My piece in Union News: How grass root trade unionists are backing 1950s women to get back their pensions

Earlier Times: Unison delegation with Jackie Jones, BackTo60 campaigner and expert on the UN Convention for the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women.

The success of the crowdfunding appeal by BackTo60 campaigning group to run a series of films exposing the plight of 1950s born women yet to get their pension has been partly due to campaigning trade unionists.

As well as getting a large number of small donations from many of the women themselves, two grassroots campaigners from the trade union movement managed to raise an astonishing £3400 towards the campaign.

The full story is in Union – News today.

Mac Hawkins from Unison and Louise Matthews from Unite – both women’s officers at their local branches – and strong supporters of BackTo60.

Mac Hawkins got support from the Wales region of Unison and Louise Matthews got support from Unite’s Equality Team and Unite Companions.

But the key thing is how much money they got from their local branches Mac Hawkins raised some £1400 from her Caerphilly branch while Louise Matthews got support from her Unite branch in Southampton.

Tireless campaigners

Both have been tirelessly campaigning to get money for the films which will form a key part of keeping the issue in the public eye before BackTo60 appeal the judicial review decision on July 21.

The one sad thing in this story is that at national level in both unions there appears to be a cooling off in financing the campaign. Before the general election, Unison and Unite contributed to the campaign, and Unison came alongside BackTo60 to deliver a petition to Downing Street.

This time the national unions are still supportive – but possibly because of the divisions within Waspi on what they want from the government, they may be holding back.

BackTo60 is sticking with full restitution and compensation for all the 3.8 million 50s women – while some other Waspi groups still have to spell out exactly how much compensation they want.

96 thoughts on “My piece in Union News: How grass root trade unionists are backing 1950s women to get back their pensions

  1. I was extremely surprised and shocked that you appear to be blaming “the divisions in Waspi on what they want from the government” for the lack of financial support for Back to 60 David. The overall ask of both the Waspi Campaign 2018 and Waspi Ltd are the same. They always have been.

    You also appear to be unaware of the unprofessional and unacceptable posts on social media towards Waspi per se, along with countless blockings, by Back to 60. Something both Unite and Unison appear to be aware of.

    Incidentally, I can only comment in relation to the Waspi Campaign 2018, we maintained our dignity and did not respond to the Back to 60 posts.

    Please retract the statement in question as it is totally unfounded and pure speculation.


    • Far from any lack of financial support the article was a celebration of how well #BackTo60 had done and highlighted the role of two amazing grass roots union campaigners, Mac Hawkins and Louise Matthews, in raising such a lot of cash. You should congratulate them for all their hard work.
      My comments at the end were drawn from my own experience and meant to reflect the fact that Waspi Ltd made it very clear that it did not want full restitution but never spelled out exactly what they did want. When asked a perfectly reasonable question to explore what they did want I got blocked by Carolyn Harris Mp one of their supporters. What I was merely pointing out is while BackTo60 were campaigning for full restitution, others were lobbying for much less. I was told by one prominent MP sympathetic to the 50s women cause, that this division did cause problems for people who wanted to support them. Therefore I have no intention of withdrawing or retracting what I have written.


      • Well said, David.
        Waspi lost Bindman’s due to ‘in-house’ contention and refused conciliation talks suggested by Bindmans: Waspi later lost Bindmans’ representation for those reasons.
        Donors to backto60 give funds to enable us to deliver Full Restitution not ‘Crumbs’.
        The majority of #50sWomen now support backto60 and The King of Human Right’s Work.
        Those who sell us short have been neutralised and fragmented – they don’t even recognise those facts.
        Tea and cake with MPs has brought about an extraordinary malaise perpetuated by the APPG and Connect Comms aka Pro-Crumbs groups.


