John McDonnell to announce Labour’s plans for WASPI women on Sunday – Shadow Cabinet minister’s leaked Facebook message

Andrew Gwynne’s message that suggests more to come

The Labour Party is to flesh out details on Sunday of how it will financially compensate some 3.8 million women many of whom are enduring enforced poverty after having to wait up to six years to get their basic state pension.

The party’s manifesto yesterday pledged full support for the women and promised talks if it wins the next general election to draw up a compensation package.

But it did not put any cash figure on what it would pay the women or make any provision in the Grey Book to fund it.

This is in sharp contrast to a pledge given to pensioners living overseas in places like Canada, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand and many Caribbean countries which is fully costed in the manifesto. It would come into force in April and could £500m spread over four years. This is a victory for the all party group that campaigned for the pensioners and will mean their pensions would get their first uprating for years. If Britain leaves the EU pensioners living there would also get a permanent uprating rather than just for three years under the Tories.

The failure to mention any money for the women last night provoked a furious reaction from the women with many tweeting their anger to John McDonnell, Labour’s shadow chancellor and others saying Jeremy Corbyn had lost their vote.

Andrew Gwynne Pic Credit:

However one woman challenged Andrew Gwynne, the party’s shadow communities secretary, warning that Labour’s manifesto announcement did not ” look good”.

Gwynne replied: ” Yes John McDonnell is making an announcement on Sunday about how we will honour the pledge on Page 75 of the manifesto to the 1950s women. the costings are separate to the grey book.”

I have since heard from sources that this is indeed the case but Labour are being tight lipped again about what they are going to announce.

John McDonnell; Shadow Chancellor Pic Credit: Channel 4 News

The full manifesto section reads:


People work hard for most of their lives and deserve a decent retirement free of financial stress and insecurity.

Under the Tories, 400,000 pensioners have been pushed into poverty and a generation of women born in the 1950s have had their pension age changed without fair notification.

This betrayal left millions of women with no time to make alternative plans – with sometimes devastating personal consequences.

Labour recognises this injustice, and will work with these women to design a system of recompense for the losses and insecurity they have suffered.

We will ensure that such an injustice can never happen again by legislating to prevent accrued rights to the state pension from being changed.

The Conservatives have repeatedly raised the state pension age despite overseeing a decline in life expectancy. Labour will abandon the Tories’ plans.

All I can say is that John McDonnell better come up with something concrete rather than warm words or else they are going to be 3.8 million women voters who are going to be bitterly disappointed, judging from the tweets I have seen, and Labour could well lose many potential votes on December 12 – not only from them – but from their spouses and families.

Frankly I am bit puzzled why they are doing this and prolonging the suspense..

78 thoughts on “John McDonnell to announce Labour’s plans for WASPI women on Sunday – Shadow Cabinet minister’s leaked Facebook message

  1. This is a move in the right direction as far as I am concerned, it is more than any of the other parties have said and I hope what they say is substantial and I can say now Labour have my vote. Also there is our appeal but that probably won’t happen till long after the election, so lets see what Labour offer this week.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Like millions of 50’s women I feel totally weary of being played with like a toy. Our generation of women have been destroyed financially, mentally and physically. Can any one of you understand what it’s like to wake up every day waiting for an end to this nightmare.

    We watch media reports hanging on every hope that someone will give us our lives back. This is mental cruelty of the highest degree, time after time we get acknowledgement of the grave injustice done to us. Time after time we get told this needs resolving. Can we stop these bloody mind games, stop the talk and sort it out then!!

    The government has the blood on its hands of all those poor women who have died before getting their hard earned state pension. The rest of the government have the opportunities to right this wrong and give these women their lives back.

    I watched Jeremy’s manifesto and as a prudent person felt it may have been a bit OTT on the spending . However I accept this Country is on its knees and God knows we need some glimmer of hope. Our Country is as the farmer said In the news “We went to bed after the vote on Brexit as Great Britain and woke up as Little Britain”.
    Brexit has taken over every priority whilst the Country falls apart.

