Labour’s new deal for 50swomen’s lost pensions: What does it mean?

Crowds of BackTo60 supporters after the judicial review hearing

Labour today broke through the political barrier of just offering tea and sympathy for 3.8 million women who had to wait up to six years for their pensions.

And coming only 24 hours after Boris Johnson announced that the Conservative Party would not give a penny in compensation to any of the women affected by this appalling scandal it is a major advance.

First the positives. It is a huge improvement on the offer available from the All Party Parliamentary Group on the issue co chaired by Tim Loughton, the Tory MP for Worthing East and Shoreham and Carolyn Harris, Labour MP for Swansea,East. The sums are obvious. Tim Loughton is on record of seeking £2 billion compensation, Labour is offering to spend £58 billion over five years.

From what I could gather – despite both MPs declining to answer any of my questions – it would have meant probably only £73 a week on benefit for women who have still not gained the pension in two years time and nothing for the rest, who form the vast majority of people involved.

It is also – and this is very important considering the age of people involved- to start pretty soon if Labour is elected. This compared with the previous APPG proposal with no firm date for implementation and the longer the delay, fewer people would have got anything.

As John McDonnell, shadow chancellor, said: ” “We will introduce it as rapidly as we probably can and we will try to ensure the payments are made promptly. …… we are hoping that people will appreciate the sense of injustice and anger that these women feel about the changes that were imposed upon them.”

And it is helpful for people who had relied on the now outdated married woman’s national insurance contribution to build up their pension entitlement since to get compensation Labour is treating all cases as though they paid the full national insurance stamp which would increase their entitlement.

It is also by far the best offer on the table for the December 12 election as it compares with nothing from the Conservatives and an offer from the Liberal Democrats to obtain compensation through the Ombudsman. Again that would depend when the Ombudsman considered the case and whether he decided to award any compensation.

Now the pitfalls. First it is paid at the rate of £100 a week over five years for all those born before 6 April 1955 rather than a lump sum. It is also taxed. As one of the arguments by the numerous detractors from the private pension industry -is that it should be means tested, very wealthy people will have to return, under Labour, half the payment to the state. Those who are really poor will get it tax free – because there is no tax next year on the first £12,500 of income. And this limit will probably rise over the period.

Second the scheme is complicated and the amount of compensation will be different for each individual.

Broadly it looks as though compensation will rise from a month’s loss of pension (£400) to a maximum of £31,379 for those born up to April 5 1955. It would then gradually fall again until disappearing altogether for those born after April 5 1960. The figure paid out will fall from £100 a week to a lower sum depending on a person’s date of birth from 6 April 1955.

In general terms this means that those born up to April 5 1955 will fare better than those after- though those born in the rest of 1955 will still get high compensation.

What this mean for those born earlier and have or about to get their pension that they will be guaranteed an extra £100 a week for up to five years depending on their birth date.

What the deal is not full restitution given that some women have lost up to £50,000. However Back to 60, have raised enough money through their crowdfunder, to continue their legal action and are seeking permission at the Court of Appeal to appeal the ruling.

The fact that BackTo60 went to the courts prompted Labour to prepare a much more generous offer for the 50swomen – their briefing makes it clear that this was in their mind.

” It’s a one-off historical redress for a historical wrong, so the state will be expected to find the money, just as it would do if the Government lost a court case.”

This is the opposite to the view of Guy Opperman, the pensions minister, who takes the position ” we act within the law” and the defeat means no money need ever be paid.

The fact that both Unison and Unite unions supported full restitution was also hugely influential in Labour’s thinking.

Labour’s manifesto has promised talks with all groups before it is implemented which will give all 50swomen representatives the chance to comment and discuss the implementation of the scheme.

Last night Waspi Ltd – which has not wanted full restitution – and ” We paid in, you pay out ” were advising their supporters to back Labour at the general election.

BackTo60 which never intended to advise its voters which way to vote – will produce a comparative guide to all the offers from the main parties to 50swomen and leave it to their supporters to draw their own conclusions on how they wish to cast their votes.

John McDonnell, Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer, said
“We’ve prepared a scheme to compensate these women for a historical wrong. It’s one that they were not been able to prepare for and for which they’ve had to suffer serious financial consequences for as a result.

“Some of them have been hit by a combination of poverty and stress, having lost out on what they had contributed towards. These changes were imposed upon them by a Tory-led government. So we have a historical debt of honour to them and when go into government we are going to fulfil that debt.”

301 thoughts on “Labour’s new deal for 50swomen’s lost pensions: What does it mean?

      • I agree that some things that labour under HW were bad, but then there were worse, eg Margaret thatcher was just the worst, closely followed by Gordon brown; Not forgetting David Cameron who seemed the greatest thing, but sadly failed because he called the Brexit vote and then stepped away to leave a ‘Stay’ pm instead! HW doesn’t come in the worst 20 but was no means the best. Harold Wilson is my hero on one aspect alone, he introduced the Open University! I enjoyed my studies so much and had a feeling of self achievement on achieving my BSc and then MSc, I would have never achieved as much as I have if I hadn’t studied with the OU.

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    • I want our NHS, I want fairness for all of us in everything. I don’t want Wars and our Government to interfere and drop bombs on other Countries and fund Terrorist Groups. Corbyn is not Harold Wilson, Gordon Brown Or Blair. Admitted, Labour has some bad apples, the Blairites! Corby has to grow a pair and get rid, must be difficult for him. Who else have we got? answer no other Party for the many not the few. Peace.

      Liked by 2 people

    • This is the only offer we are going to get, if the appeal is lost we get nothing there, if we refuse this we will never get another offer, the money they stole off us was spent by them years ago clearing the national debt, they have admitted that. It is this or nothing.

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    • How can they be worse? They’re not even in Government? Perhaps you can live without a pension payment? I can’t. I’m 66 already and would really enjoy some recompense, please.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Brexit Party have a ‘contract’ not a manifesto! “The old mainstream parties have made ‘manifesto’ a dirty word. Everybody knows that a manifesto is little more than a set of vague promises that its authors have no intention of keeping. By contrast, our Contract with the People is a targeted set of deliverable pledges”.
        I have found a mention of pensions so well done to everybody who has pushed the issue on to the political agendas..
        Providing a safety net for those in need is a defining mark of a civilised society. The Universal Credit system has not achieved what was intended and needs to be revisited. We pledge to:
        • Support those who have paid into the system with accelerated payment processes (five-week maximum), and continue to root out fraud.
        • Undertake a 12-month review of the system and bring in reforms within two years.
        • Review the position of women unexpectedly short-changed by recent rises in the state pension age.
        • Extend the use of dormant funds to support civil society “


    • I have to work as I didn’t get my pension at 60 (now 63) but I wouldn’t vote for Labour and Jeremy Corbyn even thou I need the money, as my children and grandchildren are more important and a Labour government would destroy the country and their futures.

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    • I got this from the Liberal Democrat standing in my area.
      Hello Amanda,

      Thank you for getting in touch. You’re situation sounds incredibly frustrating.
      I know that this is a huge issue, which is having a devastating impact on so many women like you. I was very disappointed by the recent ruling from the High Court and think we now have to take action to support to women in your situation, ‘Waspi’ women.

      One of the solutions that I support has come from a Liberal Democrat MP, Steven Lloyd, we think that a one off £15,000 payment to each “Waspi” women, whilst not by any means fixing the problem or undoing all the harm that has been caused by a succession of government that have messed this issue up, would hopefully help you and others like you.

      Would you support this Lib Dem policy?

      Yours sincerely,

      Siobhan Benita.


      • What really annoys me is that the Conservatives state that it would cost the tax payers a lot of money. Of course it’s a lot of money, but it’s our money. We paid for it. However it was stolen from us. In order to pay for their mismanagement of the economy.

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    • i am so dissappointed i have voted labour all my life but am seriously thinking of voting lib dem swinson has sworn to compensate us properly


    • I am 65 Jan 2nd. I should have retired (according to the first extension) September gone. Then came the next rise and I had to wait another 15mths til Jan2021. I find myself with a moral dilemma, do I look out for no1 and vote for Jeremy Corbyn who I strangely believe is sincere in his support but I doubt his policies, or do I vote to get Brexit done because I am sick to the back teeth of it.

      My story is the same as many others , I suffered a severe menopause, 6 years of chronic insomnia (3hrs sleep a night) working full time and not a day sick. Looking after my mum for 2 years with dementia. Eventually at 59 had a ‘melt down’ and was told by my doctor after 6 weeks on sick that I really should be trying to get back to work! I decided leaving work was my only option which meant substantial reduction in my works pension, refused Jobseekers Allowance- I wasn’t mentally well enough to fight the decision.
      I have had to live on £480 a month for the last 5years spending my small pension draw down on large expenses like a new coat or shoes, pressies for grand kids.. I have had to depend on my partner to subsidise me for over a year now. Very humiliating.

      I understand there has to be equality with men, but life’s not equal. How many men understand or women come to think of it how a bad menopause
      affects your life. Then we are almost always the carers.

      I hope we find a resolution to this quickly for all the women out there under severe financial and mental stress.


      • If you want brexit done you must vote for Jeremy Corbyn. Boris Johnson’s Brexit will take at least 6 years. Labour’s 6 months because there is no need to negotiate a separate trade deal. Think of the nhs and you grandkids education it will all end up private under the tories.


