Big pay out for 3.8 million 50swomen will never happen – Tim Loughton MP

Tim Loughton MP

The All Party Parliamentary Group on Women’s State Pension Inequalities is to be revived and will try and persuade the Tory government to make a offer to the 50swomen.

Tim Loughton, Conservative MP for Worthing East and Shoreham, used his response to the Queen’s Speech, to say both he and Carolyn Harris, Labour MP for Swansea, East will approach ministers again to try and get some money. Mr Loughton was returned with an increased majority while Carolyn Harris saw her majority severely reduced.

If the deal is anything like the last one it is likely to cost some £2 billion and probably only cover a small portion of the women who may get £73 a week. Before the election Mr Loughton said as a condition BackTo60 would have to drop its legal action against the Department of Work and Pensions, according to the Daily Express.

Tim Loughton’s appeal before the election

He used his latest speech to attack Labour for offering to spend £58 billion over five years to remedy the situation describing it as having ” disgracefully raised false hopes in vulnerable women. “

This is the full extract of his speech on the issue:

“It is an issue that featured rather disgracefully during the election campaign, and it is that of the so-called WASPI women.

Many on this side and, of course, on the other side have championed the case of the 1950s pension women who were hit disproportionately by those changes in the pension age under previous Governments. Many of us have been lobbying the Government to acknowledge that disproportionate disadvantage and to do something about it.

I will call on the Government again and, working with my co-chair of the all-party group on state pension inequality for women, we will continue to put pressure on the Government to acknowledge that and do something about it.

The Labour Opposition’s uncosted promise of £58 billion, which did not appear in their manifesto, disgracefully raised false hopes in vulnerable women.

That amount was almost half the NHS budget, and it was never going to happen. I do hope that we can come up with a realistic, deliverable, doable offer for those women who have suffered and are suffering disproportionately, because that is the right thing to do. “

His speech cut no ice with BackTo60. They are to continue pressing ahead with their application for an appeal in the New Year to get full restitution for the women with the support of the trade unions.

Unison, the largest public service union, are donating £700 to the cause on top of the £80,000 already raised.

Meanwhile I expect some more lobbying from Connect Public Affairs and Waspi to press for a reduced deal. Below is an example sent to me of an earlier lobbying campaign captured in Portcullis House in the House of Commons.

54 thoughts on “Big pay out for 3.8 million 50swomen will never happen – Tim Loughton MP

    • It sounds to me like they are running scared looking for a way out wanting us to drop our legal action frightend that we may win our case and the tory toffs have to pay us full restitution. as the firemen judges public service workers won there Battle for their pensions. We need to wait and see if we are allowed to appeal and keep protesting and not stop we are being robbed everyday that passes and it needs to be resolved fairly for all 50s born Women no crumbs no half measures we have all paid in all our working lives done everything we have been asked to do to get our pension just to have it cruelly taken from us till we reach 66 which is longer than some Men have worked before their retirement. EQUALITY NOT.


      • Running scared? That’s delusional thinking. We lost the original JR fairly comprehensively, haven’t even got permission to appeal as yet and the Tories have won with a massive majority (quite aside from the fact that even if we won we probably still wouldn’t get any actual cash, it would just be a moral victory). What exactly would cause the DWP to be running scared? I’m assuming they’d just want the appeal to be dropped in order to save themselves further legal costs, and I’m not even certain that Loughton wasn’t misrepresented as having said that in the first place.


      • Wish people on here would read coments properly before replying to them. I said I thought the torys were running scared not the DWP and while we still have hope of the appeal being granted we still have a chance of winning it. theres nothing delusional about it.


  1. Just the sort of response I’ve come to expect from Tories. Why would only a small proportion of women benefit? It should not be means tested. We all paid in and the government should pay out. We can’t trust this government and must not stop our court action. This deal is a ‘no deal’ and should be thrown out.


    • It will not happen because the women young and old in UK not know of unity. If all the female young d said we not working for 2 days..
      Watch how quick everything come to a halt and the government listen

      Look what the French did. Unity is the key. People in UK are self centered selfish.Time get all female young old students etc in on it to march the roads.. See the climate change strategy… Try it.
      See the French..try it


  2. The easiest way is like the French and the people of Hong Kong. Get all the unions to cooperate to shut down all essential services with 3 days notice.
    Fire, Police, transport, teachers, buses etc. Unite the protest to include immediate stop of Universal Credit, Minimum Wage to £10.50 pet hour full or part time staff, Ban zero hour contracts, Maximum of 36 hours per week, Pension age restored to 60 women 65 for men. Reduce VAT to 17.5% now, reduce fuel tax by 5 pence and no increase next 5 years, MP must have 1/2 term elections to dismiss or keep their jobs if they broke their pledges, The PM must lime USA have 2 set dates yerms.
    Unite we all stand divided we fall.