      • You digress. As I mentioned your statement “the divisions in Waspi on what they want from the government” implies that this is the reason for the lack of financial support for Back to 60 and further implies our overall asks are different. They are not on both counts.
        As for congratulating Back to 60 for their hard work. I, and the Waspi Campaign 2018 as a whole, have done so on many occasions, on social media, on our website (the posts are still there). I have also congratulated them in speeches I’ve given.
        As you are aware David, Waspi supporters where present at both the JR hearing and the outcome, along with WPIYPO, as a sign of support solidarity. We had every intention to be there for the appeal. However, as the current situation prevents that, we will be there in spirit.


  2. the unions can fund it and fight fully for us. It would not sit well if they did not. Part payments have always been what has happened to women in the past there are many women in the unions


  3. Hi David, I find myself in these strange times coming out of a worldwide pandemic.
    Still saying what I have been saying since I was 60, I am now 66.
    I want the government to admit that there has been a grave misjudges done to the Back to 60 women. Pay back the money you stole from us approximately £48.000
    I would like to know how many have lost their lives during this pandemic, it’s too late for them now shame on you Boris Johnson. I am spending my retirement isolated and skint. I want full restoration before it’s too late here hoping we have a good outcome on the 21 July.


      • I suggest that you launch your own blog to campaign for men. I can introduce you to one man who wants men to retire five years EARLIER than women because they die sooner. Perhaps you can do a collaborative effort, it make you very popular with some men but not others.


    • With you Linda and all. This crisis has exacerbated all effect on us. I don’t know mentally/physically/financially how am still here. It is thanks to all at #backto60 and family and friends. We must not be pushed aside, whatever it takes. Covid has raised many new issues too. Roll on July 21st, oh and Boris can stop being Henry V111 making the powers to suit. We are educated!!!!!


    • Over 5000 women in their “early”60’s have lost their lives to the virus and all of their contributions will be swallowed by government


  4. Governments of various persuasions have consistently tried to belittle our right not to have a pension delayed by 6 years. Can you imagine the outcry if they had moved men on by 6 years?
    Women are still second class citizens; undervalued for looking after their own children; undervalued by being kept out of occupational pensions and now undervalued as potential unpaid care for grandchildren which releases the jobs and childcare for the younger generation who with decades, not months, of warning will expect pensions later.
    Please will someone at DWP exercise good sense and rewind the length of state pension delay for 1950s women. Now more than ever it makes more economic sense. Rightful women’s pensions will reduce extra benefit claims and allow younger women and men to work.


  5. In relation to your comment: ” while some other Waspi groups still have to spell out exactly how much compensation they want”. Again, it is quite baffling that you should say this David when you are aware that, before last year’s election, the Waspi Campaign 2018 led on the work with Labour’s Treasury team which also involved We Paid In,You Pay Out and Back to 60. You will recall, that Labour took many, not all, of our points on board and decided on a level of compensation. Waspi Campaign 2018 made a statement at the time saying that should Labour form the next Government that we looked forward to working with them to fine tune their model to make sure that women born on different dates in the 1950s are treated fairly.


  6. We’ll be chatting about this article on our Facebook/backto60 group LIVESTREAM this evening.
    Those who wholeheartedly support FULL RESTITUTION will be gathering around our Union Representatives who will share the katest news.
    We suggest that #50sWomen join our campaign and get behind THE KING OF HUMAN RIGHT’S WORK instead of those who have neutralised Pro-Crumbs campaigners without jurisdiction in the matter.
    Our Crowd Funds are solely for FULL RESTITUTION and donors signed up to it alone.


  7. Fantastic news so much publicity . We need this I was a Unisonmember for over 30 years . Never asked for any thing !!? We deserve this xx

    Sent from my iPhone



  8. I worked out that I lost over 42000. Luckily I have no mortgage but it was touch and go about whether I could be debt free.

    It is such an unfair system because I have had to use my savings.


