Election 2019: What is the best offer for 3.8 million pensionless 50s born Women voting on Thursday ?

BackTo60 outside the Royal Courts o Justice demanding compensation

Thursday’s election offers a defining moment for some 3.8 million women who have had to wait for up to six years for their pension.

None of the parties are offering full restitution for the women – which could still be won in the courts if the Court of Appeal gives permission to appeal the High Court’s dismissal of the judicial review bought by the BackTo60 campaign.

There is however a very big difference in what is (or not) on offer because we have an unexpected general election this week.

The most comprehensive and only detailed offer comes from the Labour Party.

The offer is not full restitution but for those born between April 1950 and April 1956 it promises substantial compensation. It is less generous after this tailing off altogether by April 1960.

The offer starts at £400 for those who lost the least and rises to £31,379 for those born around April 1955. It is a universal payment but is taxable.

John McDonnell, the shadow Chancellor, has promised both further negotiation with all the groups involved and early implementation. He has set February 5 next year – the date of both Labour’s or the Conservative’s Budget – for the full announcement. He also announced recently that repayments could either be at the rate of £100 a week over five years or an annual lump sum.

At the moment this is the only firm offer in town and he has been roundly criticised by the other two main parties for the cost of ther compensation which amounts to £58 billion over five years. Some Labour candidates want to go further and pay full compensation – notably candidates standing in Hemel Hempstead and Ian Duncan Smith’s seat in Chingford.

The Conservatives are offering nothing after Boris Johnson at first suggested he would look at it and then said it was too complicated to compensate people and he did not have the money to do so. All Conservative candidates have been told by the party not to pledge any money to help them.

The Liberal Democrats have also been critical with Jo Swinson, their leader at one stage denouncing Labour’s offer as offering ” something for nothing ” to 3.8 million 50s born women.

They do back a reference to the Parliamentary Ombudsman who is going to look at six test cases to see if compensation is justified. This will take time though and will certainly not be delivered in time scale envisaged by Labour. Any offer depends on whether the Parliamentary Ombudsman does think there has been maladministration.

The Welsh Nationalists-Plaid Cymru – say there is a moral case to back the women.

Adam Price, their leader said:There is a moral debt that is owed to these women … scrap Trident – that will save you £205bn … HS2 – there is a £100bn there – I’ve saved you £300bn – there’s money to spare for the WASPI women.

Intriguingly the possibility of abolishing Trident would come if a minority Labour government joined forces with the Scottish and Welsh Nationalists – who both have a commitment to abolish Trident while Labour at the moment do not.

The Scottish Nationalist Party have always had warm words for the 50s born women and do want them properly compensated. But they have failed, unlike Labour, to say exactly what they would do.

UKIP have not mentioned the plight of the 50s women at all.

In Northern Ireland the Democratic Unionist Party have a strong commitment towards 50s born women – they are the only party to support a special temporary measure offering full compensation. But they only have a tiny representation in Parliament – and have fallen out big time with the Conservatives over Johnson’s Brexit deal. Should Labour form a minority government, they could like the Nationalists, put pressure on Labour to improve their offer.

The Green Party have avoided a direct commitment to compensation but instead offered a basic pension of £178 a week and a supplement for lone pensioners.

It is your choice who you vote for – but if getting compensation is your main priority this election you should look very carefully at what is on offer and weigh up which party could deliver. It is a once in a lifetime chance to influence events.

102 thoughts on “Election 2019: What is the best offer for 3.8 million pensionless 50s born Women voting on Thursday ?

  1. Does this mean we will start getting our pension each week as well as the compensation instead of waiting until we are 66…I am confused on this .


    • No you get your pension at your state pension age. Compensation to all is payable over 5 years as soon as it can be started and put in place


  2. Weasel words, David – weasel words. I am a little surprised that someone of your nous and experience cannot tell when you have not one, but two birds in the hand, not even in the bush.
    But fair play for your support of #Backto50s , anyway.


  3. Jo Swindon is my local MP but I could never vote for her. Even though the SNP haven’t declared exactly what they will do, I believe in Scotland that most of the affected women will trust our First Minister and SNP MPs more than any others.