    In my heart I felt more trust in the Labour’s offers and the belief they can turn this mess around. I plead with the Labour party that this Sunday please put the 50’s women out of this misery. These women deserve better than this, at a time of our lives we should be enjoying we are left in a position of dreading each and every day.

    The 3.8 million women, their supporters and their families want a champion to support and action our cause. The party that actually brings an end to this living hell will undoubtedly be supported by these women.

    The ball is in your court Jeremy, power is great if you use it wisely. Please give these women a Christmas of hope and not desperation.


    Liked by 8 people

    • Just read that if given back the money we are owed it will be means tested and taxed! I have had to keep working like many others and again we will be penalised for working we should not be means tested for what we are owed, disgraceful. Do the honest rightful thing and just pay us women what we are rightfully owed. Maggie


  3. Thank you for update. It is complicated and there are implications for men and it must be fair for women born just after the 1950s decade? 1960s hit just same although everyone has slightly different personal stories as to how far their pension age has moved back and when they found out.Just hazarding a guess at the complicated talks that must be going on behind the scenes in Labour HQ! Personally I would keep it simple and just say they’ll honour 60/65 for those two decades then review ages with view to equalising at 65 with plenty of years notice for 1970s born. Eg 1 year increase for every 5 years. To go hand in hand with flexible working practices and improved maternity pay (in manifesto anyway).

    Liked by 3 people

    • Dee I was born in 1951 & consider myself lucky as I only waited 12;months to get my pension. My best friend who was born in 1956, not lucky at all, she owned her own business that she had to give up because Austerity had a devastating effect on it, she became very ill & ended up on ESA WRAG Group forced to jump through hoops then transferred to ESA support group, applied for PIP refused it & ended up at tribunal then the DWP told her she had to wait for result of a court case being brought against the DWP & the outcome of said case would determine wether or not she could get PIP, whilst awaiting the decision she became extremely ill & I found her dead on the bathroom floor. So I would say the government won hands down.. I HATE the Conservatives with a passion I am 68 nearly 69 & never in my lifetime has there been a more callous excuse for human beings as the current shower hoping to win the GE & if they win we will know what it is like to live under a dictatorship. Vote for the Tories at your peril.

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  4. Hmmm- “promised talks if it wins the next general election to draw up a compensation package”
    That could mean anything. What about pledging to return the money lost with interest? Only a promise like that is going to win votes.

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  5. What is up with these stupid dunces in every party but especially the Labour party??? Why are we so undeserving and worthless? That is what I really want to ask all of them. In absolute despair at them all. I’m certain that if I stood in front of them face to face they would be able to see me, so why am I invisible. Why?

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  6. I am one of the 1950s women and will NOT be voting for any of the major parties. Maggie Thatcher Tony Blair we’re hand in glove together over the STATE PENSION I would love to know who received the PENSION FUND???????

    Liked by 3 people

  7. Women born in the 1950s appear once again to be an afterthought. No matter what rabbit John McDonnell may produce from the hat, it won’t carry the same conviction as a proper costed manifesto pledge.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hilary. What a great thing if we all changed our surnames to Afterthought. With jinxed/doomed for a middle name. Do you think they would get the nessage then??? Actually, that might just work you know.


      • Newspaper headline.

        Why have 3.8 million women changed their surname to Afterthought??? Police investigating possible huge criminal heist. DWP in meltdown.

