Ignored and dumped in the general election: The 3.5 million 50swomen who faced a six year wait to get their pensions

Rachel Reeves. Pic credit: Politics Home

It is becoming increasingly clear that neither the Tories nor the Labour Party have the slightest intention of offering any compensation to the 3.5 million women who have lost up to £50,000 by having to wait an extra six years to get their pension.

Rachel Reeves, the shadow Labour chancellor, has already ruled in advance of the party’s manifesto that there will be no money to pay them while Mel Stride, the outgoing Tory works and pension secretary, is hiding behind examining the paltry Parliamentary Ombudsman’s compensation for partial; compensation, while planning an extra £12 billion benefits cuts to hit the unemployed, sick and disabled.

Rachel Reeves Said: “I recognise that injustice. There are lots of things that a Labour government might like to do, but the state of the public finances and the dire need of our public services means that we won’t be able to do everything that we might like to do.

“Our manifesto will be published shortly, but I’ve said we won’t put forward anything that is not fully costed and we have not set out any money for this.”

Indeed if there is no money for them, will Labour decide there is no money for the contaminated blood victims and the much wronged Post Office sub postmasters or will the Conservatives still keep their pledge to both those groups as they have now promised a raft of tax cuts for the masses and the wealthy.

The answer why the 50swomen have been singled out is because politicians can do this due to the pathetically weak constitutional position of the Parliamentary Ombudsman in this country.

Rob Behrens, the outgoing Parliamentary Ombudsman, first wimped out of making a firm recommendation and left it to MPs and then issued guidelines that would give a maximum of £2,900 to people who have lost tens of thousands. He is now having a whirl of a time in retirement watching Premier League football and travelling the world and participating in conferences as a world leading elder statesman Ombudsman..

Nick Joicey, Rachel Reeves partner, was director of finance at the DWP during the judicial review

The truth is the main parties can dump the 50swomen because the law allows them to ignore any recommendation from the Ombudsman. Just as the Emperor had no clothes, the Parliamentary Ombudsman has no power. So MPs can make nice noises about the plight of the women, but they don’t have to part with the hard cash. The DWP was always opposed to any compensation and Nick Joicey – Rachel Reeves partner – was director of finance there during the Backto60 judicial review which the DWP opposed.

Angela Madden WASPI

This is exactly what has happened and I put part of the blame on Angela Madden, the leader of the WASPI group, who don’t claim they represent all women, and chose to go down the path of maladministration rather than litigation and have now been dumped by ministers because they know they don’t have to pay them anything.

She has now put up the white flag of surrender announcing that WASPI is closing down its crowdfunding campaign, having spent £500,000 from women’s donations, and achieved practically nothing. I see in a statement from WASPI it plans no further legal action and will just continue lobbying MPs in the new Parliament.

She says: “Unfortunately, that decision will not be made any time soon because Parliament is no longer sitting and no decisions with significant financial implications can be made in the pre-election sensitivity period known as ‘purdah.”

Mel Stride

CEDAWinLAW, the successor body to Backto60, which took the legal route by pressing for a judicial review only to be halted by a refusal of the male dominated Supreme Court, to consider the case, has also halted its legal proceedings to force Mel Stride to consider mediation because it couldn’t raise enough money and faced the danger of adverse costs from the DWP for challenging the minister.

As a result there is no legal action against the government even though the legal advice from CEDAWinLAW’s lawyers is that Mel Stride is acting unlawfully by refusing any mediation.

This all leaves the 3.5 million women who could be in a position to influence the general election result, with very little choice to cast their vote.

In Scotland they could vote Scottish National Party as Dr Patricia Gibson, has been a stalwart supporter of compensation for the 50swomen.

She said:” It has become clear that neither the current UK Government nor the incoming Labour Government has any intention of offering any redress or compensation to WASPI women, despite the fact that the Ombudsman’s report was damning about the way this rise in state pension age was undertaken. Neither the Tories nor Labour are willing even to accept the principles of the need for compensation, never mind the urgency, whilst one WASPI women dies every 13 minutes. This is truly shocking..”

She points out that Sir Keir Starmer, the Labour leader, had a law passed to secure his personal pension for life.

Other MPs you can support include Labour left wingers who support compensation and mediation to solve the issue. This includes the former Labour shadow chancellor, John McDonnell, and Ian Byrne, Mp for Liverpool, West Derby. In Northern Ireland you can vote for the Democratic Unionist Party who support compensation. Otherwise if you want to you can support George Galloway in Rochdale whose Worker’s Party support compensation for the women. In the rest of the cases it will depend on the individual.