    • Labour won’t be buying my vote! I need to think about my grandchildren ‘s future and the thought of a Labour government terrifies me! Stick your bribe Corbyn and your Marxist comrades

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    • Please dont let Boris Johnson win ….his manifesto is full of his ego,with misleading promises.and is only about Brexit…and even the promise of getting Brexit done is a lie.Brexit is a process not an will still take years…So vote for now not for history


    • Labour have decided to put a wrong right the Tories stick their head in the sand and say we robbed these women but can get away with it.Just keep saying we can’t afford it even though we are using money paid in by these women to give tax breaks to the Rich.

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  1. It all shows the situation for all 1959’s women was wrong government was wrong
    None none of us were told about pension age changes in time for us to prepare our future
    How can Labour give to one and less to another on the point above
    They have agreed government is wrong this makes Backto60 Appeal stronger

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    • Some women who are more able to manage and have other provisions or who continued working just don’t need it. This is compensation for Tory theft and they’ve spent our contributions. It’s not meant to replace what’s gone but I for one would really enjoy something now to help!


  2. Thanks for clarifying the situation – the way I look at it, it’s much better than any other ideas that have been put forward, tho I still back BackTo60 in their ask and hope they get a successful outcome in their appeal.


    • I totally agree Linda, it is better than anything else offered by any other party and a good starting point. I did think it would be paid in a lump sum but I never saw the John McDonnell interview, I also think that the ladies born in the early 1950s and only had to wait a short time for their pensions, should be paid accordingly. I also think the Court should give an appeal date before the election, I don’t think Labour are bribing us for votes as I have listened to them for a while and the Unions. They have stated (or many of their MPs have) that we need justice, way before this election was callled. We know that BJ will give us nothing, I am not prepared to wait for the appeal as there is no guarantee that we will win, so what is on the table now is better than nothing but hopefully we will win our appeal and get every penny we are owed. Just want to say a big thank you David for making this a lot clearer for us all.

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  3. At long last single women over 60 years of age who who have never been married, can put faith in A Labour Government to do the honorable thing for 1950’s women, who were not given their pension in their 60thBirthday!

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    • … and who have found it virtually impossible to get a permanent job at this age and therefore benefit from employer pension contributions.
      From: Siobhan – Lost her house (and therefore her private pension) in the recession!!!


  4. As far as I can make out this does not seem a very fair deal at all to me. I put my details into the Labour calculator & it gave a figure of £6500 which equates to only £21 a week! I am currently having to wait 6years until I receive my pension & have lost out on approx £52,000! Yet it seems some people who born in March 1952 & have been in receipt of their state pension for over 5 years are due over £9,000 according to the Labour calculator. So I’ve got to manage on £21 a week for the next 5years? That surely can’t be right.


    • I was born July 1953 & only got my SP at age 64 birthday. An old school friend of mine is only 3 months older than me & she got hers a full year before me!


      • I was born 1 year later than you in July 1954 and don’t get my Pension till May 2020 weeks before my 66th Birthday.


      • Yes, the whole administration of the rises were a Cock Up! Whoever sorted it should be sued. It was maladministration Defo. I read that some had disputed lots of the errors but nothing thus far has been done. We don’t count to the Tories or Libs they don’t give a flying. If we keep voting these People in we will get the same! Time for a change! Not because of any Pension help but because we can’t go on like these with these knobs in charge of this Country. I’ve got 5 Grandchildren from 5 to 16 and I’m terrified for them.

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    • It’s not a good deal at all . I agree with you. I worked it on a rough basis. The same as you . The woman born 1950 to 1955 . Will get a £100 per week . Then dropping down to nothing by 1960. So if it’s gradual drop . A rough idea . With the difference of a 6 mth birthday in the same year .
      £100 up to 1955
      £90 up to early born 1956
      £80 later 1956
      £70. Early 1957
      £60 later 1957
      £50 early 1958
      £40 later 1958
      £30 early 1959
      £20 later 1959
      And early and late nothing . That’s a
      Rough projection. Give or take a
      Couple of pound . If you are working
      You will get taxed on it . If your money
      Goes over £12500 .
      Nothing in there about pensions being
      Reinstated. As well as the compo
      So am I supposed to jump with joy
      Born 1957 worked from 14 till 60
      To get a measly £70 per week . If they
      Were to reinstate.. pensions at even
      63 plus the extra . But no sign of that

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      • Yes but Jeremy Corbyn is NOT the Prime Minister!!!! Labour are doing their best, they don’t have too! Some Women have already waited 5 to six years, done the time! THAT is why they are getting a higher figure. They looked for the fairest way and that was to compensate the Women who have ALREADY waited the longest with the bigger amounts. No one can expect, for example, to have recently or not long turned 60 and get 30,000 pounds!!! For what? There has to be a cut off point! It seems fair to me. They are also probably thinking the younger Women by the time they reach 66 will of had more time! It’s common sense! No, it’s not fair that The Tories and LibDens brought the Pensions forward soo steeply, it’s an abomination! they should be made to sort it out but they won’t. No one gets their salary or Pensions in Advance! that’s why this was the only way to do it. I understand all the indication, I’m upset over my Pension too but we have to use our common sense. I also think Johnson has the Court Case sown up! I contributed to that too. I’m back to 60. I’m sorry for all our losses.

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    • I do agree some women have been in receipt of their pension before aged 66 but were born in the fifties, they have still had to wait but not as long. I was born July 1955 so will be penalised again, I have had to move miles away from my home it’s been really stressful, it’s definitely best offer out there at the moment but I wish they could see the upset these actions have caused and the unnecessary stress. . Government stated they would not change anyone’s pension more than one year per decade for us it was 6 years we have all paid this money in, (although it seems to have vanished into thin air) we should also only have to wait one year and what we have lost so far be returned, keeping it fair and equal for everyone.

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    • I totally agree with you herejune7359 and I have already wrote to my local Labour Party members to say how unfair that would be on the women such as you and I born after 1955 , we need to all stick together to ensure we women who have to wait for 6 years to get our pension receive a decent weekly amount to live on, We are all suffering the affects of having to wait !


    • I was born in Feb 1953 and only had to wait 2 years and 10 months. However, I only got £127 a week when I finally received it, despite having 38 years of contributions. Those born just a couple of months after me had to wait a bit longer but got the increased £150 a week amount. Maybe that’s why, because I’m on that lower amount for the rest of my life and so I actually end up with a lot less if you calculate that I could live for hopefully another 20 or 30 years


      • Born Oct 1953 – pension finally appeared in July 2018. To my amazement I found I was required to pay National Insurance for a further year. This takes me up to almost 50 years of continuous (never unemployed from just turned 17, no kids, no husband) NI contributions – since 1997 these have been Class 4 as I am self employed. When I was employed I was of course paid less than my male counterparts. And at 66 I am still working. No idea when I’ll stop.

        I was opted out of SERPS by the BBC when I was around 20. Never properly explained, you just were told to sign a form. In those days, any pension you had was given back when you left. I expect I spent it in Top Shop at Oxford Circus . Youth is not the pinnacle of pension planning brilliance. Neither was my choice of purple suede hot pants.

        So I then found out that I don’t get the new full pension but am currently getting the absolute minimum. I do get 10 yrs worth of a private pension but of course was opted out then also. Again never given other options or details re SERPS.

        We are election vote fodder. Pensioners are an inconvenience. We get sick and clutter up the NHS, we get senile, some of us have the nerve to own our own homes that we are told we are selfish to live in.

        And the real punishment is to deny us assisted dying if we ask for it.

        I would say to youth today – trust no one, not the Tories, not Labour, not the Lib Dems – no one but yourself. Make private provision because I doubt they’ll even be a state pension in future years. But if you’re lucky, there will be assisted dying – charged for by the NHS!

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      • A sad picture of the future painted but my thoughts are slightly different no assisted dying with prior consent but euthanasia. I believe it has been going on for the past 12yrs, one minute chatting to relatives in hospital fully dressed and sitting up, days later dead, too costly .
        I am one affected by Pension grab.
        There’s no sense to any of it.
        Started work at 15
        Worked ‘officially’ 46yrs but only took one year out aged 50.
        Did whatever needed as single mum
        Although pension More had to work 5yrs7months months.
        I think it’s good that Suffragette movement made plaque in memory ladies who died pensionless, some of my friends included.
        God help us all💁🏼💐


    • I totally agree. According to Labour I’d have to manage for 6 years with compensation of just £2191 after paying in the maximum contributions. Despite the 1970 equal Pay Act, women of our age spent our entire working lives being paid less than men for the same job as wage inequality is only now being truly addressed. Far from having enough notice to make up those extra 6 years from our own savings, we are left with proportionately lower private pension pots than our male counterparts due to all those years of inequality (and that’s before I start on the number of women versus men who give up all or some of their earnings in order to look after ageing relatives). Meanwhile young women today have enhanced maternity pay, better child allowance and childcare benefits as well as far better wage equality. I feel robbed and Labour’s solution is totally inadequate. Fight on Back to 60!

