount of savings for my older years which are being used to survive. None of this is my fault, I have worked since I was 16, raised my daughter alone I have managed my finances as best I could unlike the goverment who have pilfered NI contributions. They are at fault not me. I need help and I need it now


  56. This is an absolute disgrace and a further slap in the face to 50’s women .
    All 50’s women owe it to themselves to make sure the Tory party are not allowed to continue this disgraceful behaviour and should be fighting to get the full amount they paid in and be reimbursed for the years they have been made to wait.


  57. You couldn’t make this up. Our government is unbelievable. We could possibly claim job seekers allowance, but to then be classed as a loan and receive a reduced pension. I have worked all my life and been fortunate enough to clear any financial debt accrued over the years. Retired at 60 without a pension, chose not to claim jobseekers allowance and be a burden on the government. Now they basically want me to go into debt. I WILL NOT GO BEGGING OR ACCRUE DEBT. I paid in and government plundered our pension.

    Liked by 1 person

    • The GOVERNMENT keep saying that the ‘younger generation’ N.I. Contributions pay for our PENSIONS, but they neglect to say that THEY and PREVIOUS GOVERNMENTS neglected to pay into the N.I. FUND. They don’t want to admit that all GOVERNMENTS past and present are largely responsible for our and future pensioner having to work longer.

      They are all liars, and will not admit to any mistakes that they make.

      Liked by 2 people

  58. Thank God I live in Scotland and can vote SNP, they have pledged to increase pensions to bring them in line with other European countries once we are independent.


    • I live in Scotland too but would never vote SNP if they paid me and they were the last party on earth. They’ve also lied about manifesto promises and as I said in previous posts we can only achieve this if we stick together as one nation the United Kingdom. If we were separate countries we would not have a hope in hell of getting anything. They’re all full of promises until they’ve been voted in.


  59. The problem with the whole women’s SPA equalisation is that everyone seems to want different things. Some say they agree with equalisation, but they didn’t know about the change and they want compensation, others in that situation want help until SPA ,and some want full restitution. Then you get the ones ( like me) who knew, in good time, and agree with equalisation and, although they may not be happy about it, they are prepared to wait and get their SP at the same age as a man, but they do think that anyone who is struggling should get help. Also in this group who knew are those who disagree with it and feel they should have some transitional payments until SPA, whatever their financial circumstances. Then there are those who knew in good time, but disagree with it and they just want their SPA to be 60 again, no ifs, no buts! Add into the mix that some understand how SP is funded, but some don’t. Those that don’t, have the feeling of being “robbed”, because they believe their NI is saved for them,(it isn’t) and paid back at SPA. They don’t understand that NI isn’t saved for us, but used to pay pensioners at that time – NI paid this week,by workers, pays this week’s SP for current pensioners. This is how it has always worked, and it only works because a percentage of people, sadly, die before SPA. Most of us only pay enough NI for about 5 to 10 years of SP. If we draw for longer, it is, in effect, the NI of those who died before SPA (and high earners) who pay for the difference. In short, hardly anyone pays enough, in actual money, for their own SP, our NI is not saved in a pot for us but used to pay state pensions now, and the NI of those who die, before SPA, helps the whole thing keep ticking over. If we all lived to SPA NI would go bust. Lastly, this thing about being promised our SP at 60, we weren’t. We were promised SP at SPA, it just happened to be 60 when we started work that’s all. Prior to that it had been 65. Those who say they signed to get it at 60, no you didn’t, what you signed for, when you stopped paying married woman’s stamp, was to get a SP in your own right, not based on your husband’s contributions, that was all. 60 was only mentioned as that was the SPA, for women, at that time. There are so many misunderstandings around this whole matter, and so many women wanting different things, is it any wonder it’s all a mess! I agree the gov should have explained things better, notice should have been better and , in my opinion, the SP should never have been “sold” to us as a pension, because it isn’t a proper pension, where you pay in and get back just what you pay in. It’s a contribution based benefit I.E we all pay in, different amounts, as it’s a percentage of income, and that money is pooled, and then shared out to pay everyone the same basic SP, regardless of how much NI they’ve paid in. And, because it’s a benefit, not a proper pension, this is why government can alter the terms and conditions, because they promise us a SP at SPA, but the SPA can be changed by government, as can the amount of pension we get. This is why the government have done nothing illegal, if it was a pension, and we all actually just got back what we paid in, it would be different, enforceable, but SP, as regards when you get it, and how much you get, comes under the same rules as all contribution based benefits I.E Government can change the rules and the qualifying criteria.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thank you, Norma Roberts, for this clear explanation of the NI system. Whatever we ultimately want to achieve from our campaigning, it does us no favours to be financially illiterate. My personal view is that the 2011 Act was too much, too soon, and I would love to see that overturned. I also wish we had a benefits system that is kinder to those aged 60-plus in recognition of the fact that their health often isn’t very good, even though they’re not necessarily classed as disabled, and it’s almost impossible to find work at that age. One question I do have, though, is that I often read comments from women who believe that, had their NI contributions been invested wisely, the pension bought by these would be huge. I’d be interested to know what is your view on that, purely from the point of view of the arithmetic, rather than the principle involved, which you’ve already covered?