    The government cannot arrest the nation. Look at France, Spain, Hong Kong. Tell the people,

    The government cannot fire over millions people. Businesses will not run either

    Stop the chat and start planning

    Liked by 1 person

    • I have always felt that direct action is the only way. Imagine trying to put us all in jail. I hope that I am wrong about the legal action getting us anywhere at all. But, already too many woman and men have died either by suicide or disease and all we got out of it was to be summarily dismissed, like we are outcasts in our own country. Summarily dismissed, it goes through my brain all the time. Like being sent to head teachers office and punished for no misdemeanour and then summarily dismissed. What did we do wrong.? Nothing, but the head teacher always had the power to ruin lives and put you on report. Sometimes I feel I’m back at school again, a girl with no power at all. The people must rise up against this really draconian tyranny. Now. Not wait for judges again to dismiss us again. How many years has it taken.????? Crowd funded twice for backto60 and now just totally depressed by it all. I want to rise up, I know that much.


      • If the Bto60 court appeal is based on maladminstration, then they don’t stand a chance. I said from the beginning that maladminstration just wouldn’t cut it. I would have thought that the legal team would have established whether government had a duty to inform women of any increase in state pension age before any court proceedings. That insight would have saved a huge amount of money, time and profound disappointment that we all felt when the Judicial Review was lost.


      • We are NOT asking for women’s pension age to stay at 60. We never ever have. We agree it should be equalised.
        Tim Loughton and Carolyn Harris are only in this for themselves . Their proposal to pay those hardest hit a pittance is disgraceful . They themselves are creating further inequalities amongst the Cohort of women they claim to be helping. What an utter disgrace they are .


      • We all should be treated equally. I never and still say why raise retirement age for people who were already at near it to stop pay them
        Why say men at 60 and women at 65 yet talk of equality. YOU CRITICS OF MY VIEWS ARE BUT HYPOCRITS .. that’d why nothing will ever change properly in the Uk.
        Look At working wage, minimum wage and living wage… LOAD OF CRxP! Why not a minimum wage now of £10.50 per hour from working age. Retirement at 65 all.
        Stop hiring police and fire chiefs because they have a stupid degree first class in rubbish like music, comedy etc and 5 to one van to ticket 1 car. Let’s them walk the streets like I did in 1970+: mad oversize speed bumps say calming traffic when it damages your suspension, the wheel alignment, improper wear of turrs, more emission s as cats ate stop go stop go and always in low gears.. Note puce walking g will frighten you to drive careful.. WAKE UP IDIOTS AND STOP CRITICISE ME AND LOOK AT SUTIONS I OFFER .. Make better or shut up!


      • In this day and age I would agree. But for majority of the 1950s women we had very long hours with very small pay just because we were women. In other words we did not have a penis. That was sexual discrimination. We had no access to pensions because we were women. That was sexual discrimination. Then we had our pensions stolen wholesale in the name of sexual equality. A piece of human anatomy has been our undoing. We have still not got equal pay between the sexes even in 2020. You cannot affect a retrospective equality when the women born in the 50s and 60s were discriminated against completely. You are a klutz. Look it up.


  3. What a malicious un compromising offer is that. Back to 60 would have to drop it’s legal challenge so Tim and his group can dangle a carrot of £73 a week to a small portion of the 50’s women.

    Are these people on the same planet as me. What part of ” the government of this country stole money from the state pension pot”. The women born in the 50’s have been your bolster to get you all out of a bloody mess.

    Not only do you steal their retirements from them you treat these women with total contempt and disrespect.

    Yes to damned right you need to come up with a realistic do able offer. You make my blood boil with your crass statements.

    The reason is clear, the government’s negligence and malpractices have caused women to suffer in that alone that is in equality as it’s women only this has hit.

    You managed to send enough bloody emails and letters and flyers out for the election pleading for support and funding. Shame you could not have put the same effort in when you were turning 50’s women’s lives upside down.

    I do not know how any one of you in power sleep at night. I have little but would gladly help another. It’s called compassion look it up!!!

    You sleep knowing women are in this dire position. I don’t want to know about Theresa May getting big payout on Labour proposals in the election.

    Like it or not she paid in if she didn’t need it she should be given the option to put it into homeless charities.

    Most 50’s women will never be in any position of wealth. Their pension was all they had and have worked for.

    Get a grip stop wasting money hand over fist on trivia and deal with the consequences of the government’s actions.

    Whilst you sit at Christmas sipping your Prosecco and tucking into your goose. Try and imagine not having heating on wrapped up in blankets. Tucking into a bowl of soup. This is not a bloody joke Tim this is 50’s women’s lives.

