How the raising of the pension age for 50s born women has fueled poverty, ill health and depression

Campaigners at the Royal Courts of Justice.

A new and highly detailed research study by King’s College, London reveals that the lowest paid women born in the 1950s are now substantially worse off because of the government’s decision to raise their pension age from 60 to 66.

The damning findings confirm why the BackTo60 campaign are right to highlight the inequalities and seek to overturn a judicial review in July which refused to provide any compensation for 3.8 million women.

Since the situation is now even worse because of the huge death rate among the elderly it also shows how sensible it will be for the organisation to highlight the issue in two films that will be backed by a crowdfunder. The link to their crowdfunder, which has already raised over £5000 is here.

The academics at King’s College compared the fate of those who had already retired at 60 with those who were having to wait for their pension until they are 65 or 66.

They found the change in pension age widened inequality, increased poverty by six to eight points, caused much more depression and mental health issues and also made people more likely to succomb to additional health problems like diabetes or arthritis.

It was specifically bad for women who had to work longer in low paid jobs often involving manual labour, such as working in care homes.

In their academic language it says the “increases had a negative impact on health: women aged 60–64 years are no longer eligible to collect their pension due to the reform exhibit worse mental and physical health scores (PCSs) and higher prevalence of clinical depression than women of the same age unaffected by the reform.

Moreover, longer extensions of SPA [ State Pension Age] led to higher declines in mental health than shorter extensions. Crucially, the negative health effect of SPA postponement is confined to women from lower-grade routine occupations, and it is largely driven by longer exposure to adverse psychological and physical stressors. As a result, the reform had the undesirable consequence of increasing health inequality by occupational grade, as evidence points to a 12 percentage-point increase in the probability of depressive symptomatology.”

You can read the report, published in Health Economics, here.

Michael Mansfield

It should put a spring in the step of lawyers like Michael Mansfield, who are fighting for BackTo60 in the forthcoming judicial review appeal and its findings ought to worry the Department for Work and Pensions as it exposes the damage they have done. Though making anyone there or in Downing Street remorseful for anything is a tall order.

114 thoughts on “How the raising of the pension age for 50s born women has fueled poverty, ill health and depression

  1. I am so lucky I live with my partner and paid into my County Council Pension which I took 5 years ago.. Was diagnosed with AF 10 years ago. Have AF as been on Thyroxine for 27 years. Thank goodness am on Thyroxine as would be dead by now. Had a Pacemaker fitted Sept 2019. Feel better than I have for 10 years but as 62 would be 2 years better off. Keep fighting. Thank you so much.


  2. I fear that due to the cost of the corona virus.
    The government has no money, although they said that before.
    We are now deeply in debt. I SO agree they should pay the back to 60s. The government spent our NI CONTRIBUTIONS, which was so wrong. I am one of the 1950s, and also the worry of this has affected my health.


    • I always assumed that I would retire at 60,then it was moved to 62, then hey presto out of nowhere it was 65, This has caused me untold stress,I was working as a carer which was very physical,unknown to me ,I started to develop fibromyalgia and Oestoporosis. I was in constant pain for the last 3years of my working life,I wasn’t diagnosed till after retirement. My husband and I also parted after 45years of marriage,apparently it wouldn’t affect my pittance of a pension though. I’ve lost out on so much money and I’m struggling,lost about £41,000 in pension by the change of age.


    • The Government has money for what they wish to spend it on.
      1950s Women will never be on their shopping list unless they’re forced to dig into the pot.

      Liked by 1 person

    • I totally agree, ever since WASPI and Backto60 started fighting ‘our corner’ other things got in the way, such as general elections, BREXIT and now Covid 19 it seems that the odds are stacked against us in this travesty against women born in the 50’s.
      I do hope the judicial review will at last go in our favour.

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  3. God bless you all, sat here with ruptured knee, adding to woes, since working on physically another 6 years. I had been out twice in 4 years socially prior to covid. This was due to financial despair. The recent crisis has exacerbated my entrapment. I wished to see the world whilst fit, now am racked with pain and restricted mobility. Literally robbed of the years so needed. I pray for all of us, that this is resolved. Ironically ex nurse!!

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  4. Never were truer words said.

    Everyone knows the suffering the 50’s women have gone through. My physical health has deteriorated and since covid 19 I’m now being treated for anxiety and depression. I’ve always been a positive enthusiastic person I’ve been turned into a shell of my former self.

    I continue to work on front line aged 61, my diabetis out of control, taking max tablets and injecting 3 times a day. I can’t get shielded because I’m only clinically vulnerable.

    The government have left the 70’s to die in nursing homes and now they sacrifice the 60+ generation.

    They talk of saving lives they are only saving the majority of younger ones through furlough and saving jobs.

    What choice do the 60+ vulnerable have, none at all. The government want us to die, no one on this planet will convince me to anything else.

    I have contacted GP’s, diabetic nurses, the international diabetis federation, diabetes consultants and diabetis UK.
    They all said the same thing diabetics aged 60+ should not be working on frontline, or they said they could not understand why our government did not add the group to shielded.

    Its no use expecting this government to have sleepless nights over the needless deaths in our Country. Dominic Cummings made his point very clear.

    We are nothing a drain on society, not worthy of saving so off we go to work like sacrificial lambs.

    We may not survive this but our families and friends will and you will pay for our misery.

    “Stay alert “, we are Boris were very alert to the deaths on your watch.

    “Stay home “, we would if we could Boris but clinically vulnerable are not on your radar so we’re not worth saving.

    “Save lives”, Boris who’s are you talking about ….care home deaths running out of control. Diabetics 25% of the death statistics so far. You’ve never even recognised 60+ in any calculations.

    “Protect the NHS”, .. are you having a laugh. PPE need I say more, the poor staff physically and mentally exhausted

    This Country is a shambles run by a calculated , sadistic government who want to clear out the costly older generation.

    They stand their clapping the NHS look how they treat them, they clap the heroes of War look how they treat them.

    Their will be many many questions after all this and hopefully one day our day will come.

    I just hope us 50’s women are around to see it happen. Stay safe and keep well

    Liked by 3 people

    • Couldn’t have put ig better myself. I just Hope when it comes to the next election that the very people who lent their vote to this shambles of a government don’t have memory loss. It’s these very people who will have suffered the most. I wonder what it will take for the electorate to wake up and smell the coffee. I didn’t have a problem personally with JC but hopefully Kier Starmer will be more palatable to the Labour electorate. Surely they can’t get back in again!!!


      • a former police chief who ordered his officers to ignore the grooming gangs and has his best pal next to him if he doesn’t think anything of young children who would he worry about older people


    • There is nothing to add. I totally agree with everything you say. I’m in good health but still cleaning for a living at 65, I will hopefully get my state pension soon, 6 years late. There have been some devastating decisions made by our government such as releasing ill people back into care homes, its no wonder we have such a high death rate in this country.