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for comprehensive reply,

      There does seem to have been an injustice here of a change made too quickly with insufficient transitional relief and insufficient publicity so some people were genuinely unaware.

      However in an environment of imposed change by private and public sector employers of other pension schemes. (NPA for multiple public sector schemes were moved from 60 to 65 to 66 to whatever SPA is), full compensation and let’s just go back to pension at 60 is not going to happen.

      Liked by 1 person

    • I did not mean to like this post. You make me laugh when you say we cannot have a pension because the governments haven’t taken enough from us to last our lifetime. So, what shall we do then? Euthanize all the over 75s then? No? How on earth can you spout your rubbish that we will live too long. Are we, the 1950s and 1960s onwards people supposed to accept that because we are born after 1950 we can go without whilst born before 1950 can have a full triple lock pension. The government waste enormous amounts of money and they and the judiciary will and do not go short of anything, some born after 1950 cannot afford heating, food or a toilet roll. You can be as sanctimonious as you like. We were robbed as though we are nothing because of our birthday.


  60. To Norma Roberts and Frances Coppola, why don’t both of you mention that GOVERNMENTS past and present stopped paying into the N.I. Fund that exasperated this Pension fiasco!!!!!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Me Too Angela I did it yesterday as did my family and friends, hoepfullythere will be an announcement very soon I have heard rumours something is imminent.


    • I say vote them out !
      Organise a demonstration outside Side parliament …….
      Now !
      Can’t reach Nigel Farage to get his views on this matter.

      I won’t be voting for anyone unless it’s going to get them out ,
      Patronising basters 🤬


    • I’ll be interested in what JC will say.
      Some level of change I would not be surprised
      Let’s move SPA back to 60 is not going to happen


  61. Is it right that MPs get their pensions aged 60?
    If so how can you expect them to have any empathy or understanding for us!!!

    It is about time these MP’s made ordinary people’s lives better
    The gap between us and them in all parties are a chasm.
    It is about time they listened to the voters in our democracy
    We were promised our State Pension at 60,in any other situation this would amount to a breach of contract.
    If there is any justice in the UK we will be given our full pensions back
    This is people versus The Establishment😡

    Liked by 1 person

  62. Any lady who hasn’t got on to the labour manifesto website let them know what we want in there manifesto back to 60 awarded full restitution. That’s worth 3.8m votes let him know are terms


    • Interesting and important article and comments here thank you David
      Just wondering what our Queen thoughts may be regarding us 1950s women struggling physically mentally and emotionally whilst to make ends meet and having 6 extra years to wait to receive our pension !
      Also wondering if there are any high profile female celebrities born in the 1950s that are or may wish to support the backto60 campaign and raise awareness of how many women are affected and are living in poverty !
      I also have lost trust in politicians who make promises they do not keep.
      Are there any real, compassionate empathetic ones around who really mean what they say and will fulfil what they promise…God knows !


  63. I’m not sure why the article is having a go at 2 backbench MPs trying to improve the situation even if only modestly and not at the Front Bench of the various Parties re what would they do if they are in power.

    A back bench private members bill has little chance of getting through and even less chance if it commits to expenditure. You need a government committed to a change.

    What specifically do you want?
    Which Party will deliver it?

    Vote for them on Dec 12.


    • Dan. Most of my articles are aimed at the front benches. This one is different because those who say they are friendly to the cause of 50swomen will not spell out exactly what they are asking for the 50swomen yet claim to represent all 3.8 million. I have asked twice for an explanation so my readers can be properly informed. But my questions are ignored and I am subject to abuse professionally instead. What suddenly became clear when combined with a FOI asking for an official breakdown of the number of women born in different years is that a large swathe of the women would get nothing under their proposals. They are those who have either already got or will have got their pension by the time any compensation is paid. This is not being made clear to these women by the MPs. This is unfair because quite of number of them who have contacted me say they had to cash in their second pension or even sell their home before they reach the new pension age. They are left in poverty. They also find employers are reluctant to take on 60 year old people because of health problems or, as some tell me, employers saying why should I train you when you are going to leave the day you get your pension. An additional fact is that they say some should get pension credit but that requires changes to primary legislation which I would be surprised this would be tolerated by a government agreeing to the change in a private members bill.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Well said David I totally agree. Do these people not realise that we have no quibble about an equal pension age but it’s the way it was done to us. We had no opportunity to save for our retirement and neither did we have decent wages that we would have needed to save for a decent retirement. They just don’t get this do they.