    I’m a firm believer in justice and the truth will out. The truth is out, all acknowledge the poor hand the 50’s women have been dealt.

    Now make a New Year’s resolution that you will stop dangling carrots, work with all 50’s women’s groups and end the 50’s women’s plight.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Problem with Corbyn’s carrots. It wouldn’t have happened. And also it was a decreased amount from £100 down . So not much different to this option. I personally don’t think they will reinstate or compensate. And dwp work with the government and their representatives. So we wouldn’t get a penny. Don’t get me wrong but I would love my pension. But in real terms full restitution and compensation ain’t going to happen

      Liked by 1 person

    • Well said and right to the point !!! These politicians haven’t got a clue what it’s like to worry if they’re going to eat or heat. If like to ask them how come they claim for this that and the other on expenses and not even pay for chocolate bars (David Cameron) dental floss and eyeliner (Jo Swinson) out of their own pockets !!! £160 allowance for Grocery shopping per week and yet expect pensioners to pay for everything out of their meagre pensions which in a lot of cases is less than £160 per week !!!!!
      The 1950s women have saved this and past governments millions of pounds by being unpaid carers and they have now repaid us by stealing YES STEALING our pensions, then had the cheek to put in the first Queens Speech that they would come down heavily on pension companies committing pension mismanagement , bloody laughable LOOK IN YOUR OUR BACK YARD FIRST BECAUSE IN MY OPINION AND 3.8 MILLION OTHERS YOU ARE NUMBER ONE ON THE LIST AND MANY OF YOU SHOULD BE IN PRISON FOR WHAT YOU’VE DONE TO US !!!!!!


  4. Its heartbreaking reading there is no money to compensate us Women of the 50’s-when it was our pension in the first place before it was taken away without warning!! There is always enough money given when disasters happen or some grand meeting or Royal wedding -why does the government not see this is a disaster when we women have nothing to show for working all their lives hence believing would be able to collect our state pension at 60yrs old as women have done before us -why are we women of the 50’s being penalized for doing no wrong ………its criminal but does this Government even care-Boris promised he would do everything in his power to help but he has done nothing………he will never have to go without he has no idea of the suffering amongst us ……..we are just a problem he hopes that now will just go away……….we must fight on as we have nothing to loose-having lost precious time to enjoy our retirement and our grandkids as the generations have before us ………we have been targeted and left to fight on-we cannot give up what is rightly ours-we must come together and show in numbers we have been robbed and we want justice now!!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. No one is asking for a “PAYOUT”, simply the fulfilment of a binding contract made between fifties born women and the Department for Work and Pensions. Breach of pension contracts has occurred through Government stealing decades of paid-in National Insurance Contributions!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Full restitution! ‘The funds are there’ as said by Boris’ father, Stanley. Who agreed to stealing the pensions of 60s Women – cruel and cowardly. Increase pensions of everyone for one year much more fair or increase taxes by a percentage. Why hit on 60 year olds not once but twice. Most of the 50s women will never receive their pensions as, sadly, they have died waiting for justice. We haven’t only lost thousands of pounds but lost six years of quality time of our lives, especially with family which is precious. At 60, you are grateful for every waking minute, as none of us know what time will be afforded us. Why do these people think they are God⁉️ God help us❗️


  7. Perhaps you need to grab some tax revenue from those with offshore accounts to compensate us with interest for the funds that have been stolen from our pension pots. We paid the money in with blood sweat and tears…..

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I am one of the fiftys women . No letter no warning of the rise. Iwas born 29th July 1957 so 63 next leaving 2and a half count down to 2023. No bus pass at sixty thats wrong i cannot go any where on my own a bus pass would give me back some of my confidence this matter will not go away if not 60 then bring it back to 63.


  9. I have faith in backto60 so much so I Donated twice even though I don’t have a lot, I am a positive person so giving up is not in my creed but I do hope we can stop them from dragging it out for years because more of our ladies have died without their stolen pensions


  10. My favourite, most favourite thing is that an MP gets almost £80,000 a year flat rate salary. For what I ask.??? Does any of them do as good a job than the bin men or drain cleaners or the road men who clear up all the gore after road traffic accidents, or the sales people in fear of their shop closing, or the bus drivers etc etc etc. NO. Short answer. It’s not and never will be a Merry Christmas or a Happy New Year for me now. Unless I win the lottery. What an outlook for most of us and the ones behind us.


  11. Shocking and disgusting offer still robbing us all ,take it all the way to the courts.have a merry Christmas government because I am sure you will because you have no morals or conscience at all.. ..for this nation who is in poverty,older people and children suffering the cold and no decent food if any …..I dont trust any of you to run this nation you are bad through and through to do what you have done….