  9. my poor wife needs a hip operation she is a career and cannot afford to take the time off work pay her the pension you lot stole and she can have the operation she needs caused through the work she does helping the elderly stay in their own homes i know thats not what you want you want all elderly people in your £1000 a week plus till you drain them of their money and then their home if it wasn’t for them fighting 2 wars none of you would even be here think on that one let these women retire with dignity


  10. I have worked from the age of 15 paying the’full womens atamp’ throughout. Finished work in a very stressful job , had major surgery and had to reevaluate my life. At 62 I was made redundant, we downsized and have been using our savings to live since.
    There are 3 major points for me:
    1. I was never told my pension age was to increase. This change caused me to be depressed.

    2. I have paid in more than my dues, so am not being given what I am not entitled to. I want full compensation.

    3 How on earth do the government expect pensioners to live on the UK state pension is beyond me, it doesn’t compare with other countries. It is at subsistence levels. Pensioners should be given at least the minimum wage.


  11. Whats made me mad is that Government were saying that they couldn’t pay us our dues because they didn’t have the funds to do it. Well we know now that they did. Look how much money they’ve found during the pandemic, not that I disagree with what they’ve done to help people, but it goes to show there’s money available and its ours! Let us 60’s women retire and the young take our places. We’ve done our bit, knackered now.


  12. What’s happened to the money the women paid into For 50 years ???
    I started work at 15 years of age now nearly 65
    And money has been stolen from me .
    Whilst it would seem the Government can give money to non Uk resident who have not contributed a penny to the British economy but can pay up to £900 per month towards their rent ,
    Where is the fairness In that madness .
    We want back what we put in
    Very disgusted with all political parties , each one is guilty of theft


    • I am now 65 and have paid in all my working life.
      All we want is what we are owed.
      I am very grateful to everyone who is fighting for us.


  13. Tes

    Crédit to all if you tirelessly working for an equitable resolution to this flagrant issue

    All lo by groups should meet and reach s common o objective, then your Voice and leverage will be further enhanced

    The fight should go on until a just and proper resolution
    I keep writing to PM ,who does not even bother to acknowledge receipt

    The mettle of your leadership a dl those espousing this issue will show in adversity

    Besides the judicial review we also nned the popular support
    Prople should co finally write to their MPs
    I firmly believe in strong advocacy, stoicism and resilience, the com inaction of the above eventually bring fruition



  14. I am so grateful for all the help we are getting and we must not give up we must keep pushing forward. We all worked hard for that money and it is our money it’s not as if they are giving us anyone else’s money.
    We must keeping going or the young will feel that the government can do it to them too and will become even more deflated if we do not succeed.
    Thank you again and again.
    I left the country for some time to be a missionary and when I returned to hope to have my pension they say I cant have it and they offer me a hostel to live out my days.
    This money they owe me will give me back my dignity and I maybe able to buy a little place to live
    My mother father and my husband all died, as many others, without ever collecting their pensions and these were not available for us either.


  15. Because of coronavirus I very much doubt we will get compensated and definitely not full restitution
    I’m so disappointed as I really thought we would get somewhere when we started this campaign – I am 65 in July and if they started to pay from this year that would be the best I could hope for – another year with no pension will wipe me out financially


    • I know how you feel Glenys…I have 2 and half more years till I am 66. I had sepsis 34 years ago and lived on savings while I recovered. I am having to work as my savings will not last the year. I am self employed preparing food so standing in one spot all day with osteoarthritis in both knees. I only earn a low wage so was not entitled to any financial help whatever since covid lockdown because my tiny private pension is higher than my self employed profit. I return to work on 4th July because of my state pension entitlement being stolen from me. I worked full time for 44 years. No break to have children. I feel very bitter towards this issue. My sepsis has robbed me of all energy and my immune system is shot to pieces. I have no faith that the courts will rule in our favour but hope for a miracle.


  16. I am so angry because the money has been found to fund Nightingale hospitals that were not used. And all the rest of the expenses for Covid and yet cannot be found for this.