        Liked by 2 people

    • That’s all well & good Dan, but even though many of us have contacted the parties to ask what they are will to do for us since the election was announced. all we get is there is going to be a big announcement within 2 weeks and 2 weeks is almost up. I have already said the party that promises what we ask or near to it, will get my vote, but they are not even bothering to give us any answers. I will not waste my vote as too many women fought to get it for us, but at this precise moment I only know that the Conservatives (Boris) who promised to do more to help us in his selection campaign, has now totally back tracked on what he said, would be the last party I would vote for.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Dan poor deluded man that you are. There is no one to vote for, again. People don’t trust any of them anymore. Read people’s stories further down the page and imagine yourself in their situation if you have the intelligence to do that, which I doubt. We do not want placating. We want justice on our pensions just like the MPs have (a gold plated guatantee) that they will have money when they are old. The Judges got it, the Fire brigade got it in court, but, alas, we the 1950s and increasingly 1960s workforces summarily dismissed like we are worthless by the Judges!!!!! . Well I’m worth it Dan and so are us all. What are you doing on this site anyway?

      Liked by 1 person

  64. What I cannot understand is why it is it left to David to try & make sense of the proposals put forward by the AAPG & communicate them to us?

    Why isn’t clear feedback about the proposals put forward at the meeting being given by various groups who’s representatives were in attendance to support the views and interests of 1950s women and pensioners? Regardless as to whether we agree or disagree with any proposal made , surely we have a right to know what these proposals were?

    I can understand why people are voicing their frustration with politicians but we should not loose sight of the fact that after the election we will have a new Government long before the outcome the legal appeal ( assuming leave to appeal is given). This new Government will be in a position to ignore us or help us and if only one thing is has been made clear it is that the Conservatives will not help us.

    Rather than not voting as a form of protest surely it makes sense to vote against the Conservatives in favour of a party more likely to help us ?


    • To Lesley. I completely agree with you. Why aren’t the Back to 60 broadcasting their stance openly.?? Why is David the voice of us all, the 1950s women and men and increasingly the 1960s who are just waking up to having their pensions taken perhaps forever? Is Joanne Welch too busy for us? Thats how it seems to me. Are we just poor pawns in her and others attempt at glory for themselves? Personally, I feel David has done a lot more for us. Even though we have got precisely nowhere in 3 and a half years.


      • Lesley
        Don’t knock Joanne Walsh
        She has worked her but off for 5 years!
        Living on nothing
        To support us women… and get us to court.
        She is not after glory!
        I wonder what you have done !

        Get off your but and demonstrate instead of
        Slagging other people off😡

        Liked by 1 person

      • Marie. My name is Lynne not Lesley. And I am allowed my opinion. I would rather demonstrate any day of the week every week. I have crowd funded twice. But, would rather have all of that money spent on newspaper adverts and indeed demonstrating in London or anywhere. Don’t shout at me Marie because you don’t like how I feel about the whole long winded and totally ineffectual campaign.


    • Couldn’t agree more Lesley with all you have said, the Conservatives will not be getting my vote. That said, I have emailed the Labour Party about putting 50s Women SPA on their Manifesto and never even got a reply. I am being bombarded each day with emails off both parties, some asking for donations and others about different things but none of them mention our Pension. Labour promised a big announcement within a couple of weeks, those couple of weeks have passed and nothing, I am sick of the lot of them. I will definitely not waste my vote but like many of us am struggling to put my faith in any of them.


  65. Hi Ladies, can you log onto Martin Lewis’ website “Money Saving Expert” As he has a link there with a list of questions we would like him to ask party leaders. One of the questions is about our case. The questions that get the most votes will be asked at a part leaders debate. Please, if you can log on and boost our votes so he can ask the question direct. The leaders will probably spin us a load of rubbish but it’s another way to get it highlighted. Thanks if you can manage this.

    Liked by 1 person

      • Just done it Lynne
        Thankyou for the Link we have the most votes so far. So please Ladies go on to the Martin Lewis website and vote for 50s Ladies inequality and if we keep getting the most votes the question will be put to corbyn BJ and other party leaders they will have to answer the question on what they will do to help us Remember the more Ladies even Gents that vote on this the better share it too.