    • With you on every count . Brilliant piece. I am March 1955 born, can retire next year at 66. Now have heart failure, diabetes, arthritis, asthma and work as a Customer Assistant in a supermarket, which I have not been able to do for the past eight weeks because I am on the second tier vulnerable list.
      Having paid over 43 years full stamp, why should we have to work and put ourselves in this dangerous position. I am currently penniless apart from a small salary because I am furloughed from my job. Why should I have to rely on my husband to pay all the bills.
      It’s absolutely wrong on all counts.


      • I am in total empathy with you. A government, we pay with our hard earned efforts. Moving the goal posts backwards, is a direct insult to women born during the 50’s, and suffragettes who fault for us to have a voice . I feel so angry towards the comfortably well off hierarchical groups, eg government , royals, those in finance banking who awards themselves huge bonuses, Jacob Reece mogg & his £40.000.000 rewards for setting up his brexit hedge fund, Is that our pension pot I ask ? These People are minus any real understanding of what it feels like to be out of pocket & through no fault of their own. I’m disgusted with their decision making, and their equally poor judgement


      • I’ve had breast cancer grade 3, mastectomy, reconstruction operation that ended up giving me Lymphoma cancer and still having to work full time which I’m unable to do.
        I’m attending hospital every month, I should have at the very least been able to work part time by now, but no! State pension should have been given to the 50’s woman who have now to work in unacceptable circumstances. I’m certainly not going to see any state pension. DWP need to actually have a word with themselves, i was even refused a working PIP payment, which could have helped me at the very least drop one day working.
        I’ve worked since I was 15 and I’m now 61. I’m totally unfit and have to rely on help to do do the normal things I used to. I’m even having to pay hairdresser to was my hair once a week. Where is the justice???


      • God bless you Rachael i am the same as you had breast cancer mastectomy and lymphedema in my right arm and other health problems i have been working from the age of 15yrs no mum to bring me and my siblings up my dad had to bring me up from the age of 3yrs worked hard all my life in care homes looking after the elderly and now i cant afford to give up work i never got told about my state pension would be payed not until i was 66yrs it’s just so unfair how all us 1950s woman have been treated it’s the money we payed in for all the years and the goverment took the money off us after years of hard work i was looking forward to retire at 60yrs to spend time with my grandchildren but to this day i am having to carry on working with ill health this Government should all hang there heads in shame it’s not there money to take it’s down right Robbery of this Goverment and all should be jailed


      • Oh God bless you also Patricia. I can totally relate to your pain.
        Yes, the government are thieves and should be shameful .
        I also have no faith in the DWP. People having been extremely ill should not have to be dragging themselves to work each day in tears. Absolutely shocking!


      • Bless you both. Dealing with illness is enough but all this theft coupled with injustice is just horrendos. I have had the Big C twice and have been at war with the DWP on benefits since 2016 when I should have had my State pension 04/2016 as well pre-theft.

        How Opperman has the gall to say we have the best pension system in the world makes me so angry with him and his incompetent party. It’s a 3rd world rate pension paid when you’re half dead if at all. On top of that, how anyone can expect us to accept means-tested pensions is ñudicroys. House of Lords average age is 70-how many of them NEED their pension and why isn’t everyone calling for them to be means-tested, for one example?


  5. Well David
    Another expose for us.
    Those of us who are pensionless & 50’s born already knew this, we are the living proof. Now we have written evidence to absolutely quantify the further discrimination wrought by the SPA changes-allegedly done for fairness to men!!! Certainly isNOT fair to women.

    Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I’m really struggling to work full time now that I’m nearly 61. I’ve had 2 cancers and numerous operations. It’s so unfair that I can’t afford to go part time.


    • “Stay Alert “how 65yrs and constantly thinking about pension.
      “Stay Home” don’t have any option “No pension .
      “Stay Safe” not with this government’s help – can’t get any benefits – my husband served his country for too long and has decent pensions.
      Really do not know how our mp’s can sleep in their beds!


  7. Pingback: How the raising of the pension age for 50s born women has fueled poverty | Govt Newspeak

  8. I am beyond despair that we find ourselves in the circumstances of this terrible virus.
    I know that there will have been many of the older age group who have sadly died who will have been Waspi women.
    It will be very interesting to see the outcome of the July appeal.


  9. One has to wonder is there no shame ,no remorse no care atall in this Tory driven dracononian Govt .?????

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    • No Carol, there is no shame, no compassion, no care, starting with the prime minister and the rest of his government, they couldn’t care less.
      They are a bunch of egotistical financially driven liar’s

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  10. I’ve been working since I was 16 and I’m now 62 I was hoping to at least work part time but this is not an option now due to not getting my pension at 60 like so many 50s woman I’ve more than paid my dues give us back what is rightfully ours you in effect have stolen our lives it’s an utter disgrace it is so sad reading all of the comments from woman below in poor health and poverty

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  11. Ellen from telford
    It is disgusting and immoral that we are in this situation we are the forgotten people in society this lack of compassion by the government is appalling when so many of us have failing health we have found all this money for Covid furlough payments when the government said they had none it goes to show they have the funds for our reparations if they really want to pay I say scrap hs2 and repay the women what they actually deserve

    Liked by 1 person

    • The money tree only shakes for the rich, us oldies are a thorn in their side!
      Now they want to tax the elderly more to get back everything they gave out.
      If they taxed those who put their money offshore there would be plenty for us all
      The UK are the lowest paid pensioners. Shame on this government for robbing us of 6 years pensions, also time with family.

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  12. We have been treated abysmally. I’ve doe manual labour all my life both in industry and care, I am still working part time for the NHS as ambulance road crew, because I can’t afford to retire. The DWP should be ashamed. I’ve just turned 66.

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  13. Back to 60 for us, the 50’s women -make way for the younger generation who need our jobs more than ever now.


  14. 65 years and 7 months of age and still waiting for state pension, due on my 66th birthday 26/10/2020. My husband passed away age 63, did not receive his State Pension. When I reached my 60th birthday, could not claim inherited amount from my late husbands graduated pension etc., until I reach my state pension age. Due to freedom of information I found that the inherited amount is very substantial, which on top of my 6 years lost amounts to around £70,000. Penalised also for being a widow. We both worked from age 15, full time and never out of work. I have numerous health issues, have had breast cancer and bilateral mastectomy, 4 surgeries in this regard. The state pension should be put right, no excuse is good enough. Women have suffered tremendously.

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  15. Conservative party has been elected by British people and despite austerity carnage have managed to hoodwink the population yet again. The promise to balance the country is laughable.
    The poor , now includes many 60’s born women thrown into poverty despite their toil and sweat spanning up to almost five decades, weakly downward spiral into submission.
    NO VOICE ….NO CHOICE….FAT CATS STEALING ALL THE CREAM….and the gloat is tangible.
    We cost too much…
    Who would have thought?
    HIGH HORSE LADIES…..We are your ‘Mother’ who raised you to know and do better…where are your manners? Your sense of right and wrong?
    We are disappointed in this Government who cannot justify their weak willed apathetic treatment of their elders….shame upon them !
    You will be repaid for the dishonour.


