An unfounded and false allegation

This weekend Exaro News  has published a story by me where a prominent figure has been falsely accused of indecently assaulting a teenage boy. Exceptionally in this case I had personal knowledge of the events surrounding the incident and knew enough about them to give a statement to the  Met Police Paedophile Unit. As a result of my statement and statements from others  the police cleared the person.

The full story is behind the pay wall at Exaro News ( and Like the false accusation against Lord McAlpine, this is  another case of mistaken identity.

7 thoughts on “An unfounded and false allegation

  1. Pingback: An unfounded and false allegation » Alternative News Network

    • Lord McAlpine was falsely accused of sexually abusing a boy. The false accusation was not the abuse but it was the wrong person. He had never sexually abused the boy it was another person.


  2. Mistaken identity story unlikely.I’m sure I remember Messham saying on Newsnight that his abuser introduced himself by name.But perhaps my memory is playing tricks.Or perhaps Messham’s was.There’s not an iota of proof against the other person usually named either.


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