  4. Jo Swinson is my local MP but I could never vote for her. Even though the SNP haven’t declared exactly what they will do, I believe in Scotland that most of the affected women will trust our First Minister and SNP MPs more than any others.


  5. It’s an extremely unfair offer from Labour. The women getting the most had the least to wait for their SP so are financially much better off. I have lost £48k after working full time all my life and a six year wait. Would love to know how many women will recidivism the top offer? Just more discrimination and divide.


    • It’s not really unfair Jo, The women who had the shortest notice could do nothing to improve their pension…they didn’t have the choice to carry on working and increase their weekly pension amount…the majority of those same women also had their pension reduced because of COPE again leaving them with less than the stated pension amount and no option to better their pension amount . Whereas women who were born later in the 50s had a lot more time to do these things .

      Liked by 1 person

  6. What Labour have not made clear is whether their compensation would be ‘in full and final settlement’ (which would mean not being able to receive the balance of full restitution if the Back to 60 appeal is subsequently successful).
    According to their calculator, I would receive £13,146 compensation over five years, as opposed to the circa £47,000 I shall have lost over the extra six years. Because I was born in 1958 I have had ‘more time to make plans’ for the later pension – although how a woman in her fifties/sixties can re-coup nearly £50,000 in a workplace that remains blatantly ageist is unclear.
    If I am correct in my assumption of a ‘full and final settlement’ scenario, fifties women may be put in the cruel position of having to make a choice between taking at least something now or risk getting nothing later. Looked at in that light, Labour would not be heroes deserving of our vote, but would simply be cynically mitigating against the far greater expense (to any Government) of full restitution should the Back to 60 appeal succeed.
    I really hope my fears are unfounded but my various attempts to have this detail clarified by Labour have so far failed. Perhaps Mr Hencke, with his journalistic background, would be able to get an answer?


    • We have 2 irons in the fire here. Both have flaws.
      1. Labour must get in or we get nothing
      2. The appeal must be granted and then we must win. Or we get nothing.
      None of us have time on our sides.
      So everyone must draw their own conclusion .
      Obviously there will not be a unanimous conclusion as some have reached SPA others have a long way to go . A 10 yr age gap is a big difference …the earliest born women will shortly be 70 whilst the youngest have yet to reach 60 . No one’s fault just the bare facts

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Thank you David for explaining the currant situation in a simple but informative manner.
    And a massive Thank you for supporting 1950’s women.


  8. What about the women born in 1958, I thought this was for all 1950s women but it states that it only goes up to the year of 1956, this is very unfair. like most 1950s women I have been working since i was 15 years of age. had my two children brought them up without any benefits as I chose to work. Its disgraceful the way we have been treated


  9. Labour have not put any of their promises in their manifesto, so I think this is a ploy to get votes just like the promise to abolish student fees last time. Do they think we are stupid? I don’t trust any party to help us. The only way to get our money back is to go to appeal and hope we win.


  10. I will be voting for Labour, however, I don’t want compensation, I want to be told that when I reach my next birthday I can retire.


  11. Unfortunately I do not think any party will give us what I believe we are entitled to. Labour simply wont be able to afford everything they have promised and the others don’t care any way. I think we should all keep fighting for justice. From when I first started work I was told that women get lower pay than men because they retire earlier and my whole working life despite being in the same category or even higher than men I have earned less and therefore also had less paid into my Pension fund than men as it was always based on salary . We need to right this wrong and not be treated as charity cases. I earned less for my whole career and now want what I was promised.


  12. It is not a once in a lifetime chance to influence events. Labour will not be buying my vote.I don’t trust them and why should we accept £100 a week before tax deduction over 5 years when we should carry on pursuing full restitution through the courts.


  13. Pah! I won’t vote for any of them. None of them care about 1950s born women. Why didn’t we riot here like they did in other countries when they tried to change the pension age? Very recently in France where they tried to make pension reforms. We’re too well mannered and polite. We take it to Court. Takes forever. It gets rejected and we appeal. Ha! 😩. Most of us will be dead by the time the niceties are over. That’s my biggest angst, of course, because I’m on the breadline but it would be impossible for any party, in any country, to sort out the many problems here and worldwide. That doesn’t excuse them from lying, though.


