50s women injustice doubles site hits

The appalling injustice 3.9 million  50s women have had in facing up to seven years in not getting a pension is reflected in the doubling of hits I have had on my small site.

So far this year I have had more hits on the site than the whole of last year with  the top ten blogs all on the campaign for justice for the 50s women. The most popular blog with now over 28,000 hits is how angry 50s women deprived of a pension can boot out their MP. And the link to the House of Commons library on the  constituency breakdown of where the  50s women are has had over 4,200 hits.

The second most popular blog is The Downing Street state pension robbery with over 12,000 – which shows how the national insurance fund was underfunded and raided by successive governments of all political hues.

The rest of the blogs vary between over 2,600 and 7,600.

Thank you for all this interest and it shows how angry you are about the way successive governments have treated you.

Other blogs which have attracted  a lot of interest include Whitehall investigations into universal credit, the national citizen service and the continuing saga over the treatment of child sex abuser survivor Esther Baker.


10 thoughts on “50s women injustice doubles site hits

  1. It’s appalling how the government can rob
    Women of their pension and to be told to get a job it can’t be legal. All these women should
    Go to Treasa may and ask if she can live on £70 a week.


    • This is a hot, hot topic! Finally the underhand way in which the pension age has been fiddled with is coming to light. And maybe with a General Election on the horizon? The party that has an acceptable policy on compensation and amending the pension age will hoover up votes.


  2. Hi Did comment a few minutes ago and not sure went through.
    Yes, indeed am a member of this Back to the 60’s group and also the pension reform group on facebook.
    I am a supporter of the ladies and in fact both sexes and very very active out here in Thailand and also would like to point out about the frozen state pensioner and in fact some of us have a double whammy in that our wives are affected and others on the same pension as when they first retired. meaning some people are on as little a 6 pounds a week for generations upon generations and some get as little as 6 pounds a week. YES 6 pounds a week!!! and absolutely no increase upon year on year and this barbaric and total discrimination practice only been going on for 70 YEARS PLUS.
    Disgusting how our most vulnerable people are affected and the easy target, once again and British born and raised human beings, who have paid all of our NI and Tax to get the same pension we all deserve and entitled to.


  3. Thanks, David for fighting our cause and could not find an amend button, but will explain that the frozen state pensioner penalises those who happen to live in the wrong Country ie myself in Thailand and bringing up our Family as best we can on ever reduced pension and the DWP has stated there is no need for reciprocal agreements to be in place and it was a piece of domestic legislation pushed through quietly in 2011, by none other than Webb of the Liberals and he has been knighted for this!!!
    Yes in the coalition Government with the Tories, but all shades of the political divide are as much to blame as each other.
    People are dying because of ever increasing poverty and they just want us to die ASAP.
    PS Just drinking my 10 th cocktail on my brand new yacht and only early afternoon!!!


  4. The government can equalise the state pension to speedily take money away from women, but its funny how they then fail to equalise the GMP applied to private pensions. (That’s the contracted out part of your private pension) This amount can easily represent 50% of your pension and represents a PAY CUT for WOMEN 5 years before it affects men. EQUALITY???

    Women reach GMP age at 60 and men reach GMP age at 65 when the amount of GMP is then split out from your pension in payment and increased in line with HMRC regulations (that is not what my original plan says – it says that my plan with rise by RPI and the govt will make up the difference to RPI up to 5% on the GMP – THIS IS A LIE, but that’s not the whole story).
    HMRC regulations say that you will get ZERO rise on GMP accrued up to 5th April 1988 and then anything up to 3% on GMP accrued afterwards. Bear in mind this can represent a good chunk of your pension.

    Now you might not have noticed, but that final salary pension that promised you rises of RPI up to 5% pa is nothing of the sort – and ladies you will be given a lovely PAY CUT by this heinous government (and that includes all parties because they are all complicit in this assault against women). I believe that the 2011 act and the GMP rules for women are ILLEGAL and discriminatory.


  5. Thank you so much David, we keep sharing our stories, we know it’s not us lieing, you do too thank goodness

    We can’t thank you enough
    Angie Taylor


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