  16. Quite frankly, the longer this is allowed to go on is a bonus for the DWP already no doubt is that a good few have passed and cv19 has helped. But that brings me to the obvious, all of a sudden the government have an endless pot in which to reach into yet they would claim they did not have for 50s women. And with no widows pension anymore to help well the mind boggles. Incidentally I am Male and lost 3 months of pension but fortunately I was still around for my wife who suffered a massive stroke, to care and support her which if not, she would have become another burden on the government’s endless pot.and on her and the other 3.8 million ladies I will continue to do so . Keep up the good work.

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  17. I was made redundant 2 years ago at the age if 60. I then got myself another job, when you could see that youngsters at the Job Centre had no intention of actively seeking work. Given the choice I would have preferred not to but it was out of necessity as not able to claim my pension. I am now considered a Keyworker in a job I would rather not be doing as, at the moment, our departmental work has become quiet so have to train to assist other departments, something which I struggle with – not just because of age and being able to take in additional information (although this is a struggle), but my oarents are elderly, Dad is on palliative care and, at the moment, I am unable to visit due to them shielding. Someone has to be held accountable. I have never had so much time off in my whole working life until recently due to small incidents of illness – bad colds, coughs, etc. Why not let the young (those who want work!) have our jobs – there will be plenty out there once we come out of COVID-19. Let’s fight for what is ours and give them a chance! Good luck to all fighting our corner x


    • Yes Sue quite agree. I am now 65 , born March 1955. Am considered a key worker as I work in a supermarket but cannot work as I am shielded because of heart failure, diabetes, asthma. Have been furloughed now for two months and I can see the train coming along the track where my company are going to say “ your not fit to do the job “. I wonder what the government suggests I live on when this happens for the next nine months before I can draw my pension. Incidentally I have over 45 years fully paid stamp, 10 years more than is actually required ! Been fighting this now for over 5 years, I sure hope we win this court case. Oh and to top it all debts of £10,000 just to live for the last five years as living on hubby’s pension ….so angry right now.


  18. It makes me feel very sad when I read these stories and I ask myself constantly why does life have to be so difficult for people of a certain age. I’m 62 now and have been affected by the SPA increase. I lost my job at 57 and struggled for 2 years to find work I faced rejection after every interview to the point that my mental health was in tatters.
    I decided to take a short break to concentrate on my declining health and booked some sessions with Mind to help me to work through my feelings of depression and helplessness.
    I still haven’t found work I don’t receive any benefits and am currently trying to sell my house to raise some capital.
    With covid affecting all businesses this has now been put on hold.
    I’ll be honest being in lock down and feeling isolated, concerned and extremely anxious I don’t see much point in carrying on anymore….

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  19. I am 63 after divorcing 4 years ago I had to sell my house and downsize. (Even my lady solicitor thought I would be retiring at 60! When talking about financial split,) I started work when I was 15, not allowed private pension lower hourly rate than the men! Was even asked at interviews was I planning to start a family soon!!!(imagine the uproar today) worked in a supermarket last ten years, have osteoporosis so struggle to walk some days. No car as can’t afford it so walk everywhere. I am living on dwindling savings now!! On anti depressants as first thing when I wake up in the morning my first thoughtsi are my financial situation. I never received a letter about spa rise either.. unfortunately with the coronavirus I can’t see a successful outcome to this for us 50s ladies now!

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  20. This is so true. I am 64 living in poverty. I have never suffered from depression in my life and the last few years I have developed it terribly along with serious heath issues, arthritis,underactive thyroid,. I’m in terrible pain every day. I have had to go to foodbanks several times because I can’t afford to eat.

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  21. I am 64 still working in a care home putting myself at risk when I could have retired 4 years ago whilst my health was ok. I am bitter and disillusioned with this government. We have worked since 15 many of us and paid into the system, you are making us work on whilst the young have no work. It doesnt make sense.


  22. I notice that Freedom Passes for over 60’s in London can’t now be used during peak travelling times between 6 am and 9 am to try and keep the numbers of people using public transport down because of the virus, but of course many over 60’s will be necessarily having to use trains to get to work..and the extra cost of having to pay fares on top will cause additional financial hardship as many 60’s + women will be on low paid jobs.

    Also Universal Credit for women between 60 and 66… if you are part of a couple is UV extraordinarily penalising for women. EG: If your partner has a little savings under the threshold and you as the woman don’t have savings, UV says you’re not entitled as a couple so you both get NIL this means no financial independence for the woman in the couple applying. This is discriminatory to women..and increases domestic violence and dependence on the man.

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    • Yes my husband has to work past his 65th birthday as I was not getting any pension. He works nights and gets tired. He has been working from 15. I have been working from 14 on a Saturday job and during school holidays.

      nowadays some start at 18. I asked for a pension forecast in 2008.
      I was told my pension date is 2018. “That date will not change”. I made decisions based on that forecast. In 2011 they wrote to me saying my pension age will rise to 66. I contact my MP she took my letter to the minister of work and pensions. I also enclosed a copy of the 2008 forecast. told them that we did not get enough notice to plan for retirement. He replied with a long letter and said they have increased the age to make it equal with men. and all women were notified and it was in the press. THEY DO NOT CARE AND HAVE NO //////(((())))))……..–=0=0-0 i CANT THINK OF A WORD TO DESCRIBE THEM. NO HEART FOR US FIFTIES WOMEN.

      When did men had children? I had 3 children only had 3 months off work each time. I had to leave my children with childminders with some bad experience those days. I’ve paid 38 qualifying years contributions.

      I have a few health issues for the last ten years I’m taking that Hydroxychloroquine sulfate tablets for my illness. It has been a very stressful 5 years 9 months wait. yet others gets benefits who are fitter and younger than us so easily. I did not even know about PIP until recently. I could not claim any benefits as my husband had to work but with no income from my side it was very very stressful.
      Very very unfair to us who work so hard and pay our taxes. even if we stayed at home to look after the children its still work. I don’t think the government who call us the baby boomers is going to budge.We need to keep pressing on with our case. I want what they owe me. they are THIEVES. don’t keep their word and very unstable.


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      • I also sent a 4 page letter of complaint hi lighting the inequalities and lack of fairness regarding pension goal posts being moved, adding another 6 years of working age. I forwarded one letter to the dwp, and one to my local conservative government Jack Loprosi who couldn’t even grace me with a response. Get this conservative gone, and start bringing them to court to make sure they reap what they have sown. Greedy, narcissistic humans. I’m sick of their lies, and personal greed. How dare they walk all over us.