    • Hi Lacey we didn’t riot here because we didn’t know it was happening perhaps we should, they think we are little old ladies and will just roll over its just not on, I am 65 today so another long year to wait for my crumbs from the rich mans table and then we will be taxed if we get anything in the mean time.


      • Hello Margaret! You’re, absolutely, right. We didn’t know it was happening; and, yes, of course we should riot. We’re not little, old ladies who will just roll over. But how do we organise one (a riot)? Instead of standing, very placidly, outside 10 Downing Street, with pieces of paper in our hands (reminds one of Chamberlain), waiting to go to the High Court, to be rejected; then having to wait months and months for a decision to be made (by people far richer than us) as to whether an Appeal can, even, be made. Don’t you feel as if our hands are tied, and we have no power? Happy Birthday, Margaret.


  14. When this was altered to 66 what was the civil service including politician’s changed to are they still able to retire at 55?
    I think it’s about time the French peoples approach to matters like this was adopted. More action


  15. FULL restitution is what we should carry on fighting for. Remember, it’s our money so anything less is not acceptable. Keep going all the way until we receive ALL our money.


  16. Thank you for laying it out in detail. i have already put my postal vote in for Labour and my 2 sons are also going to vote Labour. I like all the things that Corbyn is offering and am excited about the future if he gets in.


  17. The Brexit Party do mention in their contract (manifesto) that they will review the situation of 1950’s women’s lost pensions – they don’t quantify the review – but at least they have not as yet thrown it out like BJ’s Crew


  18. In other words, that’s all it is, words, and maybe promises. All of which, words can be changed, and maybe promises can be broken. The longer it goes on, for any of the above mentioned parties, the chances are two thirds of us women will either be in position to be unable to do anything about it, as your pension will be taken, to be used for your care. Worse case, we will have died, and that means your pension, and any recompense, dies with you. I will vote for what I consider is right for me living now, and in the future, and take the chance on the outcome of the court case. Lets try and get all the affected 50’s women, a chance of recompense, with the appeal in the high court. I am in the mentioned bracket to be substantially compensated, by Labour, however, I will be lucky to see anything from them. Lets us all stick together and try to get something for all, not just for some.


  19. I feel that this is a bit misleading as labour did not mention us in their manifesto either. It was thrown in later as a panic reaction. I feel that it would be a worry that they might make knee jerk reactions about other things too. You need someone who is more level headed as prime minister. Also they do not seem to know where the money would come from so it is not a very detailed plan. I support the cause as I am a 1950s woman, although born in June 1956 so it will seem that I have lucked out again with labours plans. I beg people to think further than the pension issue and take a holistic view when voting.


    • The Labour party have been working on this compensation for the last 18 months and no matter what happens we should all stick together and fight for what is rightfully ours show the powers that be if they kick one of us we all limp we should all get what we deserve and will not compromise.


  20. Just been reading your article it states no full restitution but substantial compensation for women born between 1950 to 1956. Correct me if im wrong but i was lead to believe that women born in 1950 & 1951 got their pensions on time & were not affected by the changes to SP ages. Problems only started for those born in 1952 & onwards.


  21. First of all great reporting as usual David, thank you for your support, it is very much appreciated 👍👍 👍
    I am really in a dilemma as to who to vote for !!! I don’t think as a 1950s born lady that there is any choice if we are thinking of ourselves, but it’s not just about our plight, it’s about so much more.
    Vote Tory – we continue to be poor and the rich get richer and worst of all our NHS is under attack and what are they going to sell off, how many of us could afford the medical insurances we would need ?? What about the pension age being raised to 70/75 ??
    Vote Labour – If JC gets in, great for our compensation, but what about our Children and grandchildren what future will they have ? What about our nuclear weapons he wants to get rid of and leave us wide open to Russian attack ? What about his open border policy, the Country is sinking now, how many more can we take, heaven bows it’s difficult enough now to get doctors appointment or assistance at A&E without waiting an average of 10/12 hours and that in good day !!
    Vote Libdem – No too many reasons to quote !!!
    Vote Brexit – No manifesto and fear it’s a vote for the Tories !!!
    HELP HELP HELP !! Be glad when Thursday has .com and gone lol !!!