    • I believe there is at least a fighting chance that the appeal will be successful but, even then, I worry that we will somehow still not get our pensions brought back to 60. It greatly concerns me that we have a Prime Minister who illegally prorogued Parliament with no consequences whatsoever and who, more recently, backed the implausible account his Senior Advisor gave to justify blatantly breaking lockdown. I now fear the recent press about the Government possibly not being able to maintain the triple-lock on pensions, due to the financial impact of Coronavirus, may be the start of a Government campaign to brand us, if we win, in the same way that ‘Remoaners’ were, as selfish and unpatriotic. I would say that All Lives Matter and that across history, culture, race and religion, I can think of no other group of human beings that has been more systematically discriminated against than women. I even find the fact that professional journalists cannot be bothered to distinguish between Backto60 and WASPI, patronising and offensive – as if we are all just a bunch of silly old women that they can’t be bothered to take seriously enough to understand the vital distinctions between the two groups.


    • I believed OUR money had been used to bail the banks out. It’s disgusting. In the 70’s when I started work WORK meant work. Mostly manual in those days and very low wages unless you worked in London. I had to work days at one job and evenings at another to live. I know of many who have died in poverty before being able to claim state pension at 60 when they could have enjoyed a little piece of mind earlier.


  17. This is really important – my best friend died recently aged 66 having claimed only four months of her state pension. How many more is this happening to? I am only due to receive mine in November but all my financial planning was aimed at receiving it 60. I still have to work as my workplace pension is not enough to live on.


    • I get mine in November too. My husband died last July. I had to sell my house as he was 7 years older than me. My income went when he died. I just hope I live long enough to get it.


  18. Chatting to to my 58 year old friend yesterday, we discussed how expensive it is to live in the UK and how difficult it is to manage basic living costs. She said she is having to manage on savings and her part time job until her pension. Her state pension is due when she is 67.
    I am 65 at the end of November and have to wait a further year to claim my pension at age 66.
    Surely this outlines the CRAZY DISPARITY BETWEEN AGE DIFFERENTIAL!!!!!
    D.W.P Should admit they have made a huge blunder that has impacted on 50’s born women and offer restitution ASAP.


    • The local M.P. here is also the Minister for Pensions. I don’t know why women do not cross the road when they see him coming he is so unsympathetic.


  19. We are eternally grateful to all people working behind the scenes. All woman need every penny back plus our pensions reinstated starting at 60 years old. Thank you


  20. Thank you for all you are doing to see fair play for women. I have missed out as l was born 5/11/55 & live on my own. I do not not understand that women receive a smaller pension than men. This surely isn’t right. I know jobs were given to men rather than women as men drew doke for his wife & children which was cheaper for the government. I thought women paid full stamp so get their pension at 60 why do they have to wait for their spouse to reach pension age. We pay individually so should draw as individuals. I had no correspondence concerning these pension changes & would like to see my personal copy that was sent. If a Company tried to introduce massive changes like this they wouldn’t get away with it. The existing terms should stand for existing women and new joiners have to join the new scheme. Women do not live longer than men many women never drew their pension at all.


    • You have my sympathy as was shielding on SSP until a letter informing I didn’t need to anymore and as a result returned to the workplace.

      Stay safe as you can for as long as you can, and accept any support your local hub can give; you’ve contributed towards it.


  21. What is it with us 50’s women we are someone’s mother, Grandmother Aunty , Neigbour and we have been robbed of what was rightfully ours we may not have been mugged in the street but as good as where is everyone’s support for us And especially the unions now because there showing some!! Support we should be grateful this is more than a unfair dismal or working hours Issue or sexiest or racist Matter ( not their not important) but we were robbed for Christ sake the union and everyone should be shouting it from the roof tops Are we Women in our sixties not worth Demonstrating for This could be any of you in the future
    There should be no don’t at all that these judges are not in our favour it’s there for all to see it just beggars belief really that we are even having to go to court


  22. I worked from 15 to now 62 till I got I’ll. Worked full time no children always paid in not taken out.
    I’m soo upset that I’ve worked all those years and no one helps me. They owe me thousands . I do hope to god we win. Xx thankyou to all who are fighting for us .xx


  23. Well I received my letter from the government, now I can go back to work, 64, been shielding, worked from 15, not allowed to pay into a works pension, men only, maybe corona will get me next time around, still cannot have a bus pass, yet there is nobody on the buses xx what a joke our government is !!