  23. Don’t hold your breath ladies as this mess the Gov are making will have to be sorted first, the economy (people with money, Boris’ mates) will have to be looked after first. I am a 60’s born woman, widowed, looking after an extremely vulnerable 35 year old self employed son who the Gov is very generously giving £88 from the chancellors scheme, wait for it this is for 3 months, children get more pocket money than that! So yes I am frustrated as the pension I should be getting for last 3 years would have helped my son even though he lives with me, so no support with accommodation etc. How are we supposed to live, was made redundant and pensioned off from work 6 years ago and unable to get a job. Lets hope there will be a positive outcome to all of this for us all, isn’t levelling up and equality the buzz words at the moment, I can’t say I can see any of it for many groups of people.


  24. Dear Sir
    Thank you for that particular report. I didn’t realise that there are studies going on relating to how this raise in
    pension age has effected us, and to have such a report is helpful so let’s hope we get the result were hoping for. Personally and in layman’s terms, I just don’t understand how I paid into my pension since around 17 years of age and was led to believe I would receive it when I reached 60. No one informed me otherwise. Now I’m 62. I’ve had a few serious health problems but still need to work to keep a roof over my head. My work is very physical and it hard to keep up the pace of it. It also only pays minimum wage. Unfortunately I am unsure about how the Appeal will go. I’m not sure if Michael Mansfield QC’s argument will be forceful enough, I’ve read the JR argument from last year and it seems lacking. Let’s hope his Appeal strategy is better than the initial Review. To be honest I don’t know why there was a JRat all when we could have taken our case straight to the highest law courts without it, in my view wasting time and money on it. You seem to have a firm grip of the injustice we ladies are dealing with. Pity you can’t fight our corner at the Appeal. Best wishes and thank you for your support.




  26. At 60 & with an incurable blood cancer I find myself in the ‘shielded’ category during covid 19 lockdown. I have never received a penny from DWP (even during chemo 5 years ago when they deemed me ineligible as I had missed 1 year of N.I. contributions out of 35 years.) No-one has explained how we can earn a living whilst also shielding. I cannot even leave the house for a walk yet am supposed to work for the next 6 years.
    My 77 year old husband pays for everything. I live in fear of how I would manage in the event of his death during the next 6 years. (As an aside the terms of the widows’ pension from his former employer will only pay one third of the usual window’s pension & only on the condition that I never re-marry or even cohabit.
    So….I look forward to a future with blood cancer, poverty & loneliness. Thanks Tories
    Keep fighting for us.


  27. Unfortunately now we’re in this mess with Covid 19, the 50’s women pension will just get disregarded!! They made wrong judgements on Covid, all those lives lost because they left it too late before doing anything.

    The excuse come July will be NO MONEY!!!!!
    They’ve used our NI contribution on probably helping out other COUNTRIES instead of paying us OUR OWN money when we were due it at 60

    I have lived in fear for the x amount of years not knowing if I can afford to pay the next bill

    Those that are in power MP’s haven’t a CLUE how normal working class people struggle.
    We don’t get government hand outs to a LOndon property, expenses, 70k plus salary
    10k here and there.

    Try living on a benefit or minimum wage, how dare they say that’s enough to live off !!
    They really honestly truly haven’t a bloody clue


    • I can recall a member of Con government taking a week or so off to live on the social security. His response in essence was I don’t know what these people are complaining about, I didn’t have a problem…. Sums the cons up nicely….. Not a bloody clue……


  28. Like all the women born in the 50s I have another 3 years to wait for my pension. According to a letter I got way back when I should of got my SPA this year as there were transitional arrangements in place at one point. I worked in the Civil Service for 34 years and took my occupational pension when I was 60 due to knowing that changes in Civil Service pensions may have kept me there until 2023. I used to travel 2 hours a day to get to work and this was taking a detrimental affect on my ckd stage 4. My husband who does get his SPA as he is 10 years older than me and his occupational pension means we are okay but we have to save for the things we want. But my point is I I actually give him part if my tax code.
    Now if I were to get my SPA I would then have to pay tax, and hubby would pay more tax which in itself would help the government by giving then a continued income. I cant be the only person who this could affect, but surely by paying us our SPA from 60, ladies in their 60s could retire, jobs would be available to those now seeking work and all in all it would help the economy. Just a thought


  29. I worked at 14 at weekends on a farm. At 16 I left school and worked in Owen Owen accounts dept. At 17 I found a job in a solicitors as a secretary on £13 a week.

    I had my daughter at 20 and was back at work when she was 26 weeks.

    Her father and I split up when she was four I went to my parents house whilst our home was sold. We were given a council flat eventually and I was in work for the entirety of her childhood in various legal roles. I travelled by public transport over 20miles a day to Birmingham because there were no roles available for me in our overspill town. I earned £2400 pa paid rent rates childminder and bus travel.

    Her father paid £60 towards my daughter despite having a maintenance order. There was no CSA then and I didn’t know where he lived. He didn’t exercise the aces order he applied for.

    Eventually I found a position in the Law Society in London. I travelled from Worcestershire to London daily until they relocated to Worcestershire.

    During my 45 year working life I took less than 14 days sick leave. I was single and had managed to find a mortgage and buy a house at 32 years old. It was always a struggle.

    At 62 I was diagnosed stage 3colon cancer. Refused to let it beat me but now 2 years later I have haemochromotosis spondylitis and degenerative bone disease.

    I never had enough to pay for a private pension.

    I can’t work now and receive PIP of £335pm. That is my income.

    I was born in 1956 and should have had my pension at 60. I have been misled lied to tricked and deceived. Once again I am treated with distain.

    I want my pension back with interest but I also want an acknowledgment of
    the hardship my daughter and I suffered. Life has been hard and miserable.

    I am not holding my breath.


  30. I am 66 in april 7th 2021. I am a nurse, i have been nursing since i was 17, so i know nothing else. I am tired very tired. I took my work pension at 58 hoping to retire at 60. Now my money has certainly dwindled. I have had to go back to work part time, as i really could not live on my wirk pension money. I just want what is rightly mine, what I have paid in, no more no less. Is this wrong wanting what is owed to me. Please help us 50s women


  31. The gender equality argument is seriously flawed. Women have never been on an equal economic footing to men throughout time and throughout their lifetimes. Going back only 100 years women could not own property in their own right, any property they had inherited automatically went to their husbands upon marriage. They had no vote and could not attend university. Women were mere shattles of their husbands. Engrained discriminatory, social and economic attitudes towards women still prevail to this day. Hence all the men in power who own the vast wealth in the country don’t want women to rise up and take it from them. Hence historically women have always had to be the home makers and child rearers with only part time often low paid jobs to support themselves.

    Raising women’s state pension age has affected the poorest and most vulnerable women in society, it is a sacrilledge and a theft of outlandish proportions. Time is not on our side, mysoginy is still alive and well in Westminster, we must continue to fight it with every breath that we take. We must fight this historical injustice. We shall overcome.


    • spot on.

      I married on ‘77 and a car loan frim Lloyds had to be co-signed by my husband – like I was a child or witless…..a chattle indeed.