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  8. Hi I’ve read a bit about what Labour are proposing. And as I was born in 1955 they’re not offering me anything.
    As by the time it happens I will be in receipt of my state pension.
    Are they going to reimburse the £40,000
    That I’ve lost over the last six years. Very much doubt it as all the parliamentarians have already spent it.
    Won’t get my vote

    Liked by 2 people

  9. This is just a last resort from the Labour Party. They are not promising to give back the earned pensions. They are only saying they will look into it once they are in POWER.
    That is a rouse, just to get the affected women to vote for Labour. Nothing will be done and we all know it. It’s a desperate attempt by labour to try and secure votes from the women who were expecting to get their pensions at age 60. And had worked towards since they were 15/16. (Whilst bring up children too) Thats 45 years . AND WHY ARE WE STILL PAYING NATIONAL INSURANCE.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Sandy. Why are we paying (in every way)? Because they think they have got away with it, so we will get nothing but the 1960s women are realising now whats going to happen to them and they are rising up. A bit late in my opinion but still. The way its going is that we the 1950s women are the test case who will be buried with no recompence and the next decade won’t be treated so harshly plus they do know their pension age because of us not the government, not Labour. They can save, we never had the chance. Labour are a disgrace to the working classes nowadays. I’m sick and tired of them all. They should be congratulated, all of them, no one to vote for unless you are wealthy. So, we have been royally f****d.

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  10. I am taking this with a pinch of salt and not building my Hope’s up because Corbyn must have a forest of money trees for what he is going spend. and also why wasn’t anything offered in today’s manifesto if labour are serious about helping us out. Making us wait till sunday smacks of an empty promise and Let down once again. Plus none of them will help us while we are still taking the legal route and appealing the decision which will take months to be resolved one way or the other. Elections always mean fake promises and short memories where politicians are concerned they are all talk and no Action. and we wont be any better off with which ever clown gets into no10. so no party as won my vote as of yet….


  11. Sandy. Why are we paying (in every way)? Because they think they have got away with it, so we will get nothing but the 1960s women are realising now whats going to happen to them and they are rising up. A bit late in my opinion but still. The way its going is that we the 1950s women are the test case who will be buried with no recompence and the next decade won’t be treated so harshly plus they do know their pension age because of us not the government, not Labour. They can save, we never had the chance. Labour are a disgrace to the working classes nowadays. I’m sick and tired of them all. They should be congratulated, all of them, no one to vote for unless you are wealthy. So, we have been royally f****d.


  12. I’m sick to death of it all. So I’m going to do my free de stressing activity. It has to be free as I have no pension. No, its not sex girls. Its Candy Crush. What a rotten end to a life of low paid servitude and blatant sexual descrimination. Marvellous.! However, some of us cannot have a phone or broadband or electricity to charge our phones. Pritti Patel says poverty is not the fault of government. Must be ours then eh?

    Liked by 2 people

    • Who else makes these mis-calculation then? Is definitely not us. They take OUR money to cover up/protect their buddies, taking the profits and lining the pockets of the rich. Do they know that their bonuses, freebies, claimed, lower/no taxation has been funded by women born in the 50’s and the disabled, sick, mental health issues, children and the working impoverished, and the homeless, take money from this group and hand it to those wealthy in society demands change, why should 10% of the population live in grotesque luxury and the rest of society become ill, disabled, hungry, unemployed ( people do want to work, but no jobs, where do you go). This whole ideology will impact on the health and wealth of this country and WILL bring it down. We must support all communities through a fair and just distribution of wealth.

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  13. We need something set in stone. We are tired of being fobbed off. Seems like we get a chink of light and then nothing happens. Talks have gone on for too long. 50s born women have been dealt the short straw and lived through years of inequality only to find at the end of our working life we are still victims of this.

    Liked by 3 people

  14. They will not get my VOTE, they are just playing games with us!!! They do not understand or realise what the loss of this money means to us. It is PEANUTS to them but a FORTUNE to us!! All of these POLITICIANS should be ashamed of what they have done to the ordinary working woman.

    Liked by 2 people

  15. I sincerely hope this is the case.
    I live in a marginal seat – Pendle and have traditionally voted Conservative. However I have had no response from Andrew Stephenson my MP with regard to the Conservative proposals for acceptable resolution to the stolen pensions of the 50’s ladies.
    Therefore at present mine and my family’s vote will be going to Labour unless there is some binding and significant response and proposal from conservatives.
    I wait with baited breath!!!!!