  24. For some it is already too late. My sister in law died so cruelly last month from aggressive bowel cancer, aged 64 just days short of her 65th birthday. I feel in these cases their stolen pension should be given to surviving partners.


  25. I’m really disappointed the this action from trade union movement has taken all these years. These organisations are for the working class people and this pension fraud is misuse of working class people’s pension money so why didn’t they start shouting then. The fact the the chancellor of the working class people’s labour movement stuck his hand in the pension pot is a disgrace in itself. I couldn’t imagine this ever being allowed in other parts of Europe so why was a blind eye turned here. The unions need to stop talking, take this issue up a level and start raising awareness with some good old union protest marching. Let’s see what their made of these days.


  26. Hi. I’m really grateful for all the work is being put into this . I’m 63 now. In my early years I worked as a horse groom and have now found myself having to do this hard work again which is taking a terrible blow on my joints and hips . I expected to retire at 60 as had no notification that it was to change. The last time I looked on HMRC I had paid in 43 years of full contribution. To say I’m upset is an understatement. Please carry on the good work . June


  27. Thank you for your excellent work on this. Surely the campaign would be stronger if both Waspi and BackTo60 worked together! This is not a time for division – we are stronger together. We all have the same goal, which is justice and equality for the forgotten generation of 1950s women. At a time when equality for all is vitally important, it is a disgrace that this country continues to ignore the abuse of this huge sector of society. Waspi and BackTo60 – for the good of all 1950s women, please work together. The ‘powers that be’ will play on any division, and the cause will be weaker for it.


  28. Yes, indeed. As so many before me have said. We paid our dues in good faith but those who have not contributed are distributed with money which presumably has been misappropriated from our money. Also, please everyone stand firm and do not allow the corona virus expenditure be an excuse for the Government to hide behind.


  29. Reading all these comments once more has truely saddened my heart. Please let this be our time July 21st I feel that this could be our last hope. So much has happened to me, and I know others during the past five years, the pension would have truely helped. It was so unfair of them to not stagger the pensions correctly. We have one of the worst paid government pensions in the whole of the world, this wonderful caring government.


  30. It’s amazing that all MPs stood up in parliament praising the efforts of the suffragettes and yet here we stand on their doorstep and still they walk over us ! Open your eyes we are not going away quietly.


  31. I Worked from being 15. Always worked full Time Paid Full Stamp along with my Taxes Contributions. I was Same Not Recieved anything in Writting along with everyone else! As it came to 60 pension age Was told to Work another 6 yrs. I’m now 64. Still Working, Telling on me now!! Has Our Body’s Slow down. Has they Know to Well. Were Just asking what were Owed!! What we paid into. Along with Compensation for The way it was done to us. And had No Time to do anything about it Untill The 1950s Women Got Together To Fight for are earned Dues. As Its Our Money!! Were all In same Boat. Us 60s Woman. As Well has Deserve full Compensation. For Financial Loss!! On Top.


  32. Full restitution and money back we’ve paid for over 45 years now is the time to treat us properly like everything else even the unions have money for other things so time they put their money where their mouth is and fully back us


  33. At this time, with over 60’s having a greater risk of serious illness or death from Covid and many having underlying illnesses, I think it would be appropriate to let them retire at 60, which would then release jobs to younger people, who are more resilient to the Coronavirus!!