    • Yes me too I totally understand your dilema. Looks like we don’t really stand to gain much at all with any of them! I do want Tory out though so I’m trying to make sure that happens lol god help us


    • I am voting Labour because of my family and grand daughter. Realistically we only have a choice between the two main paeties and there will ne nothing left of this country under the Tories. We will be a very poor satellite nation of the USA and with no national health service. Born in 1958 i dont do too well out of Labour s scheme but i do believe it was a genuine attempt to put right a wrong. It is also more than we will get from anyone else. I dont believe it would effect the outcome of the court case either. But I vote for those on the breasline who need help now, those who are sick and disabled who have been persecuted by this government and for the future of our childrens education.


  22. If I had a choice I would prefer full restitution of my rightful pension, but compensation is better than nothing. When I emailed my MP, Giles Watling, in regards to the EDM earlier this year he responded that he didn’t sign any EDMs. He went on to say he knew exactly how I felt as his wife fell into the same bracket. How dare he say this? His wife is in a totally different situation to me. I am a widow surviving just on my deceased husbands pension & a couple of small pensions of my own. I have taken early retirement due to poor health.


  23. Labours offer of compensation is the best offer yet. It will be gratefully received by all as every penny counts and justice should prevail, however it is unfair to expect those born later to accept so much less when we all have to wait several more years to receive our pension anyway’ and surely it should not be taxable !
    Many people do not seem to realise that whilst waiting until you are 66yrs or older you miss out on what other pensioners have the benefit of now with regards to pension credit, winter fuel allowances, free bus travel passes and they help a lot too.
    Our senior citizens seem to have been neglected so much in recent years with funding being cut to the services that support them too.
    Full restitution would be fairer but that will be a miracle if it does happen ! as will any of the promises made by our positions when coming up for a election.
    Unless you have been affected by the pension reform and you are struggling to survive financially, physically and mentally because of the changes you cannot truly emphasis
    Our political leaders, and our Queen and Royal family all get paid very well plus many expenses paid to enable them to lead comfortable lives.
    I hope they choose to do what is right and honourable in the years to come and look after their ageing residents ..the people that enable them to live comfortably and safely.
    Very often public money is spent on things we really do not want, need or agree to on especially in our towns and cities. One can only hope those with the responsibility of running our country will become more accountable to put the welfare of people they serve first !


  24. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. The only offer on the table, with firm commitment and schedule of implementation, is from Labour. The idea of full restitution is tempting but a long way off even given that a further legal challenge was successful. Considering the hostility that has already been displayed towards full restitution by certain cross party elements, I think the offer from Labour is by far the best we can expect and that would be my choice.


  25. politicians are saying where is the 58 billion coming from , i think the question should be where did our stolen state pension money go to !!


  26. Many thanks for your summary of options!
    I have sent off my postal vote and would
    Be delighted with Labour’s Offer to Compensate the Girls of 1950 – 54 who are exhausted and whose health is running out of Steam!


  27. Thank you for such a well balanced report for us. I’m truly grateful not least because with you we truly do receive “something for nothing “
    I myself have faith in our #backto60 team and believe they can win full restitution. Which conflicts greatly with the notion of accepting less than what I paid for. Logically I’m thinking vote labour as not pressing action will be in place by March 19 before the chancellor announced in his budget .
    Would the payout mean we could get £15000 divided by qualifying weeks paid weekly to us until actual pension age arrives? until 66/7?? Still losing so much if that’s the case. But respect to labour for offering a solution if any sort


  28. theres only labour who have put anything on the table for us and the money must be on Corbyns magic money trees to pay us with as we were just an afterfought and its no where near enough to what we have lost and are still losing. I am also wondering why it is taking so long for the Judiciary to issue an appeal date if we are allowed it they are very slow in making a decision. I will be voting on thurs though I dont know why when none of them don’t really want to help us. and whoever gets the keys to no 10 we won’t be any better off we never are… all we can do is keep fighting for full restitution no half measures and definately no CRUMBS…


  29. So it’s taxable as I said to everyone. But know one would believe me . It’s pretty obvious if you are claiming benefits. You are only given so much to live on . And that’s the case for everyone. So there ain’t going to be any change with pensioners


  30. Thanks for all the info, yes everyone think very carefully before you vote, if you want to lose the nhs as well then vote conservative ! I will deff vote for labour , to save the schools the hospitals , the homless and the poverty , and stay in europe. This country is an embarrasment .Also hopefully get my money owed to me in full , MY PENSION . SO BORIS OUT


  31. Why is the offer for full compensation tail off after 1955, l was born in 1958 and feel quite annoyed, l thought this was all about 1950’s women regardless of what year, why’s this. ???