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  5. I was born in Nov 1957. I will have lost 6 full years of State Pension and was only given 4 yrs notice of the rise in pension age, which for me has changed from 2017 to 2023. This appears to do nothing for women born in 1956, 57 58 59.

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    • I totally agree Jenny’s comment. I was born 1957 and it doesn’t appear to mention 1956, 1957, 1958.
      It would seem very unfair for us born in those years not to be considered and compensated…


      • I have just done a check on all the affected Ladies in my family, they vary from 1952 1954 1956 1958 and 1960 and they all receive varying amounts, none of them receive nothing, still not full restitution but something.


      • It doesn’t give any definitive amounts for people born after 5th April 1955 either only definite payments are up to 5th April 1955. We should be treated the same as the rest of the country and have one year added and we all receive our pension from the age of 61, but that said this is a huge step forward to readdress the wrong that has been done to a group of women in this country. Let’s hope we will all start to be able to enjoy this time in our lives rather than being unsettled with lack of money causing stress and anxiety. Here’s to all us 50’s women 🍾🥂

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      • I was born in 1959 and was never informed by letter of the changes and will now have to wait six years to access my pension. As I am of ill health I have had to claim ESA which gives me £73.10 a week . This comes out of my national insurance contributions but you have to prove your ill by attending disability assessments every so often. It’s disgraceful when you think I have worked all my life and now to be given a meagre sum to live on .


      • I was born in 1957 & can categorically state I was NOT informed officially of the rise in state pension age. I found out from the rummer mill, possibly because in my 50s I was working for agencies & lost a number of jobs for various reasons. I spoke to previous colleagues & school friends & not one said they had received any notification. It’s so easy for the Government DWP to ‘say’ they let us know & expect that to be the end of the matter, but we didn’t know, I didn’t know & I have no back up funds. No-one told me I had to do so…I have lived frugally for 2 years as I’m now 62. I really feel like I’m between a rock & a hard place. I voted once for Labour when Blair got in & it was the worst mistake of my life politically. I swore, never again. So If I don’t vote Labour (& it has to be said I don’t agree with just taking what Corbyn is offering with a ‘it’ll do, better than nothing’ attitude. This isn’t a game of cheat. I am only asking for what is my dues & that IS my pension as agreed when I started work in the 70s. I will not vote for Boris on principle. He is offering billions for everything bar one & that is 1950s women’s pension. So don’t tell me the Government hasn’t got the money because they have. They are swindlers, cheap crooks & getting away with not giving all 1950s women their pension they deserve & have worked damn hard for is no different to money laundering. Where has our money been invested & which Country?…. The law needs to act on all of this.

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      • Sorry this is incorrect. Born May 1958. No notification from anywhere, about the age wait of 6,years,to collect state pension, no letter from the government ,i am not alone, a lot of woman born in the same year had no idea this would happen. To wait perhaps 1 year or even 2 is painful but somewhat less painful than waiting 6 whole years.. Shocking..


      • I was never informed . I never received a letter, telephone call or anything . I heard via another person so you are incorrect when you say the later you were born the more notice you have had .


    • Your spot on there . I still haven’t been
      Notified. Only found out on a bill board about 6mths before absolutely appalling. To me there should be a yearly amount for . How many years you have lost .thats fairer

      Liked by 1 person

      • And 1961 born. No letter. No notification that age has gone up 7 years! Should retire at 60 in 2021 but now 2028! Impacts on works pensions too as linked to State Pension Age. In other words, am expected to keep working, making 51 years in total.


    • I totally agree with your comment. It is only a better deal for women born before 1955. I myself was born in 1958 and £40 a week which is what the calculations work out at for me I would have to claim some state benefits to be able to still live in poverty and wouldn’t be any better off!!!


  6. As a supporter of #backto60 I fully support this and will be voting labour. However Having been on the group site today I see that many people seem to be very suspicious of this pledge, and need reassurance that it will actually happen. Many women are suspicious (not me) that it is a ploy to get their votes.

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    • Labour have said they will support us for a long time, long before this election was called. Also I know it is not what we are owed, but it is more than any other party is offering and to be fair it is not the Labour Party who have let us down, it was those two Judges and hopefully it will be the appeal that will give us full restitution. If that is not the case then to be offered something, in my opinion has to be better than nothing.


  7. I know it says the compensation is not MEANS TESTED, but what if you’re in receipt of an Income Based ESA benefit, will it NOT Count ?


      • If you have an income of £12500 your state pension would be taxed anyway. For many women it will mean that they may be able to stop working earlier,reduce their hours or look for alternative part time work to keep them below the £12500 threshold.
        Thousands of women are not in a position to hold out for the bread and jam of their pensions tomorrow,they need stale crumbs today. This is the best pledge for women in poverty,
        .As a socialist I stand with women in poverty first.
        It is a priveledge to be in a position whereby you can stand and shout and tell Labour it is not good enough. For many it will mean financial survival.


    • I wes thinking the same as you as I am on ESA and this benefit is means tested unless you are in the Support group of ESA so financially we would be know better off if it is means tested for ESA claimants as anything we would get from the pension would just go back into the system.


    • Unfortunately I think it WILL count for anyone already receiving a means tested benefit. I worked for DWP in another life and the basic principles have not changed. They will give with one hand and take with the other.

      The only way this proposed payment won’t be taken in account for means tested benefits is if the government which brings it in, states it is to be treated as an ex gratia payment and disregarded. Not wishing to be pessimistic, I don’t think they will do this because, it is a pension payment and your pension is taken into account when working out means tested benefits. For many that means when you do get your pension, you are no longer entitled to means tested benefits.

      I sympathise, born August 54 worked all my life and was a single mum until serious illness at 60, always paid full stamp, had more than enough contributions paid in to receive full pension at 60. No notice given of age rises. I will be one month away from 66 when I receive my pension. Been trying to manage on £110 per week for 5 years now – what a pathetic and disgusting state of affairs!


    • Exactly. The destitute on ESA and housing benefit will likely have the amount greatly reduced or otherwise it would be of no use at all as your benefit would be reduced accordingly. If you are receiving state pension you can have £16000 in savings at it doesn’t affect benefits but if you are not in receipt of state pension savings is next to nothing.


      • Whoever put this up – and it is not the name on the email address and is covered by an Amsterdam internet centre- is to my mind providing incorrect information. If you are on pension credit you are allowed £10,000 savings. If you are on ESA and below pension age you are allowed £6000 savings – first time I have heard that £6000 is next to nothing. Given the maximum payment is going to be £5200 a year – anyone who is really destitute is not going to affected.


    • You would have paid tax on your pension if you got it at 60 and earns more than the personal allowance anyone. Admit some people may not have had to pay it depending on their income but it will always be different for different people. They cannot please everyone.
      In a way I am lucky as I still have a job but lost my husband to cancer and feel I have missed out on spending time with my grandkids as still have to work now. Born November 1954.

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  8. According to the Labour calculator I would only receive £56.58 per week, amounting to a total of £14,711. This is not adequate recompense for losing 6yrs State Pension which is £52,603.
    I was unlucky enough to be born in 1957

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  9. So people born in early 50’s are going to get £100 per week and their SP! I was born in 1957 and will get a small payment but need to work till I am 66 in 2023? How us this even feasible to anyone? Livid!


      • If you were born in 59 you have not had to work beyond 60 (or at least only months).+ you have had knowledge about the changes.
        I discovered would not retire at 60 when I was 58
        I was born in 54 and spa is 65+8 months, so not until March 2020. Already waited 5 years and 4 months.
        As far as I can make out, this is being done on the time lost

        Liked by 1 person

    • Born November 1954 and still working. I have another year to work as I have to work until I am 66 as well. We are no different to you except we had no time to plan anything. So we are no different to you in having to work to 66 just I get there quicker as I am already older.


    • We are all working until we are 66 apart – born November 1954 except a few who got their pension before it was accelerated. My sister in law born 53 didn’t get hers until she’s was over 64 so very few 50,s if any git it at 60. We are all effective by some degree or other but some knew in time to do something about it more than others.


  10. It is a token and while Labour must be applauded for being only one to acknowledge the issue it is not enough. They plan to claw back Tax and NI while paying over 5 years means not all affected ladies will live long enough to get it. Meanwhile I am pinning my hopes on the Appeal.


  11. We back to 60’s women are not asking for ONE MILLION POUND EACH (3 and half million £’s ) Just what we are entitled too. How would the government (all party’s in power or not) feel if there Expenses or pay rises were suddenly stopped with not enough time for them to sort out Mortgages Utilities bills health care and they had to sell up like some women to live, or have to go back to work when not healthy enough to do so after working hard , most of their lives , and bringing up families and to end up on the scrap heap feeling useless and victimised. I’m sure if something needed fixed at Houses of Parliament, heritage etc I’m sure you would find three and half million then. So all I’m saying is give us what we are due NOW or some of us due to I’ll health or other financial situation may not even live to receive what they were due ( give it to their families ) Stop this greediness now. RANT OVER (1956 lady) Edinburgh Scotland 🙏🏼


  12. John McDonnell can stick this where the sun don’t shine. It is a distasteful bribe and offered only because it has dawned on him that Labour is likely to lose the election.

    To expect me to change my political allegiance because it will benefit me solely (and forget the country’s needs) when I disagree with a great deal of his and Corbyn’s beliefs is insulting.