  34. I’m 64 this year getting harder each day to work , yet knowing you have to is getting even heavier, I work on an oncology ward , but is immaterial of what job or were you work ,it is not fair ….. unions should be united with the back to 60s campaign we have ploughed soo much into the furloughed screamer and rightly so , but I have worked since I was 14 years of age and should be treated along with the rest of my generation with the respect and dignity we deserve


  35. Just put in a claim for my pension in October this year. Can’t wait. Just wish I’d had it since 60 as promised. Ready for the knackers yard and still working on my feet all day in a supermarket, Thank u to everyone at back to 60 for fighting for us xxx


  36. We must continue the fight for full restitution. My husband is being made redundant next month and I was told yesterday that my job as a carer in the community, would be finishing at the end of July. Like so many other women, I have worked since I left school at 15, and will be 65 in October. I am so tired but have no choice but to find another low paid job to survive. My state pension, which has been wrongfully withheld from me for almost 5 years, is desperately needed right now. That money is rightfully mine and I want it back. Shame on you Boris for not righting this terrible wrong. I feel exasperated and so angry with this government and indeed, previous ‘people in power’ who schemed and plotted to destroy my future, and millions of 1950’s women. A huge thank you to everyone who is fighting on our behalf. Roll on July 23rd, I will be watching and waiting for a victorious outcome.


    • Hi Jess, I totally agree with you, I find it unforgivable. The government have lied and cheated for years and as I have said before, if someone stole approximately £48,000 from us and they were found guilty they would go to jail, we have done a 5/6 year sentence and have done nothing wrong, like you I am praying for a good outcome on the 21 July.


  37. Thank you so much BackTo60! I am very grateful for all your hard work and dedication. We do want full restitution because many women are now 66 and have lost a lot of money and gained nothing but years of frustration and anxiety. The government should have phased in the retirement age increase much slower and offered compensation at the time of bringing in the new law. The government is a callous, immoral, unthinking dictatorship whose many policies including those on women’s pensions are very unjust. They need to be forced to offer all women born in the 1950’s an immediate opportunity to retire and compensation for lost years!


  38. Thank you for fighting for all if us who have been caught up in this situation. I turned 60 in December 2019 due to the pandemic i have been laid off work the company i worked for would not furlough me but as i fall inro the at risk group i have been receiving £360 a month. I know i am going to have to find another job asap but i am scared that all i will get is a low paid job and this usually comes with employers who wont safeguard the at risk group. If i had of received my pension my mental health and well being would not be a lot better. I just hope and pray justice will be served.


  39. Hi,
    I feel so encouraged by the continued support of Backto60, David Henke and all of our supporters who are keeping the theft of our pensions in the public domain.
    I am 62 and totally potless, in debt and only survive due to the support of my son, who has his own problems but continues to help me.
    I don’t have enough income to pay my bills, I would likely be on the street if it wasn’t for him.
    I wasn’t in a position to “make provision” for the unexpected sudden change in pension provision, even if I had been informed by the letter the DWP claim to have sent to us 50’s women.
    I am not a religious person but hope there will be full restitution, then I can live my later years without the debt I have hanging over me.


  40. I am grateful for everyone campaigning for our pension to be reinstated , I am 64 and I am struggling with finances I having to sell house, although the money has been found for pandemic , and helping people struggling , I was struggling before and will carry on struggling it would be wonderful to get compensation , I worked from 15 and paid into system , I hope you win for all our sakes


  41. Hi I would like to thank Joan and everyone and also everyone at waspi for doing so much to bring this to light and keep it in the public eye. While I fully support our back to 60 with full restitution stance, estpecially now with older vulnerable women having to workin a covid setting I don’t feel they will listen. I like everyone else would love this ideal outcome which, would be fantastic.!
    However looking at it realistially, yes ,we fully deserve full restitution and our pensions back to 60,but shamefully the government won’t do give us that, rather, they will throw it out. How do we get past that sinario. I also am self employed and, as my small works pension is bigger than my profit, I wasn’t allowed any help either. the fact that they are paying those whov’e not paid a penny into the system is verry wrong. the press should be highlighting this ang getting it out there. good luck and thank you verry much everyone for all the hard work you’re doing its a pitty we cant get local people in town centres together locally.