    Liked by 2 people

    • I wouldn’t waste your breath. Try blowing up condoms instead. Its healthier than waiting for the Tories to do any decent act EVER. Ps. You can tell I’ve always been poor. Can’t you? Struggle all through life to be deliberately sent into fear and penury. Congrats on being a lifelong Tory. It’s a true fact that even a Tory voter will miss around £50k stolen from their pension!!!!!

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  16. If Labour is serious about ensuring there are no more pension injustices such as women not being told about their state pension age increases, then they will also need to abolish the new state pension and return to Labour’s fair, two tier pension system. This was heartlessly taken away by the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats in the coalition government. Of course no one has been told about this, but the new scheme re-writes all of the SERPS and State Second Pension rules, so that all employed earners from the 1970s with state pension age after April 2016, will be cheated out of their rightful state pension benefits.

    This new pension does affect both women and men but there the ‘equality’ ends. How many men deliberately had their state pensions delayed so that they would fall into this new, supposedly higher rate pension scheme, only to be worse off than they would have been in the old scheme?

    Those born in the 1950s lose more than younger people because they have SERPS pensions or GMPs (contracted out SERPS) and because they do not have time after 2016 to pay even more National Insurance contributions and ‘buy back’ the deductions that have been taken off their real entitlement. Women lose more because their pensions are lower to start with.

    This is a scandal that has been buried. If Labour is serious about putting right injustices they need to start with full restitution for all 1950s women AND full restoration of all state pension rights for everyone. Now would be a good time to do this.

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  17. “All I can say is that John McDonnell better come up with something concrete rather than warm words or else they are going to be 3.8 million women voters who are going to be bitterly disappointed, judging from the tweets I have seen, and Labour could well lose many potential votes on December 12 – not only from them – but from their spouses and families.”

    The tone of this is a bit harsh given TORIES have offered nothing!

    Regardless of labour offer there are many more reasons to vote Labour, NHS, Poor, Homeless, Rough sleepers, schools etc


    Are these women ready for 5 more years of austerity and paying for medical bills?

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  18. None of the parties will do anything about the women’s pensions scandal unless they are forced to by the Supreme Court. Don’t be suckered in by false promises from any of them. Together they all have blood on their hands by the theft of our money from the NI fund and the resulting increase of our pension age to cover up their theft.

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  19. I have just laughed out loud at mrmarksteel assume hes on twitter. Mark Steel has wrotten in the Independent today about that madcow pritti patel saying the tories don’t make you poor. Its very funny indeed. However, also seen on news on my phone that says Labour are going to freeze the pension age at 66. HOW CLEVER IS THAT EH. Only 2 years and 8 months to go now. Had an email this morning from Kevin Smith at Labour hq? Damn those cookies. Sent him one straight back saying concrete, set in stone, don’t think we are stupid, yoy know stuff like that.


  20. I agree it should have been in Labour’s Manifesto but they did say whatever is on offer will be made known on Sunday, I just feel that they are the only party that have even mentioned us and we need to give them a chance. I am not sure that we will ever get back all that we have lost, but I am in the financial position that I would have to accept any reasonable offer. That is unless we win our appeal, but like I have already said there is little chance of anything happening with that before the election, so it must come down to whichever party promises to do the most and I do mean a trustworthy party, not BJ & Co who have already proved they are not.

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  21. I sincerely hope there will be a substantial response from labour on what they intend to do regarding this travesty of betrail made against BOTH 1950 ‘s and 1960’s women who have been let down at a vulnerable and needing time. Many are in bad health and without other financial support. They need the pension they were promised and they paid for just to get by. They have 4 million votes plus relative possibly over 10 million votes pending. Its a matter of what they deserve as members of society and how they are valued. The fair, right thing is done. I truly hope so many people are watching.

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  22. Well said Walker Lynne we have been royally F####d and used as mugs. they all thought they would get away with robbing the 50s Ladies which is why we have to keep fighting for our rights our pensions. and not be gullible to false Election promises that we all know won’t happen no matter who gets into NO 10.


