20 thoughts on “My blog in 2019: 1,041,071 hits

  1. Happy New Year David; hope springs eternal that someone, somewhere has guts and a sense of justice to overturn the legal ‘no’s’ so far and return to us what is rightfully ours and wrongly stolen from us.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Happy new year to you David and your wife. I am very grateful for your support and coverage of the great pension robbery. Many thanks
    Mitzi Obolensky

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Enjoy your travels and thankdms David.
    If any ladies reading this want to join #tituLondon mid March
    They can contact me directly for more details.


  4. Thank you David for your full support. Love reading your blogs. A breath of fresh air compared to mainstream media. Let’s hope we can follow this journey to its end & justice is served this year.
    Best Wishes for 2020.


  5. Firstly I would like to wish you and your Wife a Happy New Year, best wishes to you both for 2020.
    I hope you have a great time on your holiday.
    My hope for this year is that 50’s women get some positive outcomes.
    I am another year older and would love to see a change coming soon to our circumstances.
    We need to keep fighting for justice.


  6. Thank You David & Happy New Year as you say 2019 was a rollercoaster for us 50s women, it is hard not to feel bitter and disappointed. I also get angry at the amount of time it takes us to get to each stage, especially as we raised the money for the appeal in record time and surpassed the target set. I agree with each point you make about possible ways forward, I am just really sorry that Labour lost the election as they were the only party that promised to put this right, albeit what they offered was not full restitution it was better than nothing at all. Also Labour never said the offer from them meant we had to withdraw our appeal, in fact they hoped we won it and received every penny we are owed.


  7. Happy New Year David.
    Thank you for all your hard work
    Going by the recent behaviour of our MSM – Input such as yours is very much needed and valued
    Have a super trip to South America
    You will be missed.
    All good wishes for 2020!


    • Thankyou David for your support. I enjoy reading your blogs, strait forward and
      informative. Have a lovely holiday and hope you and your family have a ‘Happy


  8. Thank you David for all your efforts on behalf of us 60s women. I was certainly not swayed to vote for Jeremy Corbyn at the general election. I would only have been compensated by around £11.000 over 6 years out of the £52,000 I am being robbed of. Why wasn’t it in his manifesto if he was going to see through some recompense. Because he would never have done anything!!! He also knew he was going to lose the election and threw the subject in at the last minute. There are not enough real life stories being heard by those in power of the suffering going on with women like myself who had to give up work at 50 to look after my husband who has MS and cannot do anything with his hands due to intention tremor ie feed himself, cope with hygiene issues etc. In Scotland there is ‘free personal care’ but due to his fatigue he sleeps 14 hours out of 24 I have to be on hand to feed him when he is awake. I cannot access my pension for another 4.5 years. I don’t have MS but I am living as though I have it. I now have osteoarthritis which drs think has been brought on by lifting and twisting my back while lifting the wheelchair into the car. I am 61 and feel like an old woman.😰. There isn’t enough being heard of the real life stories of those who have had to give up work or who left work at 60 when they were made redundant or thought they would be lifting their pension at 60 when they started work.
    Enough of my ramble David. I know you are looking after a loved one with a disability so I wish you well and keep up the good work. Have a great holiday.😎


  9. I understand where Chris Currie is coming from I agree in terms of Jeremy Corbyn he was never going to win the election. I am not sure were you live Chris, before I retired a year ago.
    I worked for an organisation who supports family or friends caring for someone to enable them to continue living in their own home.
    This support was for the person who was caring I am sure there will be an organisation in your ares who could offer you support if you would like it, to find out more you could check Carers UK. online, I hope this is helpful for you and anyone else who is caring for family or a friend.


  10. Thank you David, you have made an immense impact on getting focus for the 50’s women’s state pension plight. Particularly the £271bn raid on the NI fund.
    It is the lies, the cover up, the massive impact on 3.8million 50’s women’s quality of life, identity, welfare, finances, mental health, time and relationships. Women who have had their lifetime morals and principles shattered by dishonesty and dirty tricks. Maybe it’s time to fight fire with fire!
    Thank you, have a lovely well deserved holiday.


  11. Thank you for all you are doing for 50s women and other topics. Thank you for your measured but pointed challenges to policy and political actions ( without the nasty name calling of other commentators). Glad to hear you and your wife are getting away for a break and hope you are treated well on your journey.
    Bless you!


  12. I have paid National Insurance since I was 16 , I always thought I would get my pension at the age of 60 and planned my life accordingly.My husband spent much time away ,and my career as a Hotel Manager not practical with 2 small children tho worked as a part time chef, piano teacher,private caterer all on the premise I could retire at 60 .Did get enticed into a pension plan through 2 different workplaces promising me security aged 60 Only when 60 realized one paid 16 quid the other not much more/annumCashed them as worth more to me alive.


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