      This is in my lifetime and I haven’t even reached my b@st@rd SPA that Major’s mob moved ‘for fairness to men’ 😡 and the successive UK governments brushed aside hoping we would go and/or die.


  32. The continuation of moving retirement lines & access to pensions further & further away is one of the most important issues not being talked about that will destroy millions of lives & ensure hard working people never get to spend the fruits of their labour.
    Equality & actuarial academia arguments are important but always allowed to overshadow pragmatism & other human factors.


  33. Hi I’m nearly 66 now and finally receiving my hard earned pension , my husband and I both saved hard so we would have comfortable retirement , when I got to 60 and discovered that i couldn’t get my pension till I was nearly 66 we we’re gobsmacked . So we made the decision for me to semi retire , and use our savings for any shortfall . I’ve got A F , arthritis , hypertension and just getting over cancer , and with this virus going on can no longer do my part time job as I’m classed as vunerable after radiotherapy . I think it’s a disgrace that we the 60s group can’t seem to get the compensation we deserve after working all our lives , and yet some of the younger generation who have never had to work seem to get hand outs for doing nothing ? I just don’t get it where’s the justice in that 😢😡


  34. Thank you Kings College London for the timely publication of your recent research which clearly illustrates the health inequalities experienced by by many women supporting Back to 60.
    If it is possible a further paper to link this research to the recognised additional clinical vulnerabilities recognised by the WHO for those age 60 plus as a result of Covid 19 would be helpful to provide the Supreme Court with best scientific evidence at the appeal hearing in July 2020.


  35. Reading about these hardworking women/mothers taking low paid jobs to fit around childcare/elderly care/palliative care. It is a travesty that we are left to struggle later in life when we need support.
    Statistics reveal that we are not all living longer (the reason for removal of pensions) actually it is the reverse. Life expectancy is plummeting, even before the Covid outbreak!
    Therefore D.W.P should restore our state pensions immediately as the figures don’t justify the robbery of our pensions let alone the ethics! We have paid into “The system” through gov. N.I. payments. If this was a life long savings a/c wouldn’t we expect significant interest at the end of the agreed payment period?
    We are not stupid or uninformed, quite the contrary …..If there had been a fairer scale down of pension over a long period I may have felt changes justifiable, however I am one of the women who will be six years out of pocket because I was born mid 1950’s.
    Charity shops have never been so popular, and crammed with 50’s women like me……shame on U.K. Government!
    Last word ……..I agree we should now DITCH the expensive HR2 train line. Lets keep as much beautiful countryside as possible…This should be paramount at this time as humans we are all searching for the diminishing natural retreat, hopefully, with cash in our pockets to enjoy some quality time post lock-down.


  36. I am one of the 1950 women who went get pension till next year. I also have worked from 15. I will be lucky if I get fourteen year back what I gave paid in. What are they thinking? Want you to pay all that money in all your life then due it you don’t get much back of what you paid in tax and NI. You pay in for all of those people who pay for nothing all their life. They all want to be ashamed of themselves,all positions in Houses of Parliament.All you young people need to think what there trying to do to hard working honest people .


  37. I was born in 1955 I haven’t worked for the last 7 years due to bad health I feel being robbed of my pension money has had a big impact in my life . I am a widow and find it hard to make ends meet and it shouldn’t be like this .


  38. I have arthritis in my knees and right hand, and have to still work full time as a my job but I am finding it harder and harder each day. Can’t afford to leave so have no choice to carry on. I have worked full time from being a 16 year old,so have paid all my full stamps years ago and are still paying full stamp. I don’t suppose I will get any of them extra years back. Disgusted with the government for the way they have treated us all. Don’t suppose any of them in the government will have to wait till they are 66.Should be ashamed of themselves,but to be honest really don’t think they care.


  39. Great to hear that Kings College have done the survey and I appreciate it being brought to our attention and to those that may care and could make a difference.
    Our only hope is that come July some compassionate and moral fair decisions will be made to help change our lives for the better.
    I am 62, work part time, I cannot physically manage full time work as I too suffer with chronic pain due to a back injury, fibromyalgia and age related arthritis in both knees and both hips. Living with pain everyday is mentally and physically debilitating
    I have had bouts of depression and anxiety and I despair at the thought of being expected to carry on working until I am 66.
    I recall somebody in government suggesting us 50s born women become apprentice’s
    Where are those apprenticeship opportunities for the over 60s ? What employer in their right mind would invest their time and money training our age group anyway !
    I have lots of skills and experience but like so many senior citizens on applying for jobs I can get through to interview and have actually experienced the employer trying to put me off the job by over emphasising the physicality of the role and that was without them knowing I have arthritis etc. I too agree that it would make sense to give us our pension and let those that are younger and fitter get the employment they need to get them off unemployment benefit. We have been extremely neglected and forgotten about by MPs that promise the earth to help when they want your vote. The gap between the wealthy and those trying to make ends meet on a low wage, not being able to stay warm in winter, no money for a leisurely treat …really living on the breadline
    Moving the pension age forward meant we no longer get pension credit, winter fuel allowance, bus passes which all help. I do not see the MPs offering to have cuts in their wages, not to mention the extra money they get by claiming for expenses every year to help those they serve that are in need. It’s a immoral corrupt, unfair system when wealthy MPs get pay rises and the senior citizens cannot even get their pensions when they were due and when the government decides to possible freeze the yearly increase in the pension.
    We all suffer from inflation. It is heart breaking to witness the moral decline in respecting and caring for the elderly in this country.
    I have great respect for Kier Starmer and Andy Burnham for their integrity and dedication Their actions have backed up their words. I am grateful for the great work they have done so far and hope they will have greater opportunity to serve us all proudly !
    In years gone by women took to the streets more in great numbers and felt the need to handcuff themselves to railing to get their point about, these days the media plays a big part of helping us get our point across.
    I wonder where are all the famous women, 50s born and affected by the pension reform or not who could help raise awareness for us and what is the opinion of our Queen when it comes to the duty of care for the senior citizens in her country ?

    Thanks again to you David and all the backto60 team for your compassionate and tireless support to us all

    Kind Regards


  40. A quote to share with Boris Johnson who was apparently before he was elected was in support of rectifying the inhumane consequences and impact the pension reform has had on so many of us

    Money is available so please have some compassion for us and do the right thing now Boris, help us now.

    ‘A man must be big enough to admit his mistakes, smart enough to profit from them, and strong enough to correct them.”

    John C. Maxwell



  41. Ask them where my pension was spent because that was my money i have worked since i was14 why are they allowed to rob from me and all the other 1950s woman isnt takeing other peoples money robberey i want this question asked when they refuse to give us our money back .