  23. I and many more are puzzled why we have to wait .We have waited long enough
    I was born 1954 worked from 15 yrs old expecting pension at 60 then 65 and still not in receipt till next July My husband 65 and still working and pention not till October 2020 Absolute disgrace
    Its Time this was put right and we are paid


  24. I am a Waspi women I started my working life at 12 years old on a market stall on Saturday. I am Now 63 years old still working in a government building at Westminster for less than minimum wage. I have paid National Iinsurance all my life it is my money Not Government money. I have No private Pension or savings and cannot afford to lose the £50,000 they have already stolen from me. I also expect to be treated equally. The men have lost £24,000 for one year which is still a lot of money but compaired to almost £80,000 for every women over 60 it is a drop in the Ocean. The case should have been heard in a Criminal Court it is Blatent stealing. Their is money in the Treasury and all the money waisted on campain literature. I want what I am owed as do all Waspi Women.

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  25. Hi Ladies just heard Boris replying to a question about our pension.
    Tories not getting my vote.
    They still don’t get it do they!!
    We might as well not be here. As they’re making us all feel invisible

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  26. I am on a 16hr contract in retail and live with my son due to my marriage breakdown. I cannot afford my own place and I have bad arthritis of the knees so I cannot work full time as I’m in no fit state .I cant waite for my pension so I can have an operation knowing I will have some money coming in .I was born 1955 .I thought I would be married for life but I lost my home as I couldn’t afford the rent on my own .its disgusting how we’ve been treated I’ve paid full contributions since 1970


  27. Believe when it happens and definitely not before.
    My thoughts have always been it would, at the equal rate debate, to appear fair to raise womens’ State Pension age to 62.5 years and lower mens to 62.5 and leave it at that.


  28. This is the biggest injustice in our lifetime women are sick to the stomach, we worked so hard for our families and to contribute to the country in our older years some are still doing it caring for family members.How could our elected representatives think they are better than us .


  29. David, is there a problem with guerillawire as I can’t access this anymore??
    Just watched the party leaders taking questions and Boris was finally honest- not going to help 50s/waspi women too expensive


  30. I Am one of these that have not been able to get my Pension… Born In 1956 now 63yrs old… Quite a few of my friends have received their Pensions as 1 or 2 years……
    Quite honestly I am utterly disgusted in this Government and their appalling policies of how to deal with this…. Finished work list my Job and you continue to deal with the WASPI situation as it is unimportant….. angry is not the word, this is our money…..!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  31. Well there we have it, BJ is going to give us zilch and that was straight from the horses mouth on a live television debate, which was aired to millions of viewers. This is BJ who during his election campaign had promised to do all he could for us, the man is an untrustworthy liar and hopefully now all you 50s Ladies and your families will think twice before voting him in. BJ went on to say it would be very expensive to help us, but neglected to say where the hell all our money has gone. I know we don’t know as yet what Labour is going to offer, but we do know there is something as we did get a mention in their Manifesto and there is supposed to be an announcement tomorrow. I applaud the WASPI Lady for speaking up for us, it gave us more publicity for our cause and made him look as bad as he is.

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  32. They say some with be compensated so how are they going to choose who are the some and who are still going to be left with nothing


  33. I hope it’s for a all 1950s women I was born 1956 and only found out 2 years before my 60th without going in to much detail I needed my pension due to my circumstances and to find out I had to wait another 6 years as had a devastating effect on me I feel betrayed angry I will have been working 50 years on my 64th birthday so labour if you want my vote help us all

    Liked by 2 people

    • Labour is pledging £58 Billion tomorrow for us 50s Ladies, apparently a payment between £15,000 & £31,000 each probably depending on age, I know that is not going to appease all of us Ladies but I am not in the position of turning it down. In view of the way BJ swept his promise to help us under the carpet last night, I know where my vote will be going. I also know some will come back and say they can’t be trusted, but we have no other choice other than our appeal, which will probably come after the election. I am not wasting my vote and my vote is going to Labour and I will just pray that they get in and keep their promise,

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  34. Labour pledges £58bn fo ‘50’s Women , we need to know the details of exactly what this entails. 1950-55 get £100 a week, does not explain what the rest of 1950’s get and over 5yrs. Need to know what’s in the ‘small print’. What does it exactly mean!!!!!

