Now all MPs asked by their colleagues to back child sex abuse inquiry

Tim Loughton MP

Tim Loughton MP

Every MP in Parliament is to be asked by former Conservative children’s minister, Tim Loughton, and  Zac Goldsmith, Tory MP for Richmond, to sign up to the original call by seven MPs of all parties for an independent panel  to be set up by Theresa May, the home secretary.

The latest move revealed today by Exaro news is a further acceleration of a campaign  which has now attracted support – at the latest count of 53 MPs.

A groundswell of support in Parliament for such an inquiry quickly grew thanks to a crowd-sourcing campaign by Exaro’s Twitter followers (@ExaroNews), and David Cameron was challenged about it at prime minister’s questions last week.

The original seven – as well as Loughton and Goldsmith – are Tom Watson. the Labour MP who raised the Peter Righton scandal in Parliament; Simon Danczuk, who has written a book and raised the scandal about serial paedophile Sir Cyril Smith;Liberal Democrats Tessa Munt and John Hemming and Caroline Lucas, the Green Party MP.

Full details of the letter sent to Theresa May and a full list of the 53 MPs backing the inquiry are on the Exaro website.

12 thoughts on “Now all MPs asked by their colleagues to back child sex abuse inquiry

  1. Excellent news. I did email my mp Stephen Crabb (tory) he was rather dismissive ie wait for the outcome of current investigations and criminal proceedings. Not good enough in my opinion.


    • My MP too, and I can only think that anyone who voted for him has never had to actually contact him. Replies are lofty, dismissive, standardised, mechanical. Worse still, he just seems to follow the party line, and never shows any interest in the real lives of folk down here. There are too many of these in the HoP.


  2. Reblogged this on Thinking Out Loud and commented:
    This may be a very interesting development. Some senior MPs and their bag men appear to be singing from, what is it called? Oh yes – the same hymn sheet which means the subject has been discussed and instructions aka guidelines have been issued.
    Do you find that odd? Surely the reaction of every sane person would be to immediately agree to a full, open investigation, what objection could there reasonably be? I find the ‘we must wait’ for this that and the other thing mantra very odd.


  3. I wrote to my MP Mike Freer about the inquiry, and eventually received what I now see from Ian Pace’s blog is the stock answer. I thought the wording sounded curiously unlike him – but how very interesting, and infuriating.


  4. Seems to me our lot are slow off the mark. Thank God for the FOIA (US) at the DHS @ Murray Drive Washington DC. If you think the revelations over here are bad wait a few days for ones from the USA.


    • More to come from Angus Crawford. Also appears the Guardian made a massive mistake in the 90’s that resulted in people looking in the wrong place and wrong people.


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