  42. i myself have worked since leaving school working in care homes with no hoists lifting heavy residents into a bath and off and on the toilet working for very low wages working waking nights, then going home. The next morning on your knees because you had a terrible night and see to three small children. Because I was divorced i never got told by letter that I wouldn’t get my state pension until another 6yrs when I should of retired at 60 yrs. So now 6 yrs later with working I have now had to finish work due to my health. Over the years I have had breast cancer and undergone a right mastectomy, bad arthritis, stomach problems and hernia and my gallbladder removed cause of bad infection and asthma and high blood pressure but still i carried on working. I blame my poor health with having to work them extra 6 yrs. All the 1950s woman including myself should get all the money what we have worked for I am left with nothing after all them years. I have worked all I got out of it is my poor health. What life have got now I just think this government as let all the hard working women down and should hang there heads in shame.


  43. I wrote to my MP ( Danny Kruger, Son of Pru Leith) with regard to 50’s women and later retirement age ( mine is 66) I got the expected letter, standard reply from his office. “It was right for the pension age to be raised” etc etc I made special reference to the situation we are facing at the moment, in particular 50’s women are more vulnerable yet are working in the very jobs where they are more likely to get ill.
    ( incidentally I believe I picked up Covid at work in January before it was recognised over here and 4 months later still suffering the consequences of this). The people running the country have never done manual jobs, they have no idea of the strain it takes on the body. I believe the amount of money they would save in treating the illnesses women are suffering because of the work they are doing would outweigh the extra spent on giving people the pension they are entitled to. Clap for carers? Pension for carers!


  44. Please can anyone tell me when the back to 60 is in court , I sometimes think know with covid we won’t get anything


  45. Sarah
    At nearly 66 I will be able to retire this year. But not before nearly 3 years of having to claim unemployment benefit ( now universal credit) and the effects it has on you as having to jump through hoops to be ‘allowed’ this benefit. Having to wait weeks before any monies were received but to be patted on the arm and told at least l’m lucky I wouldn’t accrue any rent arrears as I own my own property. More important who would employ a women in her 60’s who also has health issues. I had to have several ‘government medicals’ as to my fitness to be able to work fore all my own GP disagreed but he was over ruled. The governments way of fiddling the figures as I would be an unemployed number and not a number who couldn’t work because of health issues.
    Until this time I was a very proud women bringing my two children up alone doing whatever to pay bills and support myself and my children.
    I would not have had to be humiliated this way if my pension was paid at 60.


  46. I am struggling to get to 66 and 3 months for my pension.i am 64 this year and have worked in the care sector for over 35yrs.
    We did not have the health and safety equipment then that is available today. I remember lifting up the bed lifting bear hug to stand and in the homes there were no hospital beds just their own divan beds this is just a few of the no no’s of today. It is a no wonder we have all the arthritus and fibromyalgia etc.
    I have had to stop care work as i can not physically do it anymore and am doing a bit of phlebotomy work in the community as i have to work full time to support myself. At least with my pension i could reduce to part time. I did jot have time to plan the changes as it was sprung on us.


  47. 65 5/12 – should have have my pension years ago – have to live on my husband’s pension -worked for over 4 decades and now have to feel like a kept person. 5 and a bit years of government theft would have made life more bearable, other than almost 50k theft. What worries me is that they are going to knick it all again to prop up covid costs.


  48. How about also Department of Pension took out my late husband state pension from me and said I have to wait 66 yrs ,I loss my husband went I ,m 64 yrs ,took care of him ,on his last breath saying you be alright dear ,my pension enough for you not to go out to work at your age .if he only knew now .when I reach 60 yrs I said great now I can have a free bus fare so i can bring my husband more but surprised said I cannot get one ,need to wait 66 yrs ,so all previledge I should have is still hang on.hoping in a year time went I reach my 66 yrs I can have luck to get what it should be for me but now doubting if I can survived with these pandemic life we all facing .My faith I left with the universe and God ,lucky those people who know how to cry sob story as they are the one getting all our hard sweat paying contribution,those just jumping in the que .


  49. The government have now done the review of the pensions and they are saying that they will notify people of any age increase in the future and give 10 years notice in writing to these people in the future.
    I am also high risk due to lung disease and cannot go to work
    What will this mean for us 50s baby’s I was born 1955 when the courts see in the review that they have admitted they where wrong.
    Thank you to all people who have helped with this campaign


  50. Hi, i was born 1st January 1956 so i have another 18 months before i can draw the state pension. I started work at 15 years old, had a few years off to bring up my two sons.I do not have a partner so things are’nt good To retire at 60 would be have been better .


  51. I continue to be appauled by the governments neglect regarding women over 60 who are struggling financially. I wrote a letter to both my local mp Jack Loprasi who didn’t respond to a letter I sent him over 6 months ago. I am 64, I left teaching 4 years ago, to care for my terminally ill husband. He was 65 and passed away 1 month after he reached pension able age. We had worked all our lives from the age of 15. I am disgusted with my governments ignorance. The problem with the hierarchy whether it is government /crown all wealthy in comparison is the usual issue of “they don’t have a bloody clue what it feels like to be struggling and therefore they can NEVER be in empathy with those of us who are genuinely poorer through no fault of their own. I am sick of hearing the ongoing bad decisions this government are making, such selfish people like Jacob Reece Mogg, making £40,000,000 in one year with his “Brexit hedge fund” begs to ask where that fund origins lay.


  52. Please back date it.. It was so unfair and little warning… I worked longer due to the change in age and I became very seriously ill with my heart and fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue… All this I feel could and should have been avoided if I could have retired. I have 38 consecutive years NI contributions a Hugh achievement yo the level of commitment to working…


  53. “Stay Alert “how 65yrs and constantly thinking about pension.
    “Stay Home” don’t have any option “No pension .
    “Stay Safe” not with this government’s help – can’t get any benefits – my husband served his country for too long and has decent pensions.
    Really do not know how our mp’s can sleep in their beds!


  54. Wishing you success. I will finally get my pension in June and it will make such a difference to my life but I shall continue to so as much as I can to help the cause.
    Good luck


  55. The ladies of the pictures were not informed in any way shape or formit was a shop today and they found out they couldn’t get their pension at 60 then you have to wait till 65 but they have never been equal pay between men and women the women have to keep family together and have to look after the children they have to look after both sets of parents in their old age they have to keep a home with me or so they have to keep working maybe part time to fit it all in but mostly full time females I’ve been cheated disgracefully we could not put in different arrangements as we did not know the change in the pension age I’ve been planning my retirement for years into a private pension percentage of my salary if I knew I wasn’t going to receive it at the correct time I’m I would have to put up the percentage I would say them this money has been saved by the females of the 50s it is not the government’s money it is the females money as it stands the government are rubbing the females of the 50s and using our money to phone different things which is grossly daylight robbery


  56. Totally agree it should be a choice if you want to work or not that’s what I think give younger people a chance..


  57. I’m in this catogory and struggling with depression and chronic arthritis it’s made worse by being kept waiting for my pension I was born in 1954 and have to wait until my 66th birthday to get my pension when I should of had it 6yrs ago I also have fibromyalga and angina it doesn’t seem fair at all


  58. I have said this before .
    It’s not just the 50s women ending up with health issues but many like me with health issues already having to work till I am 66 when I should be retired this year had the age not been increased .
    So please spare a thought for all women


  59. Detriment to physical health.
    I worked for the Government, International Passenger Survey. Severe arthritis meant that I could no longer do the job interviewing airport passengers as they entered and left the country, a job done entirely standing and walking. After a long process involving Occupational health assessment, detailed health reports from doctors, physio, podiatrist, and consultant orthopaedic surgeons I was granted early retirement at the age of 59. I was not able to look for work due to poor health and did not qualify for any type of benefit. If not for my husband’s income I would be unable to survive.
    I stayed at home when my 3 children were small and then worked part-time (for the Government) in a job with no pension until the last few years of my employment.
    It feels that I have lost out in all ways, my health, my work pension and now my state pension.