        Liked by 1 person

    • Done mine and spread the word and there are now 7,253 votes (63 %) which is way above any of the other questions, but surely 7.253 is poor considering there 3.5 million Ladies fighting for justice, come on Ladies/Gents/Friends/Family.


      • Good morning ladies, thanks to everyone who has voted on Martin Lewis’ site, I am going to try to email him today to find out when this debate will be broadcast and what channel. I will put it on the site if I get any information as I want to watch this to see them all squirm.
        Thanks again we’re all in this together 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      • Many thanks Maria for keeping us updated I would love to see them squirm too and i am sure all us 50s ladies will as well. Hope you get a response soon. Meanwhile Martin Lewis website keep voting Ladies….


      • I’m feeling poetic……..

        My pension has been stolen. I’m living in the gutter.
        I’m sure the party leaders aren’t, they’ve got my bread and butter.
        They say “it’s not our fault”, so that must make it mine.
        I never thought I’d say this
        But they’re ALL a load of swine.

        Any contributions gratefully accepted to this Ode Ladies and Men all.


      • Want to smile about that incoherent tosser called Doris johnson. Google. Naga Munchetty grills him about why voters should vote for him. Bbc1 news this morning I believe. I’m only sorry I did not see it live. Doris s is an actual moron. You wil not believe it you really won’t. Lynne.


      • Hi ladies I’ve sent a message to Martin Lewis team asking them when the debate will take place and on what channel, I will update you all when I get a reply.


        Liked by 1 person

      • Now standing at 12,053 and top of the questions ladies, so hopefully we will get the publicity from the debate, it can only be good for our cause. Thank you Maria for taking the time to get the information for us.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Thankyou for updating us naylor1954 it is very much appreciated. Wow over 12000 votes.. and can be so many more yet. Get voting Ladies martin lewis website. I’ve done it…… the more support the better it is for us we are all in this togather.


      • No probs Lynn anything I find that will heal pour cause I will post, it’s a shame its taken something like this for us all to be in touch but at least we know we’re not alone in this fight.


      • No probs Lynn anything I find that will help our cause I will post, it’s a shame its taken something like this for us all to be in touch but at least we know we’re not alone in this fight.

        Liked by 2 people

      • Thanks Angela that’s the first I’ve heard of a date, I’ll keep a look out, if we all keep each other updated with anything new it’s a help 🙂👍


  66. Ode to the 1950s Women.
    Part 2.
    Now I’m wishing I was older and nearer to the grave
    Cos’ then I’d have my pension and I know how to behave.
    The bus pass will be lovely
    I’ve never had a car
    If I get my old age pension you might join me in the bar
    They want us on the “seekers” for jobs we’d never get
    I’d like to see them try it, they are all a load of ‘wets’
    When Therese and Bojo go there to sign on for their bit
    I’ll be right behind them, the pair of thieving GITS.
    “Austerity is over” its poverty no more
    Then, they nick your old age pension
    And leave you on the floor.
    They trample on your dignity, they trample on our rights
    They think that we will shut up.
    NO, NO, NO
    Please contribute to our very own poetic saga. Lynne


      • David. Ode number 3.

        On the campaign trail.

        Hello, my name is DORIS,
        Now, let me make this clear.
        I owe the Fifties Women
        Who want stolen pensions back,
        I said that I would do it
        Cos, I know that they are MAD.

        But when I got in number 10, thought, ” they are truly bad.
        They’re just those” bloody women” who want to bring me down.
        I’m getting really hacked off now and they only make me frown.
        If only they would shut up and get back in their place
        Why can’t they realise they’re just an expensive waste of space?
        If only they would just shut up.
        I’ve got to close them down.


      • Dear David. Ode number 4.

        On the campaign trail.

        I’m a true blue Tory and here’s my story (manifesto).

        My name is DORIS, I’m all for Women’s Rights so if you’ll vote for me, I’ll love 😍 you one and all.
        And, if you’re good and wealthy we can all go to the ball.
        The low paid they will serve us, on their feet both day and night
        To NOT KNOW that we loathe them
        They should be out of sight
        They will need their old age pittance
        When they get too old to serve
        But, I can take it all away
        It’s just what they deserve.

        We are the Tory party
        Blue blooded one and all
        We’ve never had to wonder who cleans up after us all.

        We are the Tory party
        So we just have a ball
        But them, the poor and ugly
        End up with nowt at all.

        Why should they get an old age pension?
        They’re not like us at all
        They should have saved their pittances
        Cinderella’s don’t go to the ball.

        Remember, vote for Doris.
        I’m all for women’s rights………….

        If anyone on Facebook with followers and who like my odes. Please feel free to copy. I’m certain our very own trolls won’t!