    Liked by 2 people

      • Indeed Boris won’t. But at least he has been honest in telling us that, rather than ignoring us until he needed 3.8m votes. It’s not like Labour only just found out about us.

        And personally I don’t even think the money is there. Nothing stated in a manifesto is set in stone, and given our age ladies, we should know that by now.

        Liked by 1 person

    • Your spot on there . He might get votes of the people born up to 1955.
      But just lost the other 5 yrs up . I wouldn’t vote for labour anyway.. it’s not all about pensions. And I have lost
      6yrs . It’s just a ploy to get votes

      Liked by 1 person

    • You should go after Tories and the Liberals. Don’t vote Corbyn if you don’t want to but he’s the best you’ll get because the others are sick in the head! Don’t vote Labour and you won’t get guck all!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Your vote is your choice! This just tells you who is supporting the 60 women and what they are offering so why comment and be so negative. Other people may be so destitute that they will go with voting labour but their reasons and choice are theirs as is yours.


      • I wouldn’t dream of interring with the choices of others to vote for whichever party they wish to, for whatever reason they wish to. I’m a big supporter of democracy – for every voter.

        I am entirely familiar with the severe hardship many women are suffering.

        I stated my view. And my view is that McDonnell is not a man to be trusted and that the lateness of his support for 50’s women, makes that pretty obvious.

        Liked by 1 person

    • Perhaps you don’t need it. But for many of us it would be welcome. I had cancer. At 59 years of age, plus being suffering severely with menopause symptoms. However I still need to work until I drop. Because my contributions were stolen. Yes the contract was breached. I was supposed to retire at 60. If I knew this would happen, 20 years earlier. I would make alternative arrangements.

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Well I appreciate this will help thousands of people
    It would have been fabulous if it had included all 1950s women. I was born in December 1955 still have two years left to work so for me it’s still a hell of a hill to keep working on. I will have paid 51 years in stamps for my pension on my 66th birthday. I’m not sure now if I will vote for labour it’s disappointing they haven’t allowed all 1950s women to retire now.


    • I agree! Insulting derisory amount of £21 a week according to Labour calculator & 6 years to wait for my rightful state pension which at the moment is £168.60!!!


  14. no problem finding 100s of billons to bail the banks out..this is a step in the right direction, nothing more…enough to vote labour for sure, though why anyone would vote for the tories is beyond me

    Liked by 1 person

  15. This is an absolute joke, I was born in October 1956 and will be offered a pittance. No they’re definitely not getting my vote. I back going to court as I feel I’ve nothing to lose. I wonder would they like to receive a pittance like this if they were in our shoes, I think not.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Maria, me July 1956. Can’t make head nor tails of it. As above comments why only to 1955?? Us 1956ers plus years get sod all?? Sounds ridiculous to me, but I’m just a 1950s worthless woman., apparently!!! I need to keep being told that. Hahaha. Lets see what comes out before election. We all have time to contact Labour party before the election. x


    • Same as me it’s not done fairly at all.
      We should all get a weekly allowance on years lost . Not date born . Some 1950 woman only waited a year over 1955 6yrs . It stinks. I wouldn’t vote labour full stop


      • Totally agree with you Kay all this has done is divide the women but to only receive about £21 is an insult and I won’t be voting for Labour.


    • If £83.00 per week {as per the labour calculator} is a pittance to you, then you must have a lot more money than I have! As a 1956 woman myself its a damn site better than nothing.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yes I agree it is better than nothing but nowhere near what we should be having but I do understand that everyone’s circumstances are different and I am a bit more fortunate than most and I have already stated this and I don’t criticise anyone who has to accept this but I still feel it is an injustice and everyone should get there proper dues. I would rather see you with your full pension as you and all of us deserve.


  16. Thanks so much for explaining what seems to be quite a complicated form of redress for us 1950’s women! At least Labour have come up with a firmer offer than any other party …they just need to get elected in the 12th December!!
    Best wishes, Jill Snape.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. It’s about time.I think this will go down in history Just like when the suffragettes fighting for womens vote .The conservatives STOLE THIS MONEY OF US .WE MIGHT AS WELL GIVEN THEM OUR BANK CARDS AND PIN NUMBERS….ANOTHER WORD FOR THEM IS SCAMMERS


  18. This compensation package is grossly unfair. So the women born very early 50s have already had their pension for many years but still stand to get a compensation that will give them everything more or less that they have lost. But the women in the 54, 55s and onwards are only getting a proportion of what they lost and consequently have had to live for years selling their homes live exist, their possessions and taking loans. The money they should have had years ago was worth far more than it is now and will be in five years time. Many women will die before they get what is owed them. It is a bit like the hike in the pension age between years – who on earth working this one out! Labour need to rethink this – very quickly as it is unfair.


  19. I was born July 1957 due not get my pension till2023 so lost 3 years all ready. Also bus passes should be taken into consideration. Back to 60 in yorkshire and else where. I have depression and low income i feel traped i am unable to go out of my area. A bus pass would help.


      • Check with your local council. In my area(Greater M/cr) eligibility is still 60 (I am nearly 62 and have only just found this info online.) If you are disabled you can apply for a bus pass or travel vouchers for taxi’s (£5 for £20 worth of vouchers.) Hope this helps.


      • And of course us lucky ones who live in the London boroughs get the Oyster 60+ card. £25 admin fee and that’s free travel until the age of 66. Long may it last.


      • This is somthing else where inequality exists the bus pass rule should be the same where ever you live in the UK It’s not fair that some women still get it at 60 and others have to wait till they get their pension at 66 67 etc. Enjoy your travelling Alison i and many others wish we could do the same. I wish you well take care.


      • I agree. It is not right that some get travel and some don’t. Couple of my friends in different boroughs do at least get bus passes. At least prescriptions are free for us over 60s. It helps.


  20. June and Jenny
    Where did you find the calculator? I have looked but am at a loss….
    I still think this is the best we are likely to be offered and I will vote for Labour, they are trying to right this terrible wrongdoing which is good. I personally had less than 2 years notice of a 6 year increase. As we go through the decade individuals had a bit longer notice, then longer etc…but I understand it was still not long enough. Also some women worked maybe 2 or 3 months past 60 so, of course, their compensation should reflect the shorter time.
    A lump sum would be wonderful but I am now getting so “needy ” that I would love £100 a week, even if it is taxed, as I need to heat my home and get a new back door and actually eat something other than vegetable stew or jacket potatoes. I want some sort of security and this will go a long a way to provide that. My vote will be lost in the Tory area that I live in but, hopefully, others votes WILL make a huge difference. The appeal will take it’s course but I am not holding my breath. I was shocked at the ruling- how could the injustice be ignored? We have been offered something worthwhile, as David said, not just tea and sympathy. The stress of all this is now biting hard and I would like an end to it. Still 14 months ahead of me to SPA, not sure I will make it, feel so down, cold and hungry.


  21. As far as I can see this is just a sweetener to get votes and nothing else. In fact they are offering a pittance and that’s only if you were born circa 1955. Will not be getting my vote based on this premise and Boris can go to hell!


  22. Well, I have reread and reread and reread this offer on the Labour website which in actual fact is completely nothing at all. Very clever of Labour but its just bullshit. So. Back to spoiling my ballot paper then and writing my own message on it. We’ve lost in every way. Crowdfunded twice, for what??


  23. I left school and straight into work.ive done my tired.sore all over and you want me to work another 6years and some…its disgusting and theft.i want my pension


  24. Where is the Labour calculator that people refer to in the comments? Why 5 April 1955 – I was born in October 55 and still added 6 years!




  25. Any one , let alone a 50’s woman like myself voting for Boris Jonson or Jo Swinson is like a turkey voting for Christmas . Harold Wilson was a true statesman unlike Boris Johnson!

    Liked by 1 person

      • I can’t say that I am over the moon about this offer which as I was born in 1958 will give me around £40 per week. Having said that I think we all need to be realistic because Labours offer is the only firm offer on the table and as far as I am concerned it’s far better than nothing.

        Much as I might like to rant & moan about the unfairness of it all & how I believe I’m entitled to more I realise that this is Labours offer to 1950s born women. We can take it by voting Labour & hoping they win the election, or leave it by voting Conservative and knowing you will get nothing.

        It’s a clear choice for each of us to make.

        Liked by 1 person

      • I would rather stick pins in my eyes than vote for Labour just because they say they will pay us back. For a start manifesto is not written in law or in stone and it says “as and when” which means they could wait until near the end of their 5 years before we get anything which means many of the women may not be here to collect.

        Have you even asked yourself where he will get all the money from to keep his promises?

        He is living in cloud cuckoo land and we have already been told by independent financiers that he could not hope to raise enough money to make these things happen.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Hi Lesley the situation is totally unfair but I know many women will vote labour because of their circumstances but I can’t in all honesty vote for this party and I won’t be voting for Boris and his cronies either. I do not hold out much hope of getting anything unless we win the court case. I watched Jeremy Corbyn being questioned by Andrew Neal tonight and he couldn’t answer any questions and on our pension they do not have the money to pay us it will have to be borrowed but the amount of money labour plan to borrow the country will be up the creek without a paddle. I don’t know who to vote for as none of the candidates in my constituency deserve my vote. 🤨 I have to think of my kids and grandchildren’s futures and the country could be in ruins with the amount of borrowing he would have to do.

