” I regularly briefed Jenny Tonge on child abuse in Richmond” -children’s director

Baroness Tonge; Still Still Silent,pic courtesy:http://2009fpconference.files.wordpress.com

Baroness Tonge; Still Still Silent,pic courtesy:http://2009fpconference.files.wordpress.com

The anmesia among politicians about  the child sexual abuse scandal in Richmond Council is looking less and less credible by the day. Now Terry Earland, the former assistant director of children’s services at Richmond, has told my colleague Mark Conrad that he held regular briefings with Jenny Tonge, Liberal social services chair and her deputy at the time – now believed to be dead- about child abuse problems. In article in Exaro News( http://bit.ly/WQQz7M) where Mr Earland gives a long interview. He makes it is absolutely clear that he briefed both senior politicians and officials in the social services department about the issue.

Earland was aware of the scandal at Grafton Close and Elm Guest House. He says he may not have specified Elm Guest House to Jenny Tonge but it is clear that he did report to her and her deputy on a regular basis on child care issue.

Similarly he says he did tell Louis Minster,  social services director later prematurely retired by Jenny Tonge, about sexual abuse at Elm  Guest House  in 1982. This directly contradicts Mr Minster’s statement that he knew nothing about it. He also says it was well-known inside Richmond Council after 1983 that  sexual abuse of children was going on. This is when the Liberal Democrats took over from the Tories.

When you consider that two boys have now told the police that one of the abusers was Sir Cyril Smith, the Liberal MP, whose death will mean he will escape prosecution, it is doubly tragic.

A failure by a council  to protect children in its care is a terrible scandal. The fact that it  appears to have been  ignored by the two parties that form today’s coalition government is anappalling dereliction of duty. And that one of the identified perpetrators was a Liberal Mp makes it even worse. Sometimes critics of the Tories call them the ” nasty party ” As this rate the Liberal Democrats could be called the ” sordid party.”

Baroness Tonge was given the opportunity to comment on Mr Earland’s claim and said she had nothing to say. She was asked about Sir Cyril and had no comment to make. She said the information should be passed to the police. I think it already has.

22 thoughts on “” I regularly briefed Jenny Tonge on child abuse in Richmond” -children’s director

  1. my main concern now is with the disclosure of the sordid pedophilia rings that are coming out and the slow drip of information regarding which MP’s were involved, that the secret courts bill that has been pushed through parliament, could now be used to cover up this despicable situation, and allow the guilty off the hook


  2. I suggest people look at page 5 of the Richmond & Twickenham Times, 1/3/2013 – Yet another case of amnesia by a former Richmond Councillor. Perhaps the Communicable Dieases Branch of the Department of Health need to look at this outbreak of memory loss at the LBRuT, as it appears to be highly infectious and apparently crossing the species barrier. Better still, what about Exaro running the hand delivered letter to the then Leader of Richmond Council, Councillor Tony Arbour, dated the 8 February 2003 from the GMB Trade Union Branch which incidentially was shut down within weeks when cases of abuse at the LBRuT were raised by letter to its GMB Southern Region Officers, Derek Hunter, Richard Asycough and London Officer Paul Kenny.


  3. Pingback: The Elm House Scandal: ‘I Regularly Briefed Jenny Tonge on Child Abuse in Richmond’ – Children’s Director « Publication-X

  4. Pingback: Alternative News Network – The Elm House Scandal: 'I Regularly Briefed Jenny Tonge on Child Abuse in Richmond' – Children’s Director

  5. Pingback: The Elm House Scandal: ‘I Regularly Briefed Jenny Tonge on Child Abuse in Richmond’ – Children’s Director | Global Conspiracy Book - David Icke Biggest Secret

  6. Exaro is absolutely invaluable; a coherent and credible gatherer (and publisher) of stuff on this issue. Others concerned with systemic child sex abuse (the abused,whistle blowers, bloggers and the individual citizenry) need Exaro. If things fall silent and a cover up happens, I hope Exaro journalists have the courage to publish all that they know.


  7. Pingback: Elm Guest House: Vigil, September 15th, 2014, and Links to Newspaper Reports | Desiring Progress

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