  60. I want to thank you all for fighting for our pension.
    I will be 66 this December, I have been struggling at work for the last three years. I don’t need to spell out age brings health problems, I have no more energy to keep going at this pace so have Just given up my job. I just can’t cope my income has stopped so I now have other problems to overcome .
    What I don’t understand is why didn’t they let us retire when we were supposed to, that would have released jobs for the unemployed therefore saving’s would have been made that way.
    What they did is open our purse and took our money.
    So thank you everyone for all your support in this crime that has been committed.


  61. 50’s women have contributed more than money to help the economy of this and other countries around the world one way or another. Looking after families., Caring for friends and working full of part time as well as volunteering in all kinds of roles . In total, the sums of added up would come to a colossal amount.

    I worked in volunteering for over 10 years and at one point, .my hours were costed in as “matched fundind”. These hours totalled on average £15,000 per person over 25 years ago. I never claimed benefits same when I was recovering from a rare cancer which affected my physical and mental well being. I often read of people claiming legal aid or their human rights, well, enough is enough!!

    We have rights too and have in simple terms been unfairly targetted. It s a travesty and immoral. My husband now gets his pension at 65 leaving me who has no income to wait til I m 66 next year. Friends and family all get theirs, they’re not much older than me, but I can’t join in when they all go out for coffee. They offer to pay for me!! Where s the dignity in that.

    I wonder after this covid 19 has claimed many of us how many women will be voting for anyone!!

    Treat us with respect and fairly please and don’t undermine our intelligence.

    Every faith in all the work that’s being done to secure what’s due to us. My God is a God of justice and truth not lies and deception and I trust Him to be the strength and advocate on our behalf. Well done 50 s women for persevering. We were brought up in an age of workers and work we did and still do. Worth our weight I gold. Don’t dare write us off.

    How many 50 s women volunteer still?? Too many to count I expect. We don’t give up and we’re strong…. Don’t waver and don’t lose faith! With you all the way. Need our M P s to speak up more for our rights. Good cedaw is on board, David Hencke And Michael Mansfield QC. Here’s to July… Raise profile on radio and tv before then… Thanks!!


  62. Pensions Minister, Guy Opperman said “full restitution would cost something in the region of £215 billions.”

    – ££££’s, Billions of pounds of women’s money has been permanently withheld from them and their lives.

    David Hencke wrote 2 years ago in Westminster Confidential (also cross-posted on :

    ‘Revealed: The £271 billion “rape” of the National Insurance Fund that deprived 50s women of their state pension.’

    The government waited EIGHTEEN Years before writing to inform me that:
    “Your State Pension age is now your 66th birthday.”

    In that letter, which I received summer 2013 (take note: the government raised women’s State Pension age in 1995) there was no mention or reference to the 1995 Pensions Act whatsoever.
    The letter briefly referenced the 2011 Pensions Act.
    I have never been informed of the 1995 Pension Act changes to my State Pension age by letter by any British government.

    I believe this government, and successive governments since 1995 have acted with criminal negligence – in not individually writing to women affected by the changes to their State Pension age in a timely manner, which as a result has not allowed women the forethought of making financial plans to adequately financially support themselves in their older years post age 60.

    This is an outrageous financial injustice (and resultant lifestyle and health injustice), which significantly disproportionately negatively affects (in grossly unfair and unacceptable ways) women’s experience of their older life. And is continuing to render larger than acceptable numbers of women experiencing poor mental and physical health, as well as bringing forward premature death, at a time of life (from age 60) when they believed and were due to receive the financial benefits of their National Insurance contributions they had made throughout their entire working age lives – and which for 1950’s born women have been considerable, as a greater proportion of this cohort (compared to younger women in successive decades) left school age 15 without qualifications to begin their working lives.

    The last point I will make is that as an extremely time-pressured working single parent (Note: single parents are disproportionately female compared to men), I had neither the time nor money, and certainly no inclination nor motivation to buy or read ‘womens’ magazines’ in which the government purports to have advertised Women’s State Pension age changes following the passing of the 1995 Pension Act.

    The sexism and gross irresponsibility the government has demonstrated to women by advertising State Pension age changes in womens’ magazines, rather than writing to each woman individually about essential financial changes to her post age 60 income brought about by the passing of the 1995 Pension Act (and successive Pension Acts) demonstrates conservative governments’ staggering unprofessionalism and incompetence, as well as the lack of equality government affords women specifically in the areas of finance, maintaining their physical and mental health, and their right to experience social inclusivity, and to respect and care in their post age 60 older experience of life.

    Liked by 1 person

  63. I had enough years for a full pension then the qualifying aged rose to 66 so now I have 39 years which isn’t enough. I have advanced osteoarthritis, no income since I stopped caring for my mum when she went into a home with advanced dementia. Having saved all our lives we can only live till the money runs out.
    I contracted to pay NIns in return for a pension at 60. I am entitled and the Govt has an obligation to meet their promise.


    • Unfortunately a promise from this government is only a strategy used for election purposes. Once a party is in its a simple case of……. “Oh dear we won’t be able to fulfill our promise because the previous government spent the money” , always excuses, and statistics as back up (lies sweet lies) continued borrowing, whilst greedy condescending characters like Reece Mogg increase their individual wealth by obscene amounts like the £40.000.000 IN ONE YEAR HE set up HIMSELF for HIS BREXIT FUND… AND then there are the tax leaches, The royals…. Greedy bastards have always made me angry. When I hear of the thousands of pounds these characters receive at charitable functions for giving talks, it’s so so wrong.


  64. I totally agree with you, the rich get richer and the poor continue to suffer. I am one of those many women born in 1953, who work for 50 years full time. I was was due to retire as a result of the age increase in march 2019. I retired in December 2018, due to ill health. Life now is one big struggle.