        Liked by 2 people

      • Just seen that in The Times Tony Blair is urging the country to vote tactically for a hung Parliament. He said that Jeremy Corbyn manifesto is undeliverable… He said he cannot endorse Jeremy Corbyn and that a socialist revolution would “end badly”.
        Tony Blair urges country to vote tactically for hung parliament
        Former PM accuses Johnson and Corbyn of “peddling two sets of fantasies”, but says he will still vote Labour
        Tony Blair has attacked Jeremy Corbyn’s manifesto as an undeliverable wish-list as he suggested Britain should vote tactically for a hung parliament.
        Labour’s most electorally successful prime minister said his party’s plan for a socialist revolution would “end badly” as he refused to endorse Mr Corbyn as fit to be prime minster and gave him little chance of a majority.
        The fact that he will still vote for Labour isn’t a good thing and is to me hypocrisy as he doesn’t have to vote for any party if he doesn’t want to just like anyone else. However, that coming from a member of Corbyn own party and a past PM says it all…

        Liked by 1 person

      • Blair is a joke he tells you the manifesto is crap. But would still vote labour . Oh I hate this Roll Royce because it’s rubbish. But I would still buy it . He is insane like Corbyn

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      • I wish everyone would just see what Corbyn is doing. The stories may not be spending as much but at least they will keep us on track while with Labour we are headed for yet another car crash with all the borrowing he’s proposing.

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      • You’re right Val have you seen Mail Online today Corbyn’s been slaughtered and a lot of his comrades are cowering at his interviews. He will cripple the country and it’s all of his policies not just the pension issue. Even getting his payout we could all be worse off because of his taxes, this will help no one.

        Liked by 1 person

      • There seems to be quite a few Daily Mail right wing comments here. Labour will not cripple the country. Over 100 top economists believe Labour need to be the next government.


      • I have been on this site for quite some time now David, not just discovered it and since I don’t criticise anyone’s opinion I surely am allowed to have mine. I don’t trust Corbyn as I am concerned about all of the items in his manifesto, it is my opinion that he won’t be good for this country. If my opinion is not allowed and it can only be Labour supporters views allowed on the blog then a lot of us women would not be allowed. We are still a democracy are we not.

        Liked by 1 person

      • I totally respect your opinion and your right to decide who you want to vote for. My comment was not aimed at you but more against some detractors who don’t want the women to get anything. I have also noticed some people who are trying to frighten those who are the worst off and already on benefit by providing incorrect information suggesting they will lose all their benefits if they accept the offer when there are permitted savings levels that will ensure they don’t.


      • Hi David, thanks for respecting my opinion and I agree that no woman should be frightened into voting for someone they don’t believe in. We will and should all make our own minds up. I could never, and never would, make any comments on what people will get if they are on benefits as I have been fortunate enough not to have to live on benefits, thank god because some of the women’s stories are extremely upsetting reading them. I totally understand why they would vote labour if they believe that any money they might receive would benefit them. None of us should be feeling as we do, we should all have our rightful pensions and all be living in dignity in our old age. I applaud you and the back to 60 team and pray the court case will come out in our favour.

        Liked by 1 person

      • You might be right Kay but I won’t be voting Labour, we all have our own views and we are all posting them so we’ll just have to see what happens.

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      • You really need to watch the news. Even Tony Blair has rubbished Corbyn manifesto saying it is “Undeliverable”. Everyone needs to stand back and take a good long look at the facts of Labours manifesto!!!!!

        Liked by 1 person

    • That isn’t the case I was born in 1957 . Have never been notified. To this day . I only found out on a bill board . Not long before my pension was due . This is the argument we have got . If we kni we in 1995 . We would have had a chance of doing something about it . It would have given me 22 years to do something about it


    • I was born in 57 and was only given 4 yrs notice. I keep meeting women born in the same year as me who have never received any written form of notice.


    • I was born August 58 and have had no notice just found out a few years ago from internet. Will not vote for Labours rubbish offer and def not BJ so left with Libs. Still having to work despite arthritis pain, so want my pension now and not another 4 yrs 9 mths, so keep backing backto60.


      • Georgimcgoo. ??? Based on the notice
        We got . I don’t know where you got that from . And if that’s the case the notice we all should have got was in 1995 . When they changed it and hid it


  26. Thanks for your report David. You appear to have omitted a reference to the Waspi Campaign 2018 who, as you are aware, stand Shoulder to Shoulder with Backto60 and WPIYPO,. Waspi Campaign 2018 were fundamental in initiating the meetings with John McDonnell that culminated in this announcement. Onwards and Upwards! Our statement here Thanks again for your unwavering support in our quest for justice.


  27. As I see it all women born in the 1950’s are effected. The year you were born in the 50’s should not be part of any calculation. Born in the 50’s is just that!

    The Court case has more strength to it now and a better probability of winning. Hence the offer on the table from Labour.

    I’m grateful that atleast we have been recognised and the support has grown for our cause. All the 50’s women deserve to have what has been fraudulently stolen from them.

    We have put our hopes in back to 60 and Waspi so we have to be optimistic that this time our case will win.

    Then no matter what any government in power offers as a trinket we hold the upper hand.



  28. Thank you again David for continuing to inform and support us all.

    The facts about MWRE optants was very interesting. Many 50’s born will have paid this during their life -indeed Steve Webb of Royal London and former Coalition Pensions Minister asked an FOI question and found 200 women still have the option in force.

    Hopefully CH/TL will shut up now because their ‘deal’ has no authority, quality or merit.

    Anyway, presume whoever wins, Backto60 goes onwards.


    • Wouldn’t say excellent deal but the best that has been offered, do agree that Labour is the only party that have bothered to care enough to make any offer. I know some Ladies are saying they are only trying to get votes, but they have been promising to something for us long before the election was announced, so sorry I don’t agree.


      • Or if you are 1955 after April 6th they should make it more equal and fair. Even if they made it 62 receive full state pension and back pay those years some of us have missed out on. It would be much more straight forward.


      • Actually Mary I didn’t receive any notice and by the time I did find out I didn’t have enough time to save. Also my place of work I did not receive any wage increases in my last 10 years of employment so just could not afford to put any money away for my retirement.


      • The problem with all this as most of us say we were not notified. Some may have been and some were not – difficult to know or prove.

        The Court as I understand it have said that the Governments (both who have been in power whilst all this was in process) did not have a responsibility to inform us individually!!!! Am I correct on this?

        Now this has gone to appeal – with the issue far more prominent – perhaps it will be examined more carefully.

        This in my view is the best hope – labour has tried to bribe us knowing along with their other ‘cash for votes’ offers, they will not likely gain power and not have to fulfill the promise.

        There are many who are seriously unhappy with the calculations labour has made and there is aleady a big fight in working out the fairness of all this as we can see on this site.

        If the Courts make the judgement this gives us the best chance of recompense and they should also work out how it is structured, then it is taken out of the political in-fighting arena.

        A judgement should also be made as to how in future situations, people are informed of major changes to their financial expectations.



    Liked by 2 people

  30. I agree this is a grossly unfair (and, yet again, discriminatory) offer to all women born after 1955. ALL of the women affected by this need proper restitution and compensation for the distress and hardship it is causing those of us not so well off as others. I have nearly used my private pension and when that’s gone, I have nothing. This offer by Labour is a blatant, underhand move to buy our votes – they obviously think we’ll all stupid, addled old ladies who can’t see through this crap. When is anybody going to do the right thing by us?

    Liked by 1 person

  31. Whilst I appreciate the offer from Labour (should they win) I do feel the workings out unfair !! I’m 1955 so my return would be good, but for those later born would be poor !!! I don’t think it should be worked out on Date of birth, at the end of the day 6 years wait is 6 years wait whenever you were born !!!


    • Absolutely spot on. I’m glad you see this…otherwise it’s another form of injustice for all those women born after 1955…myself included. My pension age didn’t go up once. It went up 3 times between 2010 & 2018…when I should have been able to retire. I’ve now worked 18 months into what should have been my retirement. I’ve paid tax national insurance & been denied the right to retire as have thousands of other women.


    • all 50s women should be paid the same amount not different for each lady all born in 50s have had 6yrs added on. £100 a week if you are lucky enough to get it is a crap offer when the state pension is £168.60p a week at the mo plus we have already lost 1000.s pounds. and for you to get less every year from april 1955 to 1960 is not acceptable. I have read Davids statement over and over and can’t find anything fair in it. I seriously think the appeal is the only way to go in our case. But however it is an offer that as been put on the table when other parties haven’t bothered or cared enough to bother even though it is rubbish. all parties are guilty in raising the pension age and causing our endless grief its difficult to decide who to vote for. as they are all as bad as each other.


  32. After reaching the age of 65 earlier this year, having my pension contributions over 50 years stolen from me and most of my life as a women being treated as a second class citizen I will not now be treated as a beggar to be means tested, taxed and all the rest by this, or any future government so thank you Mr Corbyn but no thank, you or your party could never buy my vote I would rather starve first.