All this is a very sorry end for all the women. who have tirelessly campaigned for years. But Britain’s reputation has been damaged abroad particularly in the United Nations. The UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women  which Lady Thatcher signed nearly 40 years ago has not been properly implemented in this country and it has taken a keen interest in the plight of the women. Its committee recently decided that Professor Shazia Choudhry, the UK’s nomination to sit on their committee, failed to get elected.

There also will be a permanent historical record of the failure of the main parties to find any compensation for the women and it will remain a blot on the reputation of this country for natural justice and fair play.


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12 thoughts on “Ignored and dumped in the general election: The 3.5 million 50swomen who faced a six year wait to get their pensions

  1. there is enough monies for the peasants but not enough to support the richer society who don’t pay their taxes like us peasants untill we realise this then nothing will change they take we pay untill that day we have a person in who treats all we had one in Jeremy Corbyn but the rich made sure he couldn’t get to be a great leader

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jeremy Corbyn was our only hope, I just couldn’t believe it when some 50’s women were saying they’d vote conservative because they believed all the nonsense printed about him. I cried when he didn’t get in, the only man with any integrity.


  2. Thank you for your honesty, what a sad end for 50s women. I personally will never forgive or forget. The only option is to use my vote the way I see fit. I will vote for the party that represents me. WASPI and CEDAW has let women down, it seems under the UN we women are worthless too. Once again thank you David your undying support.

    Liked by 1 person

    • You’ll find that successive govts/Parliaments and those who continue to persecute #50sWomen by **withholding** onside proven evidence out of UK & International Laws let victims down: certainly **not** CEDAWinLAW whose veteran volunteers have succeeded where others have failed – miserably.
      Here’s yCEDAWinLAW’s CLEAR CASE:


      • Dear Joanna Welch,

        You might also like to sign my petition and encourage your BackTo60 (CEDAWinLaw) members to sign, as getting CEDAW into UK law is within the petition to the political parties running in this election, please.

        There is £84bn surplus in the National Insurance Fund, more than enough for the Grey Swans pension group demand to politicians running in this election (so the only campaign live n ow) of:

        £35,000 compensation to 1954 to 1959 ladies

        Tapered compensation to 1951 to 1953 ladies

        Tapered compensation to 1960 to 1964 ladies.

        Pension 60 for 1965 born ladies who turn 60 next year

        Please sign and share petition: https://you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/state-pension-bettered-compensation-for-1950s-1960s-ladies


  3. Dear David Hencke,

    There is £84bn surplus in the National Insurance Fund, more than enough for the Grey Swans pension group demand to politicians running in this election (so the only campaign live n ow) of:

    £35,000 compensation to 1954 to 1959 ladies

    Tapered compensation to 1951 to 1953 ladies

    Tapered compensation to 1960 to 1964 ladies.

    Pension 60 for 1965 born ladies who turn 60 next year

    Please sign and share petition: https://you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/state-pension-bettered-compensation-for-1950s-1960s-ladies

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Not surprised, David. Notice we haven’t heard any of the political parties mentioning the gang who committed the universal credit fraud of £53.9m. That money would have helped a few women.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Thank you for such a comprehensive summary of the current position and your unfailing support for this cause – the real ‘biggest scandal’ in recent years! I have to agree that WASPI damaged all of our prospects: setting out to reduce recompense from all of us who had our pensions and lives ‘stolen’. The government were happy with the ‘divide and conquer’ excuse they provided. At least Rachel Reeves was honest; to paraphrase: if we’ve got any money, we’re not wasting it on you!

    The older I get the more digusted I become with this country’s lack of honesty decency, integrity, equality and justice – that is the history we will carry forward to future generations!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. “7 years of famine, 7 years of plenty”, said Joseph to Pharaoh. “In the good years, stockpile 1/2 of your grain, and you can help your people in the poor years”.

    The government knew record numbers were being born, record numbers would work, record numbers would pay tax and NI.

    60 years to invest, 60 years to plan. Foresight? No! Incompetence. We paid in – you pay out!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. So is that really it?

    Over the years I’ve donated regularly to both campaigns for nothing then 🤷‍♀️ .

    What happened to the European route?

    So no compensation, no Party supporting us, we just curl up and disappear now. 😢

    Very sad , still sharing Tweets etc, is there any point anymore 😕 getting cross with them all when we’re getting nothing, zilch 🙄

    Thank you David for everything you’ve done for us over the years, much appreciated 👍💕 xx


  8. Thanks for this important info. As a WASPIE I don’t intend to vote either Labour or Tory. I’ve not seen to date anything about the Waspies claim in the Reform Party, have you? Many thanks. Wendy Allott


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