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  35. Not much good if it leaves us with a smaller pension in the long run, the amount is still less than if we were getting S.P. now, and if they expect us to take a lower S.P. in the future it won’t be acceptable. We need to know the full details of what it entails!!!!!


  36. Sorry it do not look to me like I will get help I was born 1957march do we if get it is it in one go or over time an how long to wait

    On Thu, Nov 21, 2019, 1:30 PM Westminster Confidential wrote:

    > davidhencke posted: ” Andrew Gwynne’s message that suggests more to come > The Labour Party is to flesh out details on Sunday of how it will > financially compensate some 3.8 million women many of whom are enduring > enforced poverty after having to wait up to six years to g” >


  37. I want my pension of course but I also want to leave the EU.
    On the face of it and without knowing the fine details I would reluctantly accept the labour party’s offer. However I am fuming that they appear to be picking and choosing who will be paid.
    I’m a May 1955 baby so on the face of it I would qualify as I have a full 6 years to wait.
    The conservatives are going to have to come up with something to counter the labour party plan and now this has been revealed I wait with baited breath to see what this may be otherwise millions of votes will be going labour’s way!!!!
    Conservative manfesto later today
    Stay strong ladies we can win this


    • Sandra. I think you can get both your wishes. Labour is offering to compensate you but also now is the only party offering a referendum where you can vote to leave. The Lib Dems are proposing to revoke leaving altogether and with the Tories you risk a potential no deal Brexit if they can’t rush through a free trade deal with the EU in a few months.

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  38. Just been reading that Labour if they get into power they are going to offer 58 billion to help compensate 50s women who have lost there pensions it will equate to £100 a week we will still be getting robbed and also it will taper out for 55 to 60 born women so you will get nothing if you were born between those dates I was born at the end of dec 55 so its nowt for me even though we have had 6 years added on this is unacceptable when those who have had the most years added on get zilch. I will not be voting for this because all effected 50s ladies should be compensated and pensions reinstated in full.its amazing how they can find the funds for everything else except our stolen pensions.. and Corbyn is still sat on the fence with Brexit won’t say if he’s a remain or leave still. So I am definitely not voting for Labour while he is Leader. and while they are not going to support all the 50s ladies in full.


    • I follow you on this Janet Escott robbing us of our Pensions born in 56 an absolute disgrace…. Not sure yet who my Vote will go with. But definitely not Labour while as you say all the while JC sits on the helm….


    • But Janet Labour are the only ones offering anything to us and unless we win our appeal and vote for any of the others we will get nothing. Also I do think you will get quite a bit back as you like me (I was born July 1954) have had to wait an extra 6 years without warning, but those born in the earlier 50s did not wait as long so they will receive less, I hope I am right on this. Also I personally voted leave but only based on the facts we were given or not given at the time and I would very much vote remain now. JC is the only leader who is willing to put it back to the people and I think that is a fair option, now that we have all the facts.

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    • Well. I’m not Labour either and trust no one especially the judiciary!!!! But, frankly if you don’t at least vote for your own stolen pension with Labour who are the only party to even consider us in any way at all you are a disgrace to us all. Do you think that the other parties will give us a penny? No, no, and no. So vote Labour for us all, I will. Like I said earlier, frankly I just want my weekly pension in my bank next week, been waiting too long now and destroyed by the elitist judges who did not listen at all, in someone’s pocket no doubt. Doris says we aren’t worth it, cannot afford us, have and will destroy us, one by one. You don’t have to be a Labour supporter, you are on this forum about our stolen pensions and they are our only supporter that counts at this moment. Frank Field and some Labour MPs are the only ones who give a damn about us. Notice that it’s always the
      Labour Party. I want proportional representation myself but for now we have a big chance here to register our disgust. I’m in South west, I suppose Tories will win, but I am voting Labour. I despair at women who come on this site and are not in a united sisterhood of women
      We have enough enemies in males.