    Liked by 1 person

  33. I thought our gripe was that we were not given enough notice to prepare for not receiving our Pension at 60 or am I wrong. I am 66 next July and don’t get my Pension till May and only found out just before my 60th Birthday from a Friend, so have lost almost 6 years and should have been in receipt of my Pension in 2014. I also know though that since Back to 60 and Waspi have been Campaigning, that the shift to getting our Pension at 66 has been well published and women born later in the 50s have had more time to prepare, so unless we win our case on discrimination grounds and I do believe all 50s women faced discrimination, Labour think they are being fair by tapering the payments. The Courts have created this mess and it should be the Courts that sort it, but to me to be offered something is better than nothing just in case the Court again rules against us and it is so unfair not to have their decision before the election. If Labour don’t
    get in and the Court rules against us, then there is nowhere else to go as BJ has made his feelings quite clear.


  34. Thank you once again David for very detailed and informative information. Very much appreciated. I now know who I will vote for on the 12th.
    Kindest Regards.


  35. Thanks for the info David. Are we going to be fooled by this Labour vote-grabbing exercise – don’t forget they were involved in misappropriating the £271 Billion from the NI pot, the shortfall of which led to this massive breach of contract? Compensation should be offerred to all, after their pensions are re-instated, dependant upon how long they have been deprived.The idea of voting Jeremy Corbyn in for such a paltry sum, given his other betrayals (Brexit, National Security, etc) fills me with horror! Can we really be bought of so cheaply?

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  36. We should not have to accept any of the offers put forward by any party we should simply be paid back the money that has been stolen from us and not paid bit by bit


  37. I was born in1958. Why should I receive a reduced pension over someone born before 1955? The Labour government are more than aware this is a voting tactic. They don’t say how much women born after 1955 will receive. It should be worked out & the figures known in their manifesto. In fact pensions weren’t even mentioned in their manifesto. I’m sorry but I won’t be casting a vote for Labour unless I know how much restitution I will be receiving. I think Back to 60 should follow the appeal to its end because Labour might not win the election. If they don’t no one will be getting anything from a Tory Government. Let’s not get sidetracked from fighting for full restitution of our pensions. I don’t want an ‘out of coirt’ settlement. I want my full pension back as do most women who have fought for so long & HAD to carry on working in the meantime.


  38. Reblogged this on hilary77blog and commented:
    Wow just got a nice surprise born March 1951 & only had to wait a year to get my state pension, I didn’t think I would get any compensation but just put my details into the Labour Party calculator & I will get £4900.00 over 5 years which has come as a nice surprise as did not expect to get anything as I haven’t suffered the same as those born a few years later.
    A very good reason to vote Labour12th December


  39. Thank you for your information. I am one of the 1955’s but in june 1955 ! The fact that Labour have admitted ” historical wrong ” is a break through. Personally full restitution would be our lawful right , but 3/4 is better then nothing, although I feel it would be more beneficial in a lump sum particularly for the most disadvantaged, ie housing transport etc. We shouldn’t have to pay any tax even if it is over a 5 year period why should we ? We have had our pension stolen we should have it tax free and in interest! Thank you for all your help it means light at the end of the tunnel, the fight goes on !


  40. Well, I am not very happy if the cut of date is going to be 6th June as I was born on the 23rd. I have already waited a long time for my pension and have FULL National Insurance contributions for the past 49.5 years so far. I have just gone on GOV the website to see when I can claim and 3 months have been added on making it 66 years and 3 months – why not the date of my birth. I am so distraught about this with the odds stacked against me. I just hope I am around to claim it.


  41. I get so angry I was born August 55 so again have missed out and we are the ones working till 66 first told 65 then told 66 probably be dead before I get the pension. WMPT has allowed women up to the April of 55 to get the free bus pass , again missing out by 4 months we have to wait till 66 no justice


  42. It’s all very well to promise restitution and forgive me for seeming cynical but will they suddenly decide ;
    1/ it’s going to be mean tested
    2/ it’s too costly to implement so only certain cases will be awarded.

    I agree with equal retirement age but disagree the way we 50s women have been treated. No one ever seems to take account of the number of women who divorced after many years of marriage but before the legislation came in enabling women to claim half of the mans pension. So a number of us lost out twofold whilst working at a low paid job and caring for our children.


  43. Thank you for considering us women born after 1950 with regards to the sum of money we may receive . I was born in 1958 .
    It will be another kick in the teeth if we get less than £100 a week as other women will
    I have 6 years to wait and cannot bear to think how much longer I can cope .
    I hope and pray we can all get the financial support we need and all the women affected will fight for justice and equal payout for all 1950s women ..that is
    if Jeremy Corbyn and co do all keep their word !


  44. I still don’t think that is a fair deal and why should payment decrease and be taxed? It’s another Labour con the Age of retirement should be brought back to 60 and if anyone wants to work beyond that that should be upto each individual.


  45. So Labour have decided to give some of us pennies if they win the election, they could have stood by us from the beginning and the only voice I heard standing up in Westminster saying what an injustice it was, was that off the SNP MP Mhari Black
    I’ve got 10 months to go before I get my pension and as far as i am concerned Labour could have done something ages ago.
    Why dont the main parties ensure that their MPs put back into the treasury as before Maggie Thatcher stopped it, thay way this wont happen again and it may give pensioners a better pension to live on


  46. One of the things that is not mentioned is that women having to work past 60 means that this has a knock on effect.
    Many would have ( including me) been providing free child care or care for parents if they didn’t have to work so saving the government thousands.


  47. From what I can see this is not a fair way of paying us back and if they pay us back as and when there will be women who will not get it.

    I think it’s just a carrot to wave in front of us vulnerable women to get a vote from us. We may not be getting anything from the Tories but they have been openly honest about it and Labour can’t possibly find the money they are offering for all the things they say they will do. It’s back to boom and bust if they get in.

    Also it is in their manifesto and manifestos are not put into law so if they get in they can drop anything from their manifesto at any time. After all Mr Corbyn pledged to honour the results of the 2016 vote to leave the EU and now he proposes another referendum of remain or accept the deal he gets from the EU. If I know Labour they could do this with their proposal and we are back to square one.

    Better to go on fighting than believe Labour.. Remember Manifestos are not FACT!

    Liked by 1 person

  48. Labour are still not getting my vote. I’m not into bribery and there will always be a spin on the pledge. Once costed they won’t be able to afford it so stop dreaming.

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  49. all 50s women should be paid the same amount not different for each lady all born in 50s have had 6yrs added on. £100 a week if you are lucky enough to get it is a crap offer when the state pension is £168.60p a week at the mo plus we have already lost 1000.s pounds. and for you to get less every year from april 1955 to 1960 is not acceptable. I have read Davids statement over and over and can’t find anything fair in it. I seriously think the appeal is the only way to go in our case. But however it is an offer that as been put on the table when other parties haven’t bothered or cared enough to bother even though it is rubbish. all parties are guilty in raising the pension age and causing our endless grief its difficult to decide who to vote for. as they are all as bad as each other. thankyou David for making it clearer to understand as it is quite complicated.

    Liked by 1 person

    • The earlier a woman was born before April 55, the less time she had to wait for her SPA. The women born after April 55 have had more notice thanks to the long hard fight by Backto60 and Waspi.
      The Labour offer is fair, based on length of time to wait and how much notice we got. The women born in 54 and 55 have had to wait up to 6 years with the least notice.


      • The women had more notice . This is
        Totally wrong . I’m 62 . And only found out on a bill board just before, my 60th
        Birthday. And asked a bloke what this waspi poster was . So no most didn’t get any notice . The money given out should be equal. Why should some get a hundred and some £10 rough guess
        If you were in the earlier years . You got your money earlier . Some waiting anything from a year up to 6 . If you lost a year you should get a year back . If 2/3/4/5/6. Years then that’s the amount you should get . And Corbyn will give you it in one hand and take it off in another . So nobody will be any better off . If you are lucky enough to get private pensions . And your money total comes to £14.000 you will be worse off because it will cost another £400 in taxes


      • I was born august 54 and spa now end july 2020. Should have been july 2014.  disabled june 2016 unable to get job. Cannot claim benefit because get half husbands navy pension because widowed 2007.have paid 48 years full NI and have letter from DWP to prove it. THATS WHY I HAVE VOTED FOR CORBYN AND HIS PENSION SOLUTIONS.

        Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android


      • I think it’s unlikely Labour is going to win the election so I am focusing rather more on the Back to 60 appeal as opposed McDonnell’s rather last minute announcement.


  50. I was born June 1955 so would that make much difference from them stopping the rate at April doesn’t make sense to me and like others I don’t trust what politicians say can promise anything but until it’s in black and white sign and sealed I will not believe it but great work by Back to 60 hopefully we get what we’re owed


  51. I was born in October 1958. I have always felt that the double rise for ladies like me was really unfair. First to 65, then to 66. I do not believe anyone should suffer a double whammy. I have tried to get my MP – Conservative – to help but he is toeing the party line. However he is an excellent constituency MP so I will vote again for him. It is just not worth voting for a few £s – if they ever materialise – a week when the likelihood is that a Labour government will affect the performance of investment and pension funds so I could end up worse off. I am lucky in that I have a company pension, paid at 60, plus investments but still feel aggrieved at losing in excess of £50,000 after 39 years of work and no claim on the system apart from child benefit. I believed I had a contract with the government, I honoured my part but don’t see them honouring theirs. Plus have we all really forgotten that the Conservatives started the increase in pension age legislation but The Labour government from 1997 did nothing to reverse it. I am hot hopeful but I do hope that Backto60 can find a way forward. Keep up the good work!