    Best wishes,Jill


  42. As an ardent supporter I would like to thank the team for all their continuing hard work. Covid 19 has sadly affected many lives and is going to impact on many more lives in the UK for a long time to come. Many people in all age groups will lose their jobs because of the uncertain economic future we face. Surely the Government can see that it is now more important than ever to ensure that its future workforce – the young – are supported in the Labour market? One possible solution is reinstatement of the Age 60 Pensions for women with a gradual increase to “equalisation” in the future. They are going to make changes to the Triple lock on Pensions to suit themselves to recoup some of the billions already spent for the Pandemic so why not rescind the changes made to fifties women’s pensions? Given the choice, I wonder how many older women would probably decide to retire?


  43. Was union member throughout my 25 yrs as a qualified Social Worker. Paid my union dues, paid my tax and NI. TUs must support BackTo60 but their track record isn’t great on women’s rights. Meantime, many of us are no longer able to work at professional level and if we’re lucky, end up in pt time, min wage jobs, unable to retire without state pension.


  44. Aged 64 just got home from another day of physical work. I can hardly move with arthritis but never mind I will have to struggle through another day tomorrow getting up at 5.30 just to make ends meet. However I expect my tax and my pension I missed out on will go towards paying unemployment benefits for healthy young people or go towards free school meals for those poor children born of the healthy parents who want our jobs, not our pension or handouts.
    Get a grip unions fight harder for everyone. Give us a choice. Give the youngsters a chance.


  45. Was 66 on May 27th 2020.Finally able to retire on Feb 1st this year after 27 years of doing heavy work in the care sector and 49 years of working ,never had children,paid full NI throughout.Was told age 58 that i could not retire for another 7 and a half years.The last five years of work has taken a huge toll on my health,both mental and physical.I divorced my husband at 55,before finding out about the new law and have been left financially completely broke,on housing benefit ,renting in the private sector and at the bottom of the queue for social housing in .Shropshire,because I do not have enough disabilities apparently.Twice i have run out of money for food before my pension and benefits came in.I never thought I would end up after working so hard,with nothing to show for it and isolating within 6 weeks of retiring.
    I believe the government owe me £48000 and would be very happy to see it.Unbelieveable to see how many of us all in the same boat


  46. Thank u to all concerned for taking up our plight . I work in a male dominant environment and I believe a man would not be treated like this and just because we have done most of the parenting caring for elderly parents and let our own lives be put on hold not being able to reach our full potential through putting family first doing low paid jobs why are we being treated like this we have contributed to society so much which the younger generation wouldn’t be asked to do in the here and now so I am just counting the days to 21st July to the government is taken to task for stealing what we have worked for and is ours by right disgusted


  47. Restitution just might have been possible before Covid19 but I do not believe it can ever happen now. There are no spare government funds.


  48. I fully support you all in what is rightly yours and should have not been stolen by the government. Lets hope on the 21st July you get the decision which you all rightly deserve.


  49. We had no funds before COVID (remember Austerity). The last figure I heard, COVID costs were £190billion, nowhere near the £271 billion various governments misappropriated from the NI pot without any explanation as to where the money went. Fully re-imbursing and paying compensation to 3.8 million women who had their pensions stolen from them would not cost so much so could always have been rectified as a matter of decency, integrity and law. Our money was taken from us under false pretences, thereby breaching any contract – I still believe that is a crime. Stealing money from one section of the population (women) to cover government lack of foresight is a completely separate issue and the COVID fiasco should have no bearing on any decisions in law.

    Perhaps someone could ask the ONS if enough old people have been killed off, under the Cummings plan, for them to re-instate our pensions? Of course, I jest! But I am very grateful to all those who have contributed to this claim, and appeal, and kept the pressure on.