    • Is this any good Lynne
      An Election Is A Coming And Now They Want Our Vote

      But Boris Has Got No Chance He’s Such A Lying Goat

      They Better All Start Listening And Give Us What Is Ours

      It’s Fraud That They’ve Committed And They Should Be Behind Bars.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I think it could just about sell 3 copies. 1 each for us. But, I am thinking about how to get some much needed support out in the open. Perhaps David could advise.


  67. Apparently Labour may be discussing our case in their Mainifesto talks today see below

    One other issue that could be up for discussion is providing extra support to Waspi women – referring to the Women Against State Pension Inequality campaign. They are women born in the 1950s who discovered they had to wait years longer to retire than they had expected because of changes in state pension rules.

    Fingers and everything else crossed ladies.


    • Don’t believe a word of it. They just want us all and the 1960s workforce to go away and shut up. Labour is being led by another deluded power seeking fool. Corbyn probably outed by February. Brexit will have to be hard or not happen. You only have to look at Brexit betrayal of the peoples will and I did not vote to see they are playing a very long game with us. Making us wait from June to October for the the judicial result was CRUEL and very carefully choreographed to defeat us. That alone should show us all that we are being played with by the elite and financial services pension funds. I can assure you the financial services sector is the reason we are being made to lose our dues at 60. Think of all the billions it will cost the private pension fund managers. Never mind the workers in the councils and hospitals etc they put into penury… They have spent it and are fighting for their lives. If we win, they have to refund them as well. If they had informed us all in time with a much less draconian timetable they could have done it with just a bit of grumbling from the electorate, the real human people. But no, they had to be 1,Greedy 2, Woefully Stupid and 3, Intransigent. Think Thatcher and May. Why do you think the tories wanted May in on my 60th birthday. They knew she is an unemotional robot. Brexit not happened and we’ve got nowhere. But, they will be bought down and society will get a bit fairer. Not for a few years yet though. Sorry but this is a war as much as a real one against women and the downtrodden… Them and us……….. Loved your ode by the way. x


      • To Maria and Lynn naylor 1954. Today I was told by a former labour secretary that there will be something in Labour manifesto re our pensions. He said Unite are insisting on it. It makes no difference to us unless we have proportional representation. Then we really could get something back. I’m a Nottingham girl originally and my circumstances are pretty dire really living off my sick husband, I hate it, I really do but I’m grateful at the same time that I’m not on my own. Labour lost one of their oldest strongholds in North Notts last time. I live in Torbay now in a tiny rented flat surrounded by millionaires, yachts and grinding poverty, veterans on the streets. No one bloody cares at all especially not the Tory MP, our Kev. He is a rich empowered male all the way through married to a woman old enough to be his mother, a Macron. She is our age, but she is not depending on a state pension is she? Want to know why I’m living in this tiny flat?? Because there are services for carers and MS and dementia, I can see my doctor the same day and husband needs that. I feel ungrounded in every way watching my life drain away. I’m tired, just so tired of worrying and existing. Thats why I try to fight in my own way. If I thought Labour or the Devil himself could get my pension I would vote for them. We all would. I have nothing left to lose anymore. And, as a side note, on October 3rd I woke up very early with Cher singing a song I haven’t heard in must be 30 years. Bang bang, he shot me down, I hit the ground.!!!! And thats what I did I hit rock bottom. But now I’m up again fighting a lead lined deaf wall. I’m really hope I wake up one day with Congratulations by Cliff Richards is all I can say.!!! I’m certain we will get something one day but I’m not holding my breath. Of all the crappy things that have happened to me in my life not getting my pension was the one thing I just did not expect. 😱😱😱😱😱

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      • I have heard the same Maria about the Labour Manifesto promise, so waiting to hear more. I lost my Daughter ages 15 and my Husband aged 60 and never thought I could feel so wretched again, but I do now but for different reasons I feel like a pauper. Also now with the bribery & corruption being highlighted in the Conservative Party, they can all go to hell and the Election should be delayed till it has been fully investigated.

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      • Hi Lynn just read yours and Lynnes stories and my heat breaks for you both and I realise just how lucky I am. Like I said to Lynne you can chat to me anytime out with these post if you need an ear. I can give you my email too if you want. Hopefully this mess, and as a country just now we are in a mess, will get sorted out soon and we’ll get our rightful dues.
        Take care x