    Liked by 1 person

  12. If you have an MP ie Tim Loughton Not in your side what’s the point in him fighting for us ,
    after all he is not a woman 👩
    If we win the case they will have to find the money,
    The fire brigade won so they have to pay, They have spent our money .😡😡😡

    Forward for the court case !


  13. The Labour Party dangled a carrot and it was never going to happen. The Backto60group were almost relying on it. We need to go to court. Many women are now getting pensions but many are struggling and it’s getting worse for them. It’s heartbreaking how women especially very hard up one’s are being treated.


  14. It’s a disaster the government doesn’t care about this ,I have no money of my own left get to 66 next year will have to live in poverty if anything happens to my husband.I have had to spend over 30 thousand pounds moving house to refinance to pay for our funerals when I need care I haven’t got the money my children haven’t got it up here on our own no friends or family.


  15. Well that is further discrimination of women. The Gov stole our State pensions with only in my case two years notice before my 60th birthday. I now wait until I am 66. I have no money at all now..I have used up my savings to live and survive and still have two years 9 months to go. I am unable to work, too exhausted and stressed with worry. My partner has some savings so we are using his up and he is paying me most of his State pension each week so I can pay the mortgage. I cant claim pension credit because I am younger than him and even if I could his saving affect would affect my independent entitlement. Why should I be forced to accept my partners State pension money to survive. This is humiliating.


  16. It is absolutely disgusting the utter contempt being shown by the Tory government towards the 1950’s born women & their rightful state pension dues . The whole Tory system stinks including the monarchy who they use to establish their greed & corruption even further. I’m glad I live in Scotland where democracy still has an influence & we have a chance to break free from all of this madness.


  17. The Tories are the disgrace not labour, they have stolen monies belonging to women who had national insurance taken from them and their families, devastating their lives. Give back our money you theives


  18. How dare Tim Loughton speak for anyone of us.
    Backto60 is our voice not some jumped up MP.
    Full restitution is what we deserve and aim to get.
    For all 50’s Born women.


  19. Ladies few of us can afford to travel to London to get our point across but when Boris comes to visit the northern towns who have lent him their votes we maybe could make our voices heard LOUDLY. We cannot afford to just sit back and wait for some fat cat suited men to give us crumbs from OUR MONEY.


  20. He seems-to have ignored that the money being paid back to the WASPI Women is money that they have already paid NI Pension contributions most women have paid for in their working lives! No mention of how the Government plundered the Pension pot and used the money elsewhere? For What??
    I bet he would be the first one complaining if his Pension disappeared!! Many women have had to work extra “Years” not 18 months as the Tories keep stating and have had their Pension dates changed Twice!! MEN wouldn’t have been treated like this!


  21. Tell them to take a pay cut ,we will all get paid out,they are also wanting to cut off some of the 50s women from getting anything I was born 1955 so I wouldn’t be one what is cut off from any offer but the women born after this they are still trying to rob blind …I say we should all stick together for ALL 50s women that’s the right thing to do no matter how desperate we are and I am one of the desperate ones ….this has to go to court for us all 50s women who have paid in and worked hard all our lives,forget about the carrots and let us fight this all the way,robbery of old people has its consequences ,THE LORD SEES ALL….let’s all pray and trust him in this for the victory from theft, the money is ours not theirs….


  22. Tell Boris hope he enjoys his holiday I Barbados!
    While us women have to live on £70 a week job alloounce
    Then nothing. …………..
    Shame on you boris taking our money
    To balance your books
    Marie’s Pyne would like to meet you!


  23. 1950’s born women must continue to fight for their rights . A rise of 6 years to their state pension age was immoral. Any agreed rise should have been phased in much more slowly. We all need compensation for the injustice that has been done to us. Personally, I have been doubly penalised. I would have gone to France at 60 and secured my European Rights, but have been totally shafted instead. All my plans down the drain!


    • I agree with Anne the pension age increase should of been done gradually not the speed it has been applied. Working from age 15 now to Ill to work at 63 ,some may be living longer which is great but I have many school friends not survived past 60 men and women.


  24. Never understood the logic of compensating those who lost least retirement and pension. We should all get what we contracted and paid for for over 4 decades (including NHS and social care). The solution to various governments misappropriating £271 billion and failing in timely and proactive planning to equalise retirement age, should not be to pick on one of the most vulnerable sections of society in the hope they would jusy quietly get away with it.


    • I couldn’t agree with you more . Reinstate the pension. Some have hardly lost anything. And if they are going to fight for over the top money. They have no chance . If there is a compensation claim . Then it should be done on a full years loss . Some are actually asking for more than they have lost . That’s totally insane


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