    Liked by 1 person

  52. I think this offer is awful for those women born after 1955 who will get substantially less than those born before 1955. Plus it is those who were born after 1955 who have the greatest number of years still to work before getting their state pensions. In my case born in 1957 so have had my SPA increased by the full 6 years yet I will get far less than someone who was born prior to 1955. I think this offer has been designed to split and divide 1950’s women as those born prior to 1955 and are already retired or close to it will be better off but those who were born after will see little change and won’t have an option to retire earlier as the compensation for them is far too small to allow it. The idea of a state pension is to be able to retire and enjoy one’s latter years this offer will not compensate those born after 1955 for the loss of 6 years of their retirement. My husband and I should have retired within 6 months of each other due to our age differences. He being 5.5 years older than me now due to my SPA being increased by the time I am old enough to receive my stare pension my husband could be either too old and frail for us to enjoy any joint retirement or worse case scenario he could be dead! We need this to be fair for ALL 1950s women. Full restitution of our state pensions is the only fair way. Giving us back not only Our money, that we had every right to expect to receive at 60, but also those years of our retirement that have been stolen from us and can never be got back.


      • This is why Corbyn’s offer stinks totally
        Stinks . He is separating women on age . The earlier years born . is a lot less lost than the later . And it should be done the same for all. The amount paid. Should be done on lost years
        Not age. The same weekly amount for
        All lost years for all of us . But I want vote labour . Because of all the other
        Policies. And I don’t think they will get in anyway


    • Your totally right there splitting the 1950 women is totally wrong. We should be compensated for the years lost . Even if it a pittance. If you lost one year . You should get one back and so on


  53. They keep saying compensation and how much
    It’s going to bust them! It’s not costing them it’s
    our money which has been paid in!

    They need to sort this out! It’s a Scandal!!

    I’m a Back to 60 women and quite honestly I
    Don’t believe a word that any of them say!! Don’t
    Know who to vote for, I would say Labour but just
    Can’t bring myself to vote Labour!!!


  54. I feel unable to trust any of the political parties at the moment and that winning by the right of Law is the only redress we have.


  55. Interesting that Labour decided to announce this on the day the Conservatives launched their manifesto! No coincidence I suspect. It smacks of being desperate. Sadly Labour would bring this country to its knees and bankrupt us before any of us received our unpaid pensions. We live in a global economy like it or not and the 150 billionaires labour keep chatting about won’t be able to rescue us from the chaos that would ensue – most of whom have have actually left already – and most of them paid simply huge amounts of tax to this country. The same for large businesses who will no longer be competitive under a labour regime so where possible will re-locate to countries that appreciate the jobs and revenue they bring. This change is already underway, we are already in trouble. Labour or as it should now be called the Neo-Marxist Momentum Party are at least open about their plans to dismantle this Country – but beware it will go much further and would be very very hard to recover from.
    Lets face it, everyone loves the NHS, everyone wants great education, safety on our streets and in our homes, looking after the poor etc etc whatever political party you support.
    Reality check – our population is growing by almost half a million EVERY year – the size of a city every year has to be built to keep up – we will all have to take a standard of living cut to accommodate the extra schools, hospitals, houses etc needed to maintain what we have had for as long as this goes on. More money has been going in, not less as we are constantly wrongly told but we can’t keep up with the growth in our population numbers that is the reality.
    Times have been tough after the economic collapse but we have been making great headway and on the verge of some real improvements in living standards for the many. We have done much better than most of Europe during these difficult times.
    For me, the loss of 5 and a half years of pension has made my life much more stressful than it might have been… BUT the thought of this very dangerous marxist party getting in to power and witnessing the destruction of our Country is a much too high price to pay. They will promise the world to seize the opportunity of power.
    Leave it to the Courts to work this out – have faith – fairness will prevail but don’t be fooled by John McDonnells smooth talking chat – he is a VERY dangerous man. Please don’t vote for Neo Marxist Momentum (Labour).


    • Bollocks. I’m suspecting you are a plant! The population is growing due to Tory immigration policy! Savid Javid less than 5 months ago promised one million sub Saharan and middle eastern immigrants into the UK and millions thereafter, look it up its online! Theresa May signed the UN/EU Migration Packed, anyone can go to any Country they like and have full access the same as the native born of that Country, Hoysing, Jobs, Welfare, but Theresa didn’t say that we haven’t, the indigenous population have that!!!!!


    • I couldn’t agree with you more . And people voting just because of his
      Pensions policy. Is not good . This country will be Ruined with Corbyn. And leaving the borders open will cripple this country and our nhs housing schools ect . Where the hell is he going to get all the money from . Yes there are millions wasted . There are no reserves as labour sold them
      And left the tories to pick up the shit
      I don’t agree with all Tory policies. But
      At least there are no false promises made


    • Farage is a Closet Tory. He wants to privatise the NHS. He is a Bestie of Trump and is in the USA 3 times a week, so he dioes nott
      Labout his carbon footprint. Farage is a Tory Banker. Look at his BREXIT Party all business People, Jacob Rees Moggs Sister? Anne fuck off Widdicombe who says back to 60 are Spoilt brats or died to that effect. Vote Corbyn.


      • Don’t tell me how to vote I can make that decision for myself. This is not a platform for swearing and being rude. Just state your Own personal opinion without swearing and telling other people what they should do . We are all adults and have minds of our own.


      • Thank you David. It was all getting a bit out of control and as I, and others, have said we can surely have a sensible discussion on this subject. After all we are almost all over 60! Thank you for your informative articles about this mess that several governments have got us into and left us in. Both sides of the House of Commons are at fault here.

        Liked by 1 person

    • Corbyn is being kind, he is offering you something, as opposed to nothing! If it doesn’t suit you don’t vote for him. Vote for Boris the Spaffer! How dare you or anyone vilify a Man that is trying to help you? Guck off! Take you case up with Boris!


  56. I could never trust Corbyn nor his party so he will not get my vote. Its always easier being in opposition and promise what you can’t deliver on. I was born December 1955 and don’t understand how my needs are different to someone born up to April of that year. This is ludicrous it’s just more discrimination towards us 50’s women. They have p**sed all over our dreams of ever getting to retirement and being able enough to enjoy it.

    Liked by 1 person

  57. Thank You David for clarification..
    I was born May 1955 and don’t collect my
    SP till 2021 age 66.. I’m thinking anything is better than nothing…


    • Totally agree with Tricia May. It’s all to do with dangling carrots for your vote. Labour just don’t have the money and can’t possibly find itThey will bankrupt us for sure.


      • I’m Tricia May and I never said that! David obviously we have trolls on here! Prob paid for by Tories! Please anyone show that I said the above? Or actually they should just fuck off, I’m dealing with Morons!!!! We have People who have just turned 60 who want 30k odd thousand whilst Women have waited 5 to six years with nothing! are deemed as privaleged????? Maybe it could be me???? I don’t think so. People should be thanking Labour for giving a FUCK!


      • I think you should behave yourself and stop the rudeness and swearing. That’s what the sewer known as Twitter is for.

        The lady you refer to simply read your name where you were responding to the post she was agreeing with. It took seconds to work out her mistake.

        If everyone with a view that differs from yours is a paid for Tory plant then no wonder they can’t afford to reimburse us.

        We are all experiencing the same issue in connection with our pensions and would like to be compensated for this. But we may have varying views. Let’s converse with courtesy because frankly, we are all old enough to know better.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Well said Anne this is a contentious issue for all of us but everyone’s views about politics are their own and about our pensions issue we should all be together not acting like school kids in a playground. Thank goodness most of us have a bit of decorum 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      • Hi Valerie, show me where I said that Hun, I never did and never would! say that. I’m extremely grateful to Labour for trying to help and what’s more I liove their Policies. Vote Labour for the many not the few.


  58. I have to say I’m out. I will just wait and see what happens. I cannot in Honestly engage with Morons who think that they are entitled to the same recompense if they are over sixty by four months as opposed to a Women who has waited, not me by the way, nearly six years and they are Jealous. Corbyn has done us all a big favour by bringing this injustice to light. Thank you Jeremy. No other Parliamentary figure has bothered to do anything. If you hate Corbyn vote Boris, good luck on that! We wanted our Pensions at 60, as expected, every one of us should be 60! But the law was changed and the then changed again, unlawfully, but the Courts are in the pockets of the Government! Our Pension age is 66 and Corbyn didn’t make it thus. Corbyn is trying to compensate, give us a little bit of money, he knows it’s not enough! But we are getting outbreaks of privilege, of fights and bad thoughts because of this generations entitlement! How can you ask for the same as a Women who is nearly sixty six when you’ve just turned sixty? It’s beyond belief in my opinion! I’ve got empathy, under a Tory Government we are all hard done by. Born 1959, should have State Pension from that date, and the European State Pension which is double! Blame the Toriies, been in power for nine years.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Maria – As a lifelong Labour supporter I would have been voting Labour regardless of their pension offer as I too am thinking about my kids and grandchildren’s future. I am voting to keep the NHS safe from privatisation & greater investment in public services , education and housing.