  32. It’s a no brainer to me I am voting Labour for the first time in years.
    So much so I joined Labour Party tweeks ago.
    Been labelling as ankle gets sore for canvassing.
    Shame Jo Swinson not helpful to restoring our pensions when Stephen Lloyd been supportive.


  33. Surely it would be much fairer for those born after 1955 who will get less compensation if we could at least get our pension from age 63 instead of struggling until we reach age 66yrs old. Here is hoping the Backto60 court case brings full restitution though, keep up the good work in supporting us all !


  34. 50s women born before 1955 retired before the age of 65,so they have their pensions. So it’s a bit unfair that they would be getting the bulk of monies. All 50s women should get the same!


  35. None of them will fulfil any commitment to paying our pension. Labour are the nearest but by the time they have nationalised the country there will be nothing left for 1950’s born or the homeless or both. The only thing they haven’t offered yet are free sweets for kids still they have time for that before Thursday. My vote is a Brexit vote this time but would like to receive my SP before I die even if its only a few payments.


  36. Come on women make your vote count and get us the restitution we surely deserve . Don’t throw this opportunity away to be heard and seen


  37. Labour are being very tactical, but will deliver nothing, I don’t trust them. I really need this situation sorted, but am losing faith. Also I equally want to leave Europe! Tjis is all rubbish.


  38. I am hoping the courts do it for us they will have to abide by the law no matter who gets in and I don’t agree with any party using us for there gain I’m going to vote with what I think this country needs for the sake of my children.
    Democracy needs to be upheld and I hope mr Mansfield huge success with the appeal I can’t thank everyone who has been involved with this campaign enough


  39. Grossly unfair those born 1957 onwards
    Will they get nothing
    If is so all the lobby groups should steadfastly resist that and fight for a just solution and restitution

    This is quite important

    If you accept that restitution or compensation stops at 1956

    Then I am sorry but you will be considered traitors

    So please be careful and show empathy for all women of thec1950s

    Mr Kyri Maratheftis


  40. I was born in 1959 so would not benefit from the Labour Party offer but the change to my pension age has meant I have not only lost £42,000 in state pension receipts but because the NHS pension is now linked to state pension age I am losing £2,500 per year from my NHS pension because I retired age 60 which should have had preserved rights.
    Only full restitution can help me so please fight on Back to 60 ladies with my support and grateful thanks.


  41. As already said, it is highly unlikely we will get full restitution and I for one think that Labour have our best interest at heart. JC will no doubt have full discussions re compensation if/when he is elected and maybe things can be tweaked. I have no faith in the appeal and I need something now. Voting Labour is the only option for me. BJ and the rest of the rich boys have no idea how working class people live. Apparently we can’t spell and are too dim to save ourselves in an emergency. How disgusting to make remarks like that. Also, as another lady mentioned, instead of focusing on where the compensation money would come from- what happened to the NI fund, why has it been raided and why were no deposits made into it for years? Why should we be made to pay for others mistakes and greed? I desperately need compensation so I can actually live and not exist for another long 14 months.


  42. Thank You David for another great report, my vote already with Labour and not just because of their offer to help us 50s Women (the only offer on the table) but also for promising to end 10 years of absolute misery for the many. My main concern is the NHS and after yesterdays reporting, BJ proved is worth (absolutely nothing) how can it be right for a 4 year old child to sleep om a bed of coats on a hospital floor. So yes my pension is important to me, but Labour are the only party there for the people.