      • Your right it’s not the governments money its 0ur money which we have worked for all our lives so 1950s have worked all them extra years for nothing i am left with ill health myself just like other 1950s woman which this isnt right treating 1950s woman this way we want back what we have payed in it’s not the government’s money to take

        Liked by 1 person

      • Hi Linda, I was born in 1956 , I completely agree, the governments actions, changing our pension date, is nothing more than fraudulent. Working since I was 15, and now I quite frankly since my husband’s death (he was a 1 month old pensioner, so where did his hard earned efforts go, I wonder) refuse to work. Our country filled with self serving cheating fraudsters who continue to pay us women bloody lip service. I am also incensed by the greed driven fool’s who voted them in.


  65. It’s amazing how the Government are throwing millions to any causes now yet older women don’t matter to them. I have been a Carer to my husband for over 10 years and after giving up a good job, I have to live on the meagre Carers allowance . I will be almost 66 before I can afford a reasonable living from getting my pension. It’s a complete insult!


    • “if you got a group of misogynists together in s room and asked ‘how could we make a system that works for men and not for women’ they [men] they wouldn’t have come up with too many ideas than were already in place [in UK] than what’s in place”.
      Professor Philip Alston UN Special Rapporteur on his independent investigation into UK poverty by November 2018.
      In 2019 Professor Alston adds that poverty in UK is both ‘systematic’ and ‘tragic’.
      Right wing Adam Smith Institute says of his report ‘believe none of it’.
      His summary states UK is the world’s 5th biggest economy.
      WHY are its womenfolk – 50% of population – so persecuted in the 21st century?

      Now we know who we believe based on empirical, factual evidence in our daily lives.


  66. My wife born in 50’s, says “As a paid carer over 31 years, I pray and seek the blessings of those frail and vulnerable persons whom I looked after. Hope this blessings are translated into the judicial review success and unmask those who hide behind the misdeed.”


  67. Indeed this government are thieves, I am 64, widowed for last 3 years, my husband was 65 and had just one months worth of his pension before he died. I see the likes of Boris the puppet, Dominic Cummings and Jacob Reece Mogg continue with their greed driven arrogance. The royals (the firm) attempting to make changes, yet still creaming off our taxes


  68. I am now 63 and I am in limbo. To have to wait another 3 years for my pension puts so much pressure on what I ca do, and, what I would like to do. The government are robbers,. They have robbed women in their fifties of so much. All they are interested in is themselves. They live in cloud cuckoo land and they don’t care


    • So sorry June. I am now 65.5 can retire in 6 months but have been furloughed due to extremely vulnerable from a job on a supermarket checkout. It’s beyond me why we can’t retire now, can’t go back to work and not prepared to put myself in an extreme situation. This government and subsequent governments have robbed us and thought we would be an easy touch. We are not, and will go on fighting…..


  69. I am one of these Women, and I feel I have been let down by this government and others before them.
    Made to feel worthless!!!
    working all our lives, it was a difficult time while trying to juggle having our children in between, having to finish work while having them, so no stamp paid towards her pension, or go part time while bringing the children up
    , then to be looking after our elderly parents before retiring and looking after our Grandchildren for their parents to work.
    So how would you like to explain equality with Men on all that????
    You know the saying.. Its a Man’s world!!!
    I wish I had been born a Man,
    so I could have just gone to work all day and then gone home, to food on the table when he arrived home probably,
    Without what had gone on in between of when he left for work that morning,
    leaving his Children/ Parents /and Grand children/ his house cleaned/ food shop/cooked/ clothes washed and ironed to the care of his Wife in between HER doing her full/part time job too!!!
    We are worn out and can’t work to 66.
    If there was equality, they would be doing their share of what goes on through the day toom
    I lost 40k already of MY pension, and I want it back for the unfair treatment you put on us!!
    We were not treated fairly!!!


    • I was born in May 1956…..Wonderful to know you are fighting for us 50’s born women. Absolutely appalling the way we were pushed aside, regardless of circumstances. With greedy thoughtless narcissistic conservatives like Jacob Rees mogg, who appeared to justify the £40,000,000, he made, as a result of him setting up a brexit hedge fund….. That’ reeks of fraudulent money making, and of course it leaves me wondering exactly where his money originated, maybe our pension pot. I stopped working when I reached 60 to look after my husband, he died at home, one month into his pension, I was informed, I would be entitled to a portion of his pension, no longer the case.This country does not appear to have a goverment with any moral Fibre. Both my husband & I worked from the age of 15 & now to be expected to work in some mundane job until I’m 66. Personally Ide rather continue on the poverty line than work within a system I have zero trust in……..


      • Not many women realise that whilst MPs were extending our SPA in 2011, were discussing and implementing extensions to the MP pension scheme BUT
        with a minimum shield of protection for MPs who had 10 years or less to retire-they would retain all their preferential pension rights.

        See what hypocrites and egoists lead us….80/20% male/women MPs. Those female MPs who do support Backto60, are hamstrung by towing misogynistic party politics. The female MPs who din’t support Backto60 have taken on male values against their own kind.


      • So sorry to have heard your story Clara. It is appalling what the British government have done. It is so difficult to work full time after the age of 60 and especially if you have been severely ill.
        I’ve had cancer twice, my body is unable to do what it used to and working full time is killing me. I was even refused a small working pip payment from DWP, which speaks for itself, you work all your days and get no help. Diabolical!


  70. Am 65.5 years, haven’t worked since being furloughed in March die to being in the extremely vulnerable category. Now fighting every month for a sick note just to get 94 a week! Have heart failure, diabetes, arthritis, and am supposed to work till March next year. Husband supporting me, but why when I have over 46 years fully paid stamp. Cruel, heartless, unjust and totally totally wicked. Taken my dignity, my savings, my life !


  71. Rachael I understand and I am sorry to hear of your personal circumstances, I have done my extra 5 years, I got 1 year of retirement before we were hit with this awful virus, now due to my health issues I am now confined to my home.
    Given the latest outcome of the court case l think we can firmly say we can say goodbye to any chance of getting the pension stolen from us back again. Am I resentful YES!!… Am I surprised NO I am not. Hell will not be full until the people responsable for this desion are all in it.
    I don’t know how they can sleep at night.


    • I’m really struggling now working full time at 63. I had breast cancer, mastectomy, 6 months chemo, a year on a Herceptin drip. I then had a reconstruction surgery that gave me Lymphoma cancer. I was even refused a working PIP payment. My arm and shoulder is agony with treatment. I have osteoporosis with cancer meds. I’m having to struggle through full time work as I can’t afford to drop any pay. I’ve worked all my life since 16 years old. Having this illness is costing me more money as I’m paying to even have my hair washed at the hairdressers as cannot keep my arm up to wash it myself. Whole life has changed with things I can no longer do. No help and to add to the misery, work until I’m 66. I was born in 59. It’s so unfair.


      • I’m so sorry you are having such a raw deal. This government should be held to account, I too have had encounters with cancer, and in addition lost my husband to cancer. I have now done my 6 years of waiting, yet the government will make me wait at least 4 weeks.. My heart goes out to you. As a woman who has worked in male dominated sectors, the mindset of our current leader/members ……


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