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      • Thank You so much Maria no need for your email address, it was a lovely offer and I appreciate it but it is not safe for you to do so, going by some of the nasty people posting comments. I am normally a very private person, don’t do any social media and to be honest this is the first blog site I have ever joined. I never even had much interest in politics until I found out about our pension and Brexit, but now we all live and breath both. There will be lots of us ladies who have not only lost 6 years pension (I am 66 next July and get mine on May 6th) but have lost in many other ways as well and I do realise I am not the only one. Also lots of ladies have passed themselves before this whole mess has been sorted, sadly some of their deaths can be attributed to losing our pension but not all. I get really cross when I read posts that imply the ones of us who didn’t know what was happening with our pensions and should not expect to be supported by the state, as I would think the majority of us 50s ladies are in that position and we can’t all be wrong. In fact it was proved in court that we had not been directly informed and had no right to expect to be, so these people and their nasty comments are the ones who are in the minority and very fortunate if they did know. I am now praying that Labour do as they promise and hope what they are going to offer is fair, I do not think we will get all we are owed unless the court rules in our favour, but I am so desperate I have to go with what is offered. I also fear though that the Conservatives will win as they have been handed the election by Farage and whatever Labour promise will not happen, the Conservatives only look after the rich and we have no hope. It would only take 3.5 million ladies to place our vote with the party that will help us, I have already made the decision who is not getting my vote and we could make a difference, but let’s see we have to put our trust in someone or not vote at all.

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      • Hi Lynn this is the first blog I’ve been on too and I have no social media sites either 🙂. I would never criticise any woman who accepts an offer from one of the parties as it’s because of the desperate situations they are in its better to have something than nothing. I don’t know where I stand as I was born in October 1956 so have just turned 63. I don’t think I’ll get anything until 2022. It makes my blood boil, not even so much for myself but lots of other ladies are in a dire situation and how dare these politicians play with our lives like we don’t matter, we very much do matter and it’s about time they realised it. I really hope something gets sorted out soon Lynn. Take care for now and I hope you’re having a good day.
        Maria xxx


      • Lynn. Don’t you dare give up hope. Yes Doris might get back in but they will be so weakened that we will be heard. Its not over yet, by a long chalk. The young do know what is happening to us and they are the future, they don’t like it one bit. Look after yourself as much as you can. xxxxxx


      • Oh God Lynne I feel for you I really do, my circumstances are nothing at all like yours and I consider myself really lucky. I was brought up in the Glasgow tenements but had a great upbringing. Like me you can probably remember that during the 60s and 70s there was lots of work in Britain and we were fortunate that my dad always had work. We got married in 1975, I’m 63 now, and my husband was a train driver so while we weren’t well off we were comfortable. My husband has angina but it is well controlled so we are fine. I gave up work 2 years ago to help my daughter, she has a little boy of 7 with autism and now her 2 year old twin boys are being tested as they are showing sings now too. I help her our everyday as she has such a hard time. We are managing ok but if I had my pension it would be better as my husband was made redundant a few years ago after 43 years in the railway so we are having to be really careful and my pension would have helped. So my position is not as stressful as yours but a lot of people in various government need to take a look at themselves as no matter what platitudes the spout they have stolen our money and put an enormous amount of stress on many families. My daughter has just had a really stressful week this week and I worry constantly about her but if I was in your position I don’t know how I would cope. Take care Lynne and you can chat to me anytime you need to and I can even pass you my email address. Hopefully things will get better and we’ll get something from this fight. God bless x


      • May the Gods bless you and us all too. We are just typical of our caring (put upon and used generation). Our children and their children won’t want to or be able to do illness and old age caring. Perhaps thats why the government is trying to kill us off. Haha. They don’t care that we have to care. The rich say that money doesn’t make you happy but it sure smooths the way in every way there is. And poverty does make illness of every kind especially mental health illness. No services anywhere because of the Tories. Its always them wielding the power over the great unwashed as they would have called us in the old days. We have watched Thatcher cut and cut services from the Eighties and this country is now perched over a cliff going backwards. I fear for us all. Except the rich.!!!!!! But, thankyou Maria. Its very kind of you and kindness does go a very long way towards a better world. I think it was you who said lets publish a book of the majority of 1950s women circumstances. Thats what made me come of my box. I wish all the people reading this would, including men. Why should men use their hard earned pensions to pay for their wives?? Thats so 1950. Is it not. We’ll steal your pension but the old man will pay, its his duty. It is about duty and the politicians should do their bounden duty. When men realise that, they might just shout a bit louder about this sexual discrimination. For the women on their own with nothing. Its no wonder they are committing suicide. This must be put right. For all those who have good private pensions, lucky you, they are only as good as the investments that the pension fund make. Look at Equitable Life, Philip Green, Maxwell. The rug can be pulled from under you at any time. In the blink of an eye. Thats why we can’t have our money they have spent it for decades but not on our fund. xxxx