  43. I feel sad that Labour or any party has not felt strongly enough to include addressing this injustice in their manifestos and are using us as a political pawn. The Conservatives do not recognise or respect our contribution to the economy and society, we are without value to them. I know Labour will decimate our economy and our children’s future. Do I put myself before them? I do not think I can but I can vote for them knowing what it would mean for others. They say we have equality, we do not, even now full equality has not been achieved. The comments made by higher earning women such as Ann Widdecome and Lionel Shriver made it worse. If people coming to work here can claim child benefits straight away, why can’t our contract with the Government be honoured in full? Why are we considered of less importance. I feel invisible and of no worth. Politicians do not care, we are just a convenience to gain power, based on their past performance, how can we trust them to deliver?


  44. What about women born August 1956 it only says up to April 56 that’s still NOT fair I was born August 56 am I to be missed out I can’t afford heating on !!
    Regards Diana lancaster


  45. I am sorry but I just don’t get it, I was born in 1957 and I have another 4 years to work. I received a letter from Work and Pensions stating how much I would have when I retired at 60 which I never received, the people who were born in 52,53,54 have all retired at 60 so I don’t understand what this is all about now I am totally lost with it.


  46. Pingback: Election 2019: What is the best offer for 3.8 million pension-less 50’s born women voting on Thursday? | St Helens

  47. I have read every ones comments, I agree with most of what you all have to say.
    For me it is quite simple, the time for talking and debating is over it is now time for action.
    Ian Duncan Smith has admitted that as a Minister he was told ” ignore the 50’s women they will go away”
    “Breaking News” some of us are still here and mad as hell at the injustice of this issue.
    LETS VOTE TOMORROW our Sisters FOUGHT to give us the right to vote don’t waste it by not voting.
    It’s time to stand up and be counted, be smart when you vote, I would not tell anyone how to vote use your head not your heart.
    Let’s trust in the Law and stand up for ourselves


  48. We are supposed to be standing strong together for full restitution and back to 60, all the politicians are doing is making us jump to make a decision just incase we don’t win the appeal but if we lose the appeal it’s not the end. I know lots of people need the money, me too but I think it’s important to fight for this injustice until they payout. We have fought for and won so much through history we can’t now back down, 100 years ago the Sufferagettes kept going until they got the right outcome and I know we haven’t got time on our side but we are right.

    To Back to 60, thank you


    • You are so right!! We do need to fight for what is rightfully ours not just a few crumbs that Politicians decide to throw us on their terms. We all worked for lower pay than men when we left school, we all got less money paid into the National Insurance and Pensions, because our contributions were based on our earnings. So clearly we were being robbed back then and some women are still being paid less than men for the same job.
      It all has a knock on effect we were paid less all our working lives and told its because you can retire at sixty so that is when you will win.
      I don’t feel like a winner, I have worked since I was fifteen and am now 60 and face another six years for what is mine.
      The Government would definitely not treat other groups of society the way we have been treated. Total Theft of our money and discrimination against 50’s women


  49. The rich get richer the poor get poorer, are we going backwards? To Victorian times. The young people of this country are voting labour and so will i ,


  50. Cannot believe the results.. 3.9 million votes plus family.. and the only government that we could have hoped to believe in us has gone! Now we can only hope for full restitution.. 😔


  51. At the moment the UK is part of Europe so how come the French can retire at 62 and are demonstrating at increase to 64 bringing France to a standstill? We bailed out other EU countries that retire earlier, how is that fair or right? Are we too polite or is it because in France men are effected too?
    I have very little faith in the appeal so….. how can we make BJ see the injustice? What can we do that will cause him to reconsider? He must be aware of the dreadful position he has put so many of us in. I still feel 63 would, for many, have been fair then gradually increase. I will have nothing left to help me through my retirement when I finally get there so I will still be living hand to mouth- shocking


    • You are absolutely right it is shocking, we have had to come inline with all of the other rules for Europe but because this one does not suit the government they wont align with it. As I have explained to people many times they just don’t seem to get the fact that all of our working life we have been paid less than men on the basis that we can retire earlier, where is all my back pay for being lied to for the past 45 years. I still have never received any information from DWP even telling me this is going to happen.


  52. We have just shown we can’t be bought. We will win and get back all of what is rightfully ours, we just have to stick together.

    Merry Christmas and a Happy and “Prosperous” New Year to all. 😊


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