  50. I have written to my MP, I have contacted my local BBC news and spoken out to anyone who will listen to keep raising the awareness of this complete injustice against women. Supporting Back to 60 all the way!! Keeping up the momentum even though many of us are shielding and can’t do what we would normally do. We are well known as a country for reaching out to help those in need and many women have sacrificed careers, in order to care for families or strangers home and abroad in the name of compassion and humanity and now, we’re being trodden on, cast out and left to struggle. Like someone said previously, women have fought in wars and served toward a freedom and better life . It s all been said before so eloquently and we are intelligent and educated women. Please give us the respect and decency we really are due. We would have been prepared for all this had we can been given prior warning, but we were duped, misled, and frankly, robbed. !!! The Unemployed who don’t have any intention of working and people working the system are benefitting while we struggle. Now with covid, we are herded in a group that need to rely on others for help, can’t get deliveries, have to pay more for supplies and things we need, losing dignity and our independence!!! Enough is enough but I do firmly believe we will make a way and breakthrough!! Who do these governments think are going to vote for them next time. ?? They are talking of levelling the rich and poor, north and south.. we have human rights more than the criminals who shout up and win.. this could be the last chance for many of us, we be already lost many friends colleague and family who waited in faith for a fair outcome.. we must do it for them as well as us!! I believe we will overcome. WOMENS LIVES MATTER. THOSE WHO’VE GONE AND THOSE STILL HERE!! If we all decide to stay at home and do nothing, this country will be in dire straits. No childcare, voluntary workers, carers, NHS workers etc etc.. We will be in a state!!!!! We need each other… Praying God will move this mountain of injustice.. His ways are not our ways and He sees all. Change their hearts and agenda Lord. With thanks for all our blessings!!


  51. Ribbed women have advised us that they are seeking legal advice regards those ‘Pro-Crumbs for the few’ groups attempting to give away their property with consent, authority nor jurisduction.

    The only legal solution is **FULL RESTITUTION** and if you are not part of this solution, you are part of the above problem ie #Waspi et al ‘Crumbs for the few’ and you best watch out for disenchanted women with plans to raise a legal challenge against those same self appointed oracles, without consent, attempting to give away property belonging to others.

    We commend and thank every single person who continues their work towards securing full restitution for all #50sWomen.


  52. What part of “I paid in you pay out” are some people not getting!!..
    I and 3.8 million other 50’s women paid full NI contributions, we want full restoration, NOW before any more of us die. I had approximately £48,000 stolen from me by the government and I want it returned.
    Thank you Back to 60, keep fighting, I am looking forward to hearing the verdict on my six years sentence on the 21 July, things that they cannot return to me.
    My Health
    My mental health (anxiety & stress)
    My family and friends time
    My earlier retirement
    My quality of life
    good luck everyone.


  53. Ladies, we need to decide what it is we want. Personally I want full restitution and compensation I paid my dues in full so that’s what I’m owed.


    • We were told we would get state pension at 60 yrs of age. They agreed so they should pay full amount from 60th Birthday of every woman.


  54. I am broke ,for 6 years I have had to use my entire savings as well as trying to hold down as many cleaning jobs as I my purse is empty. I’m 66 and my state pension is 279.00 PER MONTH. I have a rare autoimmune disease and severe arthritis. My local MP told me without an ounce of empathy that her government would not be able to pay anything back because they “simply could not magic money up”. That was a year ago. Theres been plenty of money to support every other member of this society during lockdown. Wheres my support?


  55. I am 66 in December . I have worked in care all my life. 47 years N.I. payments. For the last four months or so of lockdown I have had no luxury of furlough and have had to carry on working in private agency care industry as I am awaiting my state pension. 65 and going to work in covid areas whilst 21 year olds are furloughed. No provided ppi had to get my own. No furlough or shielding options.


  56. Absolutely right!! They keep finding money for so many things, the latest, getting 3 million people from Hong Kong now.. Yes, We do want to help everyone, but enough is enough rubbing our noses in it it seems to me. We only want what is ours . They want us all dead and gone. We’re not taken seriously. Lots of promises and words, promises like piecrusts and empty words.. Shame on them.. !!! They want us on benefits i m sure, We want our own money and our dignity and respect and integrity that We were raised on. Not begging bowls and benefits!! We demand what is rightfully ours!!! Even a lot of men agree. We contributed a great deal to this country..


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