      • Hi Lynne, thanks for your kind words and I meant every word I said. You know I don’t have any sort of social media sites and this is the first time I’ve taken part in a blog because I don’t have time to sit about on these sites reading about what brainless celebrities have for breakfast or the next fashion item they are trying to sell, who cares, real life is such a lot harder and these nobodies don’t have a clue about real lift, god help them when they hit a real crisis. The politicians do not care and whatever is in their manifesto will only be to get our votes then it will be “oh sorry we don’t have the funds” well they want to walk in your shoes for a while and see what real life is like. I try hard not to be bitter but boy I am seething inside about this. Anyway take care Lynne and I hope your day today has been bearable, Remember I will always listen and reply.
        Maria xxx

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      • I’m glad you liked my ode Lynne and thank you for coming up with the idea, but I have voted all my voting life and in every election, as women fought hard for our vote. I have also always voted Labour and depending what they promise for us 50s Women I will probably vote for them again, as I am a Northener and we get nothing from Boris & Co. I am not the biggest fan of Corbyn but do believe he and Labour are more for working class people than the rest of them, also the Unions are behind us and they carry a lot of weight with Labour and back our cause, so lets wait and see. I am more angry at those two Judges for not doing the right thing and like you for being made to wait from June to October for their decision. I hoped we would get our appeal (and it be successful) before the election, because this election is all based around Brexit and everything else doesn’t matter. One thing is for sure Boris will give us nothing, he has already been proved to be a liar having promised to help us in his election campaign and now laughs at us, I detest him and the rest of his party, I would be willing to give Corbyn the benefit of the doubt rather than waste my vote, but the Courts should have sorted this for us and let us down badly. Lynn x


  68. Apparently 50s Women was part of Labour Manifesto this afternoon and they are promising to increase what they have previously said was being offered. The Manifesto will be published on Thursday, so lets wait and see but it is a whole lot more than the Conservatives have pledged to do. I for one think if the appeal isn’t successful I am so desperate I will take what is on offer, but we should not have to settle for less than we are owed. Lynn

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    • I have asked David if he will put you in touch with me. If he can do that please get in touch xxx Maria as well would be good. And re the trolly dollies I am past worrying about them. I really don’t do BULLIES.


      • No probs Lynne lets hope he can do this. Do you think David would stand in the election, I’d vote for him 😁😁 xx


      • Maria. David would have to be a total power seeking, lying, arsehole to be an MP. But, yes I would vote for him. Sadly a lot of people would not, they identify with wankers. xxx

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      • 😁😁 hi ladies, I hear there’s a televised debate tomorrow night with Johnson and Corbyn, I hope our questions get asked and let’s see what promises they make for us, will I believe them? Don’t think so. Any way I hope Lynne and Lynn that you’ve both had a good day 🙏.


      • I study something everyday that I never thought could be true, astrology. You might like to read Fays Astrology on WordPress. Its all about extreme change and I mean extreme coming next year. When the corruption amongst world leaders, the rich, the evil start to get their comeuppance. We the 1950s women and men are part of it, foodbanks, universal credit etc etc. Its all about to change. Tory party extinct compared to now. Decent leaders coming. The people will rise up against the evil ones, China! The rotten will be punished. Won’t that be nice? People like David Hencke and the like exposing it all. Not the mainstream news and newspapers. The hierarchy in financial services and the banks keeping the elite whilst thieving from all the taxpayers. You don’t have to believe, I certainly did not once upon a time. But you could see what was going to happen to the weak and the poor ordinary workers. Hold on to your hats girls. We have not lost yet. Did I forget to mention the completely self serving judiciary????? I don’t know if David will allow this but if so read Fay.📖🙏Grenfell, Hillsborough all mentioned. xxx


      • I’m a great believer in ‘what goes around comes around’ so I’m sure some day they will all get what they deserve. They say Karma is a wonderful thing 😉


      • Maria. I’m trying to believe myself. Money equals power and thats hard to get away from. I hope its true because the younger generations need that to go forwards. But its true there are voices shouting now, like David and others. Have a good day. x


      • Hi Lynne yes you’re right and we do all need to believe things will work out in our favour. I hope you’re having a good day as I’m thinking about you, take care Lynne and the same to all ladies during this tough time, we all be to stick together.


      • I am hoping to get the Labour manifesto tomorrow night before its unveiled on Thursday. If so, I will post. xxx Don’t hold your breathe.


      • Hi all did you watch tonight’s debate with Johnson and Corbyn not one mention of our pensions, not even the question asked. I fear we are being brushed under the rug 😡


      • Yes I think you’re right Lynne Boris is on a different planet and Jeremy Corbyn has changed his mind umpteen times regarding SNP collaboration for a second Scottish referendum, I wish everyone would tell Sturgeon to get lost and concentrate on making life better for hard working British people. I am sick and tired of elections and referendums. I want our pensions to be a priority and to get this country on the right track for our kids and grandchildren. Sorry for the rant ladies 🤨. Hope you’re having a good day Lynne 🙂

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      • Hi Marie good day today and lovely of you to ask thank you, hopefully we will hear something about our appeal very soon and that Labour come good in their Manifesto on Thursday. If they do it will be up to all 50s Women to support them in the Election, as Boris & his Posh lot will offer us nothing. Hope you & Lynne are good too. xx


  69. I will keep looking Lynne and if not Thursday is not too long to wait. Just watched the debate and thought Jeremy Corbyn came out of it a lot better than the broken Record Playing Brexit lol.
    Lynn xx


      • Up to now nothing mentioned in the Liberal Manifesto for us and they were promising full restitution, so what’s that all about? unless they have finished.


      • Hi Lynn hope you are good today, I don’t think any of them will give us full restitution of our pensions. I have emailed all of the candidates in my area asking them if they will give us full restitution as per CEDAW not one of them have answered me and after watching that fiasco last night i still can’t trust any of them, I’m just disgusted ☹️😡


      • Hi Maria good today thanks and looking forward to the Labour Manifesto later, like you unless we win our appeal I doubt we will get full restitution but I am putting my faith in Labour to give us a fair offer, which I am afraid I would take as it is better than all the others have offered now. Hopw you are good.
        Lynn x


  70. Just found this on Page 75 of the Labour Manifesto.

    People work hard for most of their lives
    and deserve a decent retirement free of
    financial stress and insecurity.
    Under the Tories, 400,000 pensioners
    have been pushed into poverty and
    a generation of women born in the
    1950s have had their pension age
    changed without fair notification.
    This betrayal left millions of women
    with no time to make alternative plans
    – with sometimes devastating personal
    Labour recognises this injustice, and
    will work with these women to design
    a system of recompense for the losses
    and insecurity they have suffered.
    We will ensure that such an injustice
    can never happen again by legislating
    to prevent accrued rights to the state
    pension from being changed

    More than I have heard from any of the other parties.


    • Lynn. See john mcdonnell and waspi. On westminster confidential, Davids page. You darling are the only one who thinks they will give us our money back. Anouncement on Sunday. xx


      • Hi Lynne I may be, but I have to hope because without hope we have nothing and like I keep saying I won’t waste my vote and not one other party has even mentioned us. Hopefully I won’t be eating my words on Sunday, hope you have had a good day.
        Lynn x


      • Lynn darling. You don’t have to eat humble pie about the lying gits. You have survived and thats the only word to use. You keep hoping as do we all but don’t feel let down when they kick us mid 1950s in the teeth. They are saying I think that they will stall the age increase to 66 years. If thats true then we will lose out completely, again. The Tories are also stalling about their manifesto date and probably waiting to see what Labour says about us. That means that they are worried about our votes but not about us, again. If anyone hopes I’m wrong its me and my husband. You will get to May 6th and I feel we will, eventually get some compensation. Now who’s being wishful. xxx

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    • Sorry Naylor1954
      But page 75 isnt exactly at the top of the priority list is it. but at least it’s in there though it will get forgot about once the GE is over. I have no faith or trust in any of them any more. as the only people they help is themselves.


      • And I’m not a shitty Waspi woman either, so where is backto60 in this? Waiting like good girls to go to court again.


  71. I agree Janet not the top of their priority list but at least it is in there, I do believe now though that there are enough MPs and other people listening to us to make a difference. However I also believe that if BJ gets in he will ride rough shot over all their support, he is just an arrogant liar and only looks after those with money. Lynn


    • Hi Lynne, not heard from you in a while and I’ve been thinking about you, hope all is ok. Yes you’re right our only hope now is an appeal.


      • We are now up against the most powerful dragon of all. We won’t get redress now. Only thing I can think of is for everyone to write to no. 10 and explain why you your life has been destroyed. Happy Christmas and


  72. Utterley disgraceful 50s women have paid into the system since the age of 15 we had no warning so could not prepare as todays youth can. Why should people who have not paid into the system get full entitlement yet we have not received ours where has our money gone? Boris Johnson is throwing money away like thete is no tomorrow right now and yet he doesnt seem to give a care into this group of women that have worked and paid in. Uttet betrayal of British hardworking wen who now jave to try and juggle health issues and looking after elderley parents and grandchildren we should be putting our feet up and relaxing but no we are working ourselves into an early graveaybe thats what they want..heartless all of them hope they enjoy their golden pensions while we have had purs stolen from us. You have ruined families lives and you should be ashamed all of you.


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