      Other countries such as Sweden, Denmark & Holland are able to put much more investment into public services with positive outcomes for their communities without bankrupting themselves, so why couldn’t the UK with the 5th largest economy in the world also achieve this? It’s a question of Government priorities & Labour have clearly stated they intend to prioritise public investment to benefit ‘ the many not the few’.

      To those who say Labour have just jumped onto the bandwagon to get our votes , I think this is unfair, they have been supportive of our position for a few years & their was a pledge to help us in their 2017 manifesto.

      People have questioned whether we can trust this offer? Personally I think we can , but to those who are doubtful I would say who else can we trust to help us – there is no alternative?

      Having said that I firmly believe each of us has the right to their own political beliefs , the right to state their opinions and to vote according to their own conscience and I respect that as should we all upon this forum.

      The point I was trying to make is for those who are prepared to use their vote based purely on the single issue of pension recompense then Labour is the only choice.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Good points Lesley but poor old Jeremy didn’t do well in interview yesterday. I do not think Labour will be in government on the 13th December especially as Tony Blair is saying he would be useless as a PM. I did like the idea of forcing any new government to return to the question of our pensions based on the fact that Labour have seen some compensation as a requirement. By the way I will not be voting Labour because of their tax plans and abolition of the married allowance which will mean that my husband and I will worse off right away. Labour might give with one hand but take away with the other and I suspect that many ladies in their 60s are transferring part of their personal allowance to husbands especially if they are not getting their state pension. Let’s see what happens.


      • I agree with you . It amazes me how
        People are saying he is the only one that has said he will help 1950 women..
        It’s was in a separate grey broke . And as you said he is given in one hand and taken twice as much in another . Ok so boris isn’t helping us . But he is trying to help this country. We are older and yes . We have worked all our lives. Some have more difficulty with health and money . But this country will suffer more under Corbyn. I feel sorry for the youngsters coming behind us . Bring back apprentices for these kids . Don’t give them hand outs. Work for their four . Like they do in other countries. The kids today don’t want to work . They get more to stay home .there will be thousands saved that way . Shut the borders . Unless they have money to keep their selves . This will help the homeless and young ones . That’s a few of Boris good points . But to be honest . It’s like watching the soaps with these politicians. One does a program then they all do something similar . To get more people watching . These in government are a joke


      • Hi Alison, I totally agree with you.
        Martin Lewis has another vote going on regarding our pensions and we are way out in front again, let’s hope things like this and now we’re getting a bit more media time will help with the court case 🙂


  59. My local (Tory) MP has urged me not to believe this will happen as he states it was not detailed within the Labour manifesto or costed.


  60. Tricia May – you need to moderate your comments. You are obviously a Labour supporter which is fine. In this country we believe in democracy and choice, people can vote for whomever they want to and should not be abused for their choices. This blog is about pensions not your rather bigoted beliefs.

    Liked by 1 person

  61. I can’t believe people will vote on this one issue. What about all of the other Labour policies that will bring this country to it’s knees. No. I need this money believe me. But I will not sell my soul to get it.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I totally agree with you. I’m the same as you . I definitely need the money. But will never vote for labour . There are so many people going to vote labour because of the pensions, as you say it isn’t all about the pensions. I wouldn’t trust Corbyn one bit . And is policy for the pensions stink . A lot of us are in the same position. But it is totally unfair. The way he has given more to some than others. It should not be based on age . It should be based on years lost . And we all should be treated the same . Pay the same amount to all a nominal sum for every year lost

      Liked by 1 person

  62. So again those 1950’s women born after the 5th April 1955 who had their pension age moved the FULL 6 years are being penalised AGAIN.


  63. Sad to see the sort of abuse creeping into the Backto60 group that has rendered our parliament totally ineffective and a global laughing stock. They are proof that this behaviour doesn’t work and leads to impotence in achieving the desired result. We should be able to disagree and express our views without descending to that level. It is guaranteed to prevent people giving due consideration to your opinion.


  64. My concern is that, should Labour win the election and I accept compensation from them, that will surely prevent me from receiving full restitution if the Backto60 appeal is successful? Any lawyers out there who can clarify? Maybe Labour could clarify?


  65. I actually reached my sixtieth birthday before I discovered I would have to wait another six years for my pension. That was nearly five years ago. I’m incredibly grateful to Labour; the only party to show us any real consideration. Their manifesto is brilliant and exactly what the majority of people in this country need.

    Liked by 2 people

  66. For me Labour’s deal will prove to be a huge mistake. FULL RESTITUTION should rightfully be what 1950’s women receive. Ivernments have taken our money, we’re still paying. Givermenfs failed to top up NI fund. Why should we settle for any less. All our energies should be directed to united support for the Backto60 OneVoice and our request for Appeal. All MPs should be challenged not as a ‘Party’. We win on grounds of we were wronged, a debt on honour which is at last becoming public knowledge.


  67. Born in 1956, 100% did not get notified of pension Change, only found out a few years ago when my friend retired!, as for Labour, it’s actually a type of blackmail if you think about it, “Vote for us and we’ll give you a pittance of a pension” They won’t win otherwise IMO. I want nothing less than full restitution. I will lose money as my contribution based ESA will stop, I had to stop working at age 62 One and a half years ago due to increasing ill health and I have only just been awarded some PIP and ESA, I am now managing. If Corbyn gets in I’ll be back to square 1 !!!.

    Liked by 1 person

  68. If it is promised then for the 1st time ever Ibwill vote Labour, but is just probably one of the empty promises never fulfilled


  69. This is not equality for the women born after April 1959. They get a small amount of about £4000 over 6 years. That is disgraceful and after all that labour have said it leaves this group with a pittance.


  70. Everyone on reaching state pension age is not entitled to Contribution based Employment Support Allowance, nor Income Based Employment Support Allowance – it is a benefit solely for people under pension age – whatever age that is deemed to be! So if like me you are over 60 and have been receiving Contribution based Employment Support Allowance, the Government could theoretically offset any payment they make by way of compensation for non payment of pension against the Contribution Based ESA you have been receiving! They could even do this if full state pension restitution is given instead of a lower compensation for same.

    The devil is in the detail as always.

    Something for the Back to 60 Appeal to take into account in Court?

    Personally, as much as I would like to believe that A government would give full restitution, I am not holding my breath, nor will it effect the way I will vote.

    Someone commented about Personal Independence Payment (PIP) – non taxable, replaced Disability Living Allowance (DLA) and far more stringent criteria to get than DLA – and as far as I am aware it was the Labour government who brought in the dreaded Disability Assessment Visits and Interviews for PIP. Fine, interview and visit, but don’t interrogate, humiliate and try to get disabled people to walk upstairs, touch their toes etc ……. When you get your ‘review’ (another way of saying in what way can we kick you off this benefit?) notice letter – be frightened.


  71. 1956 born women
    Arthritis/Osteoporosis the normal things that affect you as your body ages from full time work/raising children/carer etc etc – 41 years paid in and will get a SP. . . . . . . . . . eventually!
    The Labour calculator says i’ll be in receipt of half of what has been stolen ie £24K not the £48K lost.
    I have lived on £200 private pension per month since turning 60yrs, I was relying on my SP being paid at age 60yrs. I had 2 years notice – in a letter addressed to me.
    My work place closed down first time unemployed, YEAK! – I could not claim ‘jobseekers allowance’ after 6 months that was it nothing else as “I’m a kept women” – according to DWP, I cannot find a job, in interviews (ha ha!) they can see i’ll only be there till i receive my SP no matter how much i try to conceal my age!! why would they train me against someone half my age?! Give the jobs to the younger ones, I totally agree. I had 2 years notice in a letter addressed to me
    I am one of the lucky ones
    Do i vote Labour? Is this my best option? What do i have to lose? Watch this space!

    Thank you all that are listening and fighting our injustice – power to the people. . . . . Hopefully


  72. Hi Ladies just noticed in MSE site another poll asking if we should be compensated. Our age group is way out in front if anyone wants to get a vote in 🙂


    • Hi Maria just seen it and voted, I think it is good as it is asking different sexes and age groups if and how/if we should be compensated and yes we are doing very well in the votes.


  73. Thanks david. Very informative as usual.
    I did have one thought tho. Up to now govt have said they cannot intervene because of the ongoing court case.
    If this is legally correct, how will the labour govt be able to implement this quickly as promised if at all until the court case is heard?


    • Labour are fine on this because it is in line with the judgement, The last par says: “The wider issues raised by the claimants, about whether these choices were right or wrong or good or bad, are not for us; they are for members of the public and their elected representatives.”
      Labour is taking this to mean that this an invitation to respond as your elected representatives and put forward their own plan. The Tories under Guy Opperman took the opposite view – they would do nothing. Labour is also not a party to the judgement,the government is, so are not inhibited by any appeal.


  74. I would like to make an apology for my public outbursts and uncalled for language to all of you. No excuses it was uncalled for and I assure you it was not meant to be directed at any particular post or individual. The injustice of it, was has happened to us is staggering but that’s not an excuse. Peace and help for us all. Sorry David.

    Liked by 1 person

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