      • WalkerLynne.. there is no need for the insults or the Lecture I will vote for who I see fit to vote for and unlike you i am not going to be taken in by manifesto promises from any of them they are only after our vote they will do nothing if they get into no 10 we all know this. we need to support each other not insult each other and keep fighting for our pensions we have been waiting too long for them to give in to bribery. at the end of the day none of the parties are trustworthy they are just after our votes and lining their own pockets.


  39. Well, I’ve listened to John Mcdonnell and if nothing else he has spoken out FOR us even if he called us waspis?! He could have put more emphasis on the fact that the 1960s, 1970s and forwards pensioners including the young now are paying a stamp for something they won’t get. But, we all have to vote Labour now even in a Tory constituency like mine. Got to send the message that we have not gone away. ps. Will someone tell Corbyn to stop wearing blue shirts and shave of that bloody beard, scruffy looking git.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I for one am sick o f ‘the men in suits. I never trust them. Preferred it when Corbyn was a casual dresser (down to earth). Listen to the content, instead of being duped by appearances. Those who stole our pensions would probably have dressed ‘properly’, the men no doubt in suits and clean shaven, suited clean shaven robbers telling us ‘you can trust me, I wear a suit and tie, I’m respectable….. ‘, so I just don’t get this constant digging at Corbyn’s appearance.

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      • That is true, but its the poor who need to vote and often don’t, browbeaten down into misery. I told my neighbour who is crippled by arthritis, just been made redundant by Waitrose. 60 this month and she said I don’t trust Corbyn! That’s what we are up against. I could have slapped her. I bet she won’t vote at all. I don’t trust any politician either but I think he sounded sincere. £15,000to £31,000 compensation. I would be pleased to just get my pension now. 3 and half late.

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  40. Hi. Women born between 56 and 60 would get something- there will be a taper in place so payment will gradually decrease.
    As David pointed out Labour will give us the choice of leaving or staying in EU so surely that is a good thing and I , personally, think that his offer to address the injustice to us is pretty fair. I think it is unrealistic to try and get all our pension back, but this isn’t bad.
    I will vote Labour but my vote will be swallowed up by Tory votes in my part of the country. Where is proportional representation? ??
    There is still the appeal. I wouldn’t like to say that I am hopeful as I was bitterly disappointed when the ruling was made and totally shocked. I thought at least the later increase would have been addressed as that was the killer blow for many of us….

    Liked by 3 people

    • Sick of Brexit or non brexit. But, agree that maybe another vote perhaps necessary and that is completely against democracy, people voted to leave so should have left by now. But, the Tories have killed democracy, they are frightening in their total disregard of anything or anyone but themselves.

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    • Just to put the other side of the argument (as I do see your point) , there is nothing for 1960s born in this offer, other than a 6 yr increase rather than a 7 yr increase to promised SPA.Cut off at a decade is arbitrary when you look at how the state pension age changes have impacted on women.

      As for the EU…the public were asked and the delay has looked like an attempt to ignore the Leave result. Putting that aside, Labour would hold a ref where the choice would be a deal negotiated so quickly with the EU it would no doubt be a bad deal from the UKs point of view ie not really leaving or Remain. Would be Remain v Remain! Does look window dressing. Many are finding it hard to trust any politicians to do what they promise.


  41. We need all the party’s to make a commitment and recognise the importance of the 50’s women and their families votes.
    While I praise labour for their manifesto commitment, it is not lost on me that I am 66 next month and if they win the election and keep their promise to write the injustice, I will be waiting another 5 years for the pension I should have had in the last 5 years, meaning while labour short it all out and start to pay the £100 per week, I